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MEIJER, H. De Deli Spoorweg Maatschappij. Driekwart eeuw koloniaal spoor. Met medewerking van F.A.J. Heckler. Zutphen, De Walburg Pers, 1987. Large 8vo. Boards, with dust-jacket. With numerous photographic illustrations. 152 pp. Deli Railway Company was a private railway company that operated near the east coast of Sumatra around Deli (now Medan). The Deli Company established itself as a tobacco plantation and then expanded into tea, rubber and timber products. [Boeknr.: 13555 ]

€ 25,00

MEILINK, John. Banda Neira. Historische roman. Edam, LM Publishers, 2024. Wrappers. With illustrations by John Meilink. 440 pp. Zonen van Jafeth, over Hollanders en de slavenhandel in de zeventiende eeuw. [Boeknr.: 37631 ]

€ 25,00

MEINSMA, J.J. Geschiedenis van de Nederlandsche Oost-Indische bezittingen. Delft, Joh. IJkema, 1872-75. 3 volumes in 1. Contemporary half cloth (1 hinge sl. dam.). VI,254; 258,XIV; 169 pp. First lvs sl. damaged. - Cat. KITLV p.45. [Boeknr.: 15880 ]

€ 135,00

MEISTER-LAUTH, K. Aus dem Teutonenlager der Ostküste Sumatras. Medan, Medansche Drukkerij, 1917. Original cloth. With drawings by Fritz Schlechter. 100 pp. Collection of poems with drawings. - Rare. [Boeknr.: 34956 ]

€ 45,00

MELATI VAN JAVA. (N.M.C. Sloot.). In extremis. 3e druk. Amsterdam, L.J. Veen, (ca. 1900). Sm 8vo. original decorated yellow cloth. 183 pp. Melati van Java, pseudonym of Nicolina Maria Christine Sloot (1853-1927), born on Java, was the first bestseller writer about the Dutch East Indies in the Netherlands.Buur 444; Nieuwenhuys, Oost-Indische spiegel, pp. 230-233. [Boeknr.: 32600 ]

€ 18,00

MERRILLEES, Scott. Batavia in 19th century photographs. Singapore 2000. 4to. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 155 photographic illustrations of Down Town Batavia, Molenvliet, Uptown Batavia and Tanjung Priok. 282 pp. It provides the most comprehensive photographic record ever published of Jakarta from the 1850s when the earliest known photographs of the city were taken through to the closing years of the 19th century. Many of these images have never been published before. [Boeknr.: 21409 ]

€ 85,00

MERRILLEES, Scott. Groeten uit Jakarta. Ansichtkaarten van een hoofdstad 1900-1950. Alphen a/d Rijn, Atrium, 2012. 4to. Pictorial boards, with dust-jacket. With 460 picture postcards (several in colours) depicting Batavia. 248 pp. A fine pictorial history of Batavia. [Boeknr.: 33043 ]

€ 35,00

MEURS, F. van. Grepen uit het leven van den oud-Indischen bard. Magelang, H.V. Maresch, 1918. Original pictorial wrappers by Menno van Meeteren Brouwer. With photographic plates and advertisement. 137 pp. Privately published by vaudeville-artist and poet F. van Meurs with the hope that with the help of his revenues he would be able to buy his return ticket to Holland.Buur 853. [Boeknr.: 34886 ]

€ 85,00

MEYER TIMMERMAN THIJSSEN, D. Twee gouverneurs (Abraham Couperus, Jan Samuel Timmerman Thijssen) en een equipagemeester (Jan Hendrik Meijer) in en om Malakka 1778-1823. 2e herziene druk. Bilthoven, 1991. Wrappers. With many illustrations (several in colours). 192 pp. - Privately printed. [Boeknr.: 14023 ]

€ 25,00

MIDDELKOOP, P. Een studie van het Timoreesche doodenritueel. Bandoeng, A.C. Nix & Co., 1949. 8vo. Original printed wrappers. With 11 illustrations. 341,(6) pp. Verhandelingen Bataviaasch Genootschap. - Religious aspects of Timorese death- and burial-rites with many ritual texts in Timorese cited with translations in Dutch. [Boeknr.: 5468 ]

€ 75,00

MIERT, Hans van. Bevlogenheid en onvermogen. Mr. J.H. Abendanon (1852-1925) en de Ethische Richting in het Nederlandse kolonialisme. Leiden, KITLV, 1991. Wrappers. VI,178 pp. [Boeknr.: 28702 ]

€ 20,00

MIJER, P(ieter). Over het openstellen van kusthavens voor den algemeenen handel in Nederlandsch-Indië. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1859. Original printed wrappers. 72 pp. Opening of the harbours for the trade in the Dutch East Indies.Cat. KITLV p.149. [Boeknr.: 29227 ]

€ 65,00

MIKSIC, John. Borobudur. Vertellingen van de Buddha. Berkeley, Periplus Editions, (1991). 4to. Boards, with, dust-jacket. With numerous coloured photographic illustrations by Marcello and Anita Tranchini. 158 pp. [Boeknr.: 34724 ]

€ 20,00

MOERMAN, J. De Chineezen in Nederlandsch Oost-Indië. Ook bedoeld als handleiding bij de aardrijkskundige wandplaten van Menno van Meeteren Brouwer. Groningen, Batavia, 1933-34. 2 volumes in 1. Wrappers. With illustrations and coloured plates. 53; 55 pp. [Boeknr.: 23508 ]

€ 30,00

MOERMAN, J. De Chineezen in Nederlandsch Oost-Indië. Ook bedoeld als handleiding bij de aardrijkskundige wandplaten van Menno van Meeteren Brouwer. Groningen, Batavia, P. Noordhoff, 1933. Wrappers. With illustrations and coloured plates. 53 pp. [Boeknr.: 30770 ]

€ 18,00

MOERMAN, J. In en om de Chineesche kamp. Met een voorwoord van J. Hardeman. 2e gewijzigde druk. Batavia, G. Kolff & Co, (1932). 8vo. Original decorated cloth. With 2 Chinese paper samples and many photographic plates. 319 pp. Second revised edition. - A standard work on the Chinese population and quater of Batavia (Jakarta).Nagelkerke, The Chinese in Indonesia, 0650. [Boeknr.: 14767 ]

€ 175,00

MOLLEMA, J.C. De ontwikkeling van het eiland Billiton en van de Billiton-Maatschappij. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1922. Half cloth. With folding coloured map and 47 photographic illustrations. XII,196 pp. [Boeknr.: 6625 ]

€ 20,00

MOLLEMA, J.C. Voor den stroom en op de klippen. De lotgevallen van Frans en Pieter Bol. Haarlem, H.D. Tjeenk Willink & Zoon, 1929. Cloth. With plates. 375 pp. [Boeknr.: 3461 ]

€ 25,00

MOOK, H.J. van. Gids voor Tosari en het Tenggergebergte. Koog aan de Zaan, P. Out, 1916. Oblong 8vo. Wrappers (discoloured). With folding map and many photographic illustrations by L. Elfferich, G.P. Lewis, and A. Hermann. 46,(2) pp. Tourist guide to the mountain resort of Tosari, East Java. [Boeknr.: 14896 ]

€ 45,00

MOOR, Maggie de & WILHELMINA H. KAL. Indonesische sieraden. Zytphen, Terra, 1983. Tall 8vo. Wrappers. With many illustrations (several in colours). 59 pp. [Boeknr.: 34716 ]

€ 18,00

(MOORE, Willem Charles Jacobus van den). Landbouw-, Nijverheid en Koophandel. Brieven van den Bruinen Ridder aan een Ongenoemde. Saamaaranch, G.C.T. van Dorp, 1865.Original printed wrappers. 10 pp. Agriculture, industry and commerce in the Dutch East Indies. Three other pamphlets on Dutch colonial government were published under the same name and issued between 1865-1866.Cat. KITLV p.76. [Boeknr.: 29224 ]

€ 45,00

MOORE, Willem Charles Jacobus van den. Insulindische brieven, over de herziening van't regeerings-reglement van 1854. Soerabaia, Gebr. Donker & Co., 1883.Original printed wrappers (spine rep.). (4),72 pp. Ex Bibl. Dr. Abraham Kuyperstichting. - Printed in Soerabaia. - About the tax reform in the Dutch East Indies.Cat. KITLV p.79. [Boeknr.: 29238 ]

€ 45,00

MOREE, P.J. Dodo's en galjoenen. De reis van het schip Gelderland naar Oost-Indie, 1601-1603. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2001. Cloth. With 120 illustrations (some in colours). 348 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging C. - The complete journal, probably written by Sijmon Willemsz, of the fleet under command of Heemskerck and Wolfert Harmensz to the Dutch East Indies, with beautiful illustrations. [Boeknr.: 22498 ]

€ 30,00

MOREE, Perry. 'Met vriend die God geleide'. Het Nederlands-Aziatisch postvervoer ten tijde van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie. Zutphen, Walburg, 1998. Wrappers. With illustrations. 287 pp. [Boeknr.: 19476 ]

€ 25,00

(MORESCO, Maurits). Deli Batavia Maatschappij 1875-1925. Amsterdam, L. van Leer & Co.,1925. Folio. Cloth gilt. With many photographic plates. 80 pp. Memorial volume commemorating the first 50 years (1875 - 1925) of the tobacco plantation Deli-Batavia Maatschappij established by the Dutch in Sumatra. [Boeknr.: 34610 ]

€ 45,00

MÖRZER BRUYNS, W.F.J. Red.. Met de Triton en Iris naar Nieuw-Guinea. De reisverhalen van Justin Modera en Arnoldus Johannes van Delden uit 1828. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2018. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 41 maps and illustrations (several in colours). 383 pp. Linschoten Vereeniging CXVII. - Two expeditions to New Guinea ordered by the Dutch East-Indian government intended to annex the whole island of New Guinea. [Boeknr.: 35373 ]

€ 48,00

MRAZEK, Rudolf & Bedrich FORMAN. Bali. Poort naar de tuin der goden. Amsterdam, Atrium, (1983). 4to. Boards, with dust-jacket. With many coloured photographs by Werner Forman. 129 pp. [Boeknr.: 30471 ]

€ 25,00

MULDER, J.A. Het Indonesisch-Arabische schrift. Eenvoudige theorie en een stel oefeningen, benevens sleutel, ter verkrijging van de vaardigheid in het lezen en schrijven van de Bahasa Indonesia met Arabische letters, speciaal voor zelfstudie. (Met:) Sleutel op het Indonesisch-Arabische schrift. Groningen, Batavia, Wolters, 1949. Cloth. 157; 54 pp. [Boeknr.: 36478 ]

€ 35,00

MULDER, Jan Anton Miels. Mysticism and daily life in contemporary Java. A cultural analysis of Javanese worldview and ethic as embodied in Kebatinan and everyday experience. (No pl.), 1975. Folio. Wrappers (sl. dam.). IX,190 pp. - (Thesis). [Boeknr.: 9020 ]

€ 30,00

MULIA, T.S.G. & K.A.H. HIDDING. (Ed.). Ensiklopedia Indonesia. Bandung, 's Gravenhage., W. van Hoeve, (1954-56). 3 volumes. Cloth, with dust-jackets. With many illustrations and maps. 1446 pp. The first Indonesian encyclopedia to be published in Bahasa Indonesia. [Boeknr.: 9337 ]

€ 125,00

MULLENS, Willy. Enkele pagina's uit mijn gulden boek over Nederlandsch Indië. (Filmcyclus en causeriën). ('s Gravenhage), Haghe Films, (ca. 1929). Folio. Wrappers (foxed). With many illustrations. The Dutch cinematographer Willy Mullens was active in the Dutch East Indies in the 1920's. Including the contents of documentaries on the Priangan, Surakarta, The Tengger region in East Java, Surabaya, Sumatra, Bali, etc. [Boeknr.: 34834 ]

€ 65,00

MULTATULI. (Eduard Douwes Dekker). Max Havelaar. Atau lelang kopi persekutuan dagang Belanda. Terjemahan H.B. Jassin. Pendahuluan dan anotasi G. Termorshuizen. Djakarta, Djambatan, 1972. Boards. With portrait. XXIV,351 pp. [Boeknr.: 20777 ]

