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HOOGENBERK, Hendrik. De rechtsvoorschriften voor de vaart op Oost-Indië 1595-1620. Utrecht, Kemink en Zoon, 1940. Wrappers (spine sl. dam.). With facsimiles. (12),307 pp. - (Thesis). [Boeknr.: 6159 ]

€ 45,00

HOOGERWERF, Evert-Jan. Persgeschiedenis van Indonesië tot 1942. Geannoteerde bibliografie. Leiden, KITLV, 1990. Wrappers. XV,249 pp. [Boeknr.: 7787 ]

€ 18,00

HOOGSTRAATEN, M.G. Nederlanders in Nederlands-Indië. Een schets van de Nederlandse koloniale aanwezigheid in Zuid 0ost-Azië tussen 1596 en 1950. Zutphen, Thieme, 1986. Wrappers. With illustrations. 119 pp. [Boeknr.: 34892 ]

€ 15,00

HOOP, A.N.J. Th(omassen) à Th(uessink) van der. Excursiegids voor Oud-Batavia. Batavia, 1947. Wrappers. With 4 maps. 32 pp. [Boeknr.: 1260 ]

€ 18,00

HOORN, Ioan van. Joan van Hoorn. Gouverneur generaal van Nederlands Indiën Dordrecht, Amsterdam, Joannes van Braam, Gerard onder de Linden, 1725Engraved portrait after M. Balen by Dirk Jongman. Ca. 29 x 17,5 cm. From: François Valentijn. Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indiën. - Joan van Hoorn (1653-1711) was Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies from 1704 until 1709.Landwehr, VOC, 467, 4a; Muller, Portretten, 2558. [Boeknr.: 35174 ]

€ 55,00

HOORN, Jan Ambrosius. Verdrinken zonder water. De memoires van VOC-matroos Jan Ambrosius Hoorn, 1758-1778. Bezorgd en ingeleid door Perry Moree en Piet van Sterkenburg. Zutphen, 2014. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With coloured illustrations. 256 pp. Linschoten Vereeniging CXIII. - Annotated edition of: Mijne lotgevallen ter zee, en bedrijven op Batavia, in dienst der (voormalige) O.I. Compagnie. Groningen, W. van Boekeren, 1819. [Boeknr.: 33626 ]

€ 35,00

HOOYKAAS, C. Bagus Umbara. Prince of Koripan. The story of a Prince of Bali and a Princes of Java illustrated on palm leaves by a Balinese artist. With Balinese text and English translation. London, British Museum, 1968. 4to. Decorated cloth. With illustrations. 55 pp. [Boeknr.: 14904 ]

€ 30,00

HOOYKAAS, C. Tovenarij op Bali. Magische tekeningen uit twee Leidse collecties. Bijeengebracht en toegelicht. Amsterdam, Meulenhoff, (1980). 8vo. Wrappers. With many illustrations. 42,194 pp. [Boeknr.: 418 ]

€ 25,00

HORSTING, L.C.H. Uit het land van Kruyt. Wat Midden-Celebes ons Hollanders leeren kan. Bandoeng, A.C. Nix & Co, 1932. Original decorated cloth. With many photographic illustrations. XIV,214 pp. Account of 40 years missionary labour by Albert C. Kruyt (1892-1932) amongst the Toraja of Central-Celebes (Poso), including notes on the Toraja-population. [Boeknr.: 8950 ]

€ 65,00

HOUBEN, V.J.H. Kraton and Kumpeni. Surakarta and Yogyakarta 1830-1870. Leiden, 1987. Folio. Wrappers. X,431 pp. - (Thesis). [Boeknr.: 29925 ]

€ 40,00

HOUT, Itie van. Textiles at the Tropenmuseum. Volendam, LM Publishers, 2017. 4to. Boards, with dustjacket. With 229 coloured illustrations. 232 pp. The Tropenmuseum Amsterdam houses about 12.000 textile objects that were collected over a period of 160 years. The study presents the collection and the stories of the makers and users of the fabrics. [Boeknr.: 34766 ]

€ 35,00

HOUTMAN, Cornelis de. Om de zuid. De eerste schipvaart naar Oost-Indië onder Cornelis de Houtman, 1595-1597, opgetekend door Willem Lodewycksz. Vertaling, inleiding en annotatie Vibeke Roeper en Diederick Wildeman. (Nijmegen, SUN,1997). Wrappers. With illustrations. 247 pp. Cornelis de Houtman (1565 - 1599), brother of Frederick de Houtman, was a Dutch explorer who discovered a new sea route from Europe to Indonesia and managed to begin the Dutch spice trade. At the time, the Portuguese Empire held a monopoly on the spice trade, and the voyage was a symbolic victory for the Dutch, even though the voyage itself was a disaster. Houtman was also a spy, having worked against the Portuguese by bringing back to the Netherlands privileged nautical information obtained during his stay in Portugal. [Boeknr.: 14560 ]

