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CARR, John. Een zomer in het Noorden, of reize rondom de Baltische zee, door Denemarken, Zweden, Rusland en een gedeelte van Duitschland. Naar het Engelsch. Leeuwarden, Wed. Boij, 1809 - 1811.2 volumes in 1. Later half cloth. (6),288; VIII,404 pp. First published in English A Northern summer, or travels round the Baltic, through Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Prussia and part of Germany, in the year 1804. London 1805. - John Carr (1772-1772) was called to the bar at the Middle Temple, but from reasons of health found it advisable to travel, and published accounts of his journeys in different European countries, which though without much intrinsic merit, obtained a wide circulation on account of their light, gossipy style, and the fact that in the species if literature there was then comparatively little competition (DNB). - (Hole in title-page).Muller, Bibliographie Neerlando-Russe, 770; Catalogue Russica C148; not in Tiele or Cat. NHSM. [Boeknr.: 2104 ]

€ 295,00

CELL, Gillian T. (Ed.). Newfoundland discovered. English attemps at colonisation, 1610-1630. London, 1982. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 2 illustrations and 3 maps. XVIII,310 pp. Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, 160. - Accounts of the earliest English settlements in Newfoundland. [Boeknr.: 20989 ]

€ 30,00

CHAPPE d'AUTEROCHE, Jean. Reize naar Siberië, op bevel des konings van Vrankryk ondernomen in 1761. Behelzende deszelfs waarnemingen nopens de zeden, gewoonten, regeering, godsdienst, krygs- en burger-staat, koophandel, luchts- en grondsgesteldheid, landsbeschryving, natuurlyke historie, enz. Uit het Fransch vertaald. Deventer, Lucas Leemhorst, 1771-1772.2 volumes in 1. Contemporary half calf, spine gilt. With folding coloured map and 8 engraved plates (including a table and 2 folding plates) after J.B. le Prince by J.C. Philips. XIV,(2)331,(1); (2),327,(1) pp. First Dutch edition, first published in Paris in 1768: Voyage en Sibérie, fait par ordre du roi en 1761. - Jean Chappe d' Auteroche (1728-1769) was a French priest and astronomer who travelled to Siberia to observe the transit of Venus in 1761. From Paris he reached St. Petersburg, then sledged to Tobolsk.This work deserves attention for its forthright and sometimes provocative descriptions of Russian manners and character (Hill 277). The expedition carried out a large number of scientific measurements en route, and reported on the geography of the region and the customs of its inhabitants (Howgego p.216). - Age-browned otherwise fine.Cat. NHSM I, p.302; not in Tiele; Muller, Bibl. Neerlando-Russe, 77; Cat. Russica 496; Boucher de la Richarderie V, p. 447-448 (French ed.). [Boeknr.: 33660 ]

€ 850,00

CHASE, Owen. The wreck of the whaleship Essex. A narrative account by Owen Chase, first mate. Edited, and with prologue and epilogue by Iola Haverstick and Betty Shepard. London, Constable Young, (1968). Blue boards, spine lettered (spine discoloured). With map and illustrations. 128 pp. The Essex, Captain George Pollard, sailed from Nantucket on August 12, 1819, for a sperm whaling cruise in the Pacific. A dramatic account told by one of its few survivors. The whaling ship was rammed by an angry sperm whale on November 20, 1820. On the sailors terrifying battle for survival the survivors had restored to cannibalism, and a relative of the captain was killed and eaten. Herman Melville used Chase's narrative as a source for his Moby Dick. [Boeknr.: 35575 ]

€ 25,00

CLOUD, Enoch Carter. Enoch's voyage. Life on a whaleship 1851-1854. Edited by Elizabeth McLean. Wakefield, Myer Bell, 1994. Cloth, with dust-jacket (rep. with tape). 381 pp. Enoch Carter Cloud sailed out of New Bredford on the whale ship 'The Henry Kneeland'. For nearly three years he kept a journal detailing the glory, hardships and dangers of life at sea. Edited by the author's great-great-granddaughter. [Boeknr.: 35587 ]

