



BERGH-MARGGRAFF, R. de. In Latijnsch Amerika. 's Gravenhage, H.P. Leopold, 1928. Original decorated cloth, with dust-jacket. With folding map and photographic plates. 239 pp. Ms de Bergh-Marggraff and her husband traveled through South and Central America for fourteen months, visiting Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Mexico successively. By car, boat and train, the gigantic journeys were covered. [Boeknr.: 36959 ]

€ 35,00

BROUWER, Hendrick. Goud en Indianen. Het journaal van Hendrick Brouwers expeditie naar Chili in 1643. Bezorgd en ingeleid door Henk den Heijer. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2015. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 29 illustrations (several in colours). 344 pp. Linschoten Vereeniging CXIV. - The directors of the WIC agreed with Johan Maurits' proposal to establish a home base in southern Chile. This is the account of the Dutch attempt to establish a home base in Chile and to drive out the Spanish colonists with the help of Indian allies. [Boeknr.: 33907 ]

€ 45,00

BROUWER, Hendrick. Het jacht Dolphin van Hoorn. Verkenner in de vloot van Hendrik Brouwer, 1643. Hoorn, Stichting Nederlandse Kaap Hoorn Vaarders, 2007. 8vo. Wrappers. With illustrations. 112 pp. In 1642, the VOC joined the Dutch West India Company in organizing an expedition to Chile to establish a base for trading gold at the abandoned ruins of Valdivia. The fleet sailed from Dutch Brazil where John Maurice of Nassau provided them with supplies. While rounding Cape Horn, the expedition established that Staten Island was not part of the unknown Southern land. [Boeknr.: 32251 ]

€ 25,00

ERNST, August. Republik Chili. Erlebnisse und Beobachtungen. Berlin, Möser & Scherl, 1863.Contemporary marmbled boards. With 4 woodcut plates. 121 pp. Sabin 22778. [Boeknr.: 33571 ]

€ 150,00

GILLESPIE, Alexander. Reis door de binnenlanden van Rio de la Plata, in het jaar 1806. Naar het Engelsch, volgens eene Hoogduitsche vertaling. Amsterdam, Wed. G.A. Diederichs & Zoon, 1820.Contemporary boards. IV,154,(4) pp. First Dutch edition, originally published in English in 1819. The Dutch edition is a translation from the German edition issued in Ethnograpisch Archiv, 1820. Rare description of Rio de la Plata and Buenos Aires. With at the end an account on Chili. - (Some foxing).Cat. NHSM I, p.283; Not in Tiele; Sabin 27392 (German ed. only). [Boeknr.: 12508 ]

€ 450,00

GILLISS, James Melville. The U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, during the years 1849-'50-'51-'52. Volume I: Chili: its geography, climate, earthquakes, government, social condition, mineral and agricultural resources, commerce, &c. Washington, A.O.P. Nicholson, 1855.4to. Contemporary half calf (spine dam., hinges weak). With coloured costume plate, 5 (of 6) tinted lithographed views and 7 maps (3 folding; 1 damaged). XIII,556 pp. This expedition to South America, led by lieut. James Melville Gilliss, was the third American Naval Scientific expedition. The Gilliss expedition went overland to Panama City and then via the South Pacific to Callao, Valparaiso, and Santiago. A subsidiary expedition was sent to explore northern Chile as far as La Paz, Bolivia (Hill 707). The expedition took back to Washington a large number of scientific observations. - (Age-browned). Sabin 27419; Palau 102244; Leclerc 1957. [Boeknr.: 9690 ]