€ 20,00

HOUTMAN, Cornelis de. De eerste schipvaerd der Hollandsche natie naer Oost-Indien, waer inne verhaelt wordt al wat haer sonderlings onder wegen bejegent is, als oock de conditien, religien, zeden, ende huys houdinghe der volckeren, met den aerd, vruchtbaerheyd, ghewassen, dieren, ende andere eygentschappen der landen, die sy beseylt hebben: ghetrocken uyt verscheyden journalen ofte dagh-registers daer van ghemaeckt, zeer vermaeckelijck ende nut om lesen. (Amsterdam, Joannes Janssonius, 1645).Oblong 8vo. Modern sprinkled boards. With 49 engraved plates. 112 pp. (text set in two columns). Extracted from Commelin's collection of voyages. - A group of Amsterdam merchants was responsible for the venture of the first Dutch voyage to the East in 1595. The four small ships sailed via the Cape of Good Hope to Bantam, a large trading centre on the west coast of Java. Three of the four ships finally returned to Amsterdam. 'Despite the loss of many men and one of the ships, troubles with both Javans and Portuguese, and profits barely large enough to cover expenses, the return of De Houtman's fleet set of a flurry of activity among Dutch entrepreneurs. In 1598, the year after its return, no fewer than twenty-five ships were sent out by merchants of the provinces of Holland and Zeeland alone' (Lach & Van Kley, Asia in the making, III,1, p.439). This voyage provided European readers with the most detailed description of Java to date and with the first description of Bali in any language. At the Cape they landed and encountered a party of Hottentots. - (Part of plate 17 (market scene) missing but added in photocopy); some plates cut slightly short). - Rare early edition of the 'First Fleet'.Landwehr, VOC, 250; Tiele 81; Tiele, Mémoire, 4; Cat. NHSM I, p.105; Mendelssohn I, p.739. [Boeknr.: 35243 ]

€ 875,00

HOUTMAN, Frederick de. Le 'spraeck ende woord-boek' de Frederick de Houtman. Première méthode de malais parlé (fin du XVIe s.). Présenté par Denys Lombard avec la collaboration de Winarsih Arifin et Minnie Wibisono. Paris, École française d' Extrême-Orient, 1970. 8vo. Wrappers. 263 pp. Frederick Pietersz. de Houtman (1571 - 1627) was a Dutchman who participated with his brother Cornelis in the Eerste Schipvaart, the first expedition by sea from Holland to the East Indies. On his second trip to the East, he was imprisoned for more than two years in the Aceh Sultanate. He published the first Dutch-Malay dictionary. [Boeknr.: 30362 ]

€ 75,00

HOUTMAN, Frederick de. 'Wie komt daar aan op die olifant ?' Een zestiende-eeuws taalgidsje voor Nederland en Indië, inclusief het verhaal van de avontuurlijke gevangenschap van Frederik de Houtman in Indië. Hertaald en toegelicht door Nicoline van der Sijs. Amsterdam, L.J. Veen, (2000). Wrappers. With illustrations. 220 pp. [Boeknr.: 26522 ]

€ 18,00

HOVEN, Thérèse. Onder de palmen en waringins. Amsterdam, L.J. Veen, (1893). Original pictorial cloth. 237 pp. First edition. - Thérèse Hoven (1860 - 1941) a Dutch writer, left for the Dutch East Indies where she wrote under a pseudonym in the Java-bode and the Sumatra-post.Buur 384; Nieuwenhuys, Oost-Indische spiegel, pp. 233-236. [Boeknr.: 15443 ]

€ 95,00

HOYNCK VAN PAPENDRECHT, A. De zeilvloot Willem Ruys Jan Danielszoon en de Rotterdamse Lloyd. Uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van het vijftigjarig bestaan van de naamloze genootschap Rotterdamse Lloyd. Rotterdam, 1933. 4to. Wrappers. With many plates and illustrations. XV,(1),147 pp. [Boeknr.: 803 ]

€ 25,00

HULLU, J. de. Op de schepen der Oost-Indische Compagnie. Vijf artikelen.. ingeleid, bewerkt en voorzien van een studie over de werkgelegenheid bij de VOC (door) J.R. Bruyn en J. Lucassen. Groningen, Wolters-Noordhoff, 1980. Wrappers. With plates. 174 pp. - (Hist. Studies). [Boeknr.: 11649 ]

€ 30,00

HUMME, H.C. Abiåså. Een Javaansch tooneelstuk, (wajang) met een Hollandsche vertaling en toelichtende nota. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1878. Original printed wrappers (sl. soiled). IV,148 pp. First edition. - Text of the wayang purwa play Abiyasa, in Javanese characters, together with a Dutch translation.Cat. KITLV p. 275; Uhlenbeck p. 155; Groenendael 173. [Boeknr.: 15240 ]

€ 75,00

HUYSSEN VAN KATTENDIJKE-FRANK, Katrientje. ( Red.). Met Prins Hendrik naar de Oost. De reis van W.J.C. Huyssen van Kattendijke naar Nederlands-Indië, 1836-1838. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2004. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With illustrations (several in colours). 374 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging CII. - Journal of the voyage of the fregat Bellona from Nieuwediep to Rio de Janeiro, Tristan da Cunha, Batavia and Java, Celebes, the Moluccas, Singapore, Malakka, Penag and St. Helena in 1836-1838. On board Prince Willem Frederik Hendrik. [Boeknr.: 26814 ]

€ 25,00

HYGIENE EXHIBITION. 8STE N.I. JAARBEURS EN MARKT. EERSTE HYGIENE TENTOONSTELLING IN NED. INDIE. BANDOENG 25 JUNI-10JULI 1927. 3 identical picture stamps in three different colours. [Boeknr.: 31063 ]

€ 18,00

IDENBURG-VAN DE POLL, M. De vlag moet blijven staan. 's Gravenhage, (1948). 8vo. Wrappers (sl. dam.). With drawings from the Japanese camp by Eva Sandor. 40 pp. [Boeknr.: 20787 ]

€ 30,00

IDO, Victor. (H. van de Wall). Indië in den goeden oude tijd. Radio-voordrachten voor de NIROM gehouden. Bandoeng, v/h A.C. Nix & Co., 1949. 2 volumes. Half cloth, original frontwrappers preserved. 204; 210 pp. - Buur 1289. [Boeknr.: 26703 ]

