


North America

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ADAMS, James Truslow. New England in the Republic 1776-1850. Boston, Little, Brown, and Company, 1926. Original cloth. With plates. XIV,438 pp. [Boeknr.: 8470 ]

€ 45,00

ALLEN, James Lane. The blue-grass region of Kentucky and other Kentucky articles. New York, Macmillan Comp., 1900.Original decorated cloth, top edge gilt. With 16 plates. 301 pp. First published in 1892. - A collection of descriptive articles and short stories written in the late 19th century. The work delves into the natural beauty, social fabric, and agricultural aspects of the Blue-Grass region of Kentucky, including a chapter: Uncle Tom at home. James Lane Allen (1849 - 1925) has been described as "Kentucky's first important novelist". [Boeknr.: 8419 ]

€ 35,00

BUTLER, William Francis. The wild north land: being the story of a winter journey, with dogs, across northern north America. 7th edition. London, Sampson Low, 1878.Original brown cloth with illustration on front cover. With portrait, folding map and 14 (of 15) wood-engraved plates. X,358; 32 pp. First published in 1873. -- An amazing account of a journey across Canada to British Columbia, Oregona and the Pacific. Beginning in 1872 in Red River and reaching Lake Athabasca by March 1873, following the Peace River through the Rocky Mountains to the Fraser River and to the Pacific coast. [Boeknr.: 37327 ]

€ 150,00

CONSTANTIN-WYER, M. Les grandes figures coloniales. Champlain. Paris, Plon, (1931). Half calf. With plates. IX,240 pp. Samuel de Champlain (1567-1635) was a French navigator, explorer and colonial pioneer in Nouvelle France (Canada) [Boeknr.: 8311 ]

€ 30,00

DAWSON, Samuel Edward. The Saint Lawrence Basin and its border-lands being the story of their discovery, exploration and occupation. London, Lawrence and Bullen, 1905.Original decorated green cloth gilt, (top of spine dam.). With folding map and many photographic plates. XL,451 pp. The northeastern part of the continent of North America, is the nearest to Europe, and has an interest of its own, in as much as it was the first part of the main continent to be reached from the Old World (Preface). - (Library stamps). [Boeknr.: 8151 ]

€ 45,00

DOYLE, J.A. The colonies under the House of Hanover. New York, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1907. Cloth (spine faded). With folding map. XVI,629 pp. - (The English in America). [Boeknr.: 8249 ]

€ 40,00

DUFFERIN, (Harriot). My Canadian journal 1872 - 8. Extracts from my letters home written while Lord Dufferin was governor-general. London, J. Murray, 1891.Original cloth (sl. soiled). With folding coloured map and 10 wood-engravings. 18,422,(6) pp. First edition. - Harriot Georgina Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava (1843 - 1936) and her husband and their children travelled to Canada upon his appointment as Governor General. Lady Dufferin was one of the most popular of the governor-generals' wives, and was starting to build up her reputation as 'the most effective diplomatic wife of her generation'. She 'was the perfect woman for the job' (Robinson, Wayward women, p.209). [Boeknr.: 8507 ]

€ 95,00

FISKE, John. The beginnings of New England or the puritan theocracy in its relation to civil and religious liberty. Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, (1889).Original cloth, top edge gilt. With double-page map. XVII,296 pp. [Boeknr.: 8334 ]

€ 35,00

GIRARD, Alex. La province de Québec. Son organisation politique et administrative, ses ressources agricoles, minieres et industrielles. Quebec, Dussault & Proulx, 1905. Wrappers, uncut. With coloured frontispiece and many photographic plates. 318 pp. [Boeknr.: 8216 ]

€ 30,00

GLAZIER, Willard. Headwaters of the Mississippi; comprising biographical sketches of early and recent explorers of the great river, and a full account of the discovery and location of the true source in a lake beyond Itasca. Chicago, New York, Rand, McNally & Comp., 1894.Original decorated blue cloth stamped in silver and gilt. With map and many plates. 527 pp. First published in 1893. - Glazier, president of the American Geographical Society, explored the headwaters of the Mississippi in 1881 and claimed the discovery of the true source of the great river just south of Lake Itasca which he named Lake Glazier (now called Elk Lake). Including accounts of all the early explorations and explorers. The fine illustrations are after photographs by F.J. Trost, the first ever published of the region. [Boeknr.: 8137 ]

€ 125,00

HANCOCK, Joseph Lane. Nature sketches in temperate America. A series of sketches and a popular account of insects, birds, and plants, treated from some aspects of their evolution and ecological relations. Chicago, A.C. McClurg & Co.,1911.Original decorated green cloth. With 12 coloured plates and 215 illustrations. XVIII,451 pp. 200 copies printed; signed by the author. [Boeknr.: 8251 ]

€ 75,00

HERRERA, Antonius de. Verscheide zee en land-togten gedaan in de West-Indien: d'eerste door den beroemden Jean Ponze de Leon, een en andermaal ondernomen naar Florida, in't jaar 1512. De andere gedaan door Pamphilio de Narvaes, uit bevel van Diego de Velazques, op't eiland Cuba naar't landschap Cumaguyea en elders, in't jaar 1513. Verhalende, behalven veel zeldzame ontmoetingen met d'Indiaanen; d'eerste kundschap van't goudryk Peru .. In 't Spaans beschreven .. nu aller-eerst in't Nederduyts vertaald. Leyden, Pieter van der Aa, 1706.Sm.8vo. Modern half morocco (old wrappers preserved). With engraved title-vignette and 4 double-page engraved plates. 77,(6) pp. Issued in Pieter van der Aa's collection of voyages. - Juan Ponce de Leon (1460-1521) accompanied Columbus on his second voyage to the New World, assisted in the conquest of the Dominican Republic and conquered Puerto Rico. In 1513 he took possession of Florida for Spain. Pánfilo de Narvaez took part in the invasion of Cuba in 1512 to 1514, where he slashed his way across the southern part of the island with fifteen crossbowmen and a few arquebusiers. - (Age-browned).Tiele 5; Cat. NHSM I, p.107; Sabin 31551; European-Americana 706/127; Palau 114307. [Boeknr.: 12321 ]

€ 350,00

LEFEBVRE, René (Eduard René Lefèbvre de Laboulage). Paris en Amérique. 8me édition. Paris, Charpentier, 1863.Sm.8vo. Contemporary half calf. 450 pp. First edition published the same year, this satirical romance went through at least eight editions in 1863 . - Through the wonderful adventures of a Parisian doctor of the conventional type, who with his whole family is spirited away to America by a sorcerer, Laboulaye sets forth an amusing contrast between many customs and institutions of the New World and those of his own. Written by Édouard René Lefèbvre de Laboulaye (1811 - 1883), a French jurist, poet, author and anti-slavery activist. Sabin 38439. [Boeknr.: 8317 ]

€ 45,00

MITCHELL, Donald G. American lands and letters. Vol. II: Leather-stocking to Poe's 'Raven'. New York., Charles Scribner's Sons, 1899.Original decorated cloth, top edge gilt. With numerous illustrations and portraits. XXIV,412 pp. First edition. [Boeknr.: 8305 ]

€ 45,00

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