


South Africa

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LE VAILLANT, François. Second voyage dans l'intérieur de l'Afrique, par le Cap de Bonne-Espérance, dans les années 1783, 84 et 85. Paris, H.J. Jansen et Comp., l'an 3 (1795).3 volumes. 8vo. Contemporary half calf (extremities of spines sl. dam.; hinges cracked but holding). With 22 engraved plates (several folding). XLIV,304; 426; 525,(2) pp. First French edition. - Le Vaillant was born at Paramaribo in Dutch Guiana in 1753, and after being educated in Holland, France, and Germany, proceeded to Paris where he studied the natural history collections, and, full of enthusiasm and ambition, decided to travel into the interior of Africa in order to further his opportunities of gaining information by observing the specimens in their native countries. Making the acquaintance of Mr. Temminck, the Treasurer of the Dutch East India Company, he was enabled to proceed to the Cape in one of the Company's ships called the Held-Woltemaade. During his second excursion (1783 - 1784, he traversed the countries now known as British and German Namaqualand, Damaraland, parts of Bechuanaland, and the Kalahari desert. Later travellers threw doubts on the authenticy of Le Vaillant's journey to these regions, as they could not trace tribes with the names given by the author, but these races were probably dispersed or annihilated, and there can be little doubt that the traveller actualy visited these places (Mendelssohn). , - (Age-browned).Mendelssohn I, p.889 -890; SAB III, p.101; Howgego p.625; Rookmaaker, The zoological exploration of S. Africa 1650-1790, p.177-271, Nissen, ZBI, 2482; Boucher de la Richarderie IV, p.242-244.. [Boeknr.: 28946 ]

€ 495,00

LEDDEN, Willem Pieter van. Jan van Riebeeck tussen wal en schip. Een onderzoek naar de beeldvorming over Jan van Riebeeck in Nederland en Zuid-Afrika omstreeks 1900, 1950 en 2000. Hilversum, Verloren, 2005. Wrappers. With illustrations. 156 pp. [Boeknr.: 28680 ]

€ 15,00

LEIPOLDT, C. Louis. Jan van Riebeeck. A biographical study. London, Longmans, Green and Co., (1936). Cloth, with dust-jacket. With plates. XIV,292 pp. 'Here is the story (told for the first time in English) of the young ship's surgeon who rose to be Governor of Malacca and was destined to be the Founder of European civilization in South Africa'. [Boeknr.: 33153 ]

€ 35,00

LEIPOLDT, C. Louis. Jan Van Riebeeck. Die grondlegger van 'n blanke Suid-Afrika. Kaapstad, Nationale Pers, 1938. Decorated cloth. With plates. II,269 pp. [Boeknr.: 30817 ]

€ 25,00

LEROY-BEAULIEU, Pierre. Les nouvelles sociétés Anglo-Saxonnes. Australie - Nouvelle-Zélande - Afrique australe. Paris, A. Colin et Cie, 1897.Contemporay half calf, with 2 red morocco labels on spine. VIII,493 pp. First edition. - Ferguson 11590a; NZNB L 387; SAB III, p.91. [Boeknr.: 9612 ]

€ 65,00

LEYDS, W.J. De eerste annexatie van de Transvaal. (1877). Amsterdam, Allert de Lange, 1906. Cloth. With folding facsimile and map. XXI,444 pp. [Boeknr.: 23308 ]

€ 40,00

LEYDS, W.J. Eenige correspondentie uit 1899. (Als manuscript gedrukt). Dordrecht, Geuze, (1918). Wrappers. 249 pp. [Boeknr.: 35118 ]

€ 35,00

LEYDS, W.J. Het insluiten van de Boeren-Republieken. Een vervolg op De eerste annexatie van de Transvaal. Amsterdam, Allert de Lange, 1914. 2 volumes. Original green cloth. With 2 folding maps. XXVI,386; XI,434 pp. During the Anglo-Boer war Leyds was an intermediary between the Netherlands and the South African Republic, and was responsible for pro-Boer propaganda in Europe and elsewhere. [Boeknr.: 35110 ]

€ 55,00

LIER, Helperus Ritzema van. Verzameling van eenvoudige leerredenen, aan de gemeente van de hoofdplaats van Cabo de Goede Hoop, ter gedachtenis toegewijd door haaren mede-leeraar. Uitgegeven door Cornelis van der Leeuw. Utrecht, W. van Yzerworst, 1796.Old half cloth. XIV,424 pp. First edition. - Helperus Ritzema van Lier (1764 - 1793), was a Dutch writer and preacher who worked mainly in South Africa. Sermons for the parish of the capital of the Cape of Good Hope. - (Waterstained). - Scarce.Not in Mendelssohn & SAB. [Boeknr.: 34779 ]

€ 175,00

LITTLE, W.J. KNOX. Sketches and studies in South Africa. Cape Town, J.C. Juta & Co, 1899.Original red cloth (sl. soiled). 328 pp. First edition. - An account of a tour throughout South Africa in the latter part of the year 1898, expressing the views of the author on the current state of political and social matters in the sub-continent at this period. The volume is written from an imperialistic point of view, and the writer was evidently not prepossessed in favour of the cause of the Boers, and what he saw and heard during his stay does not appear to have changed his views in this respect to any extent (Mendelssohn I, p.905-06 ).SAB III, p.130. [Boeknr.: 10441 ]

€ 45,00

LIVINGSTONE, David & Charles. Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries; and of the discovery of the lakes Shirwa and Nysassa. 1858-1864. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1866.Original cloth (spine discoloured (one hinge sl. dam.). With double-page plate of the Falls at Zambesi, large folding map, and 36 woodengraved plates and illustrations. XXII,638; 6 pp. First American edition; first published in London in 1865; with the armorial bookplate of Frederick C. Bradley. - Account of Livingstone's second expedition.The British government agreed to fund Livingstone's idea and he returned to Africa as head of the Second Zambesi Expedition to examine the natural resources of southeastern Africa and open up the Zambezi River. However, it turned out to be completely impossible to boats past the Cahora Bassa rapids, a series of cataracts and rapids that Livingstone had failed to explore on his earlier travels. He eventually returned home in 1864 after the government ordered the recall of the expedition because of its increasing costs and failure to find a navigable route to the interior. The Zambezi Expedition, a farcical and costly six-year-long venture that sought to create a missionary arcadia in what is now Malawi, collapsed in 1864 with no coverts or new discoveries, only disarry and death, including that of Livingstone's long-suffering wife Mary (Howgego, The book of exploration, p.246). Livingstone became a protagonist in the fight to abolish slavery.Mendelssohn I, p.915; SAB III, p.137; Howgego IV, p.553-555; Hess & Coger 3069. [Boeknr.: 34994 ]

€ 375,00

LIVINGSTONE, David. David Livingstone South African papers 1849-1853. Edited by I. Schapera. Cape Town, 1974. Cloth. With folding map and 3 plates. (16),187 pp. Van Riebeeck Society, 2nd series, 5. - Concerned primarily with South African racial and missionary affairs as well as comments on traders. His bitter prejudice against the Boers emerges clearly, as do his conflicts with other missionaries., but his insights into local societies are nonetheless revealing. [Boeknr.: 34529 ]