€ 45,00

IJZERMAN, Jan Willem. Over de belegering van het fort Jacatra (22 dec. 1618 - 1 febr. 1619). (Met:) Bijlage. 's Gravenhage, 1917. Half cloth. (121) pp. - (Offprint B.K.I.). [Boeknr.: 3604 ]

€ 30,00

IJZERMAN, Jan Willem. Beschrijving der oudheden nabij de grens der residentie's Soerakarta en Djogdjakarta. Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1891.2 volumes. Text volume. Later half leather, old boards. 4to. With 10 photographic plates. 135 pp. & Atlas volume. Original boards. Portfolio with 3 (of 4) large folding plans and 27 (of 28) folding plates. (without the map). Important scientific archaeological and archtictural survey of the antiquaties from the Hindu period in Middle-Java, published bij the Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen (Batavian Society of Arts and Sciences). This society, one of the earliest and most famous societies in Asia, became the driving force behind the preservation and study of Javanese antiquities. Cat. KITLV p.543. [Boeknr.: 996 ]

€ 350,00

IJZERMAN, Jan Willem. Het verzoekschrift eener Bataviasche weduwe (Catarina Floris) in 1631. ('s Gravenhage, 1922. Wrappers. With plan. 11 pp. - (Offprint B.K.I.). [Boeknr.: 16963 ]

€ 15,00

IKRAM, Achadiati. Katalog Naskah Palembang. Catalogue of Palembang manuscripts. Tokyo, University of Foreign Studies, 2004. 8vo. Pictorial wrappers. With illustrations. 324 pp. [Boeknr.: 36571 ]

€ 75,00

INDISCHE LETTEREN. INDISCHE LETTEREN. Documentatieblad van de Werkgroep Indisch-Nederlandse Letterkunde. Jrg. I -XXVII. Leiden, 1986-2012. In issues. Wrappers. With illustrations. - Rare complete run. [Boeknr.: 23787 ]

€ 275,00

INDISCHE LETTEREN. Themanummer De Indische wereld van Louis Couperus. (No pl.), 2014. Wrappers. With illustrations. 79 pp. [Boeknr.: 34938 ]

€ 15,00

INDISCHE LETTEREN. Themanummer De tweede generatie. (No pl.), 2003. Wrappers. With illustrations. [Boeknr.: 34944 ]

€ 15,00

INDISCHE LETTEREN. Themanummer Feesten in Indië. (No pl.), 2006. Wrappers. With illustrations. 108 pp. [Boeknr.: 34946 ]

€ 15,00

INDISCHE LETTEREN. Themanummer Humor in de Indische letteren. (No pl.), 1999. Wrappers. With illustrations. [Boeknr.: 34941 ]

€ 15,00

INDISCHE LETTEREN. Themanummer Indisch-nederlandse jeugdliteratuur. (No pl.), 1992. Wrappers. With illustrations. 80 pp. [Boeknr.: 34948 ]

€ 15,00

INDISCHE LETTEREN. Themanummer Indische egodocumenten. (No pl.), 1993. Wrappers. With illustrations. [Boeknr.: 34945 ]

€ 15,00

INDISCHE LETTEREN. Themanummer Van inlander to Indonesiër (No pl.), 2009. Wrappers. With illustrations. [Boeknr.: 34940 ]

€ 15,00

INDISCHE LETTEREN. Themanummer Vrouwen over Indië. (Leiden), 2005. Wrappers. With illustrations. 112 pp. On Kartini, Beata van Helsingen-Schoevers, Augusta de Wit, Ems van Soest, Beb Vuyk, Lilian Ducelle, Hella Haasse, etc. [Boeknr.: 34943 ]

€ 15,00

INDISCHE LETTEREN. Themanummer Zuid-Afrika in Compagniestijd. (No pl.), 2003. Wrappers. With illustrations. [Boeknr.: 34942 ]

€ 15,00

INDISCHE NAVORSCHER. DE INDISCHE NAVORSCHER. Orgaan van den genealogisch-heraldischen kring, voor de beoefening der geslacht-, wapen-, exlibris, munt- en penningkunde. Redactie G.G. van der Kop, P.C. Bloys van Treslong Prins, J. Wolthers. Jaargang I-II,3. Batavia, 1934-1935. 4to. Cloth. With illustrations. - (First page damaged with some loss of text). [Boeknr.: 34857 ]

€ 45,00

INDJIL. BABAD INDJIL pradjangdjian anjar jaikoe lelampahan dalem kangdjeng goesti Jésoes Kristoes. Djokja, 'Canisius', 1925. Printed wrappers. With illustrations. 171,V pp. [Boeknr.: 36484 ]

€ 25,00

INDONESIA. - GORDEL VAN SMARAGD. 180 foto's over land en volk van Indonesië. Met een woord ten geleide van Dirk de Vries. Amsterdam, Contact, (1946). Oblong 8vo. Half cloth with decorated boards. 180 photographic plates by J.C. Mol, commissioned by the Rotterdamsche Lloyd, F.A. Brusse, a.o. [Boeknr.: 7147 ]

€ 18,00

INDONESIA. - Landkaart-stempels: Indische Archipel. (No pl., ca. 1940). Stamp depicting the Dutch East Indies, in box. [Boeknr.: 32576 ]