€ 25,00

COCHERET, Pierre L. Mannen van ijzer. De overwintering der Hollanders op Nova-Zembla. Rotterdam, D. Bolle, (1897). Original pictorial cloth. With 2 folding maps, and illustrations and plates by J. Linse after Louis Apol. (4), 224,(2) pp. A celebrated story of the Dutch wintering on Novaya Zemlya in a wooden cabin by Willem Barentsz and his crew in 1596-97. [Boeknr.: 36346 ]

€ 95,00

COHENSIUS, Joost, Marc CORNELISSEN, Henk LEYEN, Edmond ÖFNER. Noordpoolexpeditie. De eerste Nederlanders over de ijskap naar de Pool. Blaricum, V=K Publishers, 1997. Oblong 8vo. Boards, with dust-jacket. With many coloured photographic illustrations. 125 pp. On 20 May 1997, after a 70-day walk, a Dutch team placed for the first time the Dutch flag on the geographic North Pole. [Boeknr.: 36300 ]

€ 25,00

CRANZ, David. Historie van Groenland behelzende eene naukeurige beschrijvinge van 's lands ligging, gesteldheid, en natuurlijke zeldzaamheden; den aart, zeden en gewoonten der inwooneren aan de West-zijde bij de Straate Davis; 's lands aloude en nieuwe geschiedenisse; en in't bijzonder de verrichtingen der Missionarissen van de Broeder-Kerk, door welken twee gemeenten van bekeerde heidenen aldaar gesticht zijn. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald. Haarlem, C.H. Bohn, Amsterdam, H. de Wit, 1767.3 volumes. Later boards. With 14 folding engraved maps and plates by J. Swertner. XXXIV,356; 282; 382,(2) pp. First Dutch edition, first published in German Historie von Grönland. Barby & Leipzig, 1765; with bookplate E.M. Cox. - This first Dutch translation has more and better plates than the original edition and added is an extensive study of the natural history of Greenland, together with descriptions of the life and customs of the Greenlanders, their religion, knowledge of the stars, and a brief vocabulary of their language (Howgego). - Detailed description of Greenland by David Cranz (1723-1777), the historiographer of the Brethern, he stayed at Ny Herrnhut in Greenland, in 1761-62. With sections devoted to the establishment of the first Herrnhut or Moravian mission in Greenland, the nature, manners and customs of the inhabitants on the West coast on Davis Strait, whales and the whaling-industry in general, and the Eskimos. 'The minute journal of the noble Moravian Brethren, gives us in their own language the phases of Aboriginal life and peculiarities which daily presented themselves. No tribe of American savages has been more closely or intelligently studied. Specimens of their language are given...' (Field 383). This account was very popular and translated and reprinted in many languages. 'das vollständigste Gemälde von Grönland im 18. Jahrhundert, ein Werk, das auch Heute noch mehr als nur historisches Interesse beanspruchen darf' (Henze I, p.751). - A clean copy of the most comprehensive and trustworthy book on Greenland published in the 18th century.Arctic Bibl. 3469; Chavanne 5634; Tiele 282; Cat. NHSM I, p.301; Sabin 17415. [Boeknr.: 2100 ]

€ 695,00

CREMER, A.F. Zeven Noren onder de Eskimo's. Amsterdam, W. Versluys, 1912. Original decorated cloth. With illustrations. 212 pp. Rare children's book about Roald Amundsen among the eskimos. [Boeknr.: 36296 ]

€ 35,00

DECLEIR, Hugo & Claude de BROYER. (Ed.). The Belgica Expedition Centennial. Perspectives on Antarctic science and history. Proceedings of the Belgica Centennial Symposium, 14-16 May 1998, Brussels. Brussel, University Press, 2001. 4to. Pictorial boards. With many illustrations (several in colours). 367 pp. On 16 August 1897, captain Adrien de Gerlache left Antwerp for the Antarctic with an international crew on a robust three-master, the Belgica. This expedition was the first Antarctic expedition of a purely scientific nature and was also the first to overwinter in the austral polar night. This book discusses the historical context of the expedition as well as the actual research programme of Belgium in Antarctica. [Boeknr.: 36309 ]