€ 25,00

LIVINGSTONE, David. Missionary travels and researches in South Africa including a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of Africa. London, Ward, Lock & Co., (1899).Original decorated cloth gilt. With portrait and photographic plates.XV,617 pp. First published in 1857. - In 1852 Livingstone asked his family to join him in Africa. With the help of the Makololos, a South African tribe, Livingstone planned to explore the whole of southern Africa as far as Angola. The missionary had become an important explorer. As the first European, he traveled on the Zambezi to Kazembe in a pirogue, a fast water vessel made from a tree trunk. In order to escape from the slave traders of Portuguese Africa, Livingstone traveled via Cassange and Bihé to Luanda, a Portuguese port and the capital of Angola, where he arrived completely exhausted on 31 May, 1854. As soon as he had recovered from his fever, he undertook a trek to Lake Dilolo, discovered the source of the Kasai, a left tributary of the Congo, and arrived in Linyanti, the capital of the Makololos. In the course of the major Zambezi expedition that followed he discovered the Victoria Falls, the falls of the middle Zambezi, in 1855 (Waldmann, Ecyclopedia of world explorers, p.226).Mendelssohn I, p.908-10; SAB III, p.136; Hess & Coger 3068. [Boeknr.: 32254 ]

€ 75,00

LIVINGSTONE, David. Missionary travels and researches in South Africa. New edition. London, John Murray, 1899.Original decorated cloth, top edge gilt. With 2 maps on 1 folding leaf and 51 illustrations and plates. XIV,447 pp. First published in 1857. - David Livingstone (1813 - 1873) was a Scottish physician, Congregationalist, and pioneer Christian missionary with the London Missionary Society, an explorer in Africa, and one of the most popular British heroes of the late 19th-century Victorian era.Mendelssohn I, p.908-10; SAB III, p.136; Hess & Coger 3068. [Boeknr.: 32255 ]

€ 95,00

LOWTH, Alys. South Africa calling. London, Cecil Palmer, 1928. Cloth (spine faded). With map and photographic plates. XXIII,310 pp. [Boeknr.: 35114 ]

€ 20,00

LÜCKHOFF, C.A. Table mountain, our national heritage after three hundred years. Cape Town, A.A. Balkema, 1951. Cloth. With 154 illustrations and plates (some in colours). 152 pp. [Boeknr.: 35063 ]

€ 25,00

MADAGASCAR. Madagaskars (Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1802-07).Handcoloured aquatint plate by L. Portman after J. Kuyper, depicting a man and woman from Madagascar. Ca. 13,5 x 9 cm. In: M. Stuart, De mensch zoo als hij voorkomt op den bekenden aardbol. - The first Dutch treatise on geographical anthropology. - Fine.Landwehr, Coloured Plates, 448; Tiele 1065. [Boeknr.: 32972 ]

€ 45,00

MALAN, François Stephanus. Die konvensie-dagboek van sy edelagbare François Stephanus Malan 1908-1909. Uitgegee en toegelig met inleiding en voetnote deur J.F. Preller. Engelse vertaling deur A.J. de Villiers. Kaapstad, 1951 Cloth. With plates. 276 pp. Van Riebeeck Society, first series, 32 - François Stephanus Malan ( 1871- 1941) was a Cape delegate to the National Convention in Durban, which negotiated the terms of the Union of South Africa. [Boeknr.: 32778 ]

€ 25,00

MARGADANT, W.F. Met de adelborsten aan boord van de 'Aldebaran'. 's Gravenhage, W. Cremer, 1887. Original decorated cloth (extremities of spine sl. dam.). 423 pp. First edition; with autograph dedication by the author. - From London to Brazil, South-Africa and Suriname. Cat. NHSM I, p.126; SAB III, p.257. [Boeknr.: 31778 ]

€ 65,00

MARRYAT, Frederick. Onder de Hottentotten. Vrijbewerkt door Ph.J. van der Veen. 4e druk. Amsterdam, Tj. van Holkema, (1890).Original pictorial cloth. With 10 plates after Johan Braakensiek. 221 pp. Translation of The mission: or scenes in Africa. London, 1845. A tale founded on real experiences and adventures in South Africa in the early part of the 19th century. Written for young people.Mendelssohn I, p.986; SAB III, p.265. [Boeknr.: 33786 ]

€ 65,00

MAX O'RELL. (BLOUET, Leon Paul). John Bull & Co. The great colonial branches of the firm: Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. 20th thousand. London, Frederick Warne & Co., 1894.Original pictorial cloth (top of spine sl. dam.). With many illustrations. XX,322 pp. First edition published in the same year. - 'A witty and humerous, but caustically written account of the principal British colonies' (Mendelssohn I, p.141). Ferguson 7154; NZNB B1050. [Boeknr.: 2111 ]

€ 40,00

McKIERNAN, Gerald. The narrative and journal of Gerald McKiernan in South West Africa 1874-1879. Edited, with introduction & notes by P. Serton. Cape Town, 1954 Cloth. With folding map and plates. 193 pp. Van Riebeeck Society, first series, 35.- Gerald McKiernan was an American trader, operating in South West Africa in the last decade before German colonial rule. The manuscript consists of a narrative of 5 years' travel in Africa, from 1875 to 1879, and a diary which he kept from 1877 to 1879. The author travelled widely, probably reaching well into Angola. [Boeknr.: 32777 ]

€ 25,00

MEES, W.C. Maria Quevellerius huisvrouw van Jan van Riebeeck en haar omgeving. Assen, Van Gorcum & Comp., 1952. Wrappers. With plates. 144 pp. Maria van Riebeeck (née de la Queillerie; 1629 - 1664) was a French Huguenot who was the first wife of Jan van Riebeeck, the Dutch colonial administrator and first commander of the settlement at the Cape of Good Hope. [Boeknr.: 6488 ]

€ 18,00

MEINTJES, Johannes. De Boerenoorlog in beeld. Haarlem, Fibula-Van Dishoeck, (1978). 4to. Pictorial boards. With 373 illustrations of the Boer-war in South Africa (1899-1902). 172 pp. [Boeknr.: 30765 ]

€ 18,00

MERRIMAN, John Xavier. Selections from the correspondence of J.X. Merriman (1870-1890). Edited by Phyllis Lewsen with introduction & footnotes. Kaapstad, 1960-1969. 4 volumes. Cloth. With maps and plates. Van Riebeeck Society, first series, 41,44,47,50. - John X. Merriman's (1841-1926) was one of the most brilliant politicians at the Cape. His long political career spanned most of the major political events of the late-19th and early 20th-century, culminating in the prime minister's office just before Union in 1910. [Boeknr.: 32771 ]

€ 65,00

MERWE, H.J.J.M. van der. (Ed.). Scheepsjournael ende daghregister. (Fragmente uit 17de-eeuse Nederlandse skeepsjoernale, 'n verkorte weergave van Jan van Riebeeck se Dagregister volgens die Kaapse teks, die Dagboek van Francois de Cuiper, 1725, en uittreksels uit Lewies Trigardt se Dagboek). Tekste vyeengebring, versorg en van aantekeninge en 'n glossarium voorsien. 2e vermeerderde druk. Pretoria, J.L. van Schaik, 1964. Boards. With plates. XIII,285 pp. [Boeknr.: 35111 ]

