



AMICIS, Edmondo de. Marocco. Uit het Italiaansch vertaald door D. Lodeesen. Leiden, P. van Santen, 1877.Contemporary half cloth (hinges sl. damaged). 315,(1) pp. First published in Italian Marocco. Milano 1876. - Account of the first Italian embassy that left Tangier for Fez to meet the young Sultan Mouley el Hassan, who ascended the throne in September 1873. The author accompanied the then Italian Minister, the late Commendatore Stefano Scovasso, on this embassy to the Sultan.Playfair & Brown 1230. [Boeknr.: 31759 ]

€ 125,00

BAKKER, Johan Cornelis de. Slaves, arms, and Holy War. Moroccan policy vis-à-vis the Dutch Republic during the establishment of the 'Alawi dynasty (1660-1727). (No pl.), 1991. Wrappers. With 3 maps. XXIII,260 pp. - (Thesis). [Boeknr.: 20132 ]

€ 45,00

BAUER, Marius. Marius Bauer 1867-1932. Oriëntalist. Zutphen, Bauer Documentatie Stichting, 2001. 4to. Pictorial cloth. With 10 illustrations and 87 coloured plates. 266 pp. Marius Bauer (1867-1932) travelled far and wide to countries like India, Indonesia, Turkey and Morocco. He can be considered as one of the few Dutch orientalists and one of the best Dutch graphic artists of his time (Haks & Maris p.26). With contributions by P. Ankum, J. de Hond and A.J. Vervoorn [Boeknr.: 35843 ]

€ 25,00

BAUER, Marius. Marius Bauer 1867-1932. (Samenstelling tentoonstelling Mariëtta Jansen en Saskia Zwiers). Zeist, Zeister Kunststichting, 1994. 4to. Wrappers. With coloured plates. 48 pp. Marius Bauer (1867-1932) travelled far and wide to countries like India, Indonesia, Turkey and Morocco. He can be considered as one of the few Dutch orientalists and one of the best Dutch graphic artists of his time (Haks & Maris p.26). [Boeknr.: 35844 ]

€ 15,00

BENALI, Abdelkader & Herman OBDEIJN. Marokko door Nederlandse ogen 1605-2005. Verslag van een reis door de tijd. Amsterdam, De Arbeiderspers, 2005. 4to. Wrappers. With many illustrations (several in colours). 256 pp. [Boeknr.: 29102 ]

€ 25,00

BICKERSTAFFE, L.E. Things seen in Morocco. A land of enchantment, of perpetual contrasts & of absorbing human interest. London, Seeley, Service & Co., (1928).Sm.8vo. Original blue cloth with gilt camel illustration on front board. With double-page map and 32 photographic plates. 160 pp. A nice copy. [Boeknr.: 37559 ]

€ 45,00

BRAAM, Jacob Pieter van. Jacob Pieter van Braam Capitein ter Zee en thans Schout bij Nacht van Holland en West Friesland. Rotterdam, M. de Sallieth, 1790.Stipple-engraved oval halflength portrait with sea-battle in the background and coat of arms by M. de Sallieth after Schmidt. Ca. 42 x 31 cm. Van Braam (1737-1803) wrecked with the frigate Huis in het Bosch, captain H.C. Steenis, on the Moorish coast on December 1751. After spending almost a year in slavery, he returned to Holland. He became a servant of the Dutch East India Company during the years 1764-1795. He managed to defeat Jahore's forces and thus secure the Company's settlement in Malacca. - Fine portrait with coat of arms and ships. - Very fine state.Van Someren 734; not in Muller, Portretten. [Boeknr.: 21292 ]

€ 295,00

CASABLANCA. Casablanca. Paris, (ca. 1900).Oblong 8vo. Original wrappers. With 16 photographic sepia plates with captions in French. Ca. 15 x 22,5 cm. Fine views of Casablanca, Morocco, it is called Dar el-Beïda in Arabic, 'the white house'. [Boeknr.: 37574 ]

