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WALSH. Explorations en Normandie: Rouen. Rouen, E. le Grand, 1835.Original printed wrappers. VII,592 pp. The work was to inaugurate a series on the different parts of the province, but only this volume appeared and it concerns only the city of Rouen. At the time, the royalist journalist Joseph-Alexis Walsh (1782-1860) directed the Gazette from Normandy. [Boeknr.: 9774 ]

€ 65,00

WATSON, (Robert). Histoire du regne de Philippe II, roi d'Espagne. Ouvrage traduit de l'Anglois. Amsterdam, D.J. Changuion, 1778.4 volumes. Sm.8vo. Contemporary calf (spine ends sl. dam., sl. rubbed). With engraved portrait. Philip II (1527 - 1598) was King of Spain from 1556 and of Portugal from 1581. From 1554 he was King of Naples and Sicily as well as Duke of Milan. During his marriage to Queen Mary I (1554-58), he was also King of England and Ireland. From 1555, he was lord of the Seventeen Provinces of the Netherlands. [Boeknr.: 7007 ]

€ 125,00

WEALE, B.L. Putnam (Bertram Lenox SIMPSON). Manchu and Moscovite. Being letters from Manchuria written during the autumn of 1903. London, Macmillan and Co., 1904. Original red cloth. With many photographic plates (map missing). XX,552 pp. First edition. - With an historical sketch entitled 'Prologue to the crisis' giving a complete account of the Manchurian frontiers from the earliest days and the growth and final meeting of the Russian and Chinese empires in the Amur Regions'. [Boeknr.: 25154 ]

€ 35,00

WEISS, M.Ch. L'Espagne depuis le règne de Philippe II jusqu'a l'avénement des Bourbons. Paris, Hachette, 1844.2 volumes. Original printed wrapppers. VIII,442; 408 pp. Analysis of the causes of Spanish decline in the 16th and 17th centuries in industry, agriculture and commerce, as well as in literature and art, and examination of the new policies introduced by the Bourbons.Palau 374537. [Boeknr.: 10229 ]

€ 65,00

WICHMANN, Yrjö. Wotjakische Sprachproben. Im Auftrage der Finnisch-Urgrischen Gesellschaft. Helsingfors, 1893-1901. 2 volumes. Original printed wrappers. XX,199; IV,200 pp. Journal de la Societé Finne-Ougrienne. - The Wotjaken live in the Russian Republic Udmurtien. Volume I: Lieder, Gebete und Zaubersprüche; Volume II: Sprichwörter, Rätsel, Märchen, Sagen und Erzählungen. Parallel Votyak and German texts. [Boeknr.: 31747 ]

€ 65,00

WILLINK, Daniel. Amstellandsche Arkadia, of beschryving van de gelegenheit, toestant en gebeurtenissen van Amstellandt, met deszelfs onderhoorige dorpen, heerlykheden, ambachten, lusthoven, wateren, enz. In orde geschikt, en nader overzien, door .. Gerrit Schoemaker. Amsterdam, Arent van Huyssteen, 1737.2 volumes. Sm.8vo. Contemporary vellum. With 2 engraved title-vignettes, engraved frontispiece, folding table, and 12 folding engraved views of the Amstel, Oudekerk, Amstelmond, Amstelveen, Waverveen, Sloten, Sloterdijk, etc. by J.C. Philips, C. Pronk a.o. (16),400; 327,(8) pp. First edition. - Daniël Willink (1676 - 1722) was a Dutch poet, writter and wine-merchant. He described with accuracy the places of interest of Amsterdam and surroundings with glorification of the beauty of the town and landscape.A fine copy. - Nijhoff-Van Hattum 335. [Boeknr.: 28993 ]

€ 450,00

WINDHAM, Charles. The Crimean Diary and letters of Lieut.-General Sir Charles Ash Windham, with observations upon his services during the Indian mutiny and an introduction by Sir William Howard Russell. The whole edited by Major Hugh Pearse. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1897.Original decorated cloth (spine faded), top edge gilt. With engraved portrait. X,272 pp. First edition. - Sir Charles Ash Windham (1810 - 1870) was a British Army officer and Liberal Party politician. Promoted colonel on 20 June 1854, Windham was assistant quartermaster-general of the 4th Division in Crimea and was present, but saw little action, at the battles of Alma River, Balaklava, and Inkerman. He was outspoken in his criticism of laggard British military leadership in the Crimea. Given command of the assault on the Great Redan at Sevastopol on 8 Sept. 1855, he personally rode back to ask for reinforcements after suffering heavy losses, but a retreat had been ordered. He was criticized by soldiers for his conduct but made a popular hero by William Howard Russell, correspondent of the Times, for having “saved the honour of the army. With preface by Charles Windham jr. and an introductory chapter by W.H. Russell, famous for his reports on The Crimean War for Times Newspaper. [Boeknr.: 35205 ]

€ 95,00

ZINKEISEN, Johann Wilhelm. Geschichte des Osmanischen Reichs in Europa. Erster Theil. Urgeschichte und Machsthum des Reiches bis zum Jahre 1453. Hamburg, Friedrich Perthes, 1840.Later half calf, old green title labels mounted. XXII,863,(2) pp. Volume I: Geschichte der europaischen Staaten. Herausgegeben von A.H.L. Heeren & F.A. Ukert [Boeknr.: 36096 ]

€ 75,00

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