€ 40,00

MILO, Taco Hayo. De geheime onderhandelingen tusschen de Bataafsche en Fransche Republieken van 1795 tot 1797 in verband met de expeditie van schout bij nacht E. Lucas naar de Kaap de Goede Hoop. Den Helder, v/h C. de Boer, 1942. Wrappers. With portraits. XII,296 pp. [Boeknr.: 6490 ]

€ 20,00

MOLTENO, Percy Alport. Selections from the correspondence of Percy Alport Molteno 1892-1914. Edited by Vivian Solomon. Cape Town, 1981. Cloth. With plates. (14),367 pp. Van Riebeeck Society, 2nd series, 12. - Percy Molteno (1861-1937) was a son of Sir John Molteno, first prime minister of the Cape Colony. Trained as a lawyer, he married the daughter of Sir Donald Currie, the shipping magnate, and went to work for his father-in-law in England. He remained passionately interested in the political life of the colony and conducted a wide-ranging correspondence with many of its leading luminaries. [Boeknr.: 34539 ]

€ 25,00

MURRAY, Marischal. Ships and South Africa. A maritime chronicle of the Cape with particular reference to mail and passenger liners from the early days of steam down the present. With a foreword by J.C. Smuts. Oxford, University Press, London, Humphrey Milford, 1933. Cloth. With plates. XXVI,360 pp. Including separate chapters on shipwrecks and disasters [Boeknr.: 35054 ]

€ 125,00

NAPIER, E. ELERS. Excursions in Southern Africa, including a history of the Cape Colony, an account of the native tribes, etc. London, William Shoberl, 1849.2 volumes. Original embossed red cloth, spines later half morocco, lettered in gilt. With engraved frontispiece view of Cape Town, 2 portraits and 6 woodengravings. XXX,359; IV,456 pp. First edition; with bookplate of I. & F.W. Hosken. - An account of the Cape Colony from the earliest period of settlement down to the Kaffir War of 1876-7. The work is a critique of the British Government in the Cape and the original draft was, according to the author, rejected by several publishers on the grounds that it was too outspoken on the failures of its subject (Mendelssohn II, p.75). An expose of misgovernment at the Cape by the incumbent governor and this made publication of the work very difficult. An uncommon work.- Added an autograph letter by Napier. - Fine.SAB III, p.429. [Boeknr.: 34997 ]

€ 495,00

NAUDÉ, Adèle. Cape Album. Cape Town, Howard Timmins, 1979. 8vo. Boards, with dust-jacket. With many illustrations. 112 pp. Signed by the author. - An overall picture of life in Cape Town and its surroundings in the first half of the nineteenth century. [Boeknr.: 35046 ]

€ 25,00

NIENABER, P.J. & C.J.P. le ROUX. Vrystaat-fokus. Pretoria, 1982. 4to. Boards, with dust-jacket. With photographical illustrations (several in colours) by Etienne Botha. 97 pp. [Boeknr.: 17213 ]

€ 20,00

NOBLE, John. (Ed.). Illustrated official handbook of the Cape and South Africa. A résumé of the history, conditions, populations, productions, and resources of the several colonies, states, and territories. Cape Town, Johannesburg, J.C. Juta & Co., 1893.Original decorated cloth. With folding coloured map and many photographic illustrations and plates and advertisements. XVI,568; 43 pp. A fine copy of a comprehensive guide-book. Mendelssohn II, p.107; SAB III, p.552. [Boeknr.: 35154 ]

€ 95,00

NOBLE, John. South Africa, past and present; a short history of the European settlements at the Cape. London, Longmans & Co., 1877.Original brown cloth (sl. soiled; 1 hinge cracked), spine lettered in gilt. XIV,345 pp. First edition. - This compilation affords a continuous narrative of everything 'that is most noticeable in the political history of the colonies and states of South Africa' down to the first annexation of the Transvaal in 1877. The work is concise and unbiassed, and should be suitable as a 'reader' for educational classes and manual for schools (Mendessohn II, p.106).SAB III, p.553 [Boeknr.: 35005 ]

€ 75,00

NOBLE, John. Zuid-Afrika, zijn verleden en zijn heden. Eene beknopte geschiedenis van de Europeesche volkplantingen aan de Kaap. Uit het Engelsch. Amsterdam, J.C. Schröder, 1878.Original green cloth, with gilt lettering. XVI,416,(2) pp. First published in London in 1877: South Africa, past and present, a short history of the European settlements at the Cape. This compilation affords a continuous narrative of everything 'that is most noticeable in the political history of the colonies and states of South Africa' down to the first annexation of the Transvaal in 1877. The work is concise and unbiassed, and should be suitable as a 'reader' for educational classes and manual for schools (Mendessohn II, p.106).SAB III, p.553. [Boeknr.: 30849 ]

€ 75,00

NYASALAND. 'Nyasaland calling'. A travel guide to the Nyasaland protectorate. Issued by the Nyasaland Advisory Committe on Publicity. Capetown, Cape Times Limited, 1936.Original pictorial wrappers. With map and many photographic illustrations and plates. 83 pp. Title on frontwrapper: Darkest Africa in fairest mood. - A fine copy of an illustrated guide of present-day Malawi. [Boeknr.: 37567 ]

€ 95,00

ODENDAAL, Bernardus Johannes. Die kerklike betrekkinge tussen Suid-Afrika en Nederland (1652-1952) veral met betrekking tot die Ned. Geref. Kerk. Franeker, T. Wever, 1957. Wrappers. 295 pp. Thesis. - The ecclesiastical relations between South Africa and the Netherlands (1652-1952). [Boeknr.: 30867 ]

€ 30,00

PAESIE, Ruud. Het VOC-fluitschip Stavenisse en de ontdekking van Terra Natal. Amsterdam, Bataafsche Leeuw, 2002. 4to. Boards, with dust-jacket. With many illustrations (several in colours). 237 pp. The VOC-ship Stavenisse wrecked off the coast of Terra Natal in South Africa in 1686. [Boeknr.: 25309 ]

€ 45,00

PALGRAVE, William Coates. The commissions of W.C. Palgrave. Special emissary to South West Africa 1876-1885. Cape Town, 1990. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With illustrations. XXXIV,441pp. Van Riebeeck Society, 2nd series, 21. - William Coates Palgrave (1833-1897) was active in South West Africa (Namibia) over a period of 25 years. As Special Commissioner to Hereroland and Namaland, he undertook 5 consecutive commissions to that country on behalf of the Cape government. This volume, containing the official journals, or minutes and reports produced during the commissions, records the life of a country on the brink of colonisation. [Boeknr.: 34554 ]

€ 25,00

PARAVICINI DI CAPELLI, Willem Bartholomé Eduard. Reize in de binnen-landen van Zuid-Africa. Gedaan in den jaare 1803. Uitgegee en toegelig met inleiding, voetnote, sketskaarte en verkorte weergawe in het Engels deur W.J. de Kock. Kaapstad, 1965. Cloth. With folding map and plates. XXXIII,290 pp. Van Riebeeck Society, first series, 46. - Paravicini di Capelli (1778-1848) was an artillery-captain at the time of the Batavian Republic and aide-de-camp of the Cape governor, General Jan Willem Janssens. He travelled with the governor into the interior, keeping an official journal as well as his own, and was active in preparations of the Cape against attack by the British, travelling widely during this period. [Boeknr.: 32761 ]

