



ALPS. - JAHRBUCH DES SCHWEIZER ALPENCLUB. Jhrg. 32 - 1896 bis 1897. Bern, Schmid & Francke, 1897.Contemporary half morocco. With folding panoramic view, 2 coloured plates and many photographic plates. VIII,452 pp. [Boeknr.: 27836 ]

€ 75,00

HEDLUND, S.A. Schweiz. Rese-anteckningar i bref. Stockholm, A. Bonniers, (1866).Contemporary half morocco. With frontispiece depicting a view of Lausanne. IV,192 pp. [Boeknr.: 7977 ]

€ 45,00

(IVERNOIS, Francis d'). Tableau historique et politique des révolutions de Geneve dans le dix-huitiéme siécle. Geneve, 1782.Old wrappers, uncut. XXIV,400 pp. The Geneva Revolution of 1782 was a short-lived attempt to broaden the franchise and include men of modest means in the republican government of the oligarchic Genevan city state. - (Stained). [Boeknr.: 13705 ]

€ 95,00

KELLER, Gerard. Bergen en dalen. Rotterdam, Jacs.G. Robbers, (1878).Folio. Original pictorial blue cloth gilt. With 8 steelengravings (some foxing) and numerous woodengravings. (8),215 pp. Europa in al zijn heerlijkheid geschetst. - Fine illustrated book on cities in the mountains of Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Norway and Switzerland. Gerard Keller (1829 - 1899) was editor of the Arnhemsche Courant, contributed to many different magazines and magazines, wrote books and plays and worked as a translator. - A nice copy. [Boeknr.: 32908 ]

€ 65,00

LAVATER, Johan Caspar. Historisch verhaal van de nooit gehoorde gruweldaad gepleegd te Zurich in Zwitserland, door het vergiftigen van de wyn des heiligen Avondmaals, in de nacht vóór den algemeenen Dank- Vast- en Bededag. Benevens twee redevoeringen daarover gehouden. Naar de eenige echte Leipziger uitgave uit het Hoogduitsch overgezet door G.M. Nebe. Amsterdam, weduwe P.J. Entrop, 1777.Original marbled boards. 96 pp. Historical story of the unprecedented atrocity committed in Zurich in Switzerland, by poisoning the wine of the Holy Communion, on the night before the general Day of Thanksgiving, Fasting and Prayer. In addition, two speeches were given about this. Translated from High German from the one and only Leipzig edition by G.M. Nebe. - (Stamp on title-page). - Scarce. [Boeknr.: 37549 ]

€ 150,00

MAILLEFER, P. Histoire du canton de Vaud dès les origines. Lausanne, 1903.Original decorated cloth (rebacked, original spine mounted, sl. dam.). With 248 illustrations. 553 pp. - (Margins of first and last lvs rep.). [Boeknr.: 8731 ]

€ 40,00

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