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WOUDRICHEM VAN VLIET, L(eonard) van. De koffij-enquête in verband met de ontworpen West-Java-Koffij-Cultuur-Maatschappij. Amsterdam, K.H. Schadd, 1871.Modern wrappers. 35 pp. Coffee trade in the Dutch East Indies.Cat. KITLV p.167; Von Hünersdorff, Coffee, p.1639. [Boeknr.: 29455 ]

€ 35,00

YUSUF, M. Katalogus manuskrip dan skriptorium Minangkabau. Padang, 2006. Wrappers. With many illustrations. VIII,296 pp. Centre for Documentation & Area-Transcultural Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. [Boeknr.: 36557 ]

€ 45,00

ZACH, Paul & Mary Jane EDLESON. Jakarta. (Singapore), Times Edition, 1987. Boards, with dust-jacket. With many coloured photographic plates by Diane Graham Garth, Emmo Italiaander, John Paul Kay, a.o. 113 pp. [Boeknr.: 5840 ]

€ 18,00

ZAHN, R. De stichting van een concern: N.V. 'Jan Pieterszoon Coen' en een 'Zeehaven-Klabat' (op de noordkust van Banka). (Amsterdam, 1938). Wrappers. - (Offprint De Indische Gids). [Boeknr.: 34362 ]

€ 15,00

ZANDVLIET, Kees. Mapping for money. Maps, plans and topographic paintings and their role in Dutch overseas expansion during the 16th and 17th centuries. Amsterdam, Bataafsche Leeuw, 2002. Folio. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With numerous illustrations (several in colours). 328 pp. [Boeknr.: 20004 ]

€ 75,00

ZANDVLIET, Kees. De Nederlandse ontmoeting met Azië 1600-1950. In samenwerking met Leonard Blussé, Wim van den Doel, Remco Raben en Harm Stevens. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, (2002). Wrappers. With ca. 300 illustrations (mostly in colours). 461 pp. About Dutch merchants, envoys, administrators, soldiers, scientists and artists and their Asian partners and opponents, about slaves; and about the rulers of India, China, Japan, Ceylon, Thailand or Java. [Boeknr.: 25767 ]

€ 25,00

ZEE, Daniël van der. Batavia de koningin van het Oosten. The queen of the East. Uitgave der gemeente Batavia. Rotterdam, Gustav Schueler, (1925). Folio. Original wrappers, with gilt title and coat of arms on front. With many photographic illustrations and advertisements. 75,XXX pp. 'It is my intention to first of all review the historical development of the town, then to describe its modern aspects, and the part it plays in the commerce of the world' (Introduction). English and Dutch text. - Fine. [Boeknr.: 7381 ]

€ 125,00

ZEGGELEN, Marie C. van. De Hollandsche vrouw in Indië. Brieven van een zwervelinge. 2e druk. Amsterdam, Scheltema & Holkema, (1922). Decorated cloth. 213 pp. Marie Christina van Zeggelen (1870 - 1957) was a writer from the literary movement of ethicists.Buur 730; Nieuwenhuys, Oost-Indische spiegel, pp. 329-335. [Boeknr.: 34958 ]

€ 20,00

ZEYDNER, W.A. Een waaiende kipas. Brieven uit Batavia, Timor en Medan. 's Gravenhage, 1948. Half cloth. With illustrations. 198 pp. [Boeknr.: 9793 ]

€ 18,00

ZIJLMANS, G.C. Eindstrijd en ondergang van de Indische bestuursdienst. Het corps binnenlands bestuur op Java 1945-1950. (Amsterdam), De Bataafsche Leeuw, (1985). Boards, with dust-jacket. With illustrations. 374 pp. - (Thesis). [Boeknr.: 5368 ]

€ 30,00

ZIKKEN, Aya. Een land als Maleisië. Reisverhaal. 's Gravenhage, Nijgh & Van Ditmar, 1986. Wrappers. With photographic illustrations by the author. 244 pp. Aya Zikken (Zwaantje Postema-Zikken, 1919 - 2013), a Dutch writer, grew up in the Dutch East Indies between the two world wars. [Boeknr.: 36176 ]

€ 15,00

ZIKKEN, Aya. Landing op Kalabahi. Amsterdam, Antwerpen, Atlas, 1996. Wrappers. 190 pp. Aya Zikken (Zwaantje Postema-Zikken, 1919 - 2013), a Dutch writer, grew up in the Dutch East Indies between the two world wars. Slightly romanticized autobiography of her childhood in Sumatra and Java. [Boeknr.: 36129 ]

