


New Guinea

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KAMMA, Freek Christiaan. De Messiaanse Koréri-beweging in het Biaks-Noemfoorse cultuurgebied. Den Haag, J.N. Voorhoeve, 1954. Wrappers. With folding map. 250 pp. - Thesis. - Religion and myths of the Biak People of the Biak Islands, Geelvink Bay, North West New Guinea. [Boeknr.: 9266 ]

€ 35,00

KAMMA, Freek Christiaan. Koreri. Messianic movements in the Biak-Numfor culture area. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1972. Cloth. With 2 folding maps. XII,328 pp. KITLV. - The personal experience of daily life in the years 1932-1942 among the Biak speaking people of the Radja Ampat area (Sorong), West New Guinea. [Boeknr.: 5744 ]

€ 65,00

KAMPEN, Anthony van. Beeld van Nieuw Guinea. New Guinea to-day. Hilversum, C. de Boer, 1961. 4to. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With many photographic illustrations. - Text in Dutch and English. [Boeknr.: 5748 ]

€ 20,00

KAMPEN, Anthony van. Een kwestie van macht. Het bewogen leven van de arts Dr.L.J.A. Schoonheyt in het voormalige Nederlandsch-Indië, Nieuw-Guinea, Suriname en Nederland. Bussum, Van Holkema & Warendorf, (1977). Cloth, with dust-jacket. With many photographic illustrations. 368 pp. Biography of L.A. Schoonheyt, a medical doctor who served in the Dutch internmentcamp 'Upper Digul', for sentenced Indonesian political prisoners. [Boeknr.: 4434 ]

€ 18,00

KOLFF, Dirk Hendrik Jr. Reize door den weinig bekenden Zuidelijken Molukschen Archipel en langs de geheel onbekende Zuidwest kust van Nieuw-Guinea; gedaan in de jaren 1825 en 1826. Amsterdam, G.J.A. Beijerinck, 1828.Original speckled marbled boards (spine restored). With fine engraved title-page scene after H.J. Oosterhuis by W. Nieuwhoff, and a large folding engraved map of the Moluccan Archipelago. XIV,398,(1) pp. First edition. - The report of a voyage made to confirm Dutch authority in the Southern Moluccas by Dirk Hendrik Kolff (1800-1843). During this voyage the south-west coast of New Guinea was discovered and charted. Kolff, in his war-brig Dourga explored the Molucca and Java Seas to Timor, the Serawatti Islands, Lakor Island, the Arru Islands, the Tanimbar Islands and New Guinea. The author affords details about slave trade, agriculture, botany, commerce, religion, etc. as well as much detail about the different peoples and some interesting anecdotes. - A valuable early primary source for the voyage to these exotic islands and peoples.Tiele 607; Cat. NHSM p.244; Cat. KITLV p.32; Ruinen A 34; Ferguson 3016 & Hill 941 (English ed.). [Boeknr.: 12263 ]

€ 850,00

LANYON-ORGILL, Peter A. A dictionary of the Mailu language. Edited and enlarged from the researches of W.J.V. Saville and D'Argigny. With a foreword by Ernst Schwarzenburg. London, Luzac & Co., 1944. Wrappers. 72 pp. Magi is a non-Austronesian language spoken by upwards of 6000 people living on the islands of Mailu, Laluoru, Loupomu and Eunuoro and along the south coast between Cape Rodney and mid-Orangerie Bay of the Central Province of Papua New Guinea. [Boeknr.: 36550 ]

€ 65,00

LOGCHEM, Jan Theo van. De Argoeniërs. Een Papoea-volk in west Nieuw-Guinea. Utrecht, Schotanus & Jens, 1963. Wrappers. With folding map and 36 illustrations (11 photographic). 207 pp. Thesis. - The Argunians. A Papuan people in western New Guinea. [Boeknr.: 15803 ]

€ 45,00

LOVETT, Richard. James Chalmers. His autobiography and letters. (London), The Religious Tract Society, 1902. Original cloth, top edge gilt. With portraits and folding coloured map of South East New Guinea. 509 pp. James Chalmers (1841 - 1901), a Scottish-born missionary, sailed on 4 January 1866 in the missionary ship John Williams to Australia, where he arrived in May. After a stay of three months, he left for the New Hebrides (now Vanuatu). He and his wife arrived at Port Moresby on 22 October 1877. During the next nine years he explored much of southern New Guinea in dangerous conditions, and was everywhere the peacemaker. [Boeknr.: 18864 ]

€ 45,00

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