€ 35,00

CHRISTIAN, Pierre. L'Afrique française. L'empire de Maroc et les déserts de Sahara. Conquêtes, victoires et découvertes des français, depuis la prise d'Alger jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, A. Barbier, (1846).8vo. Contemporary half morocco. With steelengraved frontispiece, folding coloured map, several vignettes and 28 steelengraved plates (11 coloured). 500 pp. First edition. - 'This work is particularly interesting, as it contains a good account of the affair of the caves of Dahra, which created a great sensation in Europe at the time' (Playfair 1135). - (Foxed as usual).Playfair & Brown 691. [Boeknr.: 31867 ]

€ 350,00

DAM, C.F. van. Marrakech. Maastricht, Leiter-Nypels, 1931. 8vo. Original illustrated wrappers. With illustrations by Is van Mens. 71 pp. 500 copies printed. - Travellogue with illustrations by Isidorus (Is.) Maria Cornelis van Mens ( 1890 - 1985), a Dutch draftsman, lithographer, etcher, painter and wood engraver who travelled in North Africa. [Boeknr.: 26900 ]

€ 35,00

DAVIDSON, John. Notes taken during travels in Africa. London, J.L. Cox and Sons, 1839.4to. Contemporary half calf, spine gilt (sl. rubbed). With lithographed frontispiece and 2 lithographed plates drawn by J.G. Wilkinson after John Davidson, printed by P. Gauri. (6),218 pp. Privately printed; with armorial bookplate of James Liege Hulett. - John Davidson (1797-1836), an English adventurer, embarked at Falmouth on 1834, taking with him the freed slave Edward Donellan. On arrival at Tangier the British consul begged Davidson to give up his visit to Timbuktu on account of the tribal warfare being waged on the edge of the Sahara, but the explorer pressed on regardless. He arrived at Fez and left for the desert, passing through Marrakesh, and eventually reached the Wadi Num (Noun or Assaka). In the region of Tindouf he was shot dead and his possessions stolen. Donellan continued with the caravan to Timbuktu and was never heard of again. Davidson's letters and most of his journal found their way back to Britain and were privately published in 1839 (Howgego II, p.159). The fine plates depict two views of Wadnoon and one of the river Draha. - A fine copy. Playfair & Brown, 609. [Boeknr.: 33563 ]

€ 2950,00

DEKKER, Jan Cornelisz. Een Westfriese zeeman als slaaf in Barbarije. Verslag van de belevenissen van Jan Cornelisz Dekker in Marokko, 1715-1743, met een inleiding van Piet Boon. Schoorl, Pirola, 1987. 4to. Boards. With illustrations. 96 pp. [Boeknr.: 6258 ]

€ 25,00

FREMONT-BARNES, Gregory. The wars of the Barbary pirates. To the shores of Tripoli: the rise of the US navy and marines. Oxford, Osprey Publishing, 2006. Wrappers. With many coloured illustrations. 95 pp. [Boeknr.: 37012 ]

€ 30,00

HARTERT, Ernst. Aus den Wanderjahren eines Naturforschers. Reisen und Forschungen in Afrika, Asien und Amerika, nebst daran anknüpfenden, meist ornithologischen Studien. Berlin, London, 's Gravenhage, 1901-1902.8vo. Original cloth, top edge gilt. With 3 maps and 10 plates. XIII,329 pp. First edition. - Ernst Johann Otto Hartert (1859 - 1933) was a widely published German ornithologist. He was employed by Walter Rothschild as ornithological curator of Rothschild's private Natural History Museum at Tring, in England from 1892 to 1929. He travelled in India, Africa, and South America on behalf of his employer. He visited Sudan, the Canary Islands, Sumatra, Malacca and India, the Caribbean, Morocco and Tenerife. - A fine copy.Henze II, p.464. [Boeknr.: 36814 ]

€ 275,00

KADDOURI, Abdelmajid, Jilali SAïB, Abdelmajid ZEGGAF. (Ed.). Le Maroc et la Hollande. Etudes sur l'histoire, la migration, la linguistique et la sémiologie de la culture. Rabat, Université Mohammed V, 1988. Wrappers. 358,96 pp. Actes du 1er Collogue maroco -néerlandais à la Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines de Rabat. Some contributions in Arabic. Contributions by B.J. Slot, P.S. van Koningsveld, P.C. Emmer a.o. [Boeknr.: 37657 ]

€ 45,00

KRAAYENGA, A. Marius Bauer 1867-1932. Oogstrelend Oosters. Zwolle, Waanders, 2007. 4to. Half cloth. With 154 coloured illustrations. 208 pp. Marius Bauer (1867-1932) travelled far and wide to countries like India, Indonesia, Turkey and Morocco. He can be considered as one of the few Dutch orientalists and one of the best Dutch graphic artists of his time (Haks & Maris p.26). [Boeknr.: 29569 ]

€ 35,00

LIBERTY, Arthur Lasenby. A day in Tangier. London, Adam & Charles Black, (1911).Original decorated boards. With plates and tipped-in photographs of indigenous people and street scenes by Lady Liberty a.o. 101 pp. With fine photograped plates of a vist to Tangier. - (Some foxing). [Boeknr.: 36598 ]

€ 125,00

LOTI, Pierre. (Louis Marie Julien Viaud). Au Maroc. 6me édition. Paris, Calmann Lévy, 1890.Sm.8vo. Original half green cloth. IV,358 pp. First edition published the same year. - In February 1889, at the age of 39, it was as a member of a diplomatic mission that Pierre Loti (1850 - 1923), a French naval officer and novelist, embarked on a journey to Morocco. He was a successful author and journalist and traces on this journey the route of the French ministerial caravan which, from Oran to Fez, travels through the territories of the Bedouin tribes. [Boeknr.: 36756 ]

€ 95,00

MARRAKESH. Guide-plan de Marrakech et sa région. Liste complète des rues, boulevards, places, avenues, etc. 2me edition. Lyon, Francis Bererd, 1960.Sm.8vo. original wrappers. With large folding coloured plan and double-page map. 32 pp. Collection des Guides Pol. [Boeknr.: 37570 ]

€ 35,00

MAYO, William Starbuck. Kaloolah, or journeyings to the Djébel Kumri: an autobiography of Jonathan Romer. New York, G.P. Putnam, 1849.Original embossed green cloth with pictorial gilt decoration on front, spine lettered in gilt. With tinted lithographed frontispiece and title-page. XI,514 pp. First edition. - Mayo's (1812-1895) first novel, a tremendous succes going not less than nine editions till 1900. 'An adventure in three parts, the first detailing the early life of the hero, Jonathan Romer, an inquisitive youth from upper New York State. Based on Mayo's own experiences. In the second part, Roner goes to sea. He survives the capsizing of an American schooner off the Canaries and is forced into service aboard a Spanish slave ship. In the third part Romer is shipwrecked again off Spanish Morocco, is enslaved by Arabs and taken to Timbuktu' (Howgego V, M24). William Mayo wrote this book based on his own experiences in Africa and the Spanish-Morocco coast. - (Some marginal staining). Gay 457: C'est un récit d'aventures fabuleuses, sorte d'utopie satirique. [Boeknr.: 25680 ]

€ 175,00

MOROCCO. NAUFRAGE DU BATEAU A VAPEUR LE PAPIN le samedi 6 Décembre 1845 à 11 heures du soir, le navire fit côte au Nord de Mazagan, sur un banc de sable, à 2 ou 3 encâblures de la terre; sa chiminee en tombant écrasa plusieurs hommes de l'équipage, le bâtiment fut coupé en deux à l'arrière des Chaudières et de 151 personnes qui montaient le bateu à vapeur, 76 seulement purent être sauvés, tout le reste s'englouit dans les flots en fureur et dans la nuit du 6 au 7 Décembre. - Le dessin représente la situation du Papin le 6 Décembre à 5 heures du matin. London, Gambart Junin & Cie, Paris, François Delarue, (1845).Tinted lithographed view after A. Mayer by A. Mayer et Sabatier. Ca. 38 x 51 cm. A fascinating depiction of the loss of a French man-of-war steamer Le Papin, and half her crew on 6 December 1845 off Mazagan, now El Jadida, in Morocco. Le Papin was one of the vessels destined to form the French squadron on the coast of Africa for the suppression of the slave trade, and was on her way to Senegal, intending to call at Mogador. 'I have this moment heard from the office of the British consul of the total wreck on the coast, between Azmoor and Mazagan, of another French man of war steamer, of 650 tons burden, and 140 horse power. The details are very shocking, and the number of lives lost are 77, including the captain and all the officers. with the exception of one midshipman. The newly appointed French consul to Mogador is numbered among the victims. Exactly one half of those on board the unfortunate vessel were drowned, the other half were saved under circumstances which reflect the highest credit on the British and French consul at Mazagan. Mr. Redman, for it was to his prompt arrival at the spot, and his energetic persuasion of the Moors to assist him, that the survivors owe their lives' (Shipping Gazette). [Boeknr.: 33254 ]