€ 150,00

DEKKER, Kees & Frieda van ESSEN. De Nederlandse Poolexpeditie van 1882-1893. Overwintering op een ijsschots. Zeist, KNNV, 2014. 4to. Boards. With many illustrations (several in colours. 200 pp. The year 1882 was the first International Pole Year and Dutch meteorologists participated by exploring western Siberia, initiator was Buys Ballot. The crew shipwrecked in the Kara Sea near Novaya Zemlya and was forced to spend the winter in the middle of the frozen sea. [Boeknr.: 36299 ]

€ 45,00

DEKKER, P. De laatste bloeiperiode van de Nederlandse arctische walvis- en robbevangst 1761-1775. Zaltbommel, Europese Bibliotheek, 1971. 8vo. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 86 photographic illustrations. 328 pp. Classic work on the last florescence of Dutch whaling at the end of the 18th century. [Boeknr.: 10660 ]

€ 65,00

DICKINSON, Anthony B. & Chesley W. SANGER. Twentieth-century shore-station whaling in Newfoundland and Labrador. Montreal, McGill-Queen's University Press, (2005). Boards, with dust-jacket. With many photographic illustrations. XVII,254 pp. The authors examine the modern era of the regions's shore-station industry from its beginnings in 1896 through subsequent cycles of decline and revival until its enforced closure in 1972. [Boeknr.: 35578 ]

€ 65,00

DOES, Willem van der. Storm, ijs en walvisschen. Een moderne Vikingtocht met Noorsche walvischvaarders naar de Zuidelijke IJszee. Amsterdam, v/h C. de Boer, 1947. Cloth, with dust-jacket (rep.). With folding map, and illustrations. 384 pp. Storms, ice and whales. The Antarctic adventures of a Dutch artist on a Norwegian whaler. [Boeknr.: 3794 ]

€ 18,00

DOES, Willem van der. Storm, ijs en walvisschen. Een moderne Vikingtocht met Noorsche walvischvaarders naar de Zuidelijke IJszee. Voorwoord van C.M. Bakker. Batavia, Albrecht & Co., (1934). 4to. Original pictorial boards (soiled). With illustrations by the author. XV,374 pp. First edition. - Storms, ice and whales. The Antarctic adventures of a Dutch artist on a Norwegian whaler. [Boeknr.: 35413 ]

€ 35,00

DOES, Willem van der. Storms, ice and whales. The Antarctic adventures of a Dutch artist on a Norwegian whaler. Translated by R. van Baak Griffioen. Introduction by J.C.A. Schokkenbroek. Cambridge, William B. Eerdmans, (2003). Boards, with dust-jacket. With illustrations by Willem van der Does. XXIII,391 pp. [Boeknr.: 29301 ]

€ 18,00

DONGEN, Sjef van. Een Hollandsche jongen in het hooge Noorden. Leven en avonturen op Spitsbergen. Amsterdam, Scheltens & Giltay, (1929). Original pictorial cloth. With photographic plates and illustrations by Pol Dom. 244 pp. First edition. - Adaptation to children's book of Vijf jaar in ijs en sneeuw. Mijn leven in het Noordpoolgebied. - Josephus Maria Andreas Cornelius (Sjef) van Dongen (1906 - 1973) was a Dutch Arctic voyager and politician. From 1923 till 1928 he was stationed at Spitsbergen. [Boeknr.: 36282 ]

€ 30,00

DONGEN, Sjef van. Een Hollandsche jongen in het hooge Noorden. Leven en avonturen op Spitsbergen. Amsterdam, Scheltens & Giltay, (1929). Original pictorial wrappers (top of spine sl. dam.). With photographic plates and illustrations by Pol Dom. 244 pp. First edition. - Adaptation to children's book of Vijf jaar in ijs en sneeuw. Mijn leven in het Noordpoolgebied. - Josephus Maria Andreas Cornelius (Sjef) van Dongen (1906 - 1973) was a Dutch Arctic voyager and politician. From 1923 till 1928 he was stationed at Spitsbergen. [Boeknr.: 36283 ]

