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WATERTON, Charles. Wanderings in South America, the north-west of the United States, and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820, & 1824. With original instructions for the perfect preservation of birds, etc. for cabinets of natural history. 2nd edition. London, B. Fellowes, 1828.Later half calf. With engraved frontispiece depicting 'a nondescript'. VII,341 pp. First published in London in 1825. - Charles Waterton (1782-1865) travelled to British Guiana, where the family owned plantations in 1804. In the years 1805-1812 he managed the family plantations and explored the morasses and mangrove woods of the coastal strip (Demerara). He wrote a vivid description of the Guianas, Pernambuco, St. Domingo, Martinique, Barbados, Demerera, etc. With special attention to their flora and fauna and the aboriginal population. He was an eccentric enterprising traveller (barefoot across jungles, ride on a cayman, etc.) and a zealous naturalist. It is an outstanding work on the natural history of the West Indies. A delightful, almost apological book, flavoured with classical allusions and quotations of Don Quixote (Howgego II, p.629). - (Some foxing).Sabin 102094; Hill 1833; Ragatz p.235. [Boeknr.: 8920 ]

€ 275,00

WATERTON, Charles. Wanderings in South America, the North-West of the United States, and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820, & 1824. With original instructions for the perfect preservation of birds, etc. for cabinets of natural history. New edition. Edited, with biographical introduction and explanatory index, by J.G. Wood. London, Macmillan and Co., 1885.Contemporary half green morocco, spine gilt (bound by Mudie). With many woodengravings. XVI,520 pp. School prize college Seti Edmundi. - First published in London in 1825. - Vivid description of the Guianas, Pernambuco, St. Domingo, Martinique, Barbados, etc. With special attention to their flora and fauna and the aboriginal population. Waterton (1782-1865) was an eccentric enterprising traveller (barefoot across jungles, ride on a cayman, etc.) and a zealous naturalist. It is an outstanding work on the natural history of Colombia and Venezuela. - A nice copy.Sabin 102094; Hill 1833. [Boeknr.: 23888 ]

€ 125,00

WATERTON, Charles. Wanderings in South America. The north-west of the United States, and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820, & 1824. With original instructions for the perfect preservation of birds, etc. for cabinets of natural history. New edition. Edited, with biographical introduction and explanatory index, by J.G. Wood. London, Macmillan and Co., 1880.Contemporary half green calf, spine richly gilt, with red morocco title-label. With 100 wood-engravings. XVI,520 pp. First published in London in 1825. - Vivid descriptions of the Guianas, Pernambuco, St. Domingo, Martinique, Barbados, etc. With special attention to their flora and fauna and the aboriginal population. Waterton (1782-1865) was an eccentric enterprising traveller (barefoot across jungles, ride on a cayman, etc.) and a zealous naturalist. It is an outstanding work on the natural history of Colombia and Venezuela. - A nice copy.Sabin 102094; Hill 1833; Howgego II, p.629. [Boeknr.: 7461 ]

€ 175,00

WEILL, F. West-Indië. Van Looy's handelskaarten met tekst, onder toezicht van den directeur van het Bureau voor Handelsinlichtingen te Amsterdam. Amsterdam, S.L. van Looy, 1909. 8vo. Cloth. With 4 large folding maps of the West-Indies. 104 pp. [Boeknr.: 17505 ]

€ 65,00

WELCH, Pedro L.V. Slave society in the city. Bridgetown. Barbados 1680-1834. Kingston, Ian Randle, (2003). Cloth, with dust-jacket. With illustrations. XV,253 pp. [Boeknr.: 26893 ]

€ 35,00

WEST-INDISCHE GIDS. DE WEST-INDISCHE GIDS onder redactie van H.D. Benjamins, J. Boeke, B. de Gaay Fortman, Joh. F. Snelleman en C.A.J. Struycken de Roysancour. Jaargang 10. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1929. Original red cloth. With illustrations. 584 pp. Contains P.A. Euwens. De oudste kaarten van het eiland Curaçao. - S. Kalff. West-Indische predikanten. - L. Knappert. Een heksenproces op St. Martin. - Etc. - (With library stamp). [Boeknr.: 36888 ]