€ 35,00

PHILIP, John. Researches in South Africa; illustrating the civil, moral, and religious condition of the native tribes: including journals of the author's travels in the interior; together with detailed accounts of the progress of the Christian missions, exhibiting the influence of Christianity in promoting civilization. London, James Duncan, 1828.2 volumes. Later half green morocco, with red title-labels to spines. With engraved view of Bethelsdorp, folding map of South Africa (top missing), and sketch of the institution of the Theopolis. XXXV,403; VIII,450 pp. First edition. - Few books on South African matters have been the subject of such fierce denunciation and bitter criticisms as these volumes. The author proceeded to South Africa in the service of the London Missionary Society in 1819, and soon became a most drastic censor of the methods pursued towards the nativs by the colonists, and the policy of the colonial government with regard to native affairs. When the Researches in South Africa were published a large amount of public indignation was aroused, and the subject was brought before the Houses of Parliament, considerable changes in the administration of native affairs in South Africa being eventually brought about. The volumes afford considerable information respecting the natives and colonists in the first quarter of the nineteenth century (Mendelssohn II, p.160-161). The author became the most drastic censor on the methods pursued towards the natives by the colonists. As a result of his writings, considerable changes were made into the administration of native affairs in South Africa.- (Browned).SAB III, p.665 [Boeknr.: 34998 ]

€ 550,00

PLESSIS, A.P. du. Die Nederlanse emigratie na Suid-Afrika. Sekere aspekte rakende voorbereiding tot aanpassing. The Dutch emigration to South Africa. Some aspects concerning preparation for adjustment. With a summary in English. Amstelveen, Amsterdam, Teerhuis & Klinkenberg, 1956. Wrappers.250 pp. - (Thesis). [Boeknr.: 35081 ]

€ 75,00

PLOEGER, J. & Anna H. SMITH. Pictorial atlas of the history of the Union of South Africa. Plate-atlas van die geskiedenis van die Unie van Suid-Afrika. Pretoria, J.L. van Schaik, 1949. Folio. Cloth, with dust-jacket (dam.). With many illustrations and plates. 196 pp. [Boeknr.: 35039 ]

€ 45,00

REID, MAYNE. Les émigrants du Transwaal. Traduction de J. Lermont. 2me édition. Paris, J. Hetzel et Cie., 1886.Sm.8vo. Original decorated gilt cloth, a.e.g. With engraving on title-page and engraved frontispiece. 324 pp. Aventures de terre et de mer. - French translation of The vee-boers: a tale of adventure in Southern Africa, London, 1885. - Nice copy.SAB p.13. [Boeknr.: 37234 ]

€ 45,00

RICHARDSON, Lawrence. Selected correspondence (1902-1903). Edited by Arthur M. Davey. Cape Town, 1977. Cloth. With maps and plates. 219 pp. Van Riebeeck Society, 2nd series, 8. - Lawrence Richardson (c.1869-1953), a member of the Society of Friends (Quakers), was involved in two fact-finding and humanitarian missions to South Africa in the wake of the South African War. [Boeknr.: 34531 ]

€ 25,00

RIEBEECK, Jan Anthonisz. van. Daghregister gehouden by den oppercoopman Jan Anthonisz van Riebeeck. 1651-1662. Inleiding, tekstversorging en taalkundige aantekeningen deur D.B. Bosman, geskiedkundige aantekeninge deur H.B. Thom. Kaapstad, A.A. Balkema, 1952-57. 3 volumes. Cloth. With maps and plates. XLVI,473; XII,491; XVI,584 pp. Uitgawe van die Van Riebeeck-Vereniging. - Jan van Riebeeck (1618-1677) was navigator and colonial administrator of the Dutch East India Company. He was the founder and first commander for the VOC of the Cape of Good Hope. - A fine set. [Boeknr.: 6496 ]

€ 225,00

RIEBEECK, Jan Anthonisz. van. Dagverhaal (1652-1662). (Edited by W.G. Brill). Utrecht, Kemink & Zoon, 1884-93.3 volumes. Original cloth, spines lettered in gilt. With photograph portrait. XII,605; XII,621; XI,755 pp. Werken Historisch Genootschap. - First printing of Jan van Riebeecks (1618-1677) diary. He was founder and first commander for the Dutch East India Company (VOC) of the Cape of Good Hope. For many years it was the main source of information for anyone studying Van Riebeeck and his time at the Cape. - A fine set. [Boeknr.: 6498 ]

€ 450,00

RIEBEECK, Jan Anthonisz. van. Jan van Riebeeck gründet die Kapstadt. Ein Auszug aus seinem Tagebuch (1652-62). Bearbeitet von Adolf Gabler. München, Ernst Reinhardt, 1936. Cloth. With folding map and 2 portraits. 275 pp. [Boeknr.: 35122 ]

€ 30,00

RIEBEECK, Jan Anthonisz. van. Journal, 1651 - 1662. Edited and with an introduction and footnotes by H.B. Thom. Cape town, A.A. Balkema, 1952-58. 3 volumes. Original cloth (spines vol. II-III stained). With plates. XLVI,395; XVIII,406; XVIII,531 pp. Van Riebeeck Society. - Jan van Riebeeck (1618-1677) was founder and first commander for the VOC of the Cape of Good Hope. [Boeknr.: 6500 ]

€ 225,00

RIOU, Edward. Dagverhaal van eene reis van de Kaap de Goede Hoop in de binnenlanden van Afrika, ondernomen in de jaaren 1790 en 1791 door Jakob van Reenen en andere, naar het wrak van het Engelsch Oost-Indisch compagnie schip de Grosvernor, om te ontdekken of er nog enige schipbreukelingen in leven waren. Uit het Engelsch vertaald. Leyden, A. & J. Honkoop, 1793.Old wrappers, uncut. XII,58 pp. First Dutch edition; first published in London in 1792: A journal of a journey from the Cape of Good Hope .. etc. - Captain Riou, did not join the expedition himself, but obtained a copy from Van Reenen's journal. The East India Company vessel wrecked on the coast of South Africa in 1782. This journal is an account of the second Dutch expedition to search for survivors of the Grosvenor wreck travelling through Kaffirland to about the mouth of the Umzimkulu. They found three old women, apparently British, living in a mixed community near the Mngazi River (to the south of Port St. Johns) who might have been from the Grosvenor ( Howgego p.460). - Scarce.Cat. NHSM I, p.139; not in Tiele; Huntress117C; Mendelssohn I p.652. [Boeknr.: 37143 ]

€ 475,00

RIOU, Edward. The last voyage of the Guardian, lieutenant Riou, commander 1789-1791. Edited with an introduction by M.D. Nash. Cape Town, 1989. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With illustrations. XXXIX,243 pp. Van Riebeeck Society, 2nd series, 20. - The Guardian sailed from Spithead in September 1789 with stores for Britain's new colony in New South Wales. Thirteen days out from the Cape of Good Hope she struck an iceberg that tore away her rudder and most of her keel. Half the ship's company took to the boats, only one of which survived the stormy 1300-mile voyage back to the Cape. A month later, through exemplary courage and seamanship and against all probabilities, the crippled Guardian herself sailed into Table Bay. The full and fascinating story of the Guardian's voyage is told here in the ship's logs and letters. [Boeknr.: 34555 ]

