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AALBERS, J. Rijcklof van Goens, commissaris en veldoverste der Oost-Indische Compagnie, en zijn arbeidsveld, 1653/54 (Ceylon) en 1657/58 (India). Groningen, J.B. Wolters, 1916. Cloth. With 3 folding facsimile maps and several plates. (16),221 pp. -(Stamp on title-page). [Boeknr.: 6254 ]

€ 25,00

ARCHER, Mildred. Company drawings in the India Office Library. London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1972. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 78 plates and illustrations (4 in colours). XIV,298 pp. Company drawings were made by Indian artists who were employed by the British East India Office to illustrate the manners and customs of India. [Boeknr.: 15848 ]

€ 45,00

BABU, S. Commodity composition of the English trade on the Coromandal coast (1611-1652). New Delhi, 1991. Folio. Wrappers. 16 lvs. - (Paper Second International Symposium on Maritime Studies). [Boeknr.: 28698 ]

€ 18,00

BARROS, Joan de. Bloedige scheeps-togt van den maarschalk Don Fernando Coutinho na Oost-Indien, met een vloot van 15 scheepen in't jaar 1509. Behelsende het verdelgen van Calicut, en de ongelukkige dood van den maarschalk en veele aansienelijke Portugysen. In het Portuguys beschreeven .. Nu alder-eerst uyt die spraak vertaalt. Leyden, Pieter van der Aa, 1706.Sm.8vo. Marbled wrappers. With engraved title-vignette and one double-page engraved plate. 23,(3) pp. Issued in Pieter van der Aa's collection of voyages. - In 1509 the marshal Don Fernando Coutinho made an unsuccessful attack on the city of Calicut in the Malabar district of Madras; in the following year it was again assailed by Albuquerque with 3000 troops. On this occasion the palace was plundered and the town burnt. João de Barros (1496 - 1570), is one of the first great Portuguese historians, most famous for his Décadas da Ásia, a history of the Portuguese in India, Asia, and southeast Africa. Tiele 5; Cat. NHSM I, p.107. [Boeknr.: 12317 ]

€ 95,00

BAUER, Marius. Marius Bauer 1867-1932. Oriëntalist. Zutphen, Bauer Documentatie Stichting, 2001. 4to. Pictorial cloth. With 10 illustrations and 87 coloured plates. 266 pp. Marius Bauer (1867-1932) travelled far and wide to countries like India, Indonesia, Turkey and Morocco. He can be considered as one of the few Dutch orientalists and one of the best Dutch graphic artists of his time (Haks & Maris p.26). With contributions by P. Ankum, J. de Hond and A.J. Vervoorn [Boeknr.: 35843 ]

€ 25,00

BAUER, Marius. Marius Bauer 1867-1932. (Samenstelling tentoonstelling Mariëtta Jansen en Saskia Zwiers). Zeist, Zeister Kunststichting, 1994. 4to. Wrappers. With coloured plates. 48 pp. Marius Bauer (1867-1932) travelled far and wide to countries like India, Indonesia, Turkey and Morocco. He can be considered as one of the few Dutch orientalists and one of the best Dutch graphic artists of his time (Haks & Maris p.26). [Boeknr.: 35844 ]

€ 15,00

BAYLY, C.A. (Ed.). The Raj. India and the British 1600-1947. (London, National Portrait Gallery, 1990). 4to. Wrappers. With more than 500 illustrations of paintings, photographs, portraits, furnishings, textiles and artefacts (many in colours). 432 pp. 'Spanning a period of over three hundred years, this book examines the relationship between British and Indian society, throughout the British presence in India, from the founding of the East India Company in 1600 to the partition of India in 1947. The book makes an important contribution to Indian history and to the understanding of the European experience of colonialism'. - A fine illustrated catalogue. [Boeknr.: 15678 ]

€ 65,00

BAYLY, C.A. Indian society and the making of the British Empire. Hyderabad, Orient Longman, 1990. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With maps. XI,230 pp. - (New Cambridge History of India). [Boeknr.: 33688 ]

€ 35,00

BENGAL. LA MISSION BELGE DU BENGALE OCCIDENTAL. Bruxelles, Société Belge de Librairie, 1890. Old half cloth, printed title-label on frontcover. With folding coloured map (fold rep.). 84 pp. Belgian mission in West Bengal, India. [Boeknr.: 25311 ]

€ 35,00

BERTRAND, J. Lettres édifiantes et curieuses de la nouvelle mission du Maduré. Tome I. Paris, Lyon, J.B. Pélagaud, 1865.Original blind-tooled cloth gilt. III,464 pp. [Boeknr.: 36479 ]

€ 65,00

BES, L., J. GOMMANS, J., G. KRUIJTER. Dutch sources on South Asia c. 1600-1825. Volume I: Bibliography and archival guide to the National Archives at the Hague (The Netherlands). Manohar, 2001. Boards, with dust-jacket. With maps. 424 pp. Dutch sources on South Asia. - This volume deals with the holdings of the National Archives, It comprehensively covers a large array of sources in the Netherlands relating to more than two centuries of close Dutch contacts with the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka. [Boeknr.: 25247 ]

€ 40,00

BES, Lennart. Dutch sources on South Asia c. 1600-1825. Volume II: Archival guide to the Repositories in the Netherlands other than the National Archives (at the Hague, the Netherlands). Manohar, 2007. Boards, with dust-jacket. 508 pp. Dutch sources on South Asia. - 'It comprehensively covers a large array of sources in the Netherlands relating to more than two centuries of close Dutch contacts with the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka'. [Boeknr.: 29715 ]

€ 40,00

BIOVÈS, Achille. Les Anglais dans l'Inde. Warren Hastings (1772-1785). Paris, Albert Fontemoing, 1904. Original decorated wrappers, uncut. With portrait and folding map. V,372 pp. Warren Hastings (1732 - 1818), an English statesman, was the first Governor-General of Bengal from 1773 to 1785. He was accused of corruption and impeached in 1787, but after a long trial he was acquitted in 1795. [Boeknr.: 24670 ]

€ 35,00

BLANCHOD, Fred. Dans l'Asie. Des hommes bruns. Voyage aux Indes. Lausanne, Payot, 1944. Original pictorial coloured wrappers (small label on spine). With map and 32 photographic illustrations. 278,(2) pp. [Boeknr.: 24967 ]

€ 35,00

BLUNT, WilfrId. Pietro's pilgrimage. A journey to India and back at the beginning of the seventeenth century. London, James Barrie, 1953. Boards, with dust-jacket. XII,320 pp. 'Pietro Della Valle was in the east for some twelve years. He knew Constantinople well in the sunset of its glory; he visited Cairo, Jerusalem, Damascus, Aleppo and Bagdad; he spent seven years in Persia .. and he visited parts of India reached by few other travellers of his day'. [Boeknr.: 37665 ]

€ 45,00

BOELL, Paul. L'Inde et le problème Indien. 2me édition. Paris, Albert Fontemoing, (ca. 1900). Original printed wrappers, uncut. 320 pp. [Boeknr.: 24169 ]