€ 15,00

ZIKKEN, Aya. Sarung, sari en samfu. Een reis door Maleisië en Noord-Borneo. Amsterdam, Nijgh & Van Ditmar, 1992. Wrappers. With photographic illustrations by the author. 247 pp. Aya Zikken (Zwaantje Postema-Zikken, 1919 - 2013), a Dutch writer, grew up in the Dutch East Indies between the two world wars. [Boeknr.: 36174 ]

€ 15,00

ZIKKEN, Aya. De tuinen van Tuan Allah. Amsterdam, Atlas, 1998. Cloth, with dust-jacket. 248 pp. Aya Zikken (Zwaantje Postema-Zikken, 1919 - 2013), a Dutch writer, grew up in the Dutch East Indies between the two world wars. Novel set on the Moluccas. [Boeknr.: 36175 ]

€ 18,00

ZIMMERMANN, W.F.A. (Carl Gottfried Wilhelm VOLLMER Der Vulcanismus oder das Todesthal auf Java. Ein Roman unter dem Schleier der Natur. Berlin, Theodor Thiele, 1861.Original cloth, spine lettered in gilt. With 10 coloured lithographed plates by Gebr. Delius. (8),708 pp. First edition. - Naturwissenschaftliche Romane. Ein Versuch die Lehren der Naturkunde im Gewande der Unterhaltungslectüre zu verbreiten. Band I. - Novel set in Java, with fine coloured plates depicting i.a. two fine riverscenes, tiger-shooting and rhinoceros-shooting, and the ship Mary on its way to Semarang. - (Small stamp on title). - Scarce.Cat. KITLV, 1e supplement, p.107; Müller 1957; not in Bastin-Brommer. [Boeknr.: 29175 ]

€ 295,00

ZOETMULDER, P.J. & S.O. ROBSON. Old Javanese - English dictionary. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1982. 2 volumes. Cloth. XXXI,2368 pp. This dictionary is based on published texts and copies from unpublished manuscripts in Old and Middle Javanese. The vocabulary is arranged in Latin alphabetical order with the base-words as entries. Meaning and usage of the entries are illustrated by quotations from the whole range of the relevant literature. - An indispensable and unsurpassed Old Javanese - English dictionary. [Boeknr.: 615 ]

€ 275,00

ZONDERVAN, Henri. Land en volk van 'onze oost' in het bijzonder van Java. Zalt-Bommel, H.J. van de Garde & Co, (1909). Original decorated cloth. With folding coloured map and 56 photographic illustrations. 286 pp. Henri Zondervan (1864 - 1942, Auschwitz) a Dutch author of Jewish descent, has done a lot to expand our knowledge of the Dutch East Indies. There is almost no part of it that he has not written about, and his articles in the Winkler-Prins encyclopedia about this subject have also been published separately. [Boeknr.: 8594 ]

€ 45,00

ZONNEVELD, Peter van. Het stempel van Batavia. (Vianen), Kwadraat/ Candide, 1991. Wrappers. 29 pp. 450 copies were printed of this novel. [Boeknr.: 14728 ]

€ 15,00

ZWAAG, Jaap van der. Verloren tropische zaken. De opkomst en ondergang van de Nederlandse handel- & cultuurmaatschappijen in het voormalige Nederlands-Indië. (Meppel), Feniks Pers, 1991. Wrappers. With many photographic illustrations. 319 pp. [Boeknr.: 2774 ]

€ 25,00

ZWART, J. A.J. Duymaer van Twist. Een historisch-liberaal staatsman. 1809-1887. Utrecht, Oosthoek's Uitgevers Maatschappij, 1939. Wrappers. With portrait. (4),408 pp. Utrechtsche Bijdragen. - Albertus Jacobus Duymaer van Twist (1809 - 1887) was the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies from 1851 to 1856. [Boeknr.: 2439 ]

€ 45,00

ZWEERS, L. Sumatra. Kolonialen, koelies en krijgers. (Houten, Fibula, 1988). 4to. Boards, with dust-jacket. With many photographic illustrations. 160 pp. Including a list of all known photographers working in Sumatra at the turn of the cenury. [Boeknr.: 13707 ]

€ 25,00

ZWITZER, H.L. & C.A. HESHUSIUS. Het Koninklijk Nederlands-Indisch Leger 1830-1950. Een terugblik. 's Gravenhage, Staatsuitgeverij, 1977. 4to. Wrappers. With many photographic illustrations. 175 pp. [Boeknr.: 11617 ]

€ 18,00

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