€ 40,00

INDONESIA. - Landschappen en volkstypen van Nederlandsch-Indië. Haarlem, H.D. Tjeenk Willink, 1883.Original decorated cloth (sl. soiled; spine sl. discoloured). With 129 fine wood-engravings (several double-page). The same illustrations were used in the book by Frederica Uildriks. Beelden uit Nederlandsch Indië. Haarlem, 1893. - Picture-book on Indonesia (Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes and the Moluccas) depicting native sceneries, costumes, views, etc. with captions in French and Dutch. Cat. KITLV p.6. [Boeknr.: 11018 ]

€ 225,00

INDONESIA. - LEIDDRAAD INDISCHE TENTOONSTELLING (IN HET WESTBROEKPARK). (Met Voorwoord van B. Elias). ('s Gravenhage, 1932). Original wrappers. With illustrations. 48 pp. [Boeknr.: 30865 ]

€ 18,00

INDONESIA. - Map of the Malay Archipelago (Netherlands East Indies). Scale 1 : Batavia, Topographical Service, 1924. Map of Indonesia, coloured in outline. Ca. 23 x 52,5 cm. [Boeknr.: 36586 ]

€ 40,00

INDONESIA. - Ten picture postcards depicting market-vendors and merchants from Indonesia. Batavia, G. Kolff & Co, and others, ca. 1900. Batavia, Local merchants; Batavia, Passer Senen; Djocja, Javanese woman; Djocja, Goldsmith; Djocja market merchant selling slippers and sarongs; Batikken; Market scene; Toy seller; The cook buys vegetables; Souvenir de Sumatra. Männer aus Sumatra [Boeknr.: 34739 ]

€ 95,00

INDONESIA. - TOEKANG POTRET. 100 jaar fotografie in Nederlands Indië 1839-1939. 100 years of photography in the Dutch Indies 1839-1939. (Rotterdam, Museum voor Volkenkunde, 1989). 4to. Boards. With ca. 150 photographic illustrations. 192 pp. Including a survey of commercial photographers and photographic studios in the Netherlands East Indies 1850-1940. [Boeknr.: 2323 ]

€ 65,00

INDONESISCHE KUNST UIT EIGEN BEZIT. Tentoonstelling gehouden naar aanleiding van het honderd jarig bestaan van de 'Indische Verzameling', sinds 1911 - 'Ethnografisch Museum'. 1864-1964. (Met inleiding van J. Terwen-de Loos). Delft, Ethnografisch Museum, (1964). 4to. Wrappers. With plates. [Boeknr.: 4723 ]

€ 25,00

INDRAPOERA. Menu card of the passengership M.S. 'Indrapoera' of the Rotterdamsche Lloyd after design by E. Gaillard. Rotterdam, 1954. Folding card in bright colours depicting a woman in local costume from Sumatra. Decorative card of the famous Dutch shipping company Rotterdamsche Lloyd. Haks & Maris, Lexicon, p.95. [Boeknr.: 35708 ]

€ 15,00

INDRAPOERA. Menu card of the passengership M.S. 'Indrapoera' of the Rotterdamsche Lloyd after design by E. Gaillard. Rotterdam, 1954. Folding card in bright colours depicting a man in local costume from Borneo. Decorative card of the famous Dutch shipping company Rotterdamsche Lloyd. Haks & Maris, Lexicon, p.95. [Boeknr.: 35758 ]

€ 15,00

INDRAPOERA. Menu card of the passengership M.S. 'Indrapoera' of the Rotterdamsche Lloyd after design by E. Gaillard. Rotterdam, 1954. Folding card in bright colours depicting a man in local costume from Celebes. Decorative card of the famous Dutch shipping company Rotterdamsche Lloyd. Haks & Maris, Lexicon, p.95. [Boeknr.: 35759 ]

€ 15,00

ISKANDAR, Teuku. Catalogue of Malay, Minangkabau, and South Sumatran manuscripts in the Netherlands. Leiden, Documentatiebureau Islam-Christendom, 1999. 2 volumes. Cloth. XIV,1095 pp. [Boeknr.: 34392 ]

€ 125,00

JAARBOEK VAN NEDERLANDSCH INDIË. Uitgave 1920. Samengesteld bij de Afd. Handel van het Departement van Landbouw, Nijverheid en Handel te Buitenzorg. (Batavia, 1920). Large 8vo. Cloth. With maps and plans (some folding) and many photographic illustrations. 270,XLIV pp. [Boeknr.: 4388 ]

€ 45,00

JACOBS, Els M. In pursuit of pepper and tea. The story of the Dutch East India Company. Amsterdam, Netherlands Maritime Museum, 1991. 4to. Wrappers. With many illustrations (several in colours). 96 pp. [Boeknr.: 8969 ]

€ 15,00

JACOBS, Els M. Koopman in Azië. De handel van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie tijdens de 18de eeuw. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2000. 4to. Boards, with dust-jacket. With numerous illustrations (several in colours). 304 pp. [Boeknr.: 21124 ]

€ 25,00

JACOBS, Els M. Varen om peper en thee. Korte geschiedenis van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie. (Amsterdam, Nederlands Scheepvaart Museum, 1991). 4to. Wrappers. With many illustrations (several in colours). 96 pp. [Boeknr.: 8654 ]

€ 15,00

JACOBS, Julius. Het familie- en kampongleven op Groot-Atjeh. Een bijdrage tot de ethnographie van Noord-Sumatra. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1894.2 volumes. 8vo. Original printed warppers (spines rep.). With 3 (2 folding) plates with Arabic script, 3 chromo-lithographed plates, 7 photolithographed plates and 10 photographic plates. (8),406,(2); (4),271 pp. First edition. - Standard work on family- and campong-life in all its aspects on Aceh, a Muslim state in the northernmost part of Sumatra.Cat. KITLV p.26. [Boeknr.: 7315 ]