€ 25,00

BOLTS, Willem. État civil, politique et commerçant, du Bengale; ou histoire des conquêtes & de l'administration de la Compagnie Angloise dans ce pays. Ouvrage traduit de l'Anglois. La Haye, Gosse, 1775.2 volumes in 1. Contemporary mottled calf (rebacked, original gilt spine mounted). With 2 engraved frontispieces and large folding engraved map. XL,222; 240 pp. First French edition; first published in English Civil, political, and commercial state of Bengal. London, 1773. - Willem Bolts (ca. 1740-1808) was a Dutch adventurer who entered the English East India Company in Bengal, and got into trouble for private trading in the name of the East India Company. The government of Benares sent him off to England as a prisoner. He sought legal action against them, but ruined himself in the proces. This vigorous exchange of views developed into a bitter controversy and played an important part in fuelling the extensive public debate that was taking place on the subject of the East India Company's operations in India. The French translation was made by Jean Nicolas Demeunier. - Pasted in is a letter in French, dated 1776, dealing with the ceding of Benares by the Rajah to the English East India Company.Cox I, p.299; Chadenat 2791. [Boeknr.: 20858 ]

€ 375,00

BONNERJEA, Biren. L'ethnologie du Bengale. Paris, Paul Geuthner, 1927. Wrappers. XX,169 pp. [Boeknr.: 25030 ]

€ 25,00

BOXER, Charles Ralph. Francisco Vieira de Figueiredo: a Portuguese merchant-adventurer in South East Asia, 1624-1667. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1967. Wrappers. With 3 plates. 117 pp. - (V.K.I.). [Boeknr.: 10659 ]

€ 18,00

BOXER, Charles Ralph. A India Portuguesa em meados do séc. XVII. (Lisboa, 1980). Wrappers. With maps. 79 pp. [Boeknr.: 30584 ]

€ 35,00

BROECKE, Pieter van den. Pieter van den Broecke in Azië. Uitgegeven door W.Ph. Coolhaas. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1962-1963. 2 volumes. Cloth. With portrait, 7 maps and 13 plates. XI,434 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging LXIII-LXIV. - Pieter van den Broeck visited not only India but also Persia and Arabia. [Boeknr.: 3731 ]

€ 55,00

BUCHANAN, W.J. Notes on tours in Darjeeling and Sikkim. Darjeeling, Darjeeling Improvement Fund, 1916. Original red cloth with gilt lettering (sl. soiled). With large coloured folding map in rear pocket. 40 pp. 'The following notes and lists of itineraries of trips in Sikkim are published by the Darjeeling Improvement Fund to encourage more visitors to Darjeeling to make use of the splendid opportunities for enjoying brief holidays in Sikkim'. - (Wormholes).Yakushi B285. [Boeknr.: 31549 ]

€ 275,00

BUYERS, William. Recollections of Northern India; with observations on the origin, customs, and moral sentiments of the Hindoos, and remarks on the country, and principal places on the Ganges, &c. London, John Snow, 1848.Original embossed green cloth, spine lettered in gilt. 548 pp. First edition. - Describes the general character of the Ganges delta, the city of Calcutta and Banaras, its inhabitants, European and native society, missionary and educational institutions, as well as tiger hunting and the opium trade. 'He offers uniquely interesting analysis of the state and impact of the Christian missionary societies in India' (Riddick 80). - (Age-browned). [Boeknr.: 25457 ]

€ 275,00

CAERDEN, Paulus van. De derde reis van de VOC naar Oost-Indië onder het beleid van admiraal Paulus van Caerden, uitgezeild in 1606. Uitgegeven door A. de Booy. Met inleiding, 2 journalen en bijlagen. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1968-70. 2 volumes. Cloth. With plates. 213; XVI,274 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging LXX-LXX.I. - Account of the third voyage of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). With descriptions of the Dutch colony at Delagoa Bay (Mozambique), Goa (slave trade), India, Indonesia and South Africa. Finally he became governor of the Molucces. [Boeknr.: 265 ]

€ 45,00

CHAKRABORTI, Phanindra Nath. Rise and growth of English East India Company. A study of British mercantile activities in Mughal India. Calcutta, Punthi Pustak, 1994. Cloth, with dust-jacket. XIII,341 pp. [Boeknr.: 37014 ]

€ 35,00

DALRYMPLE, William. The anarchy. The relentless rise of the East India Company. London, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019. Wrappers. With coloured plates. XXXV,522 pp. [Boeknr.: 37015 ]

€ 45,00

DANISH ASIATIC COMPANY. Brief van een koopman, uit Rotterdam, aan zynen vriend, te Amsterdam. Behelzende eenige aanmerkingen, zo over de negotiation binnen deeze provincien, ten behoeve van vreemde vorsten en particulieren ondernomen: als wel byzonder, ten opzigte der negociatie, die voor reekening van de Geoctroyeerde Deensche Asiatische Compagnie te Coppenhagen, ook thans aan het publicq word aangeboden. Amsterdam, J. Groenewoud etc., (1779). 22 pp. Letter from an Amsterdam merchant about the Danish Asiatic Company (Danish: Asiatisk Kompagni) , a Danish trading company established in 1730 to revive Danish trade on the Danish East Indies and China following the closure of the Danish East India Company. It was granted a 40-year monopoly on Danish trade on Asia in 1732 and taken over by the Danish government in 1772. It was headquartered at Asiatisk Plads in Copenhagen. Its former premises are now used by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1772, the company lost its monopoly and in 1779, Danish India became a crown colony. Knuttel 19331. [Boeknr.: 37060 ]

€ 295,00

DATTA, Kalikinkar. The Dutch in Bengal and Bihar 1740-1825 A.D. 2nd revised and enlarged edition. Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, (1968). Wrappers. 200 pp. [Boeknr.: 12166 ]

€ 25,00

DELLON, Gabriel. Historie der inquisitie tot Goa. En in andere gewesten van Indien. Uyt het Frans vertaalt. Amsterdam, Pieter Mortier, 1697.Sm.8vo. Contemporary vellum. With engraved title-vignette, 3 engraved vignettes and 6 engraved plates (3 folding). (12),282,(17) pp. First Dutch edition; first published in French in Leiden in 1687: Relation de l'inquisition de Goa. - In 1668 Dellon sailed to India with the Compagnie des Indes. He travelled extensively along the Malabar coast. In 1673 he left the employment of the company and started a private medical practice in Damao, at that time a Portuguese colony. Six months later, early in 1674, he was arrested by the Inquisition and taken to Goa, where he was imprisoned for two years. He was then shipped to Lisbon, but released in the following year on condition that he should return immediately to France. .. It proved a considerable success, particularly in Protestant Europe, where it ran to numerous editions. Although long regarded purely as a work of propaganda, recent research has testified to its accuracy (Howgego p.304/305). ' Dellon's description of the Inquisition and of the practices of its officials and their collaborators is the only source available on the functioning of that institution by a comtemporary who saw it from the inside' (Lach, Asia in the making of Europe III,2, p.851). It includes also details of his stay in Bahia, Brazil. His account of the Inquisition was still forbidden in Portugal in 1769. It is one of the few contemporary sources available. - A nice copy.Cf. Borba de Moraes I, p.253-255; Sabin 19444-19447. [Boeknr.: 14771 ]