€ 30,00

DONGEN, Sjef van. Vijf jaar in ijs en sneeuw. Mijn leven in het Noordpoolgebied. Amsterdam, Scheltens & Giltay, (1929). Original decorated cloth, with dust-jacket (sl. dam.). With ca. 100 photographic plates. 247 pp. First edition. - Josephus Maria Andreas Cornelius (Sjef) van Dongen (1906 - 1973) was a Dutch Arctic voyager and politician. From 1923 till 1928 he was stationed at Spitsbergen. He was involved in the rescue of generaal Umberto Nobile and his airship, the Italia. [Boeknr.: 792 ]

€ 65,00

DONRAADT, W. Chr. Zij waren er bij. Eilanders op de walvisvaart. (Dokkum, H.H. v.d. Helm, 1972). Wrappers. With many illustrations.100 pp. Dutch whaling in the Antarctic in the 20th century. [Boeknr.: 35577 ]

€ 18,00

DOUGLAS, M. Across Greenland's ice-fields. The adventures of Nansen and Peary on the Great Ice-Cap. London, Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1899.Original pictorial cloth with polar bear design (soiled). With 12 plates. 218;(2) pp. With school bookplate. - Narrative of the pioneering attempts by two famous explorers, Fridtjof Nansen and Robert Peary to explore the Northern Arctic. [Boeknr.: 36342 ]

€ 65,00

DOUMERGUE, Emile. Un petite nationalité en souffrance les Lettons. Les provinces Baltiques et le Pangermanisme Prussien en Russie. Paris, Éditions de 'Foi et Vie', 1917. Original printed wrappers. IV,150 pp. Latvians are a Baltic ethnic group in Latvia and the immediate geographical region, the Baltics. [Boeknr.: 24636 ]

€ 30,00

DRIANT, (Émile Augustin Cyprien). Voortgedreven naar de Noordpool. Avonturen met een luchtschip door commandant Driant. Zalt-Bommel, H.J. van de Garde & Co., (1909). Original pictorial cloth. With plates and illustrations by G. Dutriac. 314 pp. Dutch translation of Un dirigeable au po^le nord. Paris 1909. Adventures with an airship. - A fine binding. [Boeknr.: 36298 ]

€ 45,00

ELLSBERG, Edward. In den greep van het ijs. Geautoriseerde bewerking van K.van der Geest. 's Gravenhage, H.P. Leopold, 1938. Pictorial cloth (spine faded). 370 pp. Dutch translation of Hell on ice. - Novel on the tragic story of the ill-fated ship, Jeannette, and her attempt to reach the North Pole via the Bering Sea in 1879. [Boeknr.: 3787 ]

€ 18,00

FISHER, Alexander. Dagboek eener ontdekkingsreis naar de Noorderpoolstreken, met de schepen .. Hecla en Griper, in de jaren 1819 en 1820. Uit het Engelsch naar den vierden verbeterden druk, door J. Lehman de Lehnsfeld. Dordrecht, Blussé en Van Braam, 1822.Contemporary half calf, spine gilt. With folding map of the Northwest Territories (Canada), including the Melville Island, and 2 woodengravings in the text of a musk ox and an Eskimo. 363,(1) pp. First Dutch edition; a translation of the fourth enlarged edition of A journal of a voyage of discovery to the Arctic regions, in His Majesty's ships Hecla and Griper, in the years 1819 & 1820. London, 1821. This is an account of the first voyage commanded by the famous explorer of the Arctic William Edward Parry (1790-1855) to search for the Northwest Passage. On this expedition Fisher was assistant surgeon aboard the Hecla. He gives an account of the voyage through Lancaster Sound to Melville island in the western part of the Parry Archipelago. His detailed journal is a valuable supplement to Parry's official account. - (Age-browned). - A fine copy of the rare Dutch edition. Not in Tiele or Cat. NHSM; Arctic Bibl. 5022; Howgego II, pp. 464-465; Staton & Tremaine, 1193; Sabin 24453; Hill 605. [Boeknr.: 36195 ]