€ 375,00

NORTH AFRICA. Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie via Marseille. (No pl.,), 1930.Original pictorial wrappers with sticker on frontwrapper: Bureau de Voyages 'Intereurope'. With illustrations and photographic sepia plates. 52 pp. Chemins de fer Paris - Lyon - Méditerranée. [Boeknr.: 37572 ]

€ 35,00

PIDOU DE St. OLON, François. Beschryving van het keyserryk van Marokko, behelsende de aart en eygenschap, mitsgaders de situatie van het voorschreve land. Item de zeeden, gewoonten, regeering, godsdienst en staatkunde van des zelve inwoonders. Vermeerdert met een reys-beschryving, door den kaiptein Roland Frejus, bevorens uyt last van den voornoemden koning van Vrankrijk, aan Mouley Archy, koning van Tasiles, broeder en voorzaat van den tegenwoordigen koning van Marokko, in Mauritanien gedaan. Uyt het Fransch vertaalt. 's Gravenhage, Meyndert Uytwerf, 1698.2 volumes in 1. Sm.8vo. Contemporary vellum (foot of spine sl. dam.). With engraved frontispiece portrait, engraved folding map and engraved folding plan, 2 engraved plates (1 folding, both sl. dam. in lower margin, sl. affecting the image), and 7 engraved costume plates of Moroccan men and women in traditional costume. (22),350,(14) pp. First Dutch edition; first published in Paris in 1694 Etat present de l'empire de Maroc. - François Pidou de Saint Olon (1640 - 1720), was sent by Louis XIV, to effect an exchange of slaves, and to conclude a treaty and alliance against the Barbary corsairs of Salé. He disembarked in the Bay of Tetuan and met the Sultan at Mekenes, but he had to leave the country without effecting his object. He was even imprisoned for some time at Tetuan by the Kaid of that place. The author's position as ambassador, gave him access to areas of Moroccan society previously unrecorded by travelers. - (Some wormholes).- Scarce.Gay 1264; Playfair & Brown 306; not in Tiele; Boucher de la Richarderie IV, p.46 (French ed.); Chadenat 5267 (French ed.). [Boeknr.: 36785 ]

€ 1250,00

SINZ, Herbert. Marokkanische Skizzen. München, Carl Röhrig, 1944.Sm.8vo. Original decorated wrappers. With photographic plates. 62 pp. Illustrated Moroccan sketches. [Boeknr.: 37571 ]

€ 25,00

VEENENDAAL, A.J. Matthijs Sloot. Een zeeman uit de achttiende eeuw ± 1719-1779. Den Haag, Martinus Nijhoff, 1975. Wrappers. With 10 illustrations. (10),58 pp. Relations between Morocco and the Netherlands in the 18th century. [Boeknr.: 7535 ]

€ 15,00

VRIES, R.W.P. de. M.A.J. Bauer. Amsterdam, A.J.G. Strengholt, 1944. 4to. Half cloth. With many illustrations. 144 pp. Marius Bauer (1867-1932) travelled far and wide to countries like India, Indonesia, Turkey and Morocco. He can be considered as one of the few Dutch orientalists and one of the best Dutch graphic artists of his time (Haks & Maris p.26). [Boeknr.: 35842 ]

€ 18,00

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