€ 850,00

DUBOIS DE JANCIGNY & Xavier RAYMOND. Inde. Paris, Firmin Didot Frères, 1845.Contemporary half morocco, spine gilt. With 2 maps and 84 engraved plates. 592 pp. From the series: L'Univers. Histoire et description de tous les peuples. - Foxing as usual otherwise fine. [Boeknr.: 11905 ]

€ 95,00

DUBOIS, J(ean) A(ntoine). Hindu manners, customs and ceremonies. Translated from the author's later French ms. and edited with notes, corrections, and biography by Henry K. Beauchamp. 3rd edition. Oxford, Clarendon Press, (1968). Cloth. XXXIV,741 pp. [Boeknr.: 23115 ]

€ 30,00

EATON, Richard M. India in the Persianate age 1000-1765. (No pl.), Allen Lane, 2019. Boards, with dust-jacket. With coloured plates. XIV,489 pp. [Boeknr.: 37016 ]

€ 45,00

FEBURE, Michael de. Een ontdekking van de wereld in de achttiende eeuw. Reisdagboek van de Gentse aalmoezenier Michael de Febure. Bezorgd en ingeleid door Jan Parmentier en Kristin Van Damme. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2023. Cloth, with dust-jacket. 256 pp. Linschoten Vereeniging 123. - Michael de Febure wrote during his journey in 1721-1722minutely on what he saw and experienced. He talks about daily life on board, pirates, marine fauna, scurvy, navigation, temperature observations and the peoples and cultures of Cape Verde, India and the Azores. [Boeknr.: 37606 ]

€ 43,00

GALLETTI, A., A.J. VAN DER BURG, P. GROOT. The Dutch in Malabar being a translation of selections Nos. 1 and 2 with introductions and notes. Madras, 1911. Reprint. New Delhi, Usha, 1984. 8vo. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With plates. X,270 pp. Selections from the records of the Madras government. - Two important memoirs by Stein van Gollenesse (1743) and Moens (1781). [Boeknr.: 6282 ]

€ 75,00

GELEYNSSEN DE JONGH, Wollebrandt. De Remonstrantie van W. Geleynssen de Jongh. Uitgegeven door W. Caland. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff,1929. Cloth. With portrait and folding map. XV,127 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging XXXI. - Description of the empire of the Grand Moghul, written in ca. 1625, by a servant of the Dutch East India Company. [Boeknr.: 3716 ]

€ 35,00

GERNER, Manfred. Architectures de l'Himalaya. Lausanne, André Delcourt, 1988. 4to. Pictorial boards. With numerous photographic illustrations (several in colours). 160 pp. - A fine copy. [Boeknr.: 34725 ]

€ 25,00

GOMMANS, Jos. The unseen world. India and the Netherlands from 1550. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, Nijmegen, Vantilt, 2018. 4to. Pictorial boards. With many coloured illustrations. 266 pp. Part of the Rijksmuseum Country Series published by the museum's History Department. Each book in the series uses objects in the Rijksmuseum collection to explore the shared history of the Netherlands and overseas countries. [Boeknr.: 35037 ]

€ 25,00

GOMMANS, Jos. De verborgen wereld. India en Nederland vanaf 1550. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, Nijmegen, Vantilt, 2018. 4to. Pictorial boards. With many coloured illustrations. 266 pp. Part of the Rijksmuseum Country Series published by the museum's History Department. Each book in the series uses objects in the Rijksmuseum collection to explore the shared history of the Netherlands and overseas countries. [Boeknr.: 35036 ]

€ 25,00

GOOR, Jurrien van. Dutch 'calvinists' on the Coromandel coast and in Sri Lanka. (Melbourne, 1996). Wrappers. (10) pp. - (Offprint Journal of South Asian Studies). [Boeknr.: 32722 ]

€ 15,00

HAAFNER, Jacob. Lotgevallen op eene reize van Madras over Tranquebaar naar het eiland Ceilon. 2e druk. Amsterdam, G.J.A. Beijerinck, 1826.Sm 8vo. Original printed boards (rebacked), uncut. With engraved title depicting Haafner's arrival on the island Caradival and folding plate depicting his meeting with the Jammedaar at Alamparvé after Jacob Haafner by Reinier Vinkeles. VIII,268 pp. Second edition; first published in Amsterdam in 1806. - Travel from Madras to Ceylon in 1806. Jacob Gotfried Haafner (1754 - 1809) was a German-Dutch travel writer who lived in and wrote extensively on India and Sri Lanka. His travelogues were noted for their Romantic undertones, lively descriptions of Indian cultures and peoples, as well as criticisms of European colonialism, slavery, and cultural domination. He mixed up facts, romance and strong prejudices in very readable stories which provide insight into typical English Enlightment views on colonial and Indian society' (Coolhaas p.66-67). Haafner witnessed the Company's death agony and demise, and wrote about it. He has a lively and compelling manner (Nieuwenhuys, Mirror of the Indies, p.21). - (Margin of 1 leaf damaged with some loss of letters).Tiele 433; Cat. NHSM I, p.243; Landwehr, VOC, 347; Goonetileke 2192. [Boeknr.: 13094 ]

€ 225,00

HAAFNER, Jacob. Reize in eenen palanquin; of lotgevallen en merkwaardige aanteekeningen op eene reize langs de kusten Orixa en Choromandel. 2e druk. Amsterdam, G.J.A. Beijerinck, 1827.2 volumes. Sm.8vo. Later half green calf, with red morocco spine labels, uncut. With 2 identical engraved title-pages depicting the author in a palanquin, 3 folding plates and 4 hand-coloured costume plates after Jacob Haafner by Reinier Vinkeles (missing one of the two plates of the Devedaschie?). X,260; IV,289,(1) pp. Second edition, first published in Amsterdam in 1808. - Travels on the coasts of Orissa and Coromandel in 1808. Jacob Gotfried Haafner (1754 - 1809) was a German-Dutch travel writer who lived in and wrote extensively on India and Sri Lanka. His travelogues were noted for their Romantic undertones, lively descriptions of Indian cultures and peoples, as well as criticisms of European colonialism, slavery, and cultural domination. He mixed up facts, romance and strong prejudices in very readable stories which provide insight into typical English Enlightment views on colonial and Indian society' (Coolhaas p.66-67). Haafner witnessed the Company's death agony and demise, and wrote about it. He has a lively and compelling manner (Nieuwenhuys, Mirror of the Indies, p.21). Tiele 434; Cat. NHSM I,p. 243; Landwehr, Coloured Plates, 295; Landwehr, VOC, 348. [Boeknr.: 3285 ]

€ 375,00

HAAFNER, Jacob. UIT MENSCHLIEVENDHEID ZOUDE IK BARBAAR KUNNEN WORDEN. Reizen in Azie van G. Haafner, Q.M.R. VerHuell, J. Olivier en P.P. Roorda van Eysinga tussen 1770 en 1830. Amsterdam, L.J. Veen, 1992. 4to. Wrappers. With many illustrations. 167 pp. [Boeknr.: 10325 ]

€ 18,00

HAAFNER, Jacob. De werken. Deel I. Bezorgd door J.A. de Moor en P.G.E.I.J. van der Velde. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 1997. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 10 plates. 367 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging XCI. - Contains Lotgevallen en vroegere zeereizen (1820) & Lotgevallen op eene reize van Madras over Tranquebaar naar het eiland Ceilon (1806). [Boeknr.: 10259 ]

