


Dutch maritime history

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WILDEMAN, Diederick. De wereld in het klein. Globes in Nederland. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2006. 4to. Wrappers. With many coloured illustrations. 128 pp. Jaarboek Vereeniging Nederlandsch Historisch Scheepvaart Museum. [Boeknr.: 35454 ]

€ 18,00

WINKEL-RAUWS, H. Nederlandsch-Engelsche samenwerking in de Spaansche wateren 1625-1627. Amsterdam, Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij, 1947. 8vo. Cloth. With plates. 206,(10) pp. - (Werken Commissie Zeegeschiedenis). [Boeknr.: 2913 ]

€ 25,00

WINKELMAN, P.H. (Red.). Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel in de zeventiende eeuw. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1971-1983. 6 volumes. Green cloth, spines lettered in gilt. R.G.P. - In the 17th century, the Dutch called the trade on the Baltic the 'mother of all trades', as they considered it to be the basis of most of their trade and shipping and indeed the cornerstone of the Dutch economy. For a very long time the mass grain exports from the Baltic were dominated by the Dutch, and Amsterdam was the central entrepôt from which the grain was distributed over the rest of Europe. 1. Nederlandse rekeningen in de tolregisters van Koningsbergen 1588-1602. XVIII,824 pp. 2. Amsterdamse bevrachtingscontracten van notaris Jan Franssen Bruyningh 1593-1600. With illustrations. L,626 pp. 3. Acten uit de notariële archieven van Amsterdam en het noorderkwartier van Holland 1585-1600. Het koopmansarchief van Claes van Adrichem 1585-1597. With illustrations. XXVIII, 636 pp. 4-6. Amsterdamse bevrachtingscontracten, wisselprotesten en bodemerijen van de notarissen Jan Franssen Bruyningh, Jacob Meerhout e.a. 1601-1608. With map. LXXIV,642; VIII,672; VIII,856 pp. [Boeknr.: 10771 ]

€ 225,00

WINSCHOOTEN, Wigardus van. De seeman. Maritiem woordenboek van Wigardus à Winschooten. Hertaald en ingeleid door Hans Beelen, Ingrid Biesheuvel en Nicoline van der Sijs. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2011. Boards. With illustrations (several in colours). 326 pp. Reprint of the first Dutch maritime dictionary: Seeman, behelsende een grondige uitlegging van de Neederlandse konst- en spreekwoorden, voor soo veel die uit de seevaart sijn ontleend. Leiden, 1681. With CD with the sailor-dictionaries of Nicolaas Witsen (1690), Georgius van Zonhoven (1740), J.P. Sprenger van Eyk (1835-1836), Jacob van Lennep (1856) and T. Pan (1857). [Boeknr.: 32474 ]

€ 40,00

WITSEN, Nicolaes. Aeloude en hedendaegsche scheeps-bouw en bestier: waer in wijtlopigh wert verhandelt, de wijze van scheeps-timmeren, by Grieken en Romeynen: scheeps-oeffeningen, strijden, tucht, straffe, wetten en gewoonten. Beneffens evenmatige grootheden van schepen onses tijts, ontleent in alle hare deelen: verschil van bouwen tusschen uitheemschen en onzen landaert: Indisch vaertuygh: galey-bouw: hedendaegsche scheeps-plichten: verrijckt met een reex verklaerde zee-mans spreeck-woorden en benamingen. Amsterdam 1671. Reprint. Alphen aan den Rijn, Canaletto, 1979. 4to. Leather, spine gilt. With title-page printed in red and black, frontispiece by Romeyn de Hooghe and 114 plates. (16),516, 40,(4) pp. First published in Amsterdam by Casparus Commelijn, Broer en Jan Appelaer in 1671 - The first scientific book on shipbuilding published in the Netherlands, giving in details the construction of the ships and the building from the earliest times all over the world, for merchants- and war-ships. Written by a Nicolaes Witsen (1641-1717), a Dutch diplomat, cartographer, burgomaster of Amsterdam and director of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). - A fine copy. [Boeknr.: 37020 ]

€ 95,00

WOLFF, Julius. Der fliegende Holländer. Eine Seemannssage. Berlin, G. Grothe, 1892.Sm.8vo. Original pictorial cloth. 191 pp. The Flying Dutchman (Dutch: De Vliegende Hollander) is a legendary ghost ship, allegedly never able to make port, but doomed to sail the seven seas forever. The myths and ghost stories are likely to have originated from the 17th-century Golden Age of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). The oldest known extant version of the legend dates from the late 18th century. - A nice copy. [Boeknr.: 37205 ]

€ 45,00

YK, Cornelis van. De Nederlandsche scheepsbouw-konst open gestelt. Vertoonende naar wat regel; of evenredenheyd, in Nederland meest alle scheepen werden gebouwd; mitsgaders masten, zeylen, ankers, en touwen, enz. daar aan gepast. Delft, Andries Voorstad, 1697. Facsimile edition. Rotterdam, Langerveld, (1970). Folio. Cloth. With With frontispiece and 21 plates (13 double-page) by and after Jan and Caspar Luyken. (14),354,(8) pp. The first book in Dutch on practical shipbuilding, a very important source for the history of the construction and equipment of Dutch ships in the seventeenth century. A great 17th century Dutch book on ship-building, written by a man of practice. [Boeknr.: 26566 ]

€ 95,00

ZOUTMAN, Johan Arnold. Plan van den zeeslag, tusschen de Engelsche scheepsmagt, onder den Adm. Parker, en het Hollandsch eskader, onder den Schout bij Nacht Zoutman, op den 5den augustus 1781, tusschen 9 en 10 uuren, wanneer de linie van gevegt nog niet gebroken was. (No pl., 1781).Broadsheet depicting a plan of the seabattle between the English and Dutch off the Danish coast. With decorative border. Ca. 19,5 x 25 cm. After the outbreak of the Fourth Anglo-Dutch War, in 1781 Zoutman was charged with escorting a convoy to the Baltic Sea. On August 5, he encountered a British squadron under Vice Admiral Hyde Parker. The subsequent Battle of the Dogger Bank ended in fact undecided. [Boeknr.: 35812 ]

€ 45,00

ZUIDHOEK, Arne. De mooiste schepen van De Holland West-Afrika Lijn. Zaltbommel, Aprilis, 2006. Boards. With 150 photographic plates. 124 pp. [Boeknr.: 29065 ]

€ 20,00

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