€ 1450,00

FLIPSE, Eric, Paul W.J. de GROOT, Ko de KORTE, Piet OOSTERVELD. Een jaar bij de ijsberen. Het logboek van de Nederlandse Spitsbergen-Expeditie 1968-1969. Bezorgd en ingeleid door Hans Beelen, Ko de Korte en Fineke te Raa. Met medewerking van Louwrens Hacquebord en Thor S. Larsen. Zutphen, Walburgpers, 2022. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 211 illustrations (several in colours). 413 pp. Linschoten Vereeniging CXXII. - In 1968-1969, four Dutch students wintered on the lonely island of Edgeoya in eastern Spitbergen. The field biological research that was carried out there contributed to protecting the polar bear and formed a source of inspiration for modern Dutch polar research. [Boeknr.: 37070 ]

€ 60,00

FRANKLIN, John. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1819, 20, 21, and 22. Second edition. London, John Murray, 1824. 2 volumes. Old boards (rebacked), uncut. With 1 plan in the text and 4 folding engraved maps (1 coloured in outline). XIX,370; IV,(1),399 pp. First edition published in 1823. - 'This famous journey was made to the mouth of the Coppermine River, largely overland and with the aid of canoes. The coast of the mouth was surveyed. It is one of the most terrible journeys on record, many of the party dying from cold, hunger, or murder. The distance traveled was some 5.500 miles, and Franklin's narrative at once became a classic of travel literature. The natural history appendices are important (Hill 635). - A fine copy.TPL 1249; Sabin 25625; Chavanne 4268; Arctic Bibl. 5195; Howgego II, pp.234-238. [Boeknr.: 36678 ]

€ 675,00

FREUCHEN, P. In het witte Noorden. Mijn leven als Eskimo tusschen ijsberen en wolven. Nederlandsche bewerking van F.Koning. Amsterdam, Scheltens & Giltay, (1936 ). Original decorated cloth. With photographic plates. 352 pp. First Durch edition; first edition Min grønlandske ungdom,1936 (in English Arctic adventures : my life in the frozen north. - Account of the author's experiences as a member of the Danmark expedition to East Greenland, 1906-1907. - Fine.Arctic Bibl. 5271. [Boeknr.: 3799 ]

€ 45,00

FROE, A. de. The voyage of Barendz and Heemskerk to Nova Zembla. Groningen, P. Noordhoff, 1918. Original decorated wrappers. With illustrations by Daan Hoeksema. 32 pp. The Interlinear Series. - Schoolbook. [Boeknr.: 36375 ]

€ 15,00

FUCHS, Vivian & Edmund HILLARY. The crossing of Antarctica. The Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1955-58. Third edition. London, Cassell, 1959. Cloth (spine foxed). With many photograhic illustrations (several in colours). XV,338 pp. The 1955-58 Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition (CTAE) was a Commonwealth-sponsored expedition that successfully completed the first overland crossing of Antarctica, via the South Pole. It was the first expedition to reach the South Pole overland for 46 years, preceded only by Amundsen's and Scott's respective parties in 1911 and 1912. - (Some foxing).Headland 2142; Spence 491; Conrad p.394. [Boeknr.: 3802 ]

€ 30,00

FUCHS, Vivian & Edmund HILLARY. De Zuidpool bedwongen. Wij trokken dwars door Antarctica. (Vertaling J.F. Kliphuis). Amsterdam, Scheltens & Giltay, (1958). Decorated cloth, with dust-jacket. With many photographic illustrations (several in colours). VIII,343 pp. First Dutch edition; first published in London in 1958: The crossing of Antarctica; the Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition, 1955-1958. The 1955-58 Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition (CTAE) was a Commonwealth-sponsored expedition that successfully completed the first overland crossing of Antarctica, via the South Pole. It was the first expedition to reach the South Pole overland for 46 years, preceded only by Amundsen's and Scott's respective parties in 1911 and 1912.Headland 2142; Spence 490; Conrad p.394. [Boeknr.: 3804 ]

