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HEYNEN, F(rederik Constantijn). Blikken op Indië. Geschiedenis, godsdienst, maatschappelijke toestand, taal en letterkunde. Rotterdam, G.W. van Belle, 1870.Modern cloth (original printed frontwrapper mounted). With tinted lithographed frontispiece by P.W. v.d. Weger. VI,244 pp. First edition. - Description of India: history, religion, social conditions, language and literature. - Bound with: Savitri, Een episode der Maha-Bharata, uit het Sanskriet vertaald en toegelicht door J. Arntz. [Boeknr.: 14017 ]

€ 65,00

HOFFMEISTER, Werner. Travels in Ceylon and continental India; including Nepal and other parts of the Himalayas, to the borders of Thibet, with some notes of the overland route. Translated from the German. Edinburgh, William P. Kennedy, 1848.Original embossed cloth with gilt illustration of front cover (spine ends restored). With 2 folding maps. XII,527 pp. First edition; first published in Braunschweig in 1847 Briefe aus Indien. - Personal letters to friends by the doctor who accompanied Prince Waldemar of Prussia on his vist to Kathmandu during Febr.-March, 1845 and to Shipki in August (Yakushi p.190). Much of the text details the countryside and peoples (Czech 106). With appendices: I. Addressed to Baron von Humboldt, On the geographical distribution of coniferae on the Himalayan mountains. II. On the vegetation of the Himalayan mountains. III. The birds of the Himalayan mountains.Aschoff p.173. [Boeknr.: 37305 ]

€ 395,00

HOMOET, J.C. Ito, de priester der zongodin. Een Japansch verhaal. Amsterdam, W. Kirchner, (1899). Original half brown cloth, spine lettered in gilt. With coloured lithographed frontispiece and map. 321,(2) pp.. Juvenile of which the scene is laid at Japan with observations on local history and customs. [Boeknr.: 31424 ]

€ 95,00

HOND, Jan de & Menno FITSKI. A narrow bridge. Japan and the Netherlands from 1600 Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum & Nijmegen, Vantilt, 2016. 4to. Pictorial boards. With many coloured illustrations. 200 pp. Part of the Rijksmuseum Country Series published by the museum's History Department. Each book in the series uses objects in the Rijksmuseum collection to explore the shared history of the Netherlands and overseas countries. [Boeknr.: 33972 ]

€ 25,00

HOND, Jan de & Menno FITSKI. De smalle brug. Japan en Nederland sinds 1600 Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum & Nijmegen, Vantilt, 2016. 4to. Pictorial boards. With many coloured illustrations. 210 pp. Part of the Rijksmuseum Country Series published by the museum's History Department. Each book in the series uses objects in the Rijksmuseum collection to explore the shared history of the Netherlands and overseas countries. [Boeknr.: 33971 ]

€ 25,00

HOOGHE, Romeyn de. Les Indes Orientales et Occidentales, et autre lieux; représentés en très-belles figures, qui montrent au naturel les peuples, moeurs, religions, fêtes, sacrifices, mosquées, idoles, richesses, ceremonies, festins, tribunaux, supplices et esclavages, comme aussi, les montagnes, vaisseaux, commerce, marchés, marchandises de toute sorte, epiceries, sucreries, tours, pierres précieuses, peintures, feux d'artifices, boufons, marche des armées, plantes, arbres, animaux, ouiseaux, poissons, monstres, lieux souterrains, volcans, ouragans, etc. Leide, Pierre Van der Aa, (ca. 1700).Oblong 8vo. Contemporary half calf (spine ends restored). With engraved title-page, 6 engraved maps and 61 plates on 41 leaves, engraved by Romeyn de Hooghe. Only a few complete copies are known of this collection of etchings by Romeyn de Hooghe (1654-1708), one of the greatest Dutch etchers of the late 17th century. They were first issued in the book by Simon de Vries, Curieuse aenmerckingen der bysonderste Oost en West-Indische verwonderenswaerdige dingen, Utrecht 1682. The plate-work contains a world-map, map of Europe, Asia, Africa and 2 maps of America and very fine etchings of the far and exotic continents. The etchings give a baroque profusion of images, every engraving overflows with pictorial elements composed through and next to each other. They depict beautiful scenes of plants and animals and views and belong according to Landwehr to the most interesting of the artist's work. They also depict Viginian ceremonies, Brazilian sugar production, Indian ship-building, a diamont-mine, Japanese Gods, Japanese trade, Chinese court ceremonies, an Abyssinian march, a Turkish prison, and many other views and scenes of daily life and of local industry of the East and the West , all of great artistic value. Romeyn de Hooghe's work about America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa gives us a look between blinkers, it is the image of prejudice, but it was the expression of the society of which he was a part. We may not, due to the fact that we are undoubtedly full of our prejudice, blame the artist, but it is good to analyze his vision, especially because the reverberations of such interpretations of colonizing powers are still felt today (Van Veen's Introduction to the facsimile edition of 1979). - Incredibly rich and interesting collection of plates in fine condition of the East and West Indies..Landwehr, Romeyn de Hooghe, 58; Hollstein IX, 1039-1086 (incomplete); Sabin 32805; Cat. KITLV p.800; Borba de Moraes I, p.413; SAB II, p.599. [Boeknr.: 30953 ]

€ 12500,00

HOOGHLY. Aanwysing der voornaamste wooningen, poorten, thuynen, tanken, enz. op Hoegly A° 1721. (Dordrecht, Amsterdam, Joannes van Braam, Gerard onder de Linden, 1724).Engraved plan of the trading post of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in Hooghly in Bengal, with ships in the foreground and legend with names of the buildings, gardens, etc. Ca. 28 x 36,5 cm. From: François Valentijn. Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indiën. - Among other European powers that came to Hooghly were the Portuguese, the Danish, the British, the French, the Belgians and the Germans. Dutch traders centered their activities in the town Chuchura which is south of Hooghly. Chandannagar became the base of the French and the city remained under their control from 1816 to 1950. Similarly, the Danish establishment a settlement in Serampore (1755). All these towns are on the west bank of the Hooghly River and served as ports. Among these European countries, the British ultimately became most powerful. Landwehr, VOC, 467. [Boeknr.: 13950 ]

€ 150,00

HOSIE, Dorothea. Portrait of a Chinese lady and certain of her contemporaries by Lady Hosie. London, Hodder and Stoughton, (1929). Original red cloth gilt (spine faded). With 24 photographic plates. XV,404 pp. First edition. - Lady Dorothea Hosie (1885-1959) was the daughter of W.E. Soothill, missionary, scholar and sinologist, and wife of Sir Alexander Hosie, diplomat. She was born in China and was regarded as an authority on China. [Boeknr.: 31128 ]

€ 35,00

HOSIE, Dorothea. Portrait of a Chinese lady and certain of her contemporaries by Lady Hosie. London, Hodder and Stoughton, (1933). Original blue cloth. With 8 photographic plates. XV,404 pp. First published in 1929. - Lady Dorothea Hosie (1885-1959) was the daughter of W.E. Soothill, missionary, scholar and sinologist, and wife of Sir Alexander Hosie, diplomat. She was born in China and was regarded as an authority on China. [Boeknr.: 36144 ]

€ 30,00

HOSIE, Dorothea. Two gentlemen of China. An intimate description of the private life of two patrician Chinese families, their home, loves, religion, mirth, sorrow, & many other aspects of their family life. By Lady Hosie. With introduction by W.E. Soothill. 4th edition. London, Seeley, Service & Co., 1926. Original orange cloth with illustration of a pagoda on front cover. With 16 photographic plates. 316 pp. First published in 1924; with bookplate of Verryn Stuart. - Lady Dorothea Hosie (1885-1959) was the daughter of W.E. Soothill, missionary, scholar and sinologist, and wife of Sir Alexander Hosie, diplomat. She was born in China and was regarded as an authority on China. [Boeknr.: 36143 ]

€ 55,00

HOUTMAN, Cornelis de. De eerste schipvaerd der Hollandsche natie naer Oost-Indien, waer inne verhaelt wordt al wat haer sonderlings onder wegen bejegent is, als oock de conditien, religien, zeden, ende huys houdinghe der volckeren, met den aerd, vruchtbaerheyd, ghewassen, dieren, ende andere eygentschappen der landen, die sy beseylt hebben: ghetrocken uyt verscheyden journalen ofte dagh-registers daer van ghemaeckt, zeer vermaeckelijck ende nut om lesen. (Amsterdam, Joannes Janssonius, 1645).Oblong 8vo. Modern sprinkled boards. With 49 engraved plates. 112 pp. (text set in two columns). Extracted from Commelin's collection of voyages. - A group of Amsterdam merchants was responsible for the venture of the first Dutch voyage to the East in 1595. The four small ships sailed via the Cape of Good Hope to Bantam, a large trading centre on the west coast of Java. Three of the four ships finally returned to Amsterdam. 'Despite the loss of many men and one of the ships, troubles with both Javans and Portuguese, and profits barely large enough to cover expenses, the return of De Houtman's fleet set of a flurry of activity among Dutch entrepreneurs. In 1598, the year after its return, no fewer than twenty-five ships were sent out by merchants of the provinces of Holland and Zeeland alone' (Lach & Van Kley, Asia in the making, III,1, p.439). This voyage provided European readers with the most detailed description of Java to date and with the first description of Bali in any language. At the Cape they landed and encountered a party of Hottentots. - (Part of plate 17 (market scene) missing but added in photocopy); some plates cut slightly short). - Rare early edition of the 'First Fleet'.Landwehr, VOC, 250; Tiele 81; Tiele, Mémoire, 4; Cat. NHSM I, p.105; Mendelssohn I, p.739. [Boeknr.: 35243 ]

€ 875,00

HOVE, H.J. van. Hollanders in Korea. (Utrecht, Het Spectrum, 1989). Wrappers. With illustrations. 162 pp. [Boeknr.: 8894 ]

€ 15,00

HOVY, Lodewijk. Ceylonees plakkaatboek. Plakkