



BRANDER, Jan. Het eiland Jan Mayen en de overwintering aldaar van 1633-1634. (Hoorn), Historisch Genootschap 'Oud West-Friesland' (1934). Original pictorial wrappers. With folding map and plate. 103 pp. Including also: Journael ofte waerachtige beschrijvinge van al het gene datter voorghevallen is op het Eylandt Mauritius in Groenland. Leyden, 1634. [Boeknr.: 8890 ]

€ 75,00

BRANDER, Jan. Jan Mayen in verleden en heden. Middelburg, G.W. den Boer, 1955. Wrappers. With map and illustrations. 180 pp. 'Jan Mayen in past and present'. Jan Mayen is a Norwegian volcanic island in the Arctic Ocean with no permanent population. Including: Journael ofte waerachtige beschrijvinge van al het gene datter voorghevallen is op het Eylandt Mauritius in Groenland. Leyden, 1634. [Boeknr.: 37134 ]

€ 75,00

CRANZ, David. Historie van Groenland behelzende eene naukeurige beschrijvinge van 's lands ligging, gesteldheid, en natuurlijke zeldzaamheden; den aart, zeden en gewoonten der inwooneren aan de West-zijde bij de Straate Davis; 's lands aloude en nieuwe geschiedenisse; en in't bijzonder de verrichtingen der Missionarissen van de Broeder-Kerk, door welken twee gemeenten van bekeerde heidenen aldaar gesticht zijn. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald. Haarlem, C.H. Bohn, Amsterdam, H. de Wit, 1767.3 volumes. Later boards. With 14 folding engraved maps and plates by J. Swertner. XXXIV,356; 282; 382,(2) pp. First Dutch edition, first published in German Historie von Grönland. Barby & Leipzig, 1765; with bookplate E.M. Cox. - This first Dutch translation has more and better plates than the original edition and added is an extensive study of the natural history of Greenland, together with descriptions of the life and customs of the Greenlanders, their religion, knowledge of the stars, and a brief vocabulary of their language (Howgego). - Detailed description of Greenland by David Cranz (1723-1777), the historiographer of the Brethern, he stayed at Ny Herrnhut in Greenland, in 1761-62. With sections devoted to the establishment of the first Herrnhut or Moravian mission in Greenland, the nature, manners and customs of the inhabitants on the West coast on Davis Strait, whales and the whaling-industry in general, and the Eskimos. 'The minute journal of the noble Moravian Brethren, gives us in their own language the phases of Aboriginal life and peculiarities which daily presented themselves. No tribe of American savages has been more closely or intelligently studied. Specimens of their language are given...' (Field 383). This account was very popular and translated and reprinted in many languages. 'das vollständigste Gemälde von Grönland im 18. Jahrhundert, ein Werk, das auch Heute noch mehr als nur historisches Interesse beanspruchen darf' (Henze I, p.751). - A clean copy of the most comprehensive and trustworthy book on Greenland published in the 18th century.Arctic Bibl. 3469; Chavanne 5634; Tiele 282; Cat. NHSM I, p.301; Sabin 17415. [Boeknr.: 2100 ]

€ 695,00

DOUGLAS, M. Across Greenland's ice-fields. The adventures of Nansen and Peary on the Great Ice-Cap. London, Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1899.Original pictorial cloth with polar bear design (soiled). With 12 plates. 218;(2) pp. With school bookplate. - Narrative of the pioneering attempts by two famous explorers, Fridtjof Nansen and Robert Peary to explore the Northern Arctic. [Boeknr.: 36342 ]

€ 65,00

GILLES, Kim Fairley & Silas Hibbard AYER. (Ed.). Boreal ties. Photographs and two diaries of the 1901 Peary relief expedition. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, (2002). 4to. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With many photographic illustrations. XIII,232 pp. In the summer of 1901, a relief ship set sail for the remote region of northwestern Greenland in search of the famed Arctic explorer, Robert Peary, his wife Josephine and thier seven-year-old daughter Marie. Including the diaries of Clarence Wyckoff and Louis Bement [Boeknr.: 36279 ]

€ 65,00

HOEKSTRA, Klaas. De dood voor ogen ziende .. Dagverhaal van het verongelukken van het galjootschip Harlingen in Straat Davis. De tocht van de equipage met sloepen over en langs het ijs en de overwintering in het noordelijke gedeelte van Groenland. Hertaald door Annie Douma. Harlingen, Flevodruk, 2005. Wrappers. With illustrations (some in colours). 80 pp. The original edition was published in Harlingen, M. van der Plaats, 1828. [Boeknr.: 36231 ]