€ 30,00

GERLACHE DE GOMERY, Adrien. Vijftien maanden in den Antarctic. Reis van de 'Belgica'. Met een voorbericht door Elisee Reclus. Vertaling van L.C. Vrijman. Brussel, A. Manteau, (1945). Original gilt cloth. With 2 maps and photographic plates. 270,(12) pp. Dutch translation of Voyage de la 'Belgica''. Quinze mois dans l'Antarctique. Bruxelles 1902. - Baron Adrien Victor Joseph de Gerlache de Gomery (1866 - 1934) was an officer in the Belgian Royal Navy who led the Belgian Antarctic Expedition of 1897-1899. His crew was the first to winter in the Antarctic.Spence 502. [Boeknr.: 36295 ]

€ 65,00

GERLACHE, Gaston de & Antoine de LIGNE. Belgische Zuidpoolexpeditie. Antarctic. Brussel, Côte d' or, 1960. 8vo. Original pictorial boards. With 164 tipped in coloured photographic plates. 88 pp. Popular account of the first Belgian Antarctic expedition, 1957-1959. [Boeknr.: 36276 ]

€ 65,00

GERRITSZ., Hessel. The Arctic North-East and West passage. Detectio freti Hudsoni or Hessel Gerritsz's collection of tracts by himself, Massa and De Quir on the N.E. and W. passage, Siberia and Australia. Reproduced, with the maps, in photolithography in Dutch and Latin after the editions of 1612 and 1613. Augmented with a new English translation by Fred. John Millard and an essay on the origin and design of this collection by S. Muller. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller & Co., 1878.4to. Original boards. With maps and facsimiles. A fine facsimile edition, with English translations, of two rare Dutch pamphlets published by Hessel Gerritsz in Amsterdam in 1612-1613, both of which include translations into Dutch and Latin of Quirós's Eighth memorial on 'Australia Incognita' (The Davidson collection 7). 'This work is of scholarly importance to the history of Australia, Siberia and Canada, and to the search for the Northeast passage and the Northwest passage to the Orient' (Hill 692). Tiele 375; Cat. NHSM I, p.310; Ferguson 9885a. [Boeknr.: 1726 ]

€ 225,00

GERRITSZ., Hessel. Beschryvinghe van der Samoyeden Landt en Histoire du pays nommé Spitsberghe. Uitgegeven door S.P. l'Honoré Naber. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1924. Cloth. With plate and 5 maps. LIV,125 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging XXIII. - Contains Isaac Massa's description of Siberia. The second part deals with Spitsbergen based on the logs of Willem Barentsz. [Boeknr.: 7716 ]

€ 45,00

GESCHER, F.M. Naar de uiteinden der aarde. Per slede en door de lucht. Een halve eeuw Pool-ontdekkingen. Utrecht, Dekker en Van der Vegt, 1947. 8vo. Half cloth, with dust-jacket. With 89 illustrations. 332 pp. [Boeknr.: 3791 ]

€ 18,00

GIAEVER, John. Twee jaar in het Zuidpool-gebied met de Maudheim-expeditie. De spannende ervaringen van de Noors-Brits-Zweedse expeditie van 1949-1952 naar Antarctis. Met een voorwoord van H.U. Sverdrup en bijdragen van Valter Schytt, E.F. Roots, Gordon de Q. Robin en R. von Essen. Utrecht, W. de Haan, 1953. Pictorial cloth, with dust-jacket. With coloured frontispiece, maps and photographic plates. (8), 233 pp. First Dutch translation; first published in Stockholm in 1952; in English The white desert (1954). - The Norwegian-British-Swedish Antarctic Expedition (1949-1952) was the first Antarctica expedition involving an international team of scientists. The team members came from Norway, Sweden and the British Commonwealth of Nations. - A fine copy.Spence 507. [Boeknr.: 3807 ]

€ 35,00

GILLES, Kim Fairley & Silas Hibbard AYER. (Ed.). Boreal ties. Photographs and two diaries of the 1901 Peary relief expedition. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, (2002). 4to. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With many photographic illustrations. XIII,232 pp. In the summer of 1901, a relief ship set sail for the remote region of northwestern Greenland in search of the famed Arctic explorer, Robert Peary, his wife Josephine and thier seven-year-old daughter Marie. Including the diaries of Clarence Wyckoff and Louis Bement [Boeknr.: 36279 ]