€ 25,00

ROSS, Edward. Diary of the siege of Mafeking October 1899 to May 1900. Edited by Brian P. Willan. Cape Town, 1980. Cloth. With plates. 260 pp. Van Riebeeck Society, 2nd series, 11. - Edward Ross, Mafeking's auctioneer, is best-known for his role in the production of banknotes during the siege. His diary is amongst the finest of the many accounts of the siege, recording the activities of Mafeking's residents as well as the military aspects of the siege. [Boeknr.: 34540 ]

€ 25,00

SCHAPERA, I. (Ed.). Western civilization and the natives of South Africa. Studies in culture contact. London, George Routledge and Sons, 1934.Original cloth, spine lettered in gilt (spine sl. dam.). With 2 double-page maps and 11 photographic plates. XIV,312 pp. First edition. - Contributions by I. Schapera, W.M. Eiselen, W.G.A. Mears, G.P. Lestrade, Percival R. Kirby, a.o. [Boeknr.: 35013 ]

€ 45,00

SCHOEMAN, Karel. (Ed.). Griqua records: the Philippolis captaincy, 1825-1861. Compiled and edited. Cape Town, 1994. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With illustrations. XXXIV,330 pp. Van Riebeeck Society, 2nd series, 25. - This volume comprises a collection of official and semi-official documents relating the Captaincy which existed at Philippolis in the modern Free State from 1826 to 1861, when it was transferred to Kokstad, Griqualand East. They provide a comprehensive picture of a poorly-documented aspect of the history of the Northern Frontier. [Boeknr.: 34551 ]

€ 25,00

SCHONKEN, F.Th. De oorsprong der Kaapsch-Hollandsche volksoverleveringen. Naar het handschrift gewijzigd en, met gebruikmaking van S. de Jong's vertaling uit het Duitsch, uitgegeven door D. Fuldauer. Amsterdam, Swets & Zeitlinger,1914. Wrappers. With portrait. XXIII,212 pp. [Boeknr.: 19085 ]

€ 35,00

SCHOUTEN, Wouter. Reys-togten, naar en door Oost-Indien, in welke, de voornaamste landen, koningryken, steden, eilanden, bergen en rivieren, met haare eigenschappen, beneffens de wetten, godsdienst, zeden en dragten der inwoonders, en wat verder zoo van dieren, vrugten, en planten, aanmerkelyks in die gewesten is; naauwkeurig word beschreven .3e druk. Amsterdam, Gerrit Tielenburg & Jan 't Lam, 1740.2 volumes in 1. 4to. Contemporary half calf (modern boards), spine gilt. With titlepage printed in red and black, engraved frontispiece, 4 illustrations and 27 (of 42) engraved plates by C. Decker and J. Kip. (8),328; 253, (22) pp. First published in 1676; large paper copy. - Wouter Schouten (1638-1704) spent 7 years as a physician in the service of the VOC in the East 1658-1665. He was an observant traveller who explored inland into environs of nearly everey port-of-call. His travel-account stayed very popular for a long time because of his ample and vivid descriptions of the countries, the different peoples and anything of note concerning the animals, plants, etc. of Java, Amboyna, Ternate, Celebes, Cape of Good Hope, coast of Coromandel, Malabar, Persia, Arabia, Ceylon, etc. Because of the bad weather the fleet arrived on the return voyage in Bergen (Norway), where Schouten eyewitnessed the attack by the English in 1665. - (Missing pp.291/292; portrait and 15 plates; last pp. stained).Tiele 991; Cat. NHSM I, p.174; Landwehr, VOC, 284; Mendelssohn II, p.279-80; Howgego p.947. [Boeknr.: 36245 ]

€ 395,00

SCHOUTEN, Wouter. Reys-togten, naar en door Oost-Indien, in welke, de voornaamste landen, koningryken, steden, eilanden, bergen en rivieren, met haare eigenschappen, beneffens de wetten, godsdienst, zeden en dragten der inwoonders, en wat verder zoo van dieren, vrugten, en planten, aanmerkelyks in die gewesten is; naauwkeurig word beschreven. 3e druk. Amsterdam, Gerrit Tielenburg & Jan 't Lam, 1740.2 volumes in 1. 4to. Contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt (extremities of spine skilfully rep.). With titlepage printed in red and black, engraved frontispiece, engraved portrait, 4 illustrations and 43 engraved plates (several folding) by C. Decker and J. Kip. (8),328; 253, (22) pp. First published in 1676 with the title Oost-indische voyagie; large paper copy with additional folding map: Nieuwe en nette zeekaart van de geheele waereldt. - Wouter Schouten (1638-1704) spent 7 years as a physician in the service of the VOC in the East 1658-1665. He was an observant traveller who explored inland into environs of nearly everey port-of-call. His travel-account stayed very popular for a long time because of his ample and vivid descriptions of the countries, the different peoples and anything of note concerning the animals, plants, etc. of Java, Amboyna, Ternate, Celebes, Cape of Good Hope, coast of Coromandel, Malabar, Persia, Arabia, Ceylon, etc. Because of the bad weather the fleet arrived on the return voyage in Bergen (Norway), where Schouten eyewitnessed the attack by the English in 1665. 'His book was extremely popular in northern Europe and was translated into German (1676) and French (1707 and 1725)' (Lach & Van Kley, Asia in the making of Europe, III,2, p. 955). - Belongs to the best travel stories written at the time. - A fine copy. Tiele 991; Cat. NHSM I, p.174; Landwehr, VOC, 284; Mendelssohn II, p.279-80; Howgego p.947. [Boeknr.: 37617 ]

€ 2250,00

SLEIGH, Dan & Piet WESTRA. De opstand op het slavenschip Meermin. Amsterdam, Cossee, 2012. Wrappers. With illustrations. 206 pp. The Meermin slave mutiny took place in February 1766 and lasted for three weeks. The Meermin was one of many slave ships owned by the Dutch East India Company (VOC). Her final voyage was cut short by the mutiny of her cargo of Malagasy people, who had been sold to Dutch East India Company officials on Madagascar to be used as company slaves in its Cape Colony in southern Africa. During the mutiny half the ship's crew and almost 30 Malagasy lost their lives. [Boeknr.: 33306 ]

€ 20,00

SMITH, Anna H. The spread of printing. Eastern hemisphere: South Africa. Amsterdam, Van Gendt & Co, 1971. Wrappers. With many maps and plates. 171 pp. From the series: The spread of printing. A history of printing outside Western Europe in monographs. Edited by Colin Clair. - 'This essay is, as far as is known, the first attempt to sketch the introduction of printing and its development to the beginning of the twentieth century in the whole of Southern Africa'. [Boeknr.: 33767 ]

€ 45,00

SOMERVILLE, William. Narrative of his journeys to the Eastern Cape frontier and to Lattakoe 1799-1802. With a bibliographical introduction and a historical introduction and notes by Edna and Frank Bradlow. Cape Town, 1979. Cloth. With maps and plates. (6),255 pp. Van Riebeeck Society, 2nd series, 10. - William Somerville, an Edinburgh doctor, accompanied the invading forces of Major-General Craig when the British took the Cape in 1795. He remained at the Cape for some years, accompanying Major-General Dundas to the eastern districts during the height of conflict on the frontier. Subsequently he accompanied an expedition to the Orange River. On both occasions he recorded the cultures of the indigenous people whom he met, and the flora and fauna. [Boeknr.: 34541 ]

