



CARR, John. Een zomer in het Noorden, of reize rondom de Baltische zee, door Denemarken, Zweden, Rusland en een gedeelte van Duitschland. Naar het Engelsch. Leeuwarden, Wed. Boij, 1809 - 1811.2 volumes in 1. Later half cloth. (6),288; VIII,404 pp. First published in English A Northern summer, or travels round the Baltic, through Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Prussia and part of Germany, in the year 1804. London 1805. - John Carr (1772-1772) was called to the bar at the Middle Temple, but from reasons of health found it advisable to travel, and published accounts of his journeys in different European countries, which though without much intrinsic merit, obtained a wide circulation on account of their light, gossipy style, and the fact that in the species if literature there was then comparatively little competition (DNB). - (Hole in title-page).Muller, Bibliographie Neerlando-Russe, 770; Catalogue Russica C148; not in Tiele or Cat. NHSM. [Boeknr.: 2104 ]

€ 295,00

DAUMONT, Alexandre. Reis door Zweden in den jare 1830, behelzende uitvoerige berigten wegens den tegenwoordigen staat van dat koningrijk en deszelfs bewoners: benevens vele bijzonderheden aangaande de regering van Karel XIV (Bernadotte), en de gebeurtenissen, zijne troonsverheffing voorafgegaan. Naar het Fransch. Haarlem, Wed. A. Loosjes, 1835.2 volumes in 1. Contemporary half calf (hinges weak). With 2 engraved frontispieces by D. Veelwaard. XII,280; XII,290 pp. First published in French Voyage en Suède. Paris 1834. - This enlarged Dutch translation has an appendix: Gustafson. De dertiende maart of de belangrijkste bijzonderheden der Zweedsche omwenteling, in den jare 1809. Not in Tiele. [Boeknr.: 1830 ]

€ 125,00

GUINCHARD, J. Sweden. Historical and statistical handbook. 2nd edition. Stockholm, Government Printing Office, 1914. 2 volumes. Contemporary half green morocco, top edges gilt. With numerous photographic illustrations. XXVI,781; XI,758 pp. - A fine set. [Boeknr.: 10921 ]

€ 95,00

KELLER, Gerard. Wouden, kusten en rotsen. Rotterdam, Jacs.G. Robbers, (ca. 1880).Folio. Original pictorial blue cloth gilt. With 8 steelengravings (some foxing) and numerous woodengravings. (8),216 pp. Europa in al zijn heerlijkheid geschetst. - Fine illustrated book on North-Italy, France, Norway, Spain, Italy, Germany, Sweden and Gibraltar. - Gerard Keller (1829 - 1899) was editor of the Arnhemsche Courant, contributed to many different magazines and magazines, wrote books and plays and worked as a translatorA nice copy. [Boeknr.: 32910 ]

€ 65,00

MEYER, Joseph. Meyer's Universum, oder Abbildung und Beschreibung des sehenswerthesten und merkwürdigsten der Natur und Kunst auf der gantzen Erde. Band 6. Hildburghausen und New York, Bibliographischen Institut, 1839.Oblong 8vo. Contemporary half calf. With steelengraved title-page and 47 steel-engraved views. Fine views of Sweden, Spain, Germany, India, Himalaya, Bombay, Calcutta, Moskow, etc. - (Few blank margins sl. waterstained)Andres p.154. [Boeknr.: 33012 ]

€ 125,00

PFEIFFER, IDA. Visit to Iceland and the Scandinavian north. Translated from the German. 2nd edition. London, Ingram, Cooke, and Co., 1853.Original embossed brown cloth, spine lettered in gilt. With tinted wood-engraved title-page with vignette, frontispiece and 6 tinted wood-engraved plates. 353 pp. First published in 1846 Reise nach dem Scandinavischen Norden und der Insel Island. - On her second trip Ida Pfeiffer (1797-1858) set out from Reykjavik for the Geiser and Mount Hecla, travelling alone and on a tight budget, and making her way on pony carts and living like the Icelanders. Having visited every part of Iceland of interest, she embarked for Copenhagen, and after travelling through parts of Norway and Sweden returned to Vienna after an absence of about six months (Howgego II, p. 475). Including An essay on Icelandic poetry, from the French of M. Bergmann; A translation of the Icelandic poem the Voluspa; and a brief sketch of Icelandic history. Ida Pfeiffer was ‘the first full-time woman traveller of all, and one of the very few who never felt the need to qualify her impulse: she travelled because she wanted to see the world, and saw no reason why she shouln’t’ (Robinson, Wayward women, p.25).Abbey, Travel, 161; Theakstone, Vicorian & Edwardian women travellers, p.214. [Boeknr.: 37304 ]