€ 225,00

GILLISS, James Melville. The U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to the southern hemisphere, during the years 1849-'50-'51-'52. Vol.I-II: Chili, the Andes and the Pampas. Washington, A.O.P. Nicholson, 1855.2 volumes. 4to. Original embossed cloth, with gilt illustration on frontcovers, rebacked (the original gilt spines partly laid down). With tinted lithographed frontispiece, large folding panoramic view of Santiago (29 x 175 cm) coloured by hand, coloured costume plate of an Araucanian chief, 3 plans, 3 coloured lithographs depicting Indian antiquities, 4 tinted lithographed views, 6 maps (4 folding), 11 wood-engravings, 15 brightly coloured lithographed plates depicting birds and 17 lithographed plates depicting reptiles, fishes etc. XIII,556; X,300 pp. First edition. - Congress financed an expedition to Chili and Argentina, led by James Melville Gilless and assisted by A. MacRae, S.L. Phelps and E.R. Smith. The expedition took back to Washington a large number of scientific observations on Chili's and Argentina's geography, climate, earthquakes, government, social condition, mineral and agricultural resources, commerce, etc. - Vol. III and VI are dealing with meteorological observations, vol. IV and V were never published. - Foxed and some marginal waterstaining in vol. I, otherwise a good copy.Sabin 27419; Palau 102244; Leclerc 1957. [Boeknr.: 10940 ]

€ 975,00

HEAD, Francis Bond. Rough notes taken during some rapid journeys across the Pampas and among the Andes. 2nd edition. London, John Murray, 1826.Contemporary green polished calf, gilt fillets round sides, inner dentelles, spine richly gilt in compartments, with red and brown labels to spine. XI,309 pp. First edition published the same year. - In 1825 Head sailed for Buenos Aires with a staff of Cornish miners, and crossed the Pampas, only to find that the concessions had in the meantime been granted to rival companies. Leaving his staff at Mendoza he returned to Buenos Aires for instructions, then made his way overland to Santiago de Chile. He then re-crossed the Andes, collected the miners left at Mendoza and took the entire party back to Chile, where they travelled some 2000 kilometres prospecting for mines. When it became evident that local managers were reluctant to employ European staff, Head took his miners back to Buenos Aires and returned with them to England .. His book, which earned him the nickname of 'Galloping Head', was praised by Darwin for its accuracy (Howgego p.277). - A fine copy.Sabin 31134. [Boeknr.: 8561 ]

€ 375,00

JUAN, Jorge & Antonio de ULLOA. A voyage to South America: describing at large the Spanish cities, towns, provinces, etc on that extensive continent. Translated from the original Spanish; with notes and observations, and an account of the Brazils by J. Adams. 4th edition. London, J. Stockdale (etc.), 1806.2 volumes. Contemporary straight grained morocco, gilt fillets round sides, spines richly gilt (1 hinge cracked but holding). With folding map and 7 engraved folding plates. XXVII,479; (2),419,(14) pp. First published in Spanish in Madrid in 1748 Relacion historica del viage a la America meridional. - An account of a voyage to South America by two Spanish Captains, Jorge Juan y Santacilia (1713-1773) and Antonio de Ulloa (1716-1795). Both Captains were skilled in mathematics, astronomy and navigation, and were selected to join Charles-Marie de la Condamine (1701-1774) on a scientific voyage to South America initiated by the French Académie des Sciences in 1735. Giving the result of the ten years' travel and observation by a group of leading European scientists. It is one of the best Spanish accounts of gold and silver mining in the 18th-century. A primary source for the history of Peru, Chili, Ecuador and Colombia. The appendix on Brazil written by J. Adams appeared for the first time in the third edition. - The most accurate description of the South American continent up to this date by two of the most important representatives of the Spanish enlightement. Sabin 36813; Palau 125477. [Boeknr.: 1666 ]

€ 875,00

MATHISON, Gilbert Farquhar. Narrative of a visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich islands, during the years 1821 and 1822. With miscellaneous remarks on the past and present state, and political prospects of those countries. London, Charles Knight, 1825.Later half calf, spine gilt with red morocco title label. With folding chart of the Sandwich Islands (foxed) and 4 hand-coloured aquatint plates. XII,478,(1) pp. First edition; with bookplate of Robert Herries. - More than a third of the book relates to Brazil including a visit to the Swiss settlement of Nova Friburgo, an account of Rio de Janeiro and its environs and an overview of Brazililian history. On Brazil the best passage is the description of the attempted Swiss colonization at that time in full decay (Borba de Moraes II, p.537).The rest of the book concerns Chile, Peru, and the Hawaian Islands. Much information is given on the cultural life of the various places visited, including Hawaii. Among the Hawaiian material are accounts of the natives, the missionaries, the government and the royal family, shipping, and the speculation of the King in the Canton trade (Hill 1105). This is the main source for an account of the famous 'Cannibal Stone' located at Helemano, Oahu (Forbes 610). - (3 leaves with small holes). - A fine copy.Sabin 46838; Abbey, Travel, 700. [Boeknr.: 36904 ]