€ 25,00

SOUTH-AFRICA. Caffers. (Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1802-07).Handcoloured aquatint plate by L. Portman after J. Kuyper, depicting a man and woman with child from Bantu peoples in South-Africa. Ca. 13,5 x 9 cm. In: M. Stuart, De mensch zoo als hij voorkomt op den bekenden aardbol. - The first Dutch treatise on geographical anthropology. - Fine.Landwehr, Coloured Plates, 448; Tiele 1065. [Boeknr.: 32966 ]

€ 45,00

SOUTH-AFRICA. Monoemugi. (Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1802-07).Handcoloured aquatint plate by L. Portman after J. Kuyper, depicting a man and woman of Zimbabwe, South-Africa. Ca. 13,5 x 9 cm. In: M. Stuart, De mensch zoo als hij voorkomt op den bekenden aardbol. - The first Dutch treatise on geographical anthropology. - Fine.Landwehr, Coloured Plates, 448; Tiele 1065. [Boeknr.: 32968 ]

€ 45,00

SOUTH-AFRICA. Scenes from the Sunny South. London, Harvey, Greenacre and Co., 1890.Oblong 8vo. Original pictorial cloth, a.e.g. With 76 photographic scenes. With bookplate of I. & F.W. Hosken. - 'The object of this work is to present in an attractive form and convenient size some idea of the beauty of the country, the style of buildings, and the mode of life in South Africa'. Including views of Johannesburg and Barberton during the first two years of their existence (SAB. IV p.139). - (First fly-leaf missing). - Fine. [Boeknr.: 35057 ]

€ 125,00

SOUTH-AFRICA. SOUTH AFRICA IN PRINT. - Catalogue of an exhibition of books, atlases and maps held in the South African Library, Cape Town .. in commemoration of the arrival of Jan van Riebeeck at the Cape 6 April 1652. Cape Town, Book Exhibition Committee Van Riebeeck Festival, 1952. Half cloth. With plates. XII,187 pp. [Boeknr.: 32805 ]

€ 35,00

SPIES, F.J. Du T. 'N Nederlander in diens van die Oranje-Vrystaat. Uit die nagelate papiere van Dr. Hendrik P.N. Muller, oud-konsul-generaal van die Oranje-Vrystaat. Amsterdam, Swetz & Zeitlinger, 1946. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With plates. 311 pp. [Boeknr.: 15825 ]

€ 18,00

STAVORINUS, Johan Splinter. Reize van Zeeland over de Kaap de Goede Hoop naar Batavia, Bantam, Bengalen, enz. gedaan in de jaaren 1768 tot 1771. Gevolgd van eenige belangrijke aanmerkingen over den aart, gewoonten, levenswijze, godsdienstplegtigheden en koophandel der volken in die gewesten. Leyden, A. en J. Honkoop, 1793.2 volumes in 1. Contemporary half calf, with red morocco title-label to spine. With folding map of the Ganges and the Cape of Good Hope by C. van Baarsel. XXIV,294; 146,(2) pp. First edition; with bookplate of Percival J.G. Bishop. - Stavorinus (1739-1788), captain and rear admiral of the Admiralty of Zeeland, commanded the ship Goes, which was part of the relief fleet under Commander Jacob Pieter van Braam, which succeeded in relieving the besieged Malacca in the battles from 29 May to 21 June 1784. In battles from 2 to 12 August and 29 October to 27 November 1784, Selangore and Riouw were successively liberated when the VOC got into serious difficulties there. 'This work affords an accurate and valuable account of the Cape in the last quarter of the eighteenth century, with an interesting description of Cape Town and its inhabitants' (Mendelssohn). Including also large accounts of Batavia and Bengal. His accounts were published by his son. - A key work on the Dutch in Africa and in the East. - Last 3 leaves sl. waterstained otherwise a fine copy. - Very rare. Mendelssohn II, p.426; S.A.B.IV, p.385; Landwehr, VOC, 296; Cat. NHSM I, p.178; Tiele 1044. [Boeknr.: 27409 ]

€ 1250,00

STELLENBOSCH. Stellenbosch 1679-1929. (Stellenbosch), Hortors Beperk, 1929. 4to. Pictorial cloth. With many photographic illustrations. 149 pp. Contributions by A.C. Bouman, J.L.M. Franken, J. du Plessis, W. Blommaert, J.A. Wiid, P. Serton and C.D. Marx. [Boeknr.: 35040 ]

€ 40,00

STOKRAM, Andries. Korte beschryvinghe van de ongeluckige wederom-reyse van het schip Aernhem (.. onder het gebiedt van Arnoudt de Vlamingh van Oudtshoorn). Ingeleid en van aantekeningen voorzien door A.J. Schneiders. Den Haag, Servire, 1942. Boards. With illustrated facsimile of the journal (Saeghman edition). 15,(16) pp. The author shipwrecked and lived seven months on the island of Mauritius. [Boeknr.: 6194 ]

€ 20,00

SWELLENGREBEL, Hendrik. Briefwisseling van Hendrik Swellengrebel Jr oor Kaapse sake 1778-1792. Uitgegee met inleiding en aantekeninge deur G.J. Schutte. Met 'n opsomming in Engels deur A.J. Böeseken, bygestaan deur H.M. Robertson. Cape Town, 1982. Cloth. With plates. (10),462 pp. Van Riebeeck Society, 2nd series, 13. - Hendrik Swellengrebel Jr (1734-1803) was the son of Hendrik Swellengrebel who served as governor for a number of years and retained extensive properties there. The younger Swellengrebel lived a comfortable life in the Netherlands, but visited the Cape between 1776-1777. Thereafter he retained an interest in Cape affairs. He became associated with the rebel Cape Patriot movement and did much to promote its economy. His letters contain much information on the social history of the colony in the last quarter of the 18th century. [Boeknr.: 34538 ]

€ 30,00

THEAL, George MacCall. Belangrijke historische dokumenten verzameld in de Kaap kolonie en elders. Kaapstad, Van de Sandt de Villiers & Co, 1896-1911. 3 volumes in 2. Red cloth (vol. I-II modern cloth). From the contents: Instructie van den commissaris Hendrik Adriaan van Rheede, 1685; Verscheidene dokumenten betrekking hebbende tot den oproermaker Estienne Barbier, 1739; Reis van den gouverneur Joachim van Plettenberg, 1778; The antiquity of man in South Africa; Bushman paintings; Reis naar Delagoa Baai in 1688; Reizen naar Inhambane in 1732 en 1733; Reis van den vaandrig Beutler in 1752; Reis naar Inhambane in 1770; Extracten uit de Resolutien van de Vergadering van Zeventien 1698-1708; Extracten uit de Resolutien van de Kamer van Amsterdam 1706; etc. - Scarce. [Boeknr.: 35032 ]

€ 275,00

THEAL, George MacCall. Korte geschiedenis van Zuid-Afrika van 1486 tot 1835. 2e verbeterde en vermeerderde uitgaaf. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1891. Original cloth. With 7 tinted plates and 12 maps (some folding or coloured). 365 pp. George McCall Theal (1837-1919 was the most prolific and influential South African historian, archivist and genealogist of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.SAB IV p.478. [Boeknr.: 23306 ]