€ 40,00

MUNSHI, Abdullah. Hikajat pandja tanderan, jaïtoe jang dinamaï olêh orang melajoe. Hikajat gailah dan daminah. Kitab bagi moerid sekolah melajoe. (Edited by Ch.A. van Ophuysen). Zalt-Bommel, N.V. van de Garde & Co, 1931. Wrappers. 88 pp. - (Library stamps on title-page). [Boeknr.: 36489 ]

€ 30,00

NAARDING, J.W. Het conflict Snouck Hurgronje - Van Heutsz - Van Daalen. Een onderzoek naar de verantwoordelijkheid. Utrecht, Oosthoek's Uitgevers-Maatschappij, 1938. Wrappers. With 3 portraits on 1 plate. (6),211 pp. Thesis. - Controversy between Van Heutsz as governor of Aceh, and his advisor, the Islamic scholar C. Snouck Hurgronje, and general Van Daalen how to submit Aceh. [Boeknr.: 2502 ]

€ 45,00

NABABAN, P.W.J. A grammar of Toba-Batak. Canberra, The Australian National University, 1981. 4to. Wrappers. XXIV,146,15 pp. - (Pacific Linguistics). [Boeknr.: 30265 ]

€ 65,00

NABER, Johanna Wilhelmina Antoinette. Onbetreden paden van ons koloniaal verleden 1816-1873. Naar nog onuitgegeven familie-papieren Amsterdam, P.N. van Kampen & Zoon, 1938. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 11 plates. 173 pp. Patria. - The first part contains the memoirs of Nicolette Perronneau van Leyden (1808-1870). She arrived in Indonesia when she was 9 years old in 1817 and left 3 years later. After 40 years she wrote Herinneringen uit Indiën about her stay in Indonesia as a child. The second part contains the family correspondence of Christiaan Sepp, 1868-1973, seconded to the KNIL in 1868-1873 and died in the first Aceh expedition. [Boeknr.: 11688 ]

€ 20,00

NAGELKERKE, G.A. The Chinese in Indonesia. A bibliography, 18th century-1981. Leiden, KITLV, 1982. Wrappers. XXI,238 pp. [Boeknr.: 6425 ]

€ 30,00

NAS, P.J.M. (Ed.). The past in the present. Architecture in Indonesia. Leiden, 2007. 8vo. Boards. With many illustrations (several in colours). 287 pp. [Boeknr.: 30573 ]

€ 40,00

NECK, Jacob Cornelis van. Reisverhaal van Jacob van Neck (1598-1599). Medegedeeld door H.T. Colenbrander. (Utrecht, 1900). Wrappers. (135) pp. - (Offprint Bijdragen Historisch Genootschap). [Boeknr.: 32856 ]

€ 25,00

NECK, Jacob Cornelisz van & Wybrant WARWIJCK. De tweede schipvaart der Nederlanders naar Oost-Indië onder Jacob Cornelisz. van Neck en Wybrant Warwijck 1598-1600. Journalen, documenten en andere bescheiden uitgegeven en toegelicht door J. Keuning. Deel V: De reis naar Ternate. Het journaal van H.D. Jolinck, Reijer Cornelisz (en) Albert ten Haghe. Met een overzicht van de ontwikkeling van de kartografie van den Indischen archipel tot het jaar 1598. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1949. 3 volumes. Cloth. With 16 folding maps and 97 illustrations. X,235; XVI,318 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging L. - Accounts of 3 voyages to the Moluccas by H.D. Jolinck, Reijer Cornelisz and Albert ten Haghe. With a survey of the carthography of the archipelago until 1598. [Boeknr.: 30813 ]

€ 65,00

NECK, Jacob Cornelisz van & Wybrant WARWIJCK. De tweede schipvaart der Nederlanders naar Oost-Indië onder Jacob Cornelisz. van Neck en Wybrant Warwijck 1598-1600. Journalen, documenten en andere bescheiden uitgegeven en toegelicht door J. Keuning. Deel IV: De reis naar de Banda-eilanden. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1944. Half cloth. With plate and 2 folding maps L,219 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging XLVIII. - Accounts of 3 voyages by Jacob van Heemskerck, Jan Cornelis May and Philips Grimmaert to the Banda islands, the Moluccas. [Boeknr.: 32787 ]

€ 45,00

NECK, Jacob Cornelisz van & Wybrant WARWIJCK. De tweede schipvaart der Nederlanders naar Oost-Indië onder Jacob Cornelisz. van Neck en Wybrant Warwijck 1598-1600. Journalen, documenten en andere bescheiden uitgegeven en toegelicht door J. Keuning. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1938-51. 9 volumes. Cloth and half cloth (index volume wrappers). With 181 maps, plates, illustrations and facsimiles. Linschoten-Vereeniging XLII, XLIV, XLVI, XLVIII, L. - During this second voyage of the Dutch to the East Indies superior leadership was displayed. The able and sympathetic admiral, Jacob van Neck, was in supreme command. All eight ships reached Bantam and four of them were able to return immediately, loaded with pepper. The remaining four, under the command of vice-admiral Wybrant van Warwijck, continued the journey to Amboyna, the chief centre of the clove trade in the Spice Islands. Warwijck despatched his deputy, Jacob van Heemskerck, to the Banda Archipelago, the only place in the world in those days where nutmeg and its by-product mace were found. This is the most successful fleet of all Dutch voyages to Asia before the establishment of the VOC. - Fine complete set. [Boeknr.: 253 ]

€ 275,00

NECK, Jacob Cornelisz van & Wybrant WARWIJCK. De tweede schipvaart der Nederlanders naar Oost-Indië onder Jacob Cornelisz. van Neck en Wybrant Warwijck 1598-1600. Journalen, documenten en andere bescheiden uitgegeven en toegelicht door J. Keuning. Deel II: De overige journalen omtrent de reis van J.C. van Neck. De heenreis van W. Warwijck tot Bantam. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1940. Cloth (spine discoloured). With 9 maps and 13 plates. LXXXIV,262 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging XLIV. - Accounts of Cornelis Janszoon Ceulen, Symon Lambertsz. Mau, Jacob Pietersz. and Evert Theunisz. [Boeknr.: 32791 ]