€ 40,00

HAMILTON, Alexander. A new account of the East Indies. Now edited with introduction and notes by William Foster. London, 1930. Reprint. Amsterdam, Nico Israel, 1970. 2 volumes in 1. 4to. Imitation leather. With 17 maps and plates. XXXVII,259; 225 pp. Argonaut Press 8. - In 1727 Hamilton published an account of his experiences, a work which remains to this day one of the most valuable first-hand histories of English merchant shipping in the Indian Ocean and East Indies (Howgego p.477). [Boeknr.: 34523 ]

€ 65,00

HARTKAMP-JONXIS, Ebeltje. ( Red.). Sits. Oost-West relaties in textiel. Zwolle, Waanders, (1987). Folio. Boards, with dust-jacket. With many illustrations (some in colours). 216 pp. Catalogue of an important exhibition of imported chintz from the Far East by the Dutch East India Company (VOC) . [Boeknr.: 4334 ]

€ 35,00

HAWES, Roger. Twee bysondere scheeps-togten, de eerste van Roger Hawes, behelsende een berigt van het aanstellen van een comptoir tot Cranganor, onder den Groten Samorin, etc. in het jaar 1616. De tweede van Alexander Childe na Suratte en Jasques: gedaan in het jaar 1616 en vervolgens. Beyde in het Engels beschreven, en nu alder-eerst uyt die spraak vertaalt. Leyden, Pieter van der Aa, (ca. 1706).Folio. Modern boards. With engraved title-vignette and engraving in text. (8) pp. Issued in Pieter van der Aa's collection of voyages. - Two voyages to India, Cranganur and Surat, made in 1616.Tiele 8; Cat. NHSM I, p.107. [Boeknr.: 12248 ]

€ 125,00

HEBER, Reginald. Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-1825, (with notes upon Ceylon), an account of a journey to Madras and the southern provinces, 1826, and letters written in India. Third edition. London, John Murray, 1828.3 volumes. Contemporary half calf, spines gilt. With 27 wood-engravings. LXVII,450; VI,564; VI,525,(2),VIII pp. First edition published the same year. - Posthumously published by the widow of the author Amelia Heber. Reginald Heber (1783-1826) described in his daily journal his travels as bishop of Calcutta through Northern India from October 1823 to April 1824. This tour encompassed a journey through Bihar, Rohilkhand, Rajputana, and Gujarat with visits to such key cities as Benares, Allahabad, Agra and Lucknow. The main interest in Heber's journal is in his description of the people and their culture and in his observation of the great natural beauty of India's rivers and mountains (Riddick 123). He later visited Ceylon, and sailed to Madras and the south, where he died in April 1826. A highly valuable, interesting, and most delightful work (Lowndes 1030-1031). - A fine copy.Goonetileke I, 2202. [Boeknr.: 10964 ]

€ 1225,00

HERBERT, Thomas. Zee- en lant-reyse na verscheyde deelen van Asia en Africa: beschryvende voornamelijck de twee beroemde rijcken van den Persiaen, en den Grooten Mogul. Als mede/ verscheyde machtige en groote koninckrijcken van Oost-Indien/ en andere gedeelten van Asia/ te samen met de aenleggende eylanden. Beneffens een verhael van den eersten vinder van America. Uyt het Engels in de Nederlandtsche tale overgeset door L.V. Bosch. Dordrecht, Abraham Andriessz., 1658.4to. Contemporary vellum. With engraved frontispiece and 12 large engravings in the text. (12),192 pp. First Dutch edition, first published in English in London in 1634 A relation of some years travaile, begunne anno 1626. Into Afrique and the Greater Asia. - 'In 1627 Herbert travelled to Persia as a member of the entourage of Sir Dodmore Cotton, accompanied by Sir Robert Sherley. Cottton had been appointed ambassador to Persia as a result of the return of Robert Sherley in 1623. The embassy had produced two rival ambassadors, Sherley and Nagd Ali Beg (Nogdi Ali Beg), each of whom had denounced the other as an imposter. James I therefore decided to send Cotton as his ambassador to Persia to clarify these matters, accompanied by the two interested parties, Sherley and Ali Beg. Thomas Herbert was to accompany the mission. Sailing via the Cape of Good Hope, Madagascar and Goa, the party landed at Surat on 27.11.27. There Ali Beg deliberately took on overdose of opium and killed himself .. Herbert sailed on 18.12.27 for Persia and landed at Gombroon .. they continued to Teheran, and then to Qazvin where both Robert Sherley and Cotton died of dysentery. Herbert, however, continued his travels, visiting Lar, Shiraz, Esfahan, Tehran, Qum, Kashan and eventually returning to Gombroon. From there he made his way to Surat (December 1628), and in April 1629 sailed for London, visiting en route Ceylon, the Coromandel coast, Mauritius and St. Helena' (Howgego p.503/504). Herbert 'gives a description of Persian coffee customs which is probably the earliest in English language' (Hünersdorff/Hasenkamp p.686). Pages 188--192 contain the Ontdeckingh van America door Madoc ap Owen Gwyneth. He was a 12th-century apocryphal Welsh voyager (Howgego M12). - A very fine copy of the earliest significant English travel account of the Near East.Tiele 468; Cat. NHSM I, p.133; Mendelssohn I, p.705-706; Cordier, B.I., p.875; Wilson p.94. [Boeknr.: 36167 ]

€ 1250,00

HERTEL, Johannes. (Red.). Indische sprookjes. Zaltbommel, Van de Garde, (1997). Decorated boards. With illustrations. 80 pp. [Boeknr.: 36440 ]

€ 18,00

HEYDEN, Frans Jansz. van der. Vervarelyke schip-breuk van 't Oost-Indische jacht Terschelling onder het landt van Bengale; verhalende desselfs verongelukken, en den gruwelijken hongers-noot van 32 schip-breukelingen op zeker onbewoont eilant.. als ook hoe sy van het selve eilant in Bengale landen.. Uitgegeven en van prenten, aanteekeningen en een inleiding voorzien door C.E. Warnsinck-Delprat. Voorwoord van W. Voorbeijtel Cannenburg. Utrecht, W. de Haan, 1944. Half leather (rebacked). With plates and maps. 137 pp. Limited edition. - The Dutch ship Terschelling was wrecked off the coast of Bengal in 1661. [Boeknr.: 6290 ]