€ 95,00

THEAL, George MacCall. History of South Africa. Volume IV: From the foundation of the European settlement to our own times (1834-1854). London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1893. Original red cloth. With 6 maps (4 folding). 629 pp. - (With library stamp of Doctrina et Amicitia Amsterdam). [Boeknr.: 35026 ]

€ 30,00

THEAL, George MacCall. History of South Africa. Volume V: The Republics and native territories from 1854 to 1872. London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1889. Original red cloth. With folding map. XV, 448 pp. - (With library stamp of Doctrina et Amicitia Amsterdam). [Boeknr.: 35027 ]

€ 30,00

THEAL, George MacCall. Willem Adriaan van der Stel and other historical sketches. Capetown, Thomas Maskew Miller, 1913. Original cloth. VI,325 pp. Van der Stel was governor of the Cape from 1699 till 1707. [Boeknr.: 11112 ]

€ 30,00

THOMPSON, George. Reizen en ontmoetingen in het zuiden van Afrika, behelzende een overzigt over den tegenwoordigen toestand dier kolonie; benevens eenige aanmerkingen over den aanwas en de vooruitzigten der Britsche landverhuizingen derwaarts. Uit het Engelsch veraald. Groningen, W. van Boekeren, 1828.2 volumes. Original half cloth, with red morocco title-labels on spines. With 2 aquatint frontispieces, folding map of South Africa and folding plan of Cape Town and 7 aquatint plates. XX,(2),439; X,457 pp. First Dutch edition, first published in English in London in 1827 Travels and adventures in Southern Africa. - George Thompson (1796-1889), who arrived in the Cape about 1818, was a successful merchant in Cape Town. He married a Dutch woman and travelled widely in southern Africa in the early years of the 19th century. 'In 1821, Mr. Thompson made a six weeks 'excursion to Albany 'to examine into the prospects of the British emigrants' .. he visited Port Elizabeth ('then a hamlet of only three or four houses'), Uitenhage, Graham's Town, Bathurst, George, and many other districts and settlements .. In 1823 and 1824 he proceeded to the Orange River and Bechuanaland, and his account of these regions is recognised as the most important description of this part of the continent published in the early part of the nineteenth century. The third division of the work comprises a review of the condition 'of the Dutch and British inhabitants, of the agricultural, commercial, and financial circumstances of the country and of its adaption of further colonisation. .. This valuable work contains a number of excellent engravings, some of which were contributed by the naturalist Wehdemann, and others by Mr. De Meillon and Dr. Heurtley' (Mendelssohn II, p.494). ' His Travels provides valuable descriptions of the geography, history and natural history' (Howgego II, p.586). 'Both Thompson's 'Travels' and his illustrations stand high in the field of Africana' (Gordon-Brown, Pictorial Africana, p.230). The historian Theal asserted that, 'This book is one of the best that has ever been written upon South Africa' and that the author’s 'powers of observation were keen, his mind free from prejudice, and his style of writing was clear'.- Some waterstaining otherwise a fine copy.Cat. NHSM I, p.209; SAB IV, p.490; not in Tiele and Mendelssohn. [Boeknr.: 34991 ]

€ 1250,00

THOMPSON, George. Travels and adventures in Southern Africa. Edited, with notes by Vernon S. Forbes. Kaapstad, 1967-1968. 2 volumes. Cloth. With maps and plates. XXXV,187; XIV,277 pp. Van Riebeeck Society, first series, 48-49. - George Thompson, who arrived in the Cape about 1818, was a successful merchant in Cape Town. He married a Dutch woman and travelled widely in southern Africa in the early years of the 19th century. [Boeknr.: 32769 ]

€ 45,00

THUNBERG, Carl Peter. Travels at the Cape of Good Hope 1772-1775. Based on the English edition London 1793-1795. Edited by V.S. Forbes. Translation from the Swedish revised by J. & I. Rudner. Contributions to the foreword by I. Rudner & J. Rourke. Cape Town, 1986. Cloth. With maps and plates. XLVIII,366 pp. Van Riebeeck Society, 2nd series, 17. - Carl Peter Thunberg (1743 -1828), a Swedish naturalist, entered the Dutch East India Company (VOC) as a surgeon. He stayed three years at the Cape and has been called 'the father of South African botany'. [Boeknr.: 34534 ]

€ 30,00

TIMMERS, Johannes. Het journaal boek van Johannes Timmers, anno 1784. Lodewijk Wagenaar & Nel Klaversma bezorgers. Hilversum, Verloren 2017. Wrappers. With many illustrations and coloured plates. 187 pp. Illustrated manuscript journal of the Dutch East India Company ship Holland by the sailor Johannes Timmers, he was accompanied by his nephew Johannes Timmers jr.. Timmers describs his adventures before and during his trip from Texel, the Netherlands, to Batavia, Indonesia, in 1781-1784. The manuscript ends (September 27, 1783) with a description of Ceylon, pearl-fishing and the cinnamon-culture. Remarkable Dutch East India (VOC) log-book, [Boeknr.: 34618 ]

€ 20,00

TINDALL, Joseph. The journal of Joseph Tindall, missionary in South West Africa 1839-55. Edited with introduction & footnotes by B.A. Tindall. Cape Town, 1959 Cloth. With maps and plates. X,221 pp. Van Riebeeck Society, first series, 40. - Joseph Tindall, a Wesleyan missionary, worked in South-West Africa, initially with Jonker Afrikaner in Damaraland. His journal includes much information about local customs and conflicts between Damara groups. [Boeknr.: 32774 ]

€ 25,00

VALENTIJN, François. Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indiën, vervattende een naaukeurige en uitvoerige verhandelinge van Nederlands Mogentheyd in die gewesten, benevens eene wydlustige beschryving der Moluccos, Amboina, Banda, Timor, en Solor, Java .. Suratte .. Choromandel, Pegu, Arracan, Bengale, Mocha, Persien, Malacca, Sumatra, Ceylon, Malabar, Celebes of Macassar, China, Japan, Tayouan of Formosa, Tonkin, Cambodia, Siam, Borneo, Bali, Kaap de Goede Hoop en van Mauritius. Dordrecht, Amsterdam, J. van Braam, G. onder de Linden, 1724-1726. Reprint. Franeker, 2002-2004. 5 volumes in 8. Folio. Artificial leather. With 241 portraits, maps, plates and illustrations. One of the most extensive works on the history of the Far East (including Persia), which never can be superseded as many of the documents of which the author made use, do not longer exist. François Valentijn (1666-1727) was a minister of the Dutch Reformed Church who lived for many years on Amboyna and Java. During this period he collected an enormous mass of information, especially in the fields of history, geography and ethnology, concerning all parts of the world where the VOC was active: Indonesia, with large parts on Batavia and the Moluccas, Persia, Malacca, Ceylon, India, Cape of Good Hope, Japan, China and Formosa, etc.. The work is profusely illustrated with numerous fine engraved maps, plans, portraits and spectacular views. They are engraved by the best artists of the time like F. Ottens, J.C. Philips, G. Schouten, J. Goeree etc. mostly after designs by M. Balen. Apart from the fine engravings the work is of particular interest for its cartography. It contains interesting maps of Australia, probably drawn after manuscript maps now lost. For his descriptions of the natural history of Amboyna Valentijn used i.a. the unpublished 'Amboinsch Dierboek' by the famous naturalist Rumphius, of which the original manuscript has been lost. [Boeknr.: 24014 ]