€ 45,00

NECK, Jacob Cornelisz van & Wybrant WARWIJCK. Waerachtig verhael van de schipvaerd op Oost-Indien ghedaen by acht schepen in den jare 1598 .. - NECK, Jacob van. Kort ende waerachtigh verhael van de tweede schipvaerd by de Hollanders op Oost-Indien ghedaen .. Amsterdam, 1646. Reprint. (Amsterdam, 1969). Oblong 8vo. Boards. With maps and plates. 56; 51 pp. - Facsimile edition from 'Begin ende voortgangh'. [Boeknr.: 25145 ]

€ 18,00

NEDERLANDSCH INDIË. Platen atlas met korten beschrijvenden tekst. (Met) Bijblad. Weltevreden, G. Kolff & Co., 1926. Folio. Original pictorial boards. With 359 photographic illustrations. 176 pp. [Boeknr.: 22321 ]

€ 30,00

NEDERLANDSCH-INDIË OUD & NIEUW. Nederlandsch-Indië Oud & Nieuw. Maandblad gewijd aan: bouwkunst, archaelogie, land- en volkenkunde, kunstnijverheid, handel en verkeer, culures, mijnbouw, hygiène. Redactie T.J. Bezemer, T.van Erp, J.G. Huyser, N.J. Krom, W.O.J. Nieuwenkamp, Noto Soeroto. Jaargang XIII. Amsterdam, 1928-1929. 4to. Cloth. With many illustrations. Profussely illusrated monthly magazine devoted to ethnology, archaeology, architecture, tourism, etc., with emphasis on the arts and crafts of Indonesia. With contributions by Dutch and foreign scholars. Bound with part of year XI. [Boeknr.: 34840 ]

€ 65,00

NEDERLANDSCH-INDIË OUD & NIEUW. Nederlandsch-Indië Oud & Nieuw. Maandblad gewijd aan: bouwkunst, archaelogie, land- en volkenkunde, kunstnijverheid, handel en verkeer, culures, mijnbouw, hygiène. Redactie T.J. Bezemer, J.G. Huyser, N.J. Krom, J.A. Loebèr, W.O.J. Nieuwenkamp, Noto Soeroto, J.Th. Petrus Blumberger. Jaargang XVI. Amsterdam, 1931-1932. 4to. Cloth. With many illustrations. 384 pp. Profussely illusrated monthly magazine devoted to ethnology, archaeology, architecture, tourism, etc., with emphasis on the arts and crafts of Indonesia. With contributions by Dutch and foreign scholars. [Boeknr.: 34841 ]

€ 65,00

NEDERLANDSCH-INDIË OUD & NIEUW. Nederlandsch-Indië Oud & Nieuw. Maandblad gewijd aan: bouwkunst, archaelogie, land- en volkenkunde, kunstnijverheid, handel en verkeer, culures, mijnbouw, hygiène. Redactie T.J. Bezemer, J.G. Huyser, N.J. Krom, J.A. Loebèr, W.O.J. Nieuwenkamp, Noto Soeroto. Jaargang XIV. Amsterdam, 1929-1930. 4to. Cloth. With many illustrations. 422 pp. Profussely illusrated monthly magazine devoted to ethnology, archaeology, architecture, tourism, etc., with emphasis on the arts and crafts of Indonesia. With contributions by Dutch and foreign scholars. [Boeknr.: 34843 ]

€ 65,00

NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL-MAATSCHAPPIJ. Gedenkboek der Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij 1824-1924. Amsterdam, 1924. Folio. Original decorated cloth, uncut. With 46 plates, portraits and facsimiles. 108 pp. [Boeknr.: 4968 ]

€ 35,00

NEW GUINEA. Holland in Hollandia. s' Gravenhage, W. van Hoeve, 1948. Half cloth. With 5 folding maps and 120 illustrations. 79 pp. History of the liquidation of American bases and Japanese dumps in New Guinea. [Boeknr.: 15065 ]

€ 35,00

NEW GUINEA. Kunstwerke vom Sepik. (Mit Einleitung von P. Wirz). Basel, Museum für Völkerkunde, 1954. Wrappers. With 35 photographic illustrations. 24 pp. [Boeknr.: 14698 ]

€ 18,00

NEW GUINEA. Officieel Orgaan van de Stichting Transmigratie Nederland-Overzee. Doel: 'een democratisch Nederlands stamland op Ned. Nieuw-Guinee'. Maandblad no. 5. Amsterdam, 1948. Folio. With illustrations. 8 pp. - (First leaf sl. dam. with some loss of text). [Boeknr.: 36589 ]

€ 18,00

NIAS. NIAS. TRIBAL TREASURES. Cosmic reflections in stone wood and gold. Delft, Nusantara, (1990). 8vo. Wrappers. With 266 illustrations (several in colours). 327 pp. Fine illustrated catalogue of an exhibition that has been organized for the first time about Nias. [Boeknr.: 256 ]

€ 65,00

(NICLOU, H.A.A.). Open brieven aan G(eorge) F(rederik) W(illem) Borel, Kapitein der Artillerie .. naar aanleiding van zijn boek: Onze vestiging in Atjeh. Samarang, De Groot, Kolff & Co., 1879.Original printed green wrappers. With folding map. IV,246,(2) pp. Commentary on a book by Borel on the Dutch presence in Aceh, Sumatra. - Cat. KITLV p.23. [Boeknr.: 31598 ]

€ 150,00

NICOLSEN, Harold. Journey to Java. London, Constable, (1957). Original blue cloth, with dust-jacket. VIII,254 pp. First edition. - Cruise to Java and back on board the liner Willem Ruys of the Rotterdam Lloyd, in 1957, by Harold Nicolson and his wife Vita Sackville-West. - Fine. [Boeknr.: 5303 ]

€ 45,00

NIEL, Robert van. Java under the cultivation system. Collected writings. Leiden, KITLV, 1992. Wrappers. (6),244 pp. [Boeknr.: 12570 ]

€ 25,00

NIESSEN, Sandra A. Batak cloth and clothing. A dynamic Indonesian tradition. Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press, 1993. Pictorial boards. With many photographic illustrations (several in colours) of the Batak of North Sumatra. XI,136 pp. [Boeknr.: 36556 ]