€ 30,00

HEYDEN, Frans Jansz. van der. Vervarelyke schip-breuk van't Oost-Indisch jacht Ter Schelling, onder het landt van Bengale; verhalende desselfs ongelucken, en den gruwelyken hongersnood van 32 schip-breukelingen op zeker onbewoont eiland, daer zy van't wrak met een vlot aanquamen. Hoe sy van het selve eiland in Bengale landen, en voorts in't veld-leger van den Grooten Mogol, tot in't koningryck van Assam landewaerts opgevoert zijn. Beneffens een bondige beschryving der koningrijken van Arrakan, Bengale, Martavan, Tanassery. 4e druk. Harderwijk, Dirk en Jan Rampen, 1707.4to. Old half cloth. With large woodcut vignette on title-page and 18 woodcuts in the text. 96 pp. First edition was published in Amsterdam in 1648; with bookplate of J. Verheus. - Shipwreck on a desert island, hunger, and cannibalism are the themes in this journal kept by Franz Janszoon van der Heiden, a member of the crew. The ship left Batavia (Jakarta) under captain Jacob Jansz. Stroom in 1661 and wrecked on a sandbank off the shore of Bengal and finally reached mainland Bengal where they were conscripted into the Mogul army to fight against the kingdom of Assam. The gruesome massacre of captives by the Nabob is described and followed by accounts of the kingdoms of Arrakan, Martabab, Tanassery, Bengala and Patan along the coast of the Bay of Bengal from modern Bangladesh to Burma. One of the most well-known Dutch books of a disastrous voyage by the Dutch East India Company (VOC). - Fine.Landwehr, VOC, 422; Tiele 462; Cat. NHSM I, p.188; Huntress 23 C; Lach, Asia in the making of Europe III, p.496. [Boeknr.: 34749 ]

€ 1750,00

HEYNEN, F(rederik Constantijn). Blikken op Indië. Geschiedenis, godsdienst, maatschappelijke toestand, taal en letterkunde. Rotterdam, G.W. van Belle, 1870.Modern cloth (original printed frontwrapper mounted). With tinted lithographed frontispiece by P.W. v.d. Weger. VI,244 pp. First edition. - Description of India: history, religion, social conditions, language and literature. - Bound with: Savitri, Een episode der Maha-Bharata, uit het Sanskriet vertaald en toegelicht door J. Arntz. [Boeknr.: 14017 ]

€ 65,00

HOFFMEISTER, Werner. Travels in Ceylon and continental India; including Nepal and other parts of the Himalayas, to the borders of Thibet, with some notes of the overland route. Translated from the German. Edinburgh, William P. Kennedy, 1848.Original embossed cloth with gilt illustration of front cover (spine ends restored). With 2 folding maps. XII,527 pp. First edition; first published in Braunschweig in 1847 Briefe aus Indien. - Personal letters to friends by the doctor who accompanied Prince Waldemar of Prussia on his vist to Kathmandu during Febr.-March, 1845 and to Shipki in August (Yakushi p.190). Much of the text details the countryside and peoples (Czech 106). With appendices: I. Addressed to Baron von Humboldt, On the geographical distribution of coniferae on the Himalayan mountains. II. On the vegetation of the Himalayan mountains. III. The birds of the Himalayan mountains.Aschoff p.173. [Boeknr.: 37305 ]

€ 395,00

HOOGHLY. Aanwysing der voornaamste wooningen, poorten, thuynen, tanken, enz. op Hoegly A° 1721. (Dordrecht, Amsterdam, Joannes van Braam, Gerard onder de Linden, 1724).Engraved plan of the trading post of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in Hooghly in Bengal, with ships in the foreground and legend with names of the buildings, gardens, etc. Ca. 28 x 36,5 cm. From: François Valentijn. Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indiën. - Among other European powers that came to Hooghly were the Portuguese, the Danish, the British, the French, the Belgians and the Germans. Dutch traders centered their activities in the town Chuchura which is south of Hooghly. Chandannagar became the base of the French and the city remained under their control from 1816 to 1950. Similarly, the Danish establishment a settlement in Serampore (1755). All these towns are on the west bank of the Hooghly River and served as ports. Among these European countries, the British ultimately became most powerful. Landwehr, VOC, 467. [Boeknr.: 13950 ]

€ 150,00

IMHOFF, Gustaaf Willem van. Gouverneur Van Imhoff op dienstreis in 1739 naar Cochin, Travancore en Tuticorin, en terug over Jaffna en Mannar naar Colombo (zondag 25 januari tot zaterdag 18 april). Bezorgd door Lodewijk Wagenaar, Anke Galjaard, Marianne Nierop en Marleen Speelman. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2007. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With illustrations. 352 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging CVI. - Van Imhoff (1705-1750) made, together with Stein van Gollenesse (1691-1755), an official journey for the VOC, to India and Ceylon. An eye-witness account. [Boeknr.: 30592 ]

€ 30,00

INDIA COMPANY PAINTING. Indian servant. (Ca. 1850). Gouache on mica. Ca. 12,5 x 9 cm. Paintings on mica were very popular around the middle of the nineteenth century, being produced in large numbers for the tourist market. [Boeknr.: 35744 ]

€ 65,00

INDIA. An Indo-European man in European clothing standing next to his horse ( Punjab). (Ca. 1850). Original drawing made by an Indian artist ?. Ca. 20,5 x 26 cm. [Boeknr.: 35748 ]

€ 125,00

INDIA. Return to an Address of the House of Lords, dated 22nd February 1883, for copies or extracts of, correspondence between the Secretary of State for India in Council, the government of India, and the various local governments, on the proposed measures for the extension of local government in India. Part II: Appendix. London, India Office, 1883.Folio. Original blue wrappers (dam.). 353 pp. - (Light browning). [Boeknr.: 7831 ]

€ 45,00

JACOB, Hugo Karel s'. De Nederlanders in Kerala, 1663-1701. De memoires en instructies betreffende het commandement Malabar en de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1976. Cloth. XC,437 pp. - (R.G.P.). [Boeknr.: 6295 ]

€ 40,00

JANSEN, Mariëtta & André KRAAYENGA. Marius Bauer 1867-1932. Reisimpressies uit India en de Oriënt. Heino Wijhe, Hannema - de Stuers Fundatie, 1991. Pictorial wrappers. With many illustrations. 176 pp. Travel impressions from India and the Orient by the Dutch artist Marius Bauer. [Boeknr.: 35862 ]

€ 30,00

(JOHNSON, James). An account of a voyage to India, China, &c. in His Majesty’s Ship Caroline, performed in the years 1803-4-5, interspersed with descriptive sketches and cursory remarks. By an Officer of the Caroline. London, printed for Richard Philips by J.G. Barnard, 1806.Later half calf, spine gilt with red morocco title label to spine. With large folding engraved chart exhibiting the tracks of His Majesty's ships Caroline and Medusa to and from India in the years 1803-1806 and folding table. 138, III pp. First edition. - This work was intended to describe a topographical and picturesque sketch of all the principal places which were annually or occasionally visited by the East India and China fleets. Places visited included Madeira, Cape of Good Hope, Ceylon, Madras, Bengal, the Andaman Islands, Penang, Malacca, Sumatra, Macao, and Canton. - (The 2 plates mentioned on the Errata leaf not present in any copy or bibliography; age-browned).Cordier, BSI, col. 2106; Lust 375; Mendelssohn II, 693. [Boeknr.: 36985 ]