€ 375,00

VERSTEGEN, Math. Kaapstad. Een onwettig kind van de VOC. Een juridisch-politieke visie op het ontstaan van Kaapstad. Zaltbommel, Europese Bibliotheek, (2002). Wrappers. With illustrations. 80 pp. [Boeknr.: 15112 ]

€ 18,00

VILJOEN, Deon & Piér RABE. Cape furniture and metalware. Cape Town, 2001. Oblong 8vo. Boards, with dust-jacket. With ca. 100 coloured plates, including period interiors. 120 pp. . The book offers fresh perspectives on the broader themes of domestic arrangements, social customs, status and economic activity in relation to furniture-making at the Cape during the Dutch and the British period in the 18th and 19th century. [Boeknr.: 21121 ]

€ 65,00

VILJOEN, Russel. Jan Paerl, a Khoikhoi in Cape colonial society 1761-1851. Leiden, Brill, 2006. Cloth, with dust-jacket. XVIII,213 pp. - (TANAP). [Boeknr.: 29076 ]

€ 85,00

VISSERING, Gerard. Een Hollander in Zuid-Afrika. Amsterdam, P.N. van Kampen & Zoon, 1900. Original printed wrappers. With portrait. 31 pp. Uitgave ten bate van het Herman Coster-Fonds. - A memoir of dr. Coster, who was State Attorney of the South African Republic, and conducted the prosecution of the Reformers connected with the Jameson Raid and the Reform Movement, at that period. He was killed at the battle of Elandslaagte (Mendelssohn I, p.385).SAB IV, p.679. [Boeknr.: 7408 ]

€ 45,00

WALKER, Eric Anderson. The Great Trek. 2nd edition. London, Adam and Charles Black, 1938. Cloth, with dust-jacket (damaged). With 3 maps and 4 plates. XII,389 pp. The Great Trek was an eastward migration of Dutch-speaking settlers (called Voortrekkers) who travelled by wagon from the Cape Colony into the interior of modern South Africa from 1836 onwards, seeking to live beyond the Cape's British colonial administration. [Boeknr.: 35153 ]

€ 25,00

WANGEMANN, Theodor. Maléo en Sekoekoeni. Vertaal uit die Duits deur J.F.W. Grosskopf. Uitgegee en toegelig deur G.P.J. Trümpelmann met 'n opsomming in Engels vertaal deur A. Ravenscroft. Kaapstad, 1957 Cloth. With plates. XXV,185 pp. Van Riebeeck Society, first series, 38. - Theodor Wangemann was a director of the Berlin Missionary Society who came out to South Africa in 1866 to visit the mission stations throughout the country. This work, one of several which Wangemann wrote and a typical example of nineteenth-century German missionary literature, describes mission work in the Lydenburg district of the northern Transvaal. [Boeknr.: 32775 ]

€ 25,00

WEINTHAL, Leo. (Ed.). The story of the Cape to Cairo Railway & River Route from 1887 to 1922. The romance of a great project and how it has materialised. London, The Pioneer Publishing Company Limited, 1923-26.4 volumes + map portfolio. Original black hard-grain half morocco, spines lettered and decorated in gilt. Profusely illustrated with mounted photographic portraits, halftone plates (many folding) and text illustrations, and folding maps, most in colour (of which 12 in the map porfolio). First edition. - A luxurious production documenting the completion of the most important engineering project undertaken in Africa up until that time, a project that Rhodes had identified as being essential for the economic developement of South Africa. The Story of the Cape to Cairo Railway and River Route from 1887 to 1922. The iron spine and ribs of Africa. The Cape to Cairo Railway was an unfinished project to create a railway line crossing Africa from south to north. It would have been the largest and most important railway of that continent. It was planned as a link between Cape Town in South Africa and Port Said in Egypt. The project was conceived by Cecil Rhodes. By 1914 there was already a 2,600-mile link from Cape Town to Bukama in the Congo; two sections of river steamer and an isolated length of Congolese railway took the route to Stanleyville. In the north, the line was continuous from Cairo to Luxor and from Wadi Halfa to Kosti; these two sections were connected by 250 miles of Nile steamer, but the route to cross uncharted parts of the northern Congo and southern Sudan was not even surveyed by the time of publication, and the scheme was never completed.The contents include i.a. essays by Winston Churchill, Francis Younghusband, Harry Johnston, Theodore Roosevelt, and F.C. Selous, on the history, society, and natural conditions of the African states to be traversed by the prospective railway; the mercantile potential of these states and the benefit of rail transport; the railway engineering feats undertaken in East Africa; touristic topics, such as ethnographic studies of tribespeople; big-game hunting; the "mysteries" of the Great Zimbabwe; the progress of colonial society in Cairo; and genial fantasies concerning the future of an "unlocked" continent that would be crossed by great silver airships stopping airily at new cities to disembark their passengers; merchants, mining engineers, and families of colonial administrators' (See Merrington A Staggered Orientalism: The Cape-to-Cairo Imaginary", in Poetics Today 22.2, 2001). Added the rare SYNOPSIS of principal contents. The story of the Cape to Cairo Railway & River Route from 1887 to 1922. London 1922. Wrappers. Profussely illustrated. 50 pp. - A very attractive set of an encyclopaedic work. SAB IV, p.743-744 [Boeknr.: 36428 ]

€ 2750,00

WELCH, Sidney R. Europe's discovery of South Africa. Cape Town and Johannesburg, Juta & Co., (1935). Original cloth, gilt lettering. 365 pp. [Boeknr.: 35012 ]

€ 35,00

WERZ, Bruno E.J.S. 'Een bedroefd, en beclaaglijck ongeval'. De wrakken van de VOC-schepen Oosterland en Waddinxveen (1697) in de Tafelbaai. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2004. 4to. Bourds, with dust-jacket. With many illustrations (several in colours). 206 pp. Investigation of two VOC vessels off the coast of the Cape of Good Hope. [Boeknr.: 26802 ]

€ 30,00

WET, Christiaan Rudolf de. Three years war (October 1899-June 1902). Westminster, Archibald Constable and Co., 1902.Original cloth (spine discoloured). With frontispiece portrait, folding map and 2 plans. 520 pp. First edition. - Christiaan De Wet (1854-1922), a Dutch Boer soldier, gives an important primary narrative of the Second Boer War.Mendelssohn I, p.460; SAB I, p.68. [Boeknr.: 35018 ]

€ 30,00

WIERINGA, P.A.C. De oudste boeren-republieken Graaff-Reinet en Zwellendam van 1775 tot 1806. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1922. Wrappers. 117 pp. [Boeknr.: 24588 ]

€ 25,00

WORDEN, N. (Ed.). Cape Town between East and West. Social identities in a Dutch colonial town. Hilversum, Verloren, 2012. Wrappers. With 9 coloured illustrations. XXII, 264 pp. The first single-volume social history of 18th century Dutch Cape Town. [Boeknr.: 32766 ]

€ 30,00

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