€ 150,00

JACOBS, Julius. Eenigen tijd onder de Baliërs. Eene reisbeschrijving met aanteekeningen betreffende hygiène, land- en volkenkunde van de eilanden Bali en Lombok. Batavia, G. Kolff & Co., 1883.8vo. Original pictorial cloth gilt (soiled; rebacked with the original spine laid down). With photographic frontispiece and folding lithographed map by P.W.M. Trap, coloured in outline. (4),III,V,VIII,253 pp. First edition. - Julius Jacobs (1842 - 1895), health-officer, accompanied the resident of Banjoewangi during his expedition through Bali and Lombok (Lesser Sunda Islands) in 1881. He wrote a vivid description of Bali and Lombok providing much of interest on Balinese life and customs. He was highly critical of missionaries.Cat. KITLV I, p.37; Tiele 526; Lekkerkerker A 15. [Boeknr.: 13538 ]

€ 325,00

JACOBSEN, (Adrian). Reise in die Inselwelt des Banda-Meeres. Bearbeitet von Paul Roland. Mit einem Vorwort von Rudolf Virchow. Berlin, Mitscher & Röstell, 1896.Later half cloth. With numerous illustrations. (20),271 pp. First edition. - Johan Adrian Jacobsen (1853 -1947) was a Norwegian ethnologist and adventurer. He is best known as a collector of ethnographic objects, and recruiter of indigenous peoples for the ethnographic shows organized by Carl Hagenbeck, founder of Tierpark Hagenbeck, a zoo in Hamburg. He visited islands between Flores and the Kei islands, by order of the Museum für Völkerkunde in Berlin between 1887-1888. Important ethnographic study with descriptions of houses, utensils, clothes, ornaments, weapons, etc.Ruinen C 274. [Boeknr.: 12342 ]

€ 295,00

JAKARTA. THE JAKARTA EXPLORER. Cultural tours in and around the city. (3rd edition). (Jakarta, Indonesian Heritage Society, 2001). Boards. With many photographic illustrations (several in colours). XXII,345 pp. [Boeknr.: 28738 ]

€ 35,00

JAN PIETERSZOON COEN STICHTING. Stichtingsacte houdende de statuten van de Jan Pieterszoon Coen Stichting & Verslag van de werkzaamheden .. over het jaar 1935, 1936 Weltevreden, Batavia, 1936-1937. 3 volumes. Wrappers. With plates. 11; 31; 33 pp. Boarding-school Jan Pieterszoon Coen Batavia. [Boeknr.: 34815 ]

€ 18,00

JANSE, M.J. De geschiedenis van de 'Maatschappij tot Nut van den Javaan' 1866-1877. 'Waarheid voor Nederland, regtvaardigheid voor Java'. Utrecht, Universiteit Utrecht, (1999). Wrappers. VI,86,11,(9) pp. - (Utrechtse Historische Cahiers). [Boeknr.: 29778 ]

€ 18,00

JANSEN, Derk. Omwille van een gezegend eiland. Het leven van jhr. D.F. van Alphen tot 1816. (Westervoort), Van Gruting, (2001). Boards. With illustrations. 255 pp. Biography of Van Alphen during his stay in Indonesia, including his logbook 1808-1809 (Batavia, the Cape, Baltimore, Europe). [Boeknr.: 23046 ]

€ 20,00

JANSEN, L.F. In deze halve gevangenis. Dagboek van Mr.Dr.L.F. Jansen, Batavia/Jakarta 1941-1945. Bezorgd en geannoteerd door G.J. Knaap. Franeker, Van Wijnen, (1988). Wrappers. With illustrations. LIV,447 pp. One of the most important diaries kept in Batavia during the Japanese occupation. [Boeknr.: 4593 ]

€ 20,00

JANSSEN, J.H. Fragmenten uit ongedrukte reisverhalen. I. Uittreksel uit aanteekeningen, gehouden op eene reize in Oost-Indië. door J.H. Janssen, gepensioneerd chirurgijn-majoor te Kampen. Kampen, R. van Hulst, 1834. Wrappers. (12) pp. Offprint De Oosterling Nr.1 Tijdschrift .. in het licht gegeven door J. Olivier. [Boeknr.: 35805 ]

€ 18,00

(JANTZEN, F.B.). Bandoeng de stad op de hoogvlakte. Bandoeng, v/h A.C. Nix & Co., (1926). Oblong 8vo. Original wrappers. With folding plan, 27 photographic plates, and advertisements. 63 pp. [Boeknr.: 33399 ]

€ 45,00

JAQUET, F.G.P. Overzicht van publikaties uitgegeven door het Koninklijk Instituur voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 1851-1976. Leiden, KITLV, 1976. 8vo. Wrappers. 64 pp. [Boeknr.: 34126 ]

€ 18,00

JAVA & MADURA. VERSLAG van den handel, de scheepvaart als mede van de inkomende en uitgaande regten op Java en Madura over den jare 1834. Batavia, Lands Drukkerij, (1835).4to. Original boards (spine sl. dam.). With folding tables. Report of the trade and shipping, import and export on Java and Madura for the year 1834.Van der Chijs p.63; Cat. KITLV p.147. [Boeknr.: 30949 ]

€ 350,00

JAVA MOTOR CLUB. Automobielkaart van Java en Madoera. Samengesteld en uitgegeven door de Koninklijke Vereeniging Java Motor Club. Vereeniging van automobilisten en motorwielryders in geheel Ned. Indië. Semarang, Koninklijke Vereeniging Java Motor Club, (1922).3 coloured lithographed maps by G. Kolff, Batavia, mounted on linen. Each ca. 56 x 83 cm. In original printed slipcase (1 corner sl. bumped). Detailed road map of Java and Madura Island showing sugar factories, railroads, tram lines, hot springs, lakes and rivers, residency and administrative boundaries, residents posts, government posts, assist district and district chief posts, vehicle crossings, populated places. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. - Fine. [Boeknr.: 37566 ]

€ 150,00

JAVA RELIGIE EN KUNST. (Met inleiding van K.W. Galis). Delft, Ethnografisch Museum, 1970. 4to. Wrappers. With many illustrations. 156 pp. Exhibition catalogue dealing with the relation between traditional Javanese religion and art. [Boeknr.: 14713 ]

€ 18,00

JAVA-BODE. Java-Bode. Algemeen dagblad voor Nederlandsch-Indië. Jaargang 16, Nr. 183, donderdag 11 augustus 1927. (Jubileumnummer). Weltevreden, De Unie, 1927. Large folio. Modern half cloth. With many illustrations. (58) pp. Jubilee-edition of the Java-bode to commemorate the seventyfifth anniversary of the newspaper. [Boeknr.: 32199 ]

€ 95,00

JAVA-BODE. Java-Bode. Tweede Bijvoegsel. Woensdag 27 november 1889, no. 274. Batavia, 1889. Plano. [Boeknr.: 37547 ]

€ 15,00

JAVA. - DE AANVRAGEN OM CONCESSIE BANCK C.S EN POOLMAN C.S. ONDERLING VERGELEKEN. Amsterdam, Wed. J.C. van Kesteren & Zoon, 1863.Original printed wrappers. 41 pp. Comparison of two requests for a railway concession on Java. - Cat. KITLV p.157. [Boeknr.: 29247 ]

€ 45,00

JAVA. - ACHT FIGUREN UIT DE GESCHIEDENIS DER PANDAWA'S. (No place, 1918). 4to. Original decorated wrappers (spine dam.). With 8 chromolithographed plates depicting puppets of the Javanese shadow theatre. Issued on the occasion of the 'Liefdadigheidsvoorstelling ten behoeve van de slachtoffers van den Kwitangbrand op 5 october 1918'. The same plates were used in J. Kats, Het Javaansche tooneel, Weltevreden 1923. [Boeknr.: 33176 ]

€ 95,00

JAVA. - Java en Madoera. Schaal 1 : 2.000.000. Batavia, Topographische Inrichting, 1921. Map, coloured in outline. Ca. 20 x 62 cm. [Boeknr.: 36585 ]

€ 40,00

JAVASCHE COURANT. Javasche Courant no.5, 19, 93 & 94. Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1841.4 issues. Plano. With woodcut coat of arms. This newspaper was issued betweeen 1828 till 1949.Van der Chijs p.70; Smith Diehl p.415; Ebing & de Jager p.601. [Boeknr.: 37441 ]

€ 125,00

JEDAMSKI, Doris & RICK HONINGS. (Red.). Travelling the Dutch East Indies. Historical perspectives and literary representations. Hilversum, Verloren, 2023. Wrappers. With many illustrations. 229 pp. Erik ODEGARD. Preparing the 'First Voyage' to 'the East'; Geke BURGER. Floating cruise. Food on board of Dutch ocean liners heading to the Indies, 1871-1964; Marc DIERIXX. Up in the sky. Civil air transport in the Dutch East Indies and colonial society, 1928-1942; Coen van 't VEER. Thriling fiction, travel guides and spaces of identity; Judith E. BOSNAK. The art of travel along the Post Road. Impressions of 19th century journeys across the island of Java; Nick TOMBERGe. An evocation of our colonies for the Western eye. Louis Couperus' aestheticising gaze from the car. [Boeknr.: 37051 ]

€ 25,00

JELLESMA, E.J. De Minahasa en eenige andere streken der residentie Menado. Eenige aanteekeningen op het voorkomende in het werk van H. van Kol, lid van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal, 'Uit onze koloniën' door E.J. Jellesma, oud-resident van Menado (1892-1903). Amsterdam, J.H. de Bussy, 1903. Modern cloth, original frontwrapper mounted. 235 pp. [Boeknr.: 32652 ]

€ 85,00

JOëL, H.F. Honderd jaar Java Bode. De geschiedenis van een Nederlands dagblad in Indonesië. Djakarta, De Unie, 1952. Folio. Cloth. With illustrations. 124 pp. The newspaper De Java-Bode was issued in Batavia from 1852 till 1957. [Boeknr.: 5265 ]

€ 55,00

(JOHNSON, James). An account of a voyage to India, China, &c. in His Majesty’s Ship Caroline, performed in the years 1803-4-5, interspersed with descriptive sketches and cursory remarks. By an Officer of the Caroline. London, printed for Richard Philips by J.G. Barnard, 1806.Later half calf, spine gilt with red morocco title label to spine. With large folding engraved chart exhibiting the tracks of His Majesty's ships Caroline and Medusa to and from India in the years 1803-1806 and folding table. 138, III pp. First edition. - This work was intended to describe a topographical and picturesque sketch of all the principal places which were annually or occasionally visited by the East India and China fleets. Places visited included Madeira, Cape of Good Hope, Ceylon, Madras, Bengal, the Andaman Islands, Penang, Malacca, Sumatra, Macao, and Canton. - (The 2 plates mentioned on the Errata leaf not present in any copy or bibliography; age-browned).Cordier, BSI, col. 2106; Lust 375; Mendelssohn II, 693. [Boeknr.: 36985 ]

€ 475,00

JONES, Thomas. Vierde reys van de Engelse Maatschappy na Oost-Indien, onder het beleyd van Alexander Sharpey en Richard Rowles; neffens het aandoen van de Roode-Zee door de Ascension, gedaan 1608 en vervolgens. Mitsgaders de voyagien en berigten van William Nicols, Samuel Bradshaw en Joseph Salbank, breeder op de volgende blad-zijde vermeld. Als ook de vijfde reys van de Engelse Maatschappy na Oost-Indien, bysonder na Java en Banda. Gedaan en beschreven van David Middelton, in 't jaar 1609 en vervolgens. Alles nu aldereerst uyt het Engels vertaald. Leyden, Pieter van der Aa, 1707.Sm.8vo. Modern boards. With engraved title-vignette and folding engraved plate. 62,(8) pp. Issued in Pieter van der Aa's collection of voyages. - Four accounts written by survivors of the Ascension, wrecked off Surat on the fourth voyage in 1609 sent out by the English East India Company. The story of the fifth Company voyage to Java and the Banda Islands in 1609-1611 appears in Hakluytus Posthumus as a letter from David Middleton to the Company. It contains considerable detail on the trade and on the affairs of the Dutch in the Moluccas and Banda. According to Middleton, the Bandanese all hated the Dutch (Lach & Van Kley, Asia in the making of Europe, III, p.559). .Tiele 8; Cat. NHSM I, p.107. [Boeknr.: 12214 ]

€ 275,00

JONG, Chr.G.F. de. De Gereformeerde zending in Midden-Java 1931-1975. Een bronnenpublicatie. (No pl.), 1997. Cloth. With photographic illustrations. XXIII,890 pp. - (Project Kerkhistorische Uitgaven Indonesië). [Boeknr.: 32606 ]

€ 45,00

JONG, Chr.G.F. de. Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse zending op Zuid-Sulawesi 1852-1966. Een bronnenpublicatie. (No pl.), 1995. Cloth. With photographic illustrations. XI,524 pp. - (Project Kerkhistorische Uitgaven Indonesië). [Boeknr.: 32605 ]

€ 45,00

JONG, Dirk de & Matthias de SALLIETH Atlas van alle de zeehavens der Bataafsche Republiek, die van Batavia en Onrust. Mitsgaders de afbeeldingen van de haring visschery en de walvisch vangst. En met vermelding van vele bijzonderheden, betreffende den ouden en lateren toestand der Nederlandschen koophandels, visscherijen, trafieken en fabrieken beschreven door Cornelis van der Aa. Amsterdam 1805. Reprint. Franeker, Van Wijnen, 1998. Folio. Boards. With titlepage and 31 double-page views of Dutch harbours and roadsteads and two views of herring-fishery and whaling, with captions in French and Dutch. 135 pp. First edition was issued in 1802.This reprint of the second edition was issued for the first time with text by Cornelis van der Aa. Beautiful harbour-views with a variety of Dutch sailing-ships of Batavia, Onrust, Rotterdam, Hellevoetsluis, Goedereede, Den Briel, Dordrecht, Maaslandsluis, Vlaardingen, Schiedam, Delfshaven, Amsterdam, Texel, Den Helder, Hoorn, Enkhuizen, Medemblik, Edam, Middelburg, Rammekes, Vlissingen, Zieikzee, Veere, Brouwershaven, Harlingen and Stavoren. Cat. NHSM I, p.319. [Boeknr.: 35503 ]

€ 45,00

JONG, J.J.P. de. De waaier van het fortuin. Van handelscompagnie tot koloniaal imperium. De Nederlanders in Azië en de Indonesische archipel 1595-1950. (1e druk). Den Haag, SDU, (1998). Cloth, with dust-jacket. With illustrations. 715 pp. [Boeknr.: 21693 ]

€ 25,00

JONGE, B.C. de. Herinneringen van Jhr.Mr. B.C. de Jonge. Met brieven uit zijn nalatenschap. Uitgegeven door S.L. van der Wal. Utrecht, Historisch Genootschap, 1968. Wrappers. With plates. XVII,496 pp. Bonifacius Cornelis de Jonge (1875 - 1954) was a Dutch politician. He was the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies in 1931-1936. [Boeknr.: 4411 ]

€ 20,00

JONGE, Jan Karel Jakob de. De opkomst van het Nederlandsch gezag over Java. Verzameling van onuitgegeven stukken uit het Oud-Koloniaal Archief. Deel VI. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, Amsterdam, Frederik Muller, 1877. Original printed wrappers (spine sl. dam.). CI,447 pp. De opkomst van het Nederlandsch gezag in Oost-Indie, deel IX. [Boeknr.: 34340 ]

€ 45,00

JONGE, Nico de & Toos van DIJK. Vergeten eilanden. Kunst & cultuur van de Zuidoost-Molukken. Aphen a/d Rijn, Periplus Editions, 1995. 4to. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With ca. 175 illustrations, mostly in colours. 160 pp. Malukku Tenggare is one of the most unknown and isolated regions of Indonesia. [Boeknr.: 34094 ]

€ 30,00

JONGE, Thera de. De lange schaduw van Nederlands-Indië. Over het leven van Laurentius Waltherus Klerkx (1894-1983) en de zijnen. Geesteren, 2008. 4to. Wrappers. With many illustrations. The life and times of Laurentius Waltherus Klerkx, a teacher serving in Java, described by his granddaughter. [Boeknr.: 34817 ]

€ 15,00

JONGEJANS, J. Een en ander over Semangka. (Sumatra). Batavia, 1917. Wrappers. With folding map. 71 pp. - (Offprint T.B.G.). [Boeknr.: 35794 ]

€ 18,00

JONGEJANS, J. Land en volk van Atjeh vroeger en nu. Met een voorwoord van H. Colijn. Baarn, Hollandia, (1939). Cloth. With folding coloured map, and many photographic illustrations on plates. (8),353 pp. A survey of the territory of Aceh, North Sumatra. [Boeknr.: 5594 ]

€ 45,00

JONGEJANS, J. Uit Dajakland. Kijkjes in het leven van den Koppensneller en zijne omgeving. Amsterdam, J.M. Meulenhoff, 1922. Original cloth. With map and 80 photographic illustrations. 290 pp. - (Ons mooi Indië). [Boeknr.: 6066 ]

€ 30,00

JONKER, J.C.G. Bimaneesche spraakkunst. (Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1896). 8vo. Modern wrappers. XV,487 pp. Verhandelingen Bataviaasch Genootschap. - Detailed grammar of the Bima language. Bima is a kingdom on the island of Sumbawa, an Indonesian island, located in the middle of the Lesser Sunda Islands chain. - (Titlepage missing). [Boeknr.: 30332 ]

€ 275,00

JONKER, J.C.G. Lettineesche taalstudiën. Bandung, A.C. Nix & Co., 1932. 8vo. Half cloth, original printed frontwrapper mounted. VIII,252 pp. Verhandelingen Bataviaasch Genootschap. - Leti, a language of Southwest Maluku is spoken on the island of Leti near the Indonesian-East Timorese border. [Boeknr.: 36559 ]

€ 65,00

JONKER, J.C.G. Rottineesch-Hollandsch woordenboek. Uitgegeven vanwege het Departement van Koloniën. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1908. 8vo. Half cloth. XII,806 pp. Rotinese - Dutch dictionary. Rote Island is a part of Kupang Regency and is the southernmost island of Indonesia. It is located in the west coast of Kupang. [Boeknr.: 5542 ]

€ 225,00

JONKER, Menno, Erlend de GROOT & Caroline de Hart. (Red.). Van velerlei pluimage. Zeventiende-eeuwse aquarellen van Andries Beeckman. Nijmegen, Vantilt, 2014. Wrappers. With many plates and illustrations (mostly in colours). 221 pp. Andries Beeckman was a Dutch painter and draughtsman, active in Indonesia in the service of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) from ca. 1652 until 1657. [Boeknr.: 33456 ]

€ 35,00

JONKMAN, J.A. Het oude Nederlands-Indië. Memoires. Assen, Van Gorcum & Comp., 1971. Cloth, with dust-jacket. 317 pp. [Boeknr.: 15243 ]

€ 20,00

JOOSTEN, A.C. Heeft Indie behoefte aan hervorming ? Proeve van beantwoording. Amsterdam, P.N. van Kampen, 1867.Original printed wrappers. IV,127 pp. The cultivation system began to be dismantled in ca. 1850, initially because of a hostility in the Netherlands, under the new more democratic constitution of 1848, to the favored position of the sugar contractors and the NHM, and later because of growing interest in larger scale private interest in the Indies and becaue of political indignation over the oppressive practices linked with the cultivation system. The Agrian Law of 1870, which formely abolished forced cultivation, is generally regarded as the end of the cultivation system. This study is against the renovation.Cat. KITLV p.76. [Boeknr.: 29537 ]

€ 95,00

(JOOSTEN, Leo). Samosir. De oud Batakse samenleving. 's Hertogenbosch, Minderbroeders Kapucijnen van der Does-de Willeboissingel, 1996. Decorative wrappers. With folding map and coloured photographic illustrations. 99 pp. [Boeknr.: 35854 ]

€ 15,00

JÖRG, Christiaan J.A. The Geldermalsen. History and porcelain. Groningen, Kemper, 1986. 4to. Boards, with dust-jacket. With 106 coloured illustrations. 124 pp. Account of the shipwreck of the VOC ship Geldermalsen in the Lingga archipelago, Indonesia, which had sunk on her homeward voyage in 1752 and was recovered by Michael Hatcher in 1985 with 150.000 pieces of porcelain. [Boeknr.: 20358 ]

€ 25,00

JUNGHUHN, Franz Wilhelm. Licht- en schaduwbeelden uit de binnenlanden van Java. Over het karakter, de mate van beschaving, de zeden en gebruiken der Javanen; over de invoering van het Christendom op Java, het bezigen van vrijen arbeid en andere vragen van den dag. Verhalen en gesprekken der gebroeders Dag en Nacht; , verzameld op reizen door gebergten en bosschen, in de woningen van armen en rijken. 6e herziene en vermeerderde druk. Amsterdam, F. Günst, 1867.Contemporary half calf, spine gilt. With lithographed portrait. 377 pp. With bookplate of Jean Grand Jean Perrenod Comtesse. - Franz Junghuhn (1809-1864) was a co-founder of the Dutch freethinkers' association. He expounded his views in the anonymous publication of Images of Light and Shadow from Java's interior, first published in 1854. The book created a lot of bad feeling which impeded but could not prevent its appearance in the Netherlands. In the Netherlands Indies, the book was what we would now call a best seller. Junghuhn's book was prohibited in Austria and in several German states and principalities because of its alleged 'denigrations and vilifications of Christianity' (Nieuwenhuys, Mirror of the Indies, p.69). Cat. KITLV p.256; Buur 53; Tiele 573 (note). [Boeknr.: 28646 ]

€ 275,00

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