€ 475,00

JONES, Thomas. Vierde reys van de Engelse Maatschappy na Oost-Indien, onder het beleyd van Alexander Sharpey en Richard Rowles; neffens het aandoen van de Roode-Zee door de Ascension, gedaan 1608 en vervolgens. Mitsgaders de voyagien en berigten van William Nicols, Samuel Bradshaw en Joseph Salbank, breeder op de volgende blad-zijde vermeld. Als ook de vijfde reys van de Engelse Maatschappy na Oost-Indien, bysonder na Java en Banda. Gedaan en beschreven van David Middelton, in 't jaar 1609 en vervolgens. Alles nu aldereerst uyt het Engels vertaald. Leyden, Pieter van der Aa, 1707.Sm.8vo. Modern boards. With engraved title-vignette and folding engraved plate. 62,(8) pp. Issued in Pieter van der Aa's collection of voyages. - Four accounts written by survivors of the Ascension, wrecked off Surat on the fourth voyage in 1609 sent out by the English East India Company. The story of the fifth Company voyage to Java and the Banda Islands in 1609-1611 appears in Hakluytus Posthumus as a letter from David Middleton to the Company. It contains considerable detail on the trade and on the affairs of the Dutch in the Moluccas and Banda. According to Middleton, the Bandanese all hated the Dutch (Lach & Van Kley, Asia in the making of Europe, III, p.559). .Tiele 8; Cat. NHSM I, p.107. [Boeknr.: 12214 ]

€ 275,00

JOSEPH FROM CRANGANORE (KODUNGALLUR). Sonderlinge reysen van Joseph, den geboornen Indiaan, bevattende een aanmerklijke beschrijvingh der landen, steeden, en inwooners van Caranganor, Calicuth, Cambaja, Narsinga, enz. Door de Portugeezen uyt sijnen mond opgetekend, anno 1501. Nu aldereerst uyt ' t Portugeesch vertaald. Leyden, Pieter van der Aa, 1706.Sm.8vo. Old marbled wrappers. With engraved title-vignette and double-page engraving. 23, (4) pp. Issued in Pieter van der Aa's collection of voyages. - When Pedro Alvares Cabral called at Cochin in the winter of 1500 to 1501, he was approached by two Syro-Malabar priests, Joseph and Mathias, who requested to be taken on board for the voyage to Europe so that they could visit Rome and Jerusalem. Mathias, however, died en route. In the cities of Europe, Joseph was apparently interrogated at great length about his homeland, and was regarded as a man of the highest integrity. His description of Cranganore, although bigoted and biased in favour of the Christian community, was widely accepted at face value. In Rome he presented a report on the Malabar Christians and answered numerous questions, some of them directed from the pope himself (Howgego p.557). An early account of a visitor from India to Europe. - Fine.Tiele 5; Cat. NHSM I, p.107. [Boeknr.: 32888 ]

€ 175,00

JOSSON, H. La mission du Bengale occidental ou archidiocèse de Calcutta. Province Belge de la Compagnie de Jésus. Bruges, imprimerie Sainte-Catherine, 1921.2 volumes. Printed wrappers (stained). With 5 folding maps and 281 photographic illustrations. XVI,496; XII,479 pp. History of the Belgian mission in Bengal 1517-1920. [Boeknr.: 10898 ]

€ 45,00

KAN, J. van. Compagniesbescheiden en aanverwante archivalia in Britsch-Indië en op Ceylon. Verslag van een onderzoek in 1929-1930 op last van Z.E. den Gouverneur-Generaal ingesteld. Batavia, G. Kolff & Co., 1931. 8vo. Wrappers. VI,253 pp. [Boeknr.: 15757 ]

€ 75,00

KETELAAR, Joan Josua. Journaal van J.J. Ketelaar's hofreis naar den Groot Mogol te Lahore 1711-1713. Uitgegeven door J.Ph. Vogel. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1937. Cloth. With folding map and 30 plates. XXVII,454 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging XLI. - Fine illustrated account of a journey to the Moghul court by an envoy of the Company. Including the embassy to Isfahan. [Boeknr.: 3718 ]

€ 55,00

KNIGHT, Franklin W. Met de Compagnie naar Bengalen. (Roman). Nederlands van H. Koops jr. Meppel, A. Roelofs van Goor, (1956). Half cloth. With illustrations by P. Jobson. 208 pp. [Boeknr.: 29290 ]

€ 18,00

KOTZEBUE, August Friederich Ferdinand von. Les Indiens en Angleterre, comédie en trois actes et en prose, librement traduite de la pièce allemande .. par L. Bursay. Bruxelles, J.L. de Boubers, 1792.Contemporary marbled boards (sl. dam.). 103 pp. First French edition; first published in Leipzig in 1790: Die Indianer in England. - Louis Bursay (1738-1807), stage and pen-name Louis Bruyas, was a French actor and playwriter, he translated several plays by Kotzebue (1761-1819), who was one of the most popular writers of his time. - (Last leaf mounted on last free endpaper, old owner's inscription on title-page and on verso owner's stamps). - Rare. [Boeknr.: 32227 ]

€ 225,00

KRAAYENGA, A. Marius Bauer 1867-1932. Oogstrelend Oosters. Zwolle, Waanders, 2007. 4to. Half cloth. With 154 coloured illustrations. 208 pp. Marius Bauer (1867-1932) travelled far and wide to countries like India, Indonesia, Turkey and Morocco. He can be considered as one of the few Dutch orientalists and one of the best Dutch graphic artists of his time (Haks & Maris p.26). [Boeknr.: 29569 ]

€ 35,00

KRISHNAMURTHY, B. The French East India Company and the indigenous merchant community in the Coromandel during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. New Delhi, 1991. Folio. Wrappers. 18 lvs. - (Paper Second International Symposium on Maritime Studies). [Boeknr.: 28712 ]

€ 15,00

KÜHNE-VAN DIGGELEN, Wiet. Jan Albert Sichterman, VOC-dienaar en 'koning' van Groningen. Groningen, 1995. Wrappers. With many illustrations (some in colours). 128 pp. [Boeknr.: 9424 ]

€ 25,00

LE BON, Gustave. Les civilisations de l'Inde. Paris, Firmin-Didot et Cie., 1887.8vo. Contemporary half brown morocco, spine gilt. With 2 maps, 7 chromo-lithographed plates and 350 illustrations. VII,743 pp. First edition. - Charles-Marie Gustave Le Bon (1841 - 1931) was a leading French polymath whose areas of interest included anthropology, psychology, sociology, medicine, invention, and physics. He applauded Indian architecture, art and religion but argued that Indians were comparatively inferior to Europeans in regard to scientific advancements, and that this had facilitated British domination. Containing also some coloured illustrations of Nepal in the 19th century. - (Foxed as usual).Yakushi L58; Chadenat 1408; Broc II, p.283. [Boeknr.: 25148 ]

€ 275,00

LEQUIN, Frank. Het personeel van de Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie in Azië in de achttiende eeuw, meer in het bijzonder in de vestiging Bengalen. (, 1982. 2 volumes. Wrappers. With plates. XII,653 pp. - (Thesis). [Boeknr.: 11638 ]

€ 75,00

LIMBURG BROUWER, Petrus Abraham Samuel van. Akbar. Een Oosterse roman. (1872). Verzorgd door P.N. van Eyck. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1941. Half leather. 112,261 pp. Bibl. der Nederlandse Letteren. - Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar was ruler of the Mughal Empire from 1556 until 1605. [Boeknr.: 21704 ]

€ 35,00

LIMBURG BROUWER, Petrus Abraham Akbar. Een Oostersche roman. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1887. Original blue cloth with gilt pictorial decoration on front (sl. rubbed). VII,247 pp. First published in 1872. - Dutch novel dealing with Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar, ruler of the Mughal Empire from 1556 until 1605. [Boeknr.: 25693 ]

