



BELT, Thomas. The naturalist in Nicaragua: a narrative of a residence at the gold mines of Chontales; journeys in the savannahs and forests, with observations on animals and plants in reference to the theory of evolution of living forms. London, John Murray, 1874.Original pictorial cloth (spine sl. faded). With folding map, 27 wood-engraved plates and illustrations. XXXII,403 pp. First edition. - In 1862 Thomas Belt (1852-1878) sailed for Central America to take charge of the Chontales gold mines in central Nicaragua, arriving at Greytown in the steam-ship Solent. From here he moved south, ascended the San Juan River to the Lago de Nicaragua, then followed the northeastern shore of the lake to Acoyapo and the goldminning village of Santo Domingo, located between the Siquia and Mico rivers. This remained Belt's base of operations for several years, but numerous excursions were made into the surrounding country. In 1872, his final year in the country, he made a long and difficult journey to the north (Howgego IV, p.75). Besides descriptions of nature in the area, the author describes the people, their customs, culture, society, ancient artifacts, etcCharles Darwin wrote on Belt's book "it appears to be the best of all Natural History Journals which have ever been published". - A classic work on the natural history of Nicaragua.Palau 26647; Wood, p. 230. [Boeknr.: 36759 ]

€ 850,00

FELLECHNER, MÜLLER, HESSE. Bericht über die im höchsten Auftrage seiner königlichen Hoheit des Prinzen Carl von Preussen und Sr. Durchlaucht des Herrn Fürsten v. Schoenburg-Waldenburg bewirkte Untersuchung einiger Theile des Mosquitolandes, erstattet von der dazu ernannten Commission. Berlin, Alexander Düncker, 1845.Modern boards, with title-label to spine. With 2 folding maps and 3 tinted lithographed plates. (4),274,(1) pp. First edition. - 'In Hinblick auf eine mögliche deutsche Kolonisation sollten die geographischen, klimatischen und ethnographischen Verhältnisse in Augenschein genommen und der Landnutzungswert geprüft werden. Untersuchung beteiligten sich der kgl. Kreisphysikus Dr. Müller und der Kaufmann Hesse. Ausgehend vom Cabo Gracias á Dios, durchzogen sie das Küstenland über den Rio Coco (Segovia oder Wanks River) und den Croach River (Rio Kruta) hinwegs bis in den westl. Bereich der Laguna Caratasca, die sie im Boot befuhren und deren Öffnung sie untersuchten. .. Ihr 1845 erschienener Bericht warf das erste hellere Licht auf diesen Teil der Mosquitia .. (und) blieb bis in die fünfziger Jahre des 20. Jahrhundert hinein, wo James J. Parsons und Karl M. Helbigs Forschungen in der Mosquitia einsetzten, wohl immer noch das Beste, was man darüber besass. Und noch Heute ist es 'ein gutes Quellenwerk insofern, als er neben einer genauen, zeitgenössischen Landesbeschreibung auch die historische und ökonomische Entwicklung der nordöstlichen Mosquitia von Honduras schildert sowie zahlreiche Anhänge über Pflanzen und Tiere, selbst über die Sprache der Miskitos und vor allem zahlreiche Dokumente enthält' (Henze II, p.205-206). Very imortant expedition to the Mosquito Coast, Nicaragua. - (Foxed throughout). - Scarce.Sabin 24013. [Boeknr.: 28521 ]

€ 675,00

HERRERA, Antonius de. Uytvoerige reys-togten door Pedrarias Davila .. naar de vaste kust van Darien; in't jaar 1514 .. Aangevuld met de scheeps-togten van Jean Diaz de Solis, en die van Jean Ponze de Leon om de Karibanen te beoorlogen, in't jaar 1515. In't Spaans beschreeven .. nu aller eerst in't Neederduyts vertaald. Leyden, Pieter van der Aa, 1706.Sm.8vo. Later half vellum, marbled boards. With engraved title-vignette, engraved foding map and 8 engraved folding plates. 185,(14) pp. Issued in Pieter van der Aa's collection of voyages. - Pedro Arias de Ávila (1440 - 1531) was a Spanish soldier and colonial administrator. He led the first great Spanish expedition to the mainland of the New World. There he served as governor of Panama (1514-1526) and Nicaragua (1527-1531), and founded Panama City (1519). Supplemented with the ship voyages of Jean Diaz de Solis and those of Jean Ponze de Leon to the Caribbians in the year 1515.- An early description of Central America and the Caribbean area.Tiele 5; Cat. NHSM I, p.107; Sabin 18783; European Americana 706/125; Palau 114303. [Boeknr.: 879 ]

€ 475,00

SQUIER, E(phraim) G(eorge). Nicaragua; its people, scenery, monuments, and the proposed interoceanic canal. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1852.2 volumes. Original embossed cloth (spines discoloured). With 4 maps (2 folding) and 29 plates (including tinted and coloured plates) and 60 woodengravings. XXII,424; IV,452 pp. First edition. - Ephraim George Squier (1821-1888) was an American journalist, archaeologist, and diplomat. He became an authority on Central America and on the archaeological ruins of native Americans in New York, Ohio, Central America, and Peru. Nicaragua is considered his best book (Hill 1621). Squier's contact with Latin America came initially through several diplomatic posts which he held, and led to his becoming a recognized authority and author, especially on Central American affairs as well as its archaeology and ethnology. - A wealth of information about all aspects of Nicaragua. Sabin 89980; Howgego IV, p.868-869; Palau 321.786; Abbey, Travel, 673. [Boeknr.: 36622 ]

€ 675,00

WALKER, J.W.G. Ocean to ocean. An account personal and historical of Nicaragua and its people. Chicago, A.C. McClurg & Co., 1902.Original pictorial cloth. With 4 folding maps and 14 photographic plates. 309 pp. First edition. - During the year 1898 the author was employed, under the direction of the Nicaragua Canal Commission, in surveying the belt of country available for canal construction between Lake Nicaragua and the Pacific ocean (Preface). [Boeknr.: 36624 ]

€ 45,00

WALKER, William. The war in Nicaragua. Mobile, S.H. Goetzel & Co., 1860.Original embossed cloth (spine sl. discoloured). With engraved portrait of William Walker and folding coloured map of Colton's Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, San Salvador & Costa Rica. Revised, enlarged. 431 pp. First edition. - The filibuster William Walker (1824-1860) tried to take over parts of Mexico and later on subjugated Nicaragua and appointed himself dictator, where he served from 1856-57. Walker as commander in chief, was recognized by the United States in May 1856. In a decree, dated September 22, he restored African slavery in Nicaragua. At his high point he was in complete control of Nicaragua, but made the mistake of shutting down the transit lines for steamships from one coast to the other, this at a time when Nicaragua served as the major crossing point. The steamship company was owned by the Vanderbilt's, and Walker lost much of his support from US sources. He returned to the United States briefly before venturing back to Central America. He was finally caught and shot by the Honduran army on September 12, 1860. Palau 373738. [Boeknr.: 36762 ]

€ 475,00

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