€ 975,00

PHILIPPI, Rudolph Amandus. Reise durch die Wuste Atacama auf Befehl der chilenischen Regierung im Sommer 1853-54 unternommen. Halle, Eduard Anton, 1860.Folio. Original printed boards (sl. rubbed). With folding map and 27 lithographed plates (including a diagram, 15 natural history plates of which 7 hand-coloured, and 11 tinted views (1 folding, foxed as usual). X,192; 62 pp. First German edition. - First, and still the best, scientific description of Atacama, Chile. R.A. Philippi (1808-1904), a German-Chilean naturalist, visited the Atacama Desert in 1853-1854, travelled extensively in Chili between 1850 and 1883, and occupied the Chair of Natural History at Santiago. His son, Friedrich Philippi, carried on his work in the Atacama in 1885. His book offers a travel account, followed by descriptive sections, including a Flora Atacamensis listing the more than 400 species he had found in the area, many of them not described before. With fine plates depicting views and natural history subjects (fossils, birds, rodents, lizards, shells and plantes). Philippi brought to Santiago the first reliable map of the region and a wealth of scientific information. He is now regarded as one of the founding fathers of scientific research in Chile (Howgego IV, p.723). 'Philippi gehört zu den bedeutendsten Naturforschern, die im 19. Jahrhundert in Chili tätig waren. Verdienstvolle Arbeit leistete er auf den Gebieten von Botanik und Zoologie. Im Verlauf seiner landeskundlichen Expeditionen fertigte er künstlerische Studien von hohem dokumentarischen Wert an' (Deutsche Künstler in Lateinamerika, p.119).- Rare.Sabin 62452; Palau 224736; Henze IV, p.98. [Boeknr.: 10099 ]

€ 1750,00

RANDIER, Jean. Hommes et navires au Cap Horn 1616-1939. Paris, Hachette, 1966. 4to. Pictorial boards. With many illustrations. 360 pp. [Boeknr.: 34702 ]

€ 25,00

(SUTCLIFFE, Thomas). Crusoniana; or, truth versus fiction, elucidated in a history of the islands of Juan Fernandez. By the retired governor of that colony. Manchester, printed by P. Grant, 1843.Original pictorial green cloth, a.e.g. With engraved frontispiece depicting Alexander Selkirk, engraved vignette on title page, lithographed map, 2 lithographed portraits and 3 engraved plates. VI,(2),213,34,VIII pp. First edition; published by the author. - The Juan Fernández Islands are a sparsely inhabited island group in the South Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile. They are composed of three main volcanic islands: Robinson Crusoe, Alejandro Selkirk and Santa Clara. The islands are primarily known for having been the home to the marooned sailor Alexander Selkirk for more than four years from 1704, upon whom Daniel Defoe based his famous novel The life and strange surprizing adventures of Robinson Crusoe, mariner (1719). It belongs to the literary genre Robinsonade. 'In 1817 Thomas Sutcliffe joined the Colombians as a colonel of cavalry against the Spanish. Later he served Chile in various military and administrative posts, including that of governor of the Juan Fernandez. He was made chief of that Chilean convict station in 1834, and thus he was an eye-witness to the appalling earthquake in 1835' (Hill p.589). Sabin 93946. [Boeknr.: 36781 ]

€ 850,00

WHYMPER, Edward. Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Equator. 2nd edition. London, John Murray, 1892.Contemporary half calf. With 4 maps, 20 plates and 118 illustrations. XXIV,456 pp. First published in 1891. - An exciting and important account of Whymper's climbing to the top of Mount Cimborozo, a lofty destination that had defeated Humboldt and Bolivar. With descriptions of his preparations and his scientific results. 'Often considered his magnum opus, Travels among the Great Andes of the Equator combines a popular account of his ascents with his detailed scientific observations' (DNB). - A fine copy of a classic of South American mountaineering literature. Neate W66. [Boeknr.: 8320 ]

€ 350,00

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