€ 18,00

JAN STAVAST. Jan Stavast Reeks. Spannende avontuurlijke verhalen van echten durf en ondernemingsgeest. Amsterdam, Van Ditmar, (ca. 1943). 2 volumes of the series;. Pictorial wrappers. With illustrations. 32;16 pp. In den greep van het pakijs. (Dutch Polar expedition in 1869). - Wegener's tocht naar Groenland. (German Greenland expedition). [Boeknr.: 36376 ]

€ 15,00

KANE, Elisha Kent. Arctic explorations: the Second Grinnell Expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, 1853, '54, '55. London, T. Nelson and Sons, 1864.Contemporary polished calf, spine richly gilt. With steelengraved portrait, folding map, 7 steel-engraved plates and many wood-engravings. 510 pp. First published in Philadelphia in 1856. - 'In a brief life of thirty-six years, mostly in ill health, Elisha Kent Kane participated in two Arctic explorations and by the time of his death in 1875 was regarded as a true American hero and one of the nation's most popular authors' (Stam, Books on ice, p.39). Narrative of the Second Grinnell Expedition on the Advance, 1853-1855, to search for the Sir John Franklin Expedition and to explore the region north of Smith Sound. Expedition members explored Greenland's Humboldt Glacier while other members of his team explored Ellesmere Island and set a northernmost record on the coast of Greenland.Arctic Bibl. 8373; Sabin 37001; Hill 903 (other ed.); Howgego III, pp.283-287. [Boeknr.: 22317 ]

€ 225,00

KANE, Elisha Kent. Kane, de Noordpoolvaarder. Togten en ontdekkingen van de tweede Grinnell-expeditie ter opsporing van Sir John Franklin, in de jaren 1853, 1854 en 1855, onder bevel van Elisha Kent Kane. Leyden, A.W. Sythoff, 1861.Old half cloth. With map and numerous illustrations and plates. XII, 318; IV,23 pp. Geïllustreerde familie-bibliotheek tot verbreiding van nuttige kennis. - Fine illustrated account of the Second Grinnell expedition of 1853-1855 an American effort, financed by Henry Grinnell, to determine the fate of the Franklin's lost expedition. Led by Elisha Kent Kane, the team explored areas northwest of Greenland, now called Grinnell Land.Arctic Bibl. 8373; Sabin 37001. [Boeknr.: 36340 ]

€ 275,00

KANE, Elisha Kent. Tochten en ontdekkingen ter opsporing van Sir John Franklin, onder bevel van Elisha Kent Kane. Amsterdam, C.L. Brinkman, (ca. 1860).2 volumes in 1. Original half cloth, spine gilt. 175; 164 pp. Expedition to determine the fate of Franklin's lost expedition, led by Elisha Kent Kane.Cf. Arctic Bibl. 8373; Sabin 37001. [Boeknr.: 36345 ]

€ 95,00

MIKKELSEN, Ejnar. Drie jaar in het Poolijs. De geschiedenis van de 'Alabama' expeditie in de jaren 1909-1912. Bewerking uit het Deensch door M. van Blankenstein. Rotterdam, Nijgh & Van Ditmar, (1913). 4to. Original cloth. With folding map and many photographic illustrations. 251 pp. First Dutch edition, first published in Danish Tre år på Grønlands østkyst. Copenhagen 1913. - In 1909 Mikkelsen took charge of an expedition to Northeast Greenland to seek out the maps and diaries known to have been left there by Ludvig Mylius-Erichsen in 1907. After they were discovered in a cairn, a harrowing journey back began and found the wreck of the Alabama. He was forced to endure another two winters on the Greenland coast till his rescue in 1912.Arctic Bibl. 11438; Howgego III M39. [Boeknr.: 802 ]

€ 65,00

MOOY, Henriëtte. Naar Groenland met de Frankendaal. Historisch verhaal naar het journaal van commandeur Maarten Mooy behelzende zijne uitreize van Amsterdam den 22sten april 1786, zijne bezetting in het ijs, zijne rampspoeden in zee en behouden aankomst voor Amsterdam op 28 februari 1787. 2e herziene en vermeerderde druk. Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 1946. Boards. With illustrations. 102 pp. Circumstantial journal of a voyage to Greenland with the ship Frankendaal in 1786. [Boeknr.: 804 ]