€ 175,00

PORTER, Robert Ker. Travelling sketches in Russia and Sweden during the years 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808. 2nd edition. London, John Stockdale, 1813.2 volumes in 1. 4to. Contemporary half calf. With portrait, 12 sepia washed views (1 folding) and 28 aquatint costume plates (2 folding) by J.C. Stadler after the author. XI,(1),303; VIII,296 pp. Second edition; first published in London in 1809. - Robert Ker Porter (1775-1842), English traveller and artist, went to Russia as historical painter to the tsar for the first time in 1804. He there gained the affections of the Princess Mary, the daughter of Prince Theodor von Sherbatov. He travelled in Finland and to Sweden where in 1806 he received a knighthood from Gustavis IV. In 1808 he accompanied Sir John Moore to Spain, and in 1811-1812 returned to Russia to mary his Princess. He was knighted by the Prince Regent in 1813. In 1817 Porter travelled back to St. Petersburg' (Howgego II, p.487-488). 'A man of the most varied attainments, Porter was justly described as 'distinguished alike in arts, in diplomacy, in war, and in literature'. He was a splendid horseman, excellent in field sports, and possessed the art of ingratiating himself with people of every rank in life. Unlike some popular favourites, he was the idol of his own domestic circle' (DNB). His narrative includes observations and impressions of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Upsala, Stockholm, Russian and Scandinavian art collections and museums, the Russian army, law, religion, education, etc.The beautiful plates are made after drawings by the author. - Some offsetting of the plates as always, hole in blank margin of last leaf vol. I; half-title vol. II missing, otherwise a very fine copy.Abbey, Travel, 13; Tooley, Coloured plates, 382; Prideaux pp.225-227; Colas 2407; Lipperheide I, p.314;Hiler p.718; Catalogue Russica P1037; Nerhood 141. [Boeknr.: 28848 ]

€ 1750,00

RUSSIA. ZEE-TRACTAAT, tusschen haar Rusch keyzerlyke majesteit en zyne koninglyke majesteit van Denemarken en Noorwegen, tot standhouding der vryheid van de neutrale koopvaardy-scheepvaart, geslooten tot Coppenhagen .. 1780. En waarin zyn koningl. majesteit van Zweeden, nevens .. de heeren Staaten Generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden, deel genomen hebben en toegetreeden zyn, respectivelyk geteekend te St. Petersburg .. 1781. Amsterdam, H.W. & C. Dronsberg, (1781).Folio. 4 pp. Sea-treaty between Russia, Denmark and Norway, concluded in Kopenhagen in 1780. Sweden and the Netherlands became a party to the treaty in St. Petersburg. - (Some staining). - Rare.Knuttel 19490. [Boeknr.: 33546 ]

€ 175,00

SALMON, Thomas. Tegenwoordige staat van Rusland, Zweden, Denemarken en Noorwegen: als mede van de landen onder de Noord Pool gelegen, en van de Groenlandsche visschery. Nu vertaald en merkelyk vermeerderd door Matthias van Goch. Amsterdam, Isaac Tirion, 1735.Contemporary half calf, spine gilt. With engraved frontispiece, 2 engraved plates (1 folding), 2 engraved plates depicting whales, 3 engraved portraits and 5 folding maps. (8),317-976,(8) pp. Original issued as Modern history: or present state of all nations. London 1725-1739. Translated into Dutch:Hedendaagsche historie, of tegenwoordige staat van alle volkeren. - This volume VII contains a description of Russia, Sweden, Denmark and Norway, including chapters on English and Dutch whaling round Greenland and the Davis Strait. With fine plan of St. Petersburg and maps of Russia, the Arctic and others.Tiele 1033; Muller, Bibl. Neerlando-Russe, 311. [Boeknr.: 21656 ]

€ 475,00

SCHAGEN, Adriaen. Reijse gedaen bij Adriaen Schagen aen de croonen van Sweden ende Polen inden jaere 1656. Uitgegeven door C.E. Warnsinck-Delprat. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1968. Cloth. With portrait, map and 7 plates. 197 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging LXIX. - Adriaen Schagen visited Sweden and Poland in 1656. On his voyage back with the Dutch fleet of Dantzig he was in the company of Jacob van Wassenaar-Obdam, Michiel de Ruyter and Witte de With. [Boeknr.: 3734 ]

€ 25,00

TREATY BETWEEN SWEDEN & HOLLAND. Tractaet van navigatie en commercie, tusschen den Koningh van Sweden, ter eenre, ende de Heeren Staten Generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden, ter andere zijde, den 26. November, sestien honderdt vijf en seventigh, tot Stockholm geslooten en geteeckent. 's Gravenhage, Jacobus Scheltus, (ca. 1700). 4to. With woodcut coat of arms of the United Provinces on title. (12) pp. First published in 1676, reprinted in Recueil van de tractaten, gemaeckt ende geslooten tusschen de Hoog Mogende Heeren Staten Generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden ter eenre, ende verscheyde Koningen, Princen ende Potentaten ter andere zyde. 's Gravenhage, ca. 1700. - Dutch translation of the treaty between King Charles XI of Sweden and the Dutch Republic pertaining to freedom of navigation and commerce. Cf. Knuttel 11392a (suppl.); Tiele 7434. [Boeknr.: 37407 ]

€ 125,00

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