€ 40,00

WEST-INDISCHE GIDS. DE WEST-INDISCHE GIDS onder redactie van H.D. Benjamins, J. Boeke, B. de Gaay Fortman, Joh. F. Snelleman en C.A.J. Struycken de Roysancour. Jaargang 4. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1923. Original red cloth. With illustrations. 664 pp. Contains R. Bijlsma. Aanwijzingen voor plantage-onderneming in Suriname 1735. - J.W. Gonggrijp. Over het Orinoco-gebied. - A.A. Schelven. Suriname in de 18e eeuw. - Etc. [Boeknr.: 36890 ]

€ 40,00

WEST-INDISCHE GIDS. DE WEST-INDISCHE GIDS onder redactie van H.D. Benjamins, J. Boeke, B. de Gaay Fortman, Joh. F. Snelleman en C.A.J. Struycken de Roysancour. Jaargang 8. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1927. Original red cloth. With illustrations. 571 pp. Contains D.G.J. Bolten. Eene waterleiding voor Paramaribo. - P. Dellaert. Aruba's verlaten goudvelden. - C.K. Kesler. Amsrerdamsche bankiers in de West in de 18e eeuw. - Etc. [Boeknr.: 36891 ]

€ 40,00

WEST-INDISCHE GIDS. DE WEST-INDISCHE GIDS onder redactie van H.D. Benjamins, J. Boeke, B. de Gaay Fortman, Joh. F. Snelleman en C.A.J. Struycken de Roysancour. Jaargang 7. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1926. Original red cloth. With illustrations. 584 pp. Contains R. Bijlsma. De brieven van Gouverneur van Aerssen van Sommelsdijck aan Directeuren der Societeit van Suriname uit het jaar 1684. - P.A.. Euwens. Klein-Curaçao. - L. Jonker. De godsdienst der Boschnegers. - Etc. [Boeknr.: 36892 ]

€ 40,00

WEST-INDISCHE GIDS. DE WEST-INDISCHE GIDS onder redactie van H.D. Benjamins, J. Boeke, B. de Gaay Fortman, Joh. F. Snelleman en C.A.J. Struycken de Roysancour. Jaargang 9. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1928. Original red cloth. With illustrations. 582 pp. Contains B. de Gaay Fortman. Curaçao en onderhoorige eilanden, 1816-1828. - S. Kalff. Vreemdelingen in het West-Indische leger. - Jac. Zwart. Eenepisode uit de Joodsche kolonisatie van Guyana (1660). - Etc. [Boeknr.: 36889 ]

€ 40,00

WEST-INDISCHE GIDS. WEST-INDISCHE GIDS onder redactie van H.D. Benjamins, J. Boeke, B. de Gaay Fortman, Joh. F. Snelleman en C.A.J. Struycken de Roysancour. Jaargang 6. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1925. Original red cloth. With illustrations. 646 pp. Contains H.D. Benjamins. Oudste uitvoer van cacao uit Suriname. - P.A. Euwens. Een Engelsche gouverneur van Curaçao. - C.H. de Goeje. Karaïben en Guiana. - Etc. [Boeknr.: 36887 ]

€ 40,00

WEST-INDISCHE GIDS. DE WEST-INDISCHE GIDS onder redactie van J. Boeke, B. de Gaay Fortman, en W.R. Menkman. Jaargang 25. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1943. Modern cloth. With illustrations. 384 pp. Contains B. de Gaay Fortman. Nieuwe gegevens over de inbezitneming van Curaçao op den nieuwjaarsdag van 1807. - C.F. Gülcher. Een Surinaamsch koffieplanter uit de 81de eeuw (S.L. Neale). - W.R. Menkman. Kapers op de kust. - Etc. - (With library stamp). [Boeknr.: 36884 ]

€ 40,00

WEST-INDISCHE GIDS. DE WEST-INDISCHE GIDS onder redactie van J. Boeke, B. de Gaay Fortman, en W.R. Menkman. Jaargang 23. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1941. Original red cloth. With illustrations. 384 pp. Contains B. de Gaay Fortman. Lutherschen op Curaçao. - C.J. Kesler. Martinique. - Fred. Oudschans Dentz. Een Hugenoten-afstammeling in Suriname. - Etc. [Boeknr.: 36885 ]

€ 40,00

WIECHEN, Peter van. Vademecum van de Oost- en West-Indische compagnie. Historisch-geografisch overzicht van de Nederlandse aanwezigheid in Afrika, Amerika en Azië vanaf 1602 tot heden. Utrecht, Gert Jan Bestebreurtje, 2002. Bound, with dust-jacket. With ca. 1000 illustrations (100 in colours). 381 pp. This richly illustrated vade-mecum is the first study to shed light on a very wide range of subjects related to both the Dutch East- and West-India Company and its activities. An important reference work and invaluable guide for all those interested in Dutch colonial history. Including the material traces of the Dutch presence oversea. [Boeknr.: 26026 ]

€ 45,00

WIJNAENDTS FRANCKEN, C.J. Door West-Indië. Antillen - Panama - Venezuela - Britisch Guyana - Suriname. Haarlem, H.D. Tjeenk Willink & Zoon, 1915. Original cloth. With 26 maps and illustrations. (6),238 pp. [Boeknr.: 36958 ]

€ 75,00

WILSON MOORE, Rachel. Journal of Rachel Wilson Moore, kept during a tour to the West Indies and South America, in 1863-64. With notes from the diary of her husband; together with his memoir. (Edited by) George Truman. Philadelphia, T. Ellwood Zell, 1867.Original cloth, spine gilt. 274 pp. First edition. - Journal of her keen observations of life in the Caribbean, including visits to plantations. She was shocked by the state of slavery. With visits to Nassau, Havana, St. Thomas, Barbados, St. Vincent, Grenada, Trinidad, etc.Sabin 50430; Afro-Americana 6787; Theakstone, Vicorian & Edwardian women travellers, p.190. [Boeknr.: 36709 ]

€ 275,00

WINDT, Igma & Florimon van PUTTE. Curaçao en poche. Curaçao op zak / Körsou na man. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2000. 4to. Wrappers. With many illustraions (several in colours). 77 pp. [Boeknr.: 36920 ]

€ 18,00

WRIGHT, Irene A. (Red). Nederlandsche zeevaarders op de eilanden in de Caraïbische zee en aan de kust van Colombia en Venezuela gedurende de jaren 1621-1648 (9). Documenten hoofdzaakelijk uit het Archivo General de Indias te Sevilla. Met vertaling der documenten door C.F.A. van Dam. Utrecht, Kemink en Zoon, 1934-35. 2 volumes. Modern half cloth. With plates. 256,434; 168,272 pp. - (Historisch Genootschap). [Boeknr.: 6542 ]

€ 95,00

ZIMMERMANN, (Eberhard August Wilhelm) von. Taschenbuch der Reisen, oder unterhaltende Darstellung der Entdeckungen des 18ten Jahrhunderts. Jahrgang II. Leipzig., Gerhard Fleischer, 1803.Sm.8vo. Original boards (sl. rubbed). With frontispiece depicting Johanna from Suriname, portrait of Charles Marie de la Condamine, folding map of the West-Indies by Arrossmith, and 9 engravings (8 folding. (6),304 pp. Almost entirely devoted to the West-Indies: Chatoyer, ein Oberhaupt der schwarzen Carraiben auf St. Vincent, nebst seinen fünf Frauen; Die Maron-Neger schliessen auf Jamaica Frieden mit den Engländern; Frelawny Town, die Stadt der Maron-Neger auf Jamaica; Marsch gegen die Maron-Neger im holländischen Gujana; etc. With fine plates , 2 plates taken from Stedman, Suriname. - (Browned). [Boeknr.: 17501 ]

€ 175,00

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