€ 45,00

NIEUHOF, Joan. Batavia. Amsterdam, Weduwe Jacob van Meurs, 1682.Engraved panoramic view with on the left the Old Dutch Church and the old townhall and on the right the castle. With title on scroll and coat of arms. Ca. 12 x 16 cm. From: Zee en lant-reize door verscheide gewesten van Oostindien. - Joan Nieuhof (1618-1672) was a servant of the East India Company (VOC). 'Undoubtedly the finest 17th century plates of Indonesia are contained in Joan Nieuhof's Zee en lant-reize' (Bastin-Brommer p.1). Landwehr, VOC, 282; Feith 145. [Boeknr.: 37764 ]

€ 95,00

NIEUHOF, Joan. Bougis of Bokjes. Amsterdam, Weduwe Jacob van Meurs, 1682.Engraving depicting two Buginese men from Indonesia in front of a house. Ca. 29 x 17 cm. From: Zee en lant-reize door verscheide gewesten van Oostindien. - Joan Nieuhof (1618-1672) was a servant of the East India Company (VOC). 'Undoubtedly the finest 17th century plates of Indonesia are contained in Joan Nieuhof's Zee en lant-reize' (Bastin-Brommer p.1). Landwehr, VOC, 282. [Boeknr.: 37773 ]

€ 45,00

NIEUHOF, Joan. Een Amboneese soldaat. Amsterdam, Weduwe Jacob van Meurs, 1682.Engraving depicting a soldier from Ambon within the left corner two men with the head of a Chinese by H. Cause. Touched with colour. Ca. 29,5 x 17 cm. From: Zee en lant-reize door verscheide gewesten van Oostindien. - Joan Nieuhof (1618-1672) was a servant of the East India Company (VOC). 'Undoubtedly the finest 17th century plates of Indonesia are contained in Joan Nieuhof's Zee en lant-reize' (Bastin-Brommer p.1). Landwehr, VOC, 282. [Boeknr.: 37778 ]

€ 45,00

NIEUHOF, Joan. Een Malyer kruygs overst. Amsterdam, Weduwe Jacob van Meurs, 1682.Engraving depicting two Malaysian fighters from Indonesia in the foreground and several fighters in the background. Ca. 29,5 x 17 cm. From: Zee en lant-reize door verscheide gewesten van Oostindien. - Joan Nieuhof (1618-1672) was a servant of the East India Company (VOC). 'Undoubtedly the finest 17th century plates of Indonesia are contained in Joan Nieuhof's Zee en lant-reize' (Bastin-Brommer p.1). Landwehr, VOC, 282. [Boeknr.: 37772 ]

€ 45,00

NIEUHOF, Joan. Een Moorse kramer met sijn vrouw. Amsterdam, Weduwe Jacob van Meurs, 1682.Engraving depicting a muslim with his wife and 4 children. Ca. 29,5 x 17,5 cm. From: Zee en lant-reize door verscheide gewesten van Oostindien. - Joan Nieuhof (1618-1672) was a servant of the East India Company (VOC). 'Undoubtedly the finest 17th century plates of Indonesia are contained in Joan Nieuhof's Zee en lant-reize' (Bastin-Brommer p.1). Landwehr, VOC, 282. [Boeknr.: 37777 ]

€ 45,00

NIEUHOF, Joan. Goevernuers huys binnent kasteel. Amsterdam, Weduwe Jacob van Meurs, 1682.Engraving depicting a view of the courtyard of Batavia Castle, where the VOC buildings were located.On the left is the house of the director-general, on the right is the home and office of the governor-general, or the government. The castle church is visible in the center back. Ca. 28 x 35 cm. From: Zee en lant-reize door verscheide gewesten van Oostindien. - Joan Nieuhof (1618-1672) was a servant of the East India Company (VOC). 'Undoubtedly the finest 17th century plates of Indonesia are contained in Joan Nieuhof's Zee en lant-reize' (Bastin-Brommer p.1). Landwehr, VOC, 282. [Boeknr.: 37765 ]

€ 125,00

NIEUHOF, Joan. Het gezantschap der Neêrlandtsche Oost-Indische Compagnie, aan den grooten Tartarischen Cham, den tegenwoordigen keizer van China: waar in de gedenkwaerdigste geschiedenissen, die onder het reizen door de Sineesche landtschappen, Quantung, Kiangsi, Nanking, Xantung en Peking, en aan het keizerlijke hof Te Peking, sedert den jare 1655, tot 1657, zijn voorgevallen, op het bondigste verhandelt worden. Beneffens een naauwkeurige beschryving der Sineesche steden, dorpen, regeering, weetenschappen, handwerken, zeden, godsdiensten, gebouwen, drachten, scheepen, bergen, gewassen, dieren &c. en oorlogen tegen de Tarters. Amsterdam, Wolfgang, Waasberge, Boom, Van Someren & Goethals, 1693.2 volumes in 1. Folio. Contemporary half calf (spine dam; one hinge cracked but holding). With title-page printed in red and black, engraved frontispiece depicting the emperor of China with globe and a convicted criminal (mounted), engraved portrait of the author, and 34 double-page engraved plates and 110 large engravings in the text; without the map. (8),208;258,(10) pp. Later edition; first published in 1665. - Between 1640 and 1644 Nieuhof was serving as an official of the Dutch West India Company (WIC) in Brazil, but by 1665 he was at Batavia, in Java, as a servant of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). In 1665 Nieuhof published what is regarded as the definitive account of the Dutch embassy to Peking, and it is for this that he is best known (Howgego p.752). Nieuhof's account presented the Dutch reader with the most substantial and detailed description of the Middle Kingdom yet published. It contains information from the most important Jesuit sources and adds to them the observations of one of the first Dutchmen to travel in China's interior and visit the capital. Nieuhof's book is lavishly illustrated (providing) European readers with more realistic visual images of China's landscape and people than ever before (Lach-Kley, Asia in the making, III, p.484. This first embassy of the Dutch East India Company of Pieter de Goyer and Jakob de Keyser to the court of China in the years 1655-57, describes all the events during this mission, the country, people, flora & fauna, etc. It is one of the very few non-Jesuit sources of the period. It is richly illustrated with large views of all ports and places visited, starting with Batavia, and with numerous nice text-engravings illustrating in detail Chinese life in the 17th century. The illustrations, engraved after Nieuhof's relatively accurate drawings exercised a considerable influence on the European conception of China and were widely used and reproduced (Löwendahl p. 65). The Paolinxi-plate mentioned in the index is actually only present in the Latin edition. - (Lower blank margins in first part waterstained). - The first Dutch eye-witness account of China.Tiele 800; Landwehr, VOC, 539; Cat. NHSM I, p.499; Cordier, B.S., col.2344-2345; Lust 539-541; Löwendahl, Sino-Western relations, 147. [Boeknr.: 36413 ]

€ 1500,00

NIEUHOF, Joan. Landt caerte van Batavia met haar onder hoorende forten. Amsterdam, Weduwe Jacob van Meurs, 1682.Engraved plan of Batavia and surrounding countryside, with decorative cartouche, some illustrations are coloured. Ca. 28 x 35,5 cm. From: Zee en lant-reize door verscheide gewesten van Oostindien. - Joan Nieuhof (1618-1672) was a servant of the East India Company (VOC). 'Undoubtedly the finest 17th century plates of Indonesia are contained in Joan Nieuhof's Zee en lant-reize' (Bastin-Brommer p.1). Landwehr, VOC, 282; Brommer, Batavia, p.38; Feith 26.. [Boeknr.: 37766 ]

€ 175,00

NIEUHOF, Joan. Makasserse vergiftige spatters. Amsterdam, Weduwe Jacob van Meurs, 1682.Engraving depicting men from Makasar using a blowgun. Ca. 26 x 17 cm. From: Zee en lant-reize door verscheide gewesten van Oostindien. - Joan Nieuhof (1618-1672) was a servant of the East India Company (VOC). 'Undoubtedly the finest 17th century plates of Indonesia are contained in Joan Nieuhof's Zee en lant-reize' (Bastin-Brommer p.1).Landwehr, VOC, 282. [Boeknr.: 37775 ]

€ 45,00

NIEUHOF, Joan. Een Maleyer met syn vrouw soo sy op Batavia gekleet gaan. Amsterdam, Weduwe Jacob van Meurs, 1682.Engraving depicting Malaysian inhabitants of Batavia. Ca. 29,5 x 17 cm. From: Zee en lant-reize door verscheide gewesten van Oostindien. - Joan Nieuhof (1618-1672) was a servant of the East India Company (VOC). 'Undoubtedly the finest 17th century plates of Indonesia are contained in Joan Nieuhof's Gedenkwaerdige zee en lantreize' (Bastin-Brommer p.1). - (One blank margin remargined; lower margin few stains not affecting the image).Landwehr, VOC, 282. [Boeknr.: 37781 ]

€ 45,00

NIEUHOF, Joan. Tymorese soldaten. Amsterdam, Weduwe Jacob van Meurs, 1682.Engraving depicting soldiers from Timor. Ca. 29 x 17 cm. From: Zee en lant-reize door verscheide gewesten van Oostindien. - Joan Nieuhof (1618-1672) was a servant of the East India Company (VOC). 'Undoubtedly the finest 17th century plates of Indonesia are contained in Joan Nieuhof's Zee en lant-reize' (Bastin-Brommer p.1). Landwehr, VOC, 282. [Boeknr.: 37774 ]

€ 45,00

NIEUWENHUYS, Rob & Frits JAQUET. Java's onuitputtelijke natuur. Reisverhalen, tekeningen en fotografieën van Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn. Alphen a/d Rijn, Sijthoff, (1980). Folio. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With many plates and illustrations (several in colours). 150 pp. Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn (1809 - 1864) was a Prussian-Dutch explorer, Indologist, surveyor, physician, geographer, geologist and botanist. He explored the geography, geology and nature of Java in the service of the authorities of the Dutch East Indies. [Boeknr.: 7361 ]

€ 20,00

NIEUWENHUYS, Rob. Baren en oudgasten. Tempo doeloe - een verzonken wereld. Fotografische documenten uit het oude Indië 1870 - 1920. Amsterdam, E.M. Querido, 1981. 4to. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With numerous photographic illustrations. 192 pp. Photo book of the Indo-European society in the Dutch East Indies, part of the trilogy Tempo Doeloe - A Sunken World. [Boeknr.: 7730 ]

€ 25,00

NIEUWENHUYS, Rob. Komen en blijven. Tempo doeloe - een verzonken wereld. Fotografische documenten uit het oude Indië 1870 - 1920. Amsterdam, Em. Querido, 1982. 4to. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With numerous photographic illustrations. 192 pp. Photo book of the Indo-European society in the Dutch East Indies, part of the trilogy Tempo Doeloe - A Sunken World. [Boeknr.: 7727 ]

€ 25,00

NIEUWENHUYS, Rob. Met vreemde ogen. Tempo doeloe - een verzonken wereld. Fotografische documenten uit het oude Indië 1870 - 1920. Amsterdam, Em. Querido, 1988. 4to. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With numerous photographic illustrations. 192 pp. Photo book of the Indo-European society in the Dutch East Indies, part of the trilogy Tempo Doeloe - A Sunken World. [Boeknr.: 7731 ]

€ 25,00

NIEUWENHUYS, Rob. Rob Nieuwenhuys. Leven tussen twee vaderlanden. Amsterdam, De Engelbewaarder, 1982. Wrappers. With illustrations. 175 pp. Contributions by Leo Vrooman, Joop van den Berg, Frits Jaquet, Gerard Termorshuizen, etc. [Boeknr.: 36172 ]

€ 15,00

NIEUWENKAMP, W.O.J. Nieuwenkamp thuis en op reis. Keuze uit het grafisch werk van W.O.J. Nieuwenkamp (1874-1950). Dordrecht, Dordrechts Museum, 1981. 4to. Wrappers. With illustrations. 26 pp. Wijnand Otto Jan Nieuwenkamp (1874-1950) visited Indonesia several times between 1898 and 1937. He is a painter, draughtsmand and a well-known graphic artist. [Boeknr.: 34798 ]

€ 15,00

NIEUWENKAMP, W.O.J. W.O.J.N. Leven & werken, bouwen & zwerven van de kunstenaar W(ijnand) O(tto) J(an). Nieuwenkamp, opgetekend door zijn kleinzoon. Utrecht, A.W. Bruna & Zoon, (1979). 8vo. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With many illustrations. 160 pp. Wijnand Otto Jan Nieuwenkamp (1874-1950) visited Indonesia several times between 1898 and 1937. He is a painter, draughtsmand and a well-known graphic artist. [Boeknr.: 15677 ]

€ 35,00

NIEVELT, Carel van. (Jan van den Oude). Phantasieën. Leiden, S.C. van Doesburgh, 1874.Original decorated cloth, spine lettered in gilt. (8),257 pp. First edition. - Contains short stories, i.a. De Koningin van't Oosten (Batavia) and De Adamspiek (Ceylon).Buur 143; Nieuwenhuys, Oost-Indische spiegel, pp. 209-212. [Boeknr.: 31861 ]

€ 75,00

NIEVELT, Carel van. (Jan van den Oude). Phantasieën. 2e druk. Leiden, S.C. van Doesburgh, 1879.Original half cloth, spine lettered in gilt. VI,170 pp. Contains short stories, i.a. De Koningin van't Oosten (Batavia) and De Adamspiek (Ceylon).Buur 143; Nieuwenhuys, Oost-Indische spiegel, pp. 209-212. [Boeknr.: 31553 ]

€ 65,00

NIJGH, Henricus. Oorlog in Atjeh. Het journaal van luitenant-ter-zee Henricus Nijgh, 1873-1874. Bezorgd en ingeleid door H. Stapelkamp. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2010. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With illustrations. 216 pp. . Linschoten-Vereeniging CIX. - Journal of a naval officer on the Acheh war in Indonesia. [Boeknr.: 32177 ]

€ 25,00

NOORDERVLIET, Nelleke. (Red.). Brieven van de thee uit een Indisch familiearchief met originele foto's. Gekozen en met een inleiding. Amsterdam, Em. Querido, 2004. Wrappers. With photographic plates. 374 pp. Letters from the Family Archives van der Hucht et al. on which Hella S. Haasse based her novel Heren van de thee (1992). [Boeknr.: 34884 ]

€ 15,00

NOORDUYN, J. (Red.). Bima en Sumbawa. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van de sultanaten Bima en Sumbawa door A. Ligtvoet en G.P. Rouffaer. Dordrecht, KITLV, 1987. Wrappers. With illustrations. IX,187 pp. V.K.I. - The history of the Sultanates Bima and Sumbawa. [Boeknr.: 5470 ]

€ 30,00

NOOY-PALM, C.H.M. De karbouw en de kandaure. Katalogus voor de tentoonstelling 'De Sa'dan Toraja'. Delft, Indonesisch Ethnografisch Museum, 1975. Wrappers. With many illustrations. 79 pp. Ethnographical objects of the Sa'dan Toraja, Central-Sulawesi. [Boeknr.: 5177 ]

€ 18,00

NORBRUIS,Obbe. Alweer een sieraad voor de stad. Het werk van Ed. Cuypers en Hulswit-Fermont in Nederlands-Indië 1897-1927. Volendam, LM Publishers, 2018. 4to. Pictorial boards. With many photographic illustrations (several in colours). 319 pp. Eduard Cuypers (1859-1927) was a Dutch architect. He worked in Amsterdam and the Dutch East Indies. He was trained in the architectural practice of his uncle P.J.H. Cuypers. Eduard Cuypers opened an agency in the Dutch East Indies to work on major projects such as the headquarters and branch office of De Javasche Bank in Indonesia. With Marius J. Hulswit and Arthur Fermont, Cuypers opened the largest architectural agency in the East Indies. After Cuypers died in 1927, his office in Batavia/Jakarta was continued by others under the name Fermont-Cuypers till 1957. [Boeknr.: 35166 ]

€ 35,00

NORBRUIS,Obbe. Architechtuur met vlag en winpel. Het werk van Fermont-Cuypers in Nederlands-Indië en Indonesië 1927-1957. Volendam, LM Publishers, 2018. 4to. Pictorial boards. With many photographic illustrations (several in colours). 295 pp. Eduard Cuypers (1859-1927) was a Dutch architect. He worked in Amsterdam and the Dutch East Indies. He was trained in the architectural practice of his uncle P.J.H. Cuypers. Eduard Cuypers opened an agency in the Dutch East Indies to work on major projects such as the headquarters and branch office of De Javasche Bank in Indonesia. With Marius J. Hulswit and Arthur Fermont, Cuypers opened the largest architectural agency in the East Indies. After Cuypers died in 1927, his office in Batavia/Jakarta was continued by others under the name Fermont-Cuypers till 1957. [Boeknr.: 35168 ]

€ 35,00

NOSSE, J(an) J(acob). De werkelijkheid van een Nederlandsch-Indischen droom. 's Gravenhage, H.C. Susan, C.H.zoon, 1865. Modern wrappers. 52 pp. The reality of a Dutch East Indian dream. Nosse (1811-1866) was editor-in-chief and publisher of de Nieuwsbode and Dagblad van Soerabaija.Cat. KITLV p.240. [Boeknr.: 29226 ]

€ 35,00

NUNEN, J.P.Th. van. De Tjiomas-zaak in verband met de belangen der opgezetenen van de particuliere landerijen bewesten de Tji-Manok. Amsterdam., L. Kervel & Co., 1886. Disbound (spine with tape). 40 pp. On the extortion on the property Tjiomas, Buitenzorg (Bogor), owned by J.W.E. de Sturler. - From the library of the Dutch parliament. - Added: (NUNEN, J.P.Th.). Nogmaals 'Tjiomas'. Batavia, G. Kolff & Co., 1886. Original printed wrappers. 24 pp.Cat. KITLV p.205. [Boeknr.: 18613 ]

€ 65,00

NYPELS, G(eorge). Japan-Nederland in Oost-Azië. Eene militaire studie. Haarlem, Erven Loosjes, 1899. Modern wrappers (loose). With folding coloured map (with tear). II,194 pp. - (Library stamp on title-page). - Scarce. [Boeknr.: 31460 ]

€ 95,00

OCKELOEN, G. Catalogus van boeken en tijdschriften uitgegeven in Ned. Oost-Indië van 1870-1937. Amsterdam, 1939. Herdruk. Amsterdam, Swets & Zeitlinger, 1966. 2 volumes. Cloth. 1016,26; 612 pp. An important bibliography of books published in the Dutch East Indies. Volume one is devoted to books printed in European languages, the second volume to books printed in indigenous languages. [Boeknr.: 34130 ]

€ 175,00

OEI, Loan. (Red.). Indigo. Leven in een kleur. Amsterdam, Stichting Indigo, (1985). 4to. Boards, with dust-jacket. With numerous illustrations (several in colours). 223 pp. [Boeknr.: 31511 ]