€ 18,00

MULLER, S. Geschiedenis der Noordsche Compagnie. Utrecht, Gebr. van der Post, 1874.Later half cloth (with small label and tape on frontcover). With folding coloured map. X,435 pp. The Northern Company, was a Dutch cartel in the whaling trade, founded by several cities in the Netherlands in 1614 and operating until 1642. Soon after its founding, it became entangled in territorial conflicts with England, Denmark, France, and other groups within the Netherlands. Contains its organization, whaling and trading activities in Greenland and West Spitsbergen, being an outline of Netherlands'explorations and whaling in Arctic seas in the 16-17th centuries. The appendices contain documents and extracts from logs. - (Library stamp). - Scarce.Tiele 774; Cat. NHSM II, p.902; Arctic Bibl. 11844. [Boeknr.: 9443 ]

€ 175,00

PUTMAN, David Binney. Als schooljongen naar de Poolstreken. Met een voorwoord van kaiptein Bob Bartlett. Geautoriseerde uitgave vertaald door F. Beyerink. Amsterdam, H. Meulenhoff, (1930). Original pictorial cloth. With photographic plates and drawings by Kakutia ('Eskimo uit Karnah aan de Whale Sound'). 174 pp. Childrens book about a boy who goes to Greenland. - A fine copy. [Boeknr.: 36297 ]

€ 35,00

ROSS, John. Reizen naar Ysland en de Baffinsbaai, de laatste gedaan ter ontdekking van een doorvaart ten noord-westen van Groenland in den jare 1818. Naar de Hoogduitsche uitgave van W. Harnisch. 's Gravenhage, W.K. Mandemaker, 1821.19th century cloth, spine lettered in gilt. With folding map and 2 engraved plates by D. Veelwaard. XII,289 pp. First Dutch edition after the German translation of the English edition A voyage of discovery made .. in his majesty's ships Isabella and Alexander, for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay, and inquiring into the probability of a north-west passage. London, 1819; warranted by the publisher on half-title in manuscript. - A famous, even notorious, voyage, led by Captain John Ross. As his lieutenants, Ross had aboard his nephew James Clark Ross, William Parry, and Edwin Sabone, all of future fame as explorers. Ross attempted to proceed westward through Lancaster Sound, but presumably deceived by a mirage, he described the passage as barred by a range of mountains, which he named the Croker Mountains, despite the disbelief of his colleagues (Hill 1488). The controversy had discredited Ross in the eyes of the Admiralty and for the next ten years he received no further commissions for exploratory voyages (Howgego II, R28). Ross began a new era in Arctic research (Stam, Books on ice, p.21). - (Age-browned). - Very rare.Cat. NHSM I, p.304; not in Tiele; Sabin 73380; Arctic Bibl. 14873. [Boeknr.: 36194 ]

€ 575,00

ZORGDRAGER, Cornelis Gijsbertsz. Bloeijende opkomst der aloude en hedendaagsche Groenlandsche visschery .. Met byvoeging van de walvischvangst .. door Abraham Moubach. Nevens een korte beschryving van de Terreneufsche bakkeljaau-visschery. 2e druk. Amsterdam, Isaak Tirion, 1728.4to. Contemporary vellum. With title-page printed in red and black, engraved frontispiece (P. van Thol & R.C. Alberts, 1727), 6 folding maps and 11 engraved plates (1 folding after A. Salm by Van der Hem). (36),392,(13),(2) pp. Second and best edition; the first edition was published in Amsterdam in 1720. - This classic work on the Greenland whale fishery is one of the most thorough and authoritative descriptions of the early 18th century. It is the most important and extensive Dutch work on whaling, including ample descriptions of the early discoveries and exploration in the northern regions, Greenland, Iceland, Spitsbergen, Nova Zembla, Jan Mayen and Strait Davis. Giving along with extensive natural history, geography, history, and economics, detailed lists of ships' outfits, lists of shipowners and captains, an extensive vocabulary, and copious other details. At the end an account of New-Foundland cod-fishing. - (p.101 with marginal tear without loss of text). - A fine copy of the most important and extensive Dutch work on whaling.Tiele 1241; Cat. NHSM II, p.899; Allen 177; Jenkins p.162; Sabin 106376. [Boeknr.: 1552 ]

€ 3950,00

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