€ 65,00

GRAMBERG, Hans. De overwintering op Nova Zembla. Hilversum, Verloren, 2001. 4to. Wrappers. With many illustrations (several in colours). 93 pp. The Dutch wintering on Novaya Zemlya 1596-1597. [Boeknr.: 24211 ]

€ 15,00

GREELY, Adolphus W(ashington). Geschiedenis van het poolonderzoek. Voor Nederland bewerkt door F.J. van Uildriks. Haarlem, H.D. Tjeenk Willink, (1896). Sm.8vo. Original cloth, gilt lettering. With 5 maps. 292 p. History of Arctic research. [Boeknr.: 3810 ]

€ 35,00

GROOT, Jeldert Jansz. Reizen en rampen van kommandeur Jeldert Jansz Groot en anderen. Wormerveer, Meijer, (1946). Boards. 49 pp. 500 copies printed. - Dutch whaling voyage with the ship Anna starting in 1777. [Boeknr.: 3668 ]

€ 20,00

GRUYL, Martin E. de. Dordtse Jonas in olie. Een bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse walvisvaart (in de 17e en 18e eeuw). Amsterdam, De Batafsche Leeuw, 1997. Boards, with dust-jacket. With illustrations. 80 pp. [Boeknr.: 2998 ]

€ 18,00

HACQUEBORD, L. & W. VROOM. (Red.). Walvisvaart in de Gouden Eeuw. Opgravingen op Spitsbergen. (Amsterdam), De Bataafsche Leeuw, (1988). 4to. Wrappers. With many illustrations (several in colours). 200 pp. Contributions on Dutch whaling in the 17th century by J.R. Bruijn, G.G. Schilder, A.M. van der Woude, P.D.J. van Iterson, L. Hacquebord, a.o. [Boeknr.: 796 ]

€ 25,00

HACQUEBORD, L., J.R. LEINENGA, K. de KORTE. Nederlanders in de Poolwinter. Groningen, Arctisch Centrum, (1989). 4to. Boards. With many illustrations. 67 pp. [Boeknr.: 3813 ]

€ 18,00

HACQUEBORD, L. Smeerenburg. Het verblijf van de Nederlandse walvisvaarders op de westkust van Spitsbergen in de zeventiende eeuw. The sojourn of whalers on the westcoast of Spitsbergen in the 17th century (with a summary in English). (Groningen), 1984. 2 volumes. Wrappers. With many illstrations and plates. 311 pp. - (Thesis) [Boeknr.: 9835 ]

€ 150,00

HACQUEBORD, Louwrens & Pieter van LEUNEN. (Red.). 400 jaar Willem Barentsz. (1596-1996). Harlingen, Flevodruk, 1996. 8vo. Boards. With many illustrations (several in colours). 192 pp. Memorial volume on the Dutch wintering on Novaya Zemlya in a wooden cabin by Willem Barentsz and his crew in 1596-97. [Boeknr.: 16344 ]

€ 65,00

HACQUEBORD, Louwrens & René de BOK. Spitsbergen 79 o N.B. Een Nederlandse expeditie in het spoor van Willem Barentsz. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1981. Folio. Wrappers. With many illustrations (some in colours). 160 pp. Dutch expedition to the settlement of Smeerenburg on Amsterdam Island in northwest Svalbard, founded by Danish and Dutch whalers in 1619 as one of Europe's northernmost outposts. [Boeknr.: 794 ]

€ 18,00

HACQUEBORD, Louwrens. Nederlandse Poolkringen. Honderdvijfentwintig jaar Nederlands onderzoek in poolgebieden. Rede. (Groningen, Arctisch Centrum), 1995. Wrappers. 35 pp. [Boeknr.: 36288 ]

€ 18,00

HACQUEBORD, Louwrens. De Noordse Compagnie (1614-1642). Opkomst, bloei en ondergang. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2014. 4to. Pictorial boards. With many illustrations (mostly in colours). 136 pp. The Noordsche Compagnie (Northern Company) was a Dutch cartel in the whaling trade, founded by several cities in the Netherlands in 1614 and operating until 1642. [Boeknr.: 33580 ]

€ 30,00

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