


maritime history

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JONGE, Johannes Cornelis de. Geschiedenis van het Nederlandsche zeewezen. 3e uitgaaf. Vermeerderd met de nagelaten aanteekeningen van den overleden schrijver, en uitgegeven onder toezicht van J.K.J. de Jonge. Zwolle, Van Hoogstraten & Gorter, 1869.5 volumes (including index). Original half cloth (rebacked with the original spines mounted), spines lettered in gilt. With 13 maps and plates (mostly folding) and 44 portraits (foxed as usual). Third and best edition, first published in 1838-1848. - 'The most authentic history of the Dutch marine, founded entirely on documents of the Royal Archives. It is the more important as many of these documents were consumed, after the publication of the work, in the great fire of 1853, which destroyed a part of the Archives. Its value for the American collector needs not to be specified, as it contains very ample material for the history of the West-India-Company, the early expeditions to America, the wars with the Spaniards and Portuguese there, and the transmarine colonies. Many of the fine portraits are taken from old pictures, drawings, and very rare plates, not known before' (Muller, America, p.87). - A major study in Dutch maritime and international history.Cat. NHSM I, p.353; Sabin 36635. [Boeknr.: 29133 ]

€ 375,00

JOURNAL. Journal des voyages et des aventures de terre et de mer. Journal hebdomadaire. No. 834 - 860. Paris, 1893.26 issues. 4to. Bound. With numerous wood-engravings. 432 pp. Fine illustrated periodical with an international outlook: Capitaine Truvier. Six mois au large (des Antilles); . A.M. Une caravane d'esclaves; F. Morans. Au pays des hippopotames; P. Vigné D'Octon. Au pays des Ballantes; V. Demays. La fête de l'ours à Yézo; Ch. de Varigny. Un sabil Malais; Méhier de Mathuisieulx. Souvernirs du Tonkin; Méhier de Mathuisieulx. Ténacité d'un annamite; F.J. Clozel. La traversée du Baghirmi; Henri Mignot. Une mort en Orient; F.J. Clozel. Le pays d' Adamaoua; Georges Foucart. Le brigandage à Madagascar; etc. [Boeknr.: 15748 ]

€ 65,00

KELLEN, J.Philip van der & E.J. BENTHEM. Nederlandsche zeeschepen van ongeveer 1470 tot 1830. Afbeeldingen naar prenten, schilderijen en scheepsmodellen hoofdzakelijk berustende in het Rijks-Museum te Amsterdam. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1913. Folio. Portfolio with original pictorial boards, spine half cloth. With 45 plates (2 in colours) on 36 sheets depicting vessels after prints, paintings and ship models. Splendid work on Dutch ships. Loose, as issued, in the original portfolio, with describing text. - A fine copy.Cat. NHSM II, p.766. [Boeknr.: 24467 ]

€ 125,00

KERN, J.D.H. De schrik der Zuidzee. Leven en daden van een vrijbuiter uit den tegenwoordigen tijd. Zutphen, Schillemans & Van Belkum, (1893).Original pictorial red cloth. With plates by Joh. Gehrts. 448 pp. First edition. - Dealing with William Henry "Bully" Hayes (1827/1829 - 1877) a notorious American ship's captain who was engaged in blackbirding in the 1860s and 1870s. Hayes operated across the breadth of the Pacific Ocean from the 1850s until his murder on 31 March 1877. He has been described as a South Sea pirate and "the last of the buccaneers". [Boeknr.: 37297 ]

€ 95,00

KIPPING, Robert. Beknopte handleiding voor het mastenmaken, masten en tuigen van schepen, benevens tafels voor rondhouten, tuig, ketting, ijzer- en hennep-touwwerk, enz. voor verschillende grootte van schepen. Vrij bewerkt naar het Engelsch door J. Serquet Nieuwenhuijsen. Amsterdam, C.F. Stemler, 1861.Brown morocco, spine lettered in gilt. With several woodengravings. X, 170,(2) pp. First Dutch edition; first published in London in 1856: Rudimentary treatise on masting, mast-making and rigging of ships. - Scarce.Cat. NHSM II, p.761. [Boeknr.: 32922 ]

€ 175,00

KLUIT, Adriaan. Iets over den laatsten Engelschen oorlog met de Republiek en over Nederlands koophandel, deszelfs bloei, verval, en middelen van herstel. Amsterdam, Wouter Brave, 1794.Original boards (spine dam.). VI,360 pp. From about 1720 Dutch wealth ceased to grow. Around 1780 the national product of the Kingdom of Great Britain surpassed that of the Dutch. Whereas in the 17th century the commercial success of the Dutch had inspired English jealousy and admiration, in the late 18th century the growth of British power, and the concurrent loss of Amsterdam's preeminence, led to Dutch resentment. When the Dutch Republic began to support the American rebels, this led to the fourth war, and the loss of the alliance made the Dutch Republic fatally vulnerable to the French. Soon it would be subject to regime change itself. [Boeknr.: 2687 ]

€ 125,00

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