€ 30,00

LOHUIZEN, J. van. The Dutch East India Company and Mysore 1762-1790. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1961. Wrappers. With folding map. VIII,205 pp. - (VKI). [Boeknr.: 7066 ]

€ 65,00

MaCDOUGALL, Philip. Naval resistance to Britain's growing power in India 1660-1800. The Saffron Banner and the Tiger of Mysore. Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 2014. Boards. With illustrations. XVI,205 pp. The book, considering the subject from an Indian point of view, discusses the naval activities of the Maharatta Confederacy and the later those of Mysore under its energetic rulers Haidar Ali and his successor Tipu Sultan. [Boeknr.: 37038 ]

€ 65,00

MADRAS- CHENNAI. Fort St. George on the Coromandel Coast. Belonging to the East India Company of England. - Le fort St. George sur la cote de Coromandel. Appartemante a la Compagnie Angloise des Indes Orientales. London, Laurie & Whittle, 1794.Contemporary handcoloured perspective view (vue d'optique or Guckkastenbild) after Jan van Ryne, with legend in English and French. Ca. 26 x 40 cm. Fine bird's-eye view from offshore of the fort in Madras, now Chennai, with many ships in the foreground by Jan van Ryne. He was a Dutch artist, who moved to London in 1750 and worked as a draughtsman and engraver in the city until his death ten years later. In 1754, Robert Sayer published six ‘Views of Early Settlements’, which were both drawn and engraved by van Ryne. The titles were: ‘Fort St. George on the Coromandel Coast’, ‘Bombay on the Malabar Coast’, ‘Fort William on the Kingdom of Bengal’, ‘The City of Batavia in the Island of Java’, ‘Island of St Helena’ and ‘The Cape of Good Hope’. Van Ryne presumably had no first-hand knowledge of these locations, but worked from the sketches of travellers. The prints were later reissued by Laurie and Whittle in London, in 1794. 'Madras was the Company's first fortified settlement in India; the construction of Fort St George began in 1640 and continued on and off for another 150 years. It houses all the administrative and military necessities, as well as St Mary's church (the oldest Anglican church in India), finished in 1680. The Old College, the equivalent of the Writers' Building in Calcutta, was one of the Company's few eighteenth-century buildings in the gothic style, and still stands' (Wild, The East India Company, p.52). Rare view of the first major English settlement in India and the foundation stone of Chennai. - Some foxing otherwise fine. [Boeknr.: 26413 ]

€ 875,00

MAINE, Henry Sumner. Village-communities in the East and West. Six lectures delivered at Oxford. London, John Murray, 1871. Contemporary half morocco. IX,226 pp. First edition; with illustrated bookplate of George A.P.H. Duncan. - Maine (1822-1888) was an English comparative jurist and historian and can be seen as one of the forefathers of modern sociology of law. For several years he was a member of council in India. [Boeknr.: 15170 ]

€ 55,00

MALONI, Ruby. Presence and response: Europeans in 17th century Gujarat. (No pl.), 2007. Wrappers. 40 pp. - (Indian History Congress). [Boeknr.: 33716 ]

€ 15,00

MARITIME HISTORY. Souvenir of the Second International Symposium on Maritime History. Pondicherry, Pondicherry University, 1991. Wrappers. (10),115 pp. S. Arasaratnam. Slave trade in the Indian Ocean in the 17th century; G.V. Scammell. European exiles, renegades and outlaws and the maritime economy of Asia ca. 1500-1750; K.S. Mathew. Maritime trade of India and the Germans in the sixteenth century; etc. [Boeknr.: 34357 ]

€ 25,00

MARJAY, Frederic P. Portuguese India. A historic study. Lisbon, Livraria Bertrand, 1959. Folio. Boards, with dust-jacket. With 80 plates with photographic illustrations. 52 pp. [Boeknr.: 37029 ]

€ 35,00

MAURICE, Thomas. The history of Hindostan, its arts, and its sciences, as connected with the history of the other great empires of Asia, during the most ancient periods of the world. 2nd edition. London, printed by W. Bulmer and W. Nicol, 1820.3 volumes in 2. 4to. Contemporary half calf, spines gilt (hinges sl. dam.). With 16 engraved plates (2 folding). 522; 303,337 pp. First edition published in London in 1795. - Thomas Maurice (1754-1824) published numerous works on the religion of India. After he had completed his extensive 'Indian Antiquities' he traced Indian history back to its classical origins. Volume I mainly gives ancient astronomical details from the Hindoo, Hebraic, Phoenician, Egyptian and Greek systems, covering the period between the creation and the flood. Volume II contains the Sanskrit and classical history of India. The imaginative curious plates are showing the Indian Deitees (incarnations of Veeshnu, Creeshna etc.) but also the ancient zodiac from Egypt, oriental zodiac, the 28 Hindoo lunar mansions. The plates are mainly facsimiles of the mythological designs and as Maurice says in his advertisement 'Absurd as some of them may appear to an European eye, it appeared still more absurd attempt to make any alterations in them'. - (Some staining).Cox I, 306. [Boeknr.: 11186 ]

€ 950,00

MEILINK-ROELOFSZ, M.A.P. (Red.). De VOC in Azië. (Bussum, Fibula-Van Dishoeck, 1976). Boards, with dust-jacket. With maps. 243 pp. Contributions by S. Arasaratnam on Ceylon and Coromandel, A. Das Gupta on Suratte and the Malabar coast, H.K. s'Jacob on the Malabarcoast, L.Y. Andaya on Malay, John E. Wills on Taiwan, China and Batavia, M. Kanai on Japan. [Boeknr.: 9860 ]

€ 18,00

MEYER TIMMERMAN THIJSSEN, D. Twee gouverneurs (Abraham Couperus, Jan Samuel Timmerman Thijssen) en een equipagemeester (Jan Hendrik Meijer) in en om Malakka 1778-1823. 2e herziene druk. Bilthoven, 1991. Wrappers. With many illustrations (several in colours). 192 pp. - Privately printed. [Boeknr.: 14023 ]

€ 25,00

MEYER, Joseph. Meyer's Universum, oder Abbildung und Beschreibung des sehenswerthesten und merkwürdigsten der Natur und Kunst auf der gantzen Erde. Band 6. Hildburghausen und New York, Bibliographischen Institut, 1839.Oblong 8vo. Contemporary half calf. With steelengraved title-page and 47 steel-engraved views. Fine views of Sweden, Spain, Germany, India, Himalaya, Bombay, Calcutta, Moskow, etc. - (Few blank margins sl. waterstained)Andres p.154. [Boeknr.: 33012 ]