€ 45,00

ONVLEE, L. Kamberaas (Oost-Soembaas) - Nederlands woordenboek met Nederlands-Kamberaas register. In samenwerking met O.H. Kapita en met medewerking van P.J. Luijendijk. Dordrecht, Foris Publications, 1984. Cloth. With map. XXII,628 pp. KITLV. - Kambera, also known as East Sumbanese, is a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken in the Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia. [Boeknr.: 604 ]

€ 65,00

ONZE AARDE. Maanschrift onder redactie van W. van Bemmelen, J.H.G. Kremer, J.C. Lamster, W.G.N. van der Sleen, A.N.J. Thomassen à Thuessink van der Hoop, Ph.C. Visser. Jaargang I. Amsterdam, Holkema & Warendorf, 1928. 12 issues. 4to. Wrappers. With photographic illustrations and some coloured plates. Contributions by Dutch scholars on international expeditions. [Boeknr.: 34855 ]

€ 45,00

OORT, Pieter van. Kunstenaar op Java. De reisdagboeken en natuurtekeningen van Pieter van Oort (1825-1833). Bezorgd en ingeleid door Andreas Weber en Sylvia van Zanen. Zutphen, Walburgpers, 2021. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With maps and illustrations (50 in colours). 479 pp. Linschoten Vereeniging CXIX. - Pieter van Oort was one of the most talented Dutch draftsmen of animals and plants of his time. On behalf of King Willem I, he left for the Indies in 1825 to record the flora and fauna there for the Natural History Committee. The book contains the full transcript of his travel diaries. [Boeknr.: 36394 ]

€ 65,00

OORT, Pieter van. Kunstenaar op Sumatra. De reisdagboeken en natuurtekeningen van Pieter van Oort (1825-1833). Bezorgd en ingeleid door Andreas Weber en Sylvia van Zanen. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2021. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With llustrations (several in colours). 285 pp. Linschoten Vereeniging CXX. - Pieter van Oort was one of the most talented Dutch draftsmen of animals and plants of his time. On behalf of King Willem I, he left for the Indies in 1825 to record the flora and fauna there for the Natural History Committee. The book contains the full transcript of his travel diaries. [Boeknr.: 36533 ]

€ 40,00

OOSTERWIJK, Bram. Een Terschellinger zeilvaartkapitein. Reizen en lotgavallen van Sies Jans Rotgans (1805-1857). Rotterdam, Coolegem Media, 2016. 4to. Wrappers. With many coloured illustrations. 167 pp. Including a chapter on Jacob Spin with many coloured plates by the artist. [Boeknr.: 36538 ]

€ 18,00

OOSTERWIJK, Bram. Reder in Rotterdam. Willem Ruys (1809-1889). Rotterdam, Stichting Historische Publicaties Roterodamum, 1989. Boards, with dust-jacket. With many illustrations (some in colours). 295 pp. [Boeknr.: 35490 ]

€ 20,00

OOSTING, Hendrik Jan. Nederduitsch-Soendasch woordenboek, op last der regeering zamengesteld. Amsterdam, Johannes Müller, 1887.Original half cloth. 390 pp. Dutch - Sundanese - dictionary in Roman characters. Uhlenbeck p.12; Cat. KITLV p.288. [Boeknr.: 31582 ]

€ 225,00

OOSTKAMP, J.A. De merkwaardigste Nederlandsche zeereizen, sedert den jare 1595 voor de vaderlandsche jeugd. Deel I. Amsterdam, Leeuwarden, G.J.A. Beijerinck & G.T.N. Suringar, 1825.Sm.8vo. Modern half cloth, uncut. With engraved title-vignette, plate with sea-compass, folding plate of Ternate and 4 illustrations on 2 plates by J.A.R. Best. 224 pp. Volume one of two. - In his preface the author states that this compilation of Dutch voyages are truthfully retold without the useful lies and exaggerations. It contains the voyages of Willem Barentsz and Heemskerk to the Arctic, including the stay on Nova Zembla, Jan Janszoon Molenaar, Jacob van Neck and Wijbrand van Warwijck to the East and the first circumnavigation by Olivier van Noort. - Rare.Buur, Indische jeugdliteratuur, 0001 (incomplete copy); Cat. NHSM I, p.122.. [Boeknr.: 36200 ]

€ 125,00

OPHUIJSEN, Ch.A. van. Het Maleische volksdicht. Rede. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1904. Original printed wrappers. 44 pp. [Boeknr.: 28091 ]

€ 18,00

ORANG-PELADANG. Gedenkboek uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van het twaalf en half jarig bestaan van de 'Orang-Peladang'. October 1913 - maart 1926. Den Haag, L. Gerretsen, (1926). Original decorated cloth. With plates and illustrations. 288,(6) pp. Memorial publication of the Landbouwcorps Nji-Sri, Deventer. With contributions by H.P. Berlage, R. Casimir, Ch. Dumont, J.P. Lotsy, H.D. Tjeenk Willink, etc. [Boeknr.: 35257 ]

€ 45,00

OSTMEIER, J.J.B. Handleiding bij het schatten, samengesteld ten behoeve van het personeel bij den pandhuisdienst. (Batavia, Albrecht & Co, 1910). Folio. Original cloth (rebacked). Text and atlas with 66 plates in 1 volume. (12),297 pp. Manual to help pawnshop employees in Indonesia to identify and evaluate Indonesian precious objects that are being submitted to them. With chapters on code of law, gold, silver, platinum, brass, clocks, coins, Javanese weapons, precious stones and batiks including the cultivation of these objects. The atlas volume include hailmarks (2 plates), various parts of the kris (8 plates), small household objects (1 plate), gamelan (1 plate), ornaments (3 plates), precious stones (10 plates) and various batik designs (41 plates). - A very detailed manual. - (With some annotations and additions). - Rare.Cat. KITLV, 4th Supplement, p.101. [Boeknr.: 34826 ]

€ 650,00

OTTINO, Arlette. Origin myths, hierarchical order, and the negotiation of status in the Balinese village of Trunyan. Leiden, 1994. Wrappers. (36 pp. - (Bijdragen KITLV). [Boeknr.: 35959 ]

€ 15,00

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