€ 125,00

MILL, James. The history of British India. London, printed for Baldwin, Chadock, and Joy, 1817.3 volumes. 4to. Later half morocco, with red morocco title-labels to spines. With large folding map of the Eastern part of Persia, with Afghanistan, Bactriana, Trans-Oxiana &c. (foxed) and folding map, coloured in outline, of Hindoostan by A. Arrowsmith (small tear rep.). XXXII648; 720; VII,782 pp. First edition. - The Scottish historian, economist, political theorist, and philosopher James Mill (1773-1836), charted the history of the East India Company rule in India. His work was an instant success. He was the first writer to divide Indian history into three parts: Hindu, Muslim and British, a classification which has proved surpassingly influential in the field of Indian historical studies. Mill frequently denounced Hindu culture and traditions, and it has been seen by historians as an example of anti-Indian sentiments in Britain during the period. His book is a monumental work in which James Mill set out to display the history, character, religion, literature, arts, and laws of India. - A fine set. [Boeknr.: 36994 ]

€ 850,00

NEWPORT, Christopher - NIEUWPOORT, Christoffel. Twaalfde reys na Oost-Indien, op kosten van de Engelse Maatschappy. Handelende van de voorvallen op de Eylanden, St. Laurens, Mohelia en het dorp Resoit, de verovering van 2 Baluchse Teradas, de wonderbaarlijke en gelukkige ontkooming der reysigers, uyt de moord-dadige handen der verraderse Baluchers, de verhandeling tussen den ambassadeur Sherley, en den gouverneur van Diu, over de koopmanschap, om die in dat land te vestigen, de vuyle laster der Portugysen, tegen de Engelse, hier over getoond, en wat verder op desen togt is voorgevallen. Gedaan in het jaar 1613 en vervolgens. Nu alder-eerst uyt het Engels vertaald. Leyden, Pieter van der Aa, (ca. 1706).Folio. Modern boards. With engraved title-vignette. (14) pp. Issued in Pieter van der Aa's collection of voyages. - Christopher Newport (ca. 1565-1617) made three voyages to India and the East Indies for the British East India Company in 1613-1617. On his first, the 12th voyage of the East India Company, he was responsible for bringing Sir Robert Sherley home from Persia. In 1615 he took Sir Thomas Roe to India. Newport died at Bantam in August 1617 during his third voyage to the East (Howgego p.749). - (Waterstained).Tiele 8; Cat. NHSM I, p.107. [Boeknr.: 12205 ]

€ 75,00

NICHOLLS, John. Recollections and reflections, personal and political, as connected with public affairs, during the reign of George III. London, James Ridgway, 1820.Contemporary half calf, spine gilt. VIII,408 pp. Recollections of a member of the House of Commons: on the slave trade - on the consequences likely to result from the establishment of the United States of America - on the British possessions in India. - etc. A second volume was published in 1822.Sabin 55186. [Boeknr.: 18263 ]

€ 75,00

NILSSON, Sten. European architecture in India 1750-1850. London, Faber and Faber, (1968). 8vo. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With numerous illustrations on 95 plates. 214 pp. [Boeknr.: 13541 ]

€ 40,00

ODEGARD, Erik. The Company fortress. Military engineering and the Dutch East India Company in Souh Asia, 1638-1795. Leiden, University Press, 2020. Wrappers. With illustrations. XI,292 pp. The system of fortifications built and maintained by the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in India and Sri Lanka. [Boeknr.: 35992 ]

€ 60,00

OLIPHANT, Laurence. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan in the years 1857, '58, '59. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1860.Original brown cloth gilt (extremities of spine dam.). With coloured lithographed frontispiece showing a winter scene in Japan, and 60 wood-engraved plates and illustrations. XVI,645 pp. First American edition. - Laurence Oliphant (1829-1888), British adventurer, diplomat, author and traveller, was private secretary to Lord Elgin and accompanied him to Calcutta, Hongkong, Canton, Tientsin and Yedo. The main purpose of the mission was the signing of treaties opening both China and Japan to British trade. The first part gives a detailed survey of the river Yangtze, opening up the hinterland to Western commerce. The second part gives a detailed description of the political and social conditions in Japan. 'The Narrative of the Earl of Elgin’s Mission to China and Japan (1859) gives a fascinating account of 19th-century gunboat diplomacy' (Encycl. Britannica).Cordier, B. S., col. 2376; Cordier, B.J., col. 547; Löwendahl 1224; Howgego IV, p.461-462. [Boeknr.: 31456 ]

€ 375,00

PANCKRIDGE, H.R. A short history of the Bengal Club (1827-1927). Calcutta, (M. Mukherjee), 1927.Original blue cloth with gilt decoration and lettering (sl. soiled). With 4 plates. 64 pp. The Bengal Club is a social club in Kolkata, West Bengal. It was opened in 1827 as the Calcutta United Service Club. The club's first President was Lt. Col. The Hon. J. Finch. The club-house was in a building in Esplanade West, erected in 1813 and has been catering elites since 1827. This Club is one of the most prestigious clubs in Calcutta. Includes the history of the Bengal Club in Calcutta, with biographical notes of original members, list of presidents, resolution passed February 22, 1827, and original rules of the Club. [Boeknr.: 21736 ]

€ 65,00

PARMENTIER, Jan. De holle Compagnie. Smokkel en legale handel onder Zuidnederlandse vlag in Bengalen, ca. 1720-1744. Hilversum, Verloren, 1992. 4to. Wrappers. With many illustrations. 96 pp. [Boeknr.: 10786 ]

€ 18,00

PEARSON, M.N. Merchants and rulers in Gujarat. The response to the Portuguese in the 16th century. (New Delhi, 1976). Cloth, with dust-jacket. XII,178 pp. [Boeknr.: 19638 ]

€ 30,00

PELSAERT, François. De geschriften van Francisco Pelsaert over Mughal Indië, 1627. Kroniek en Remonstrantie. Uitgegeven door D.H.A. Kolff en H.W. van Santen. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1979. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 2 plates and 2 maps. VI,361 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging LXXXI. - Francisco Pelsaert was a Company official at Agra, India. [Boeknr.: 3749 ]

€ 35,00

PETERS, Marion. In steen geschreven. Leven en sterven van VOC-dienaren op de kust van Coromandel in India. Amsterdam, Bas Lubberhuizen, 2002. 4to. Wrappers. With many photographic illustrations by Ferry de la Porte. 283 pp. Contains many fine photographs of graves and tombstones of 17th,18th and early 19th century Dutch people on the Coromandel coast, including researches about life and death of VOC servants. [Boeknr.: 22633 ]

€ 25,00

POL, Bauke van der. Holland aan de Ganges. Prins Willem Frederik Hendrik in India (1837-1838). Zutphen, Walburg, 2016. Wrappers. With many coloured illustrations. 174 pp. [Boeknr.: 34109 ]

€ 20,00

POTT, P. H. Willem Verstegen, een extra-ordinaris Raad van Indië als avonturier in India in 1659. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1956. Wrappers. With 4 plates. (27) pp. - (Bijdragen KITLV). [Boeknr.: 35908 ]

€ 15,00

PRIMS, Floris Hubert Lodewijk. De reis van den St.Carolus, Kap. Cayphas 1724. Uit den tijd der Oostendsche Compagnie op de oorspronkelijke stukken bewerkt. Antwerpen, Leeslust, (1926). Illustrated wrappers, uncut. With illustrations by M. Pauwaert. 189 pp. The ship Sint-Carolus, of the Oostendse Compagnie, wrecked in the mouth of the Ganges in August 1724 (See Jan Parmentier, Oostende & Co, p.85). [Boeknr.: 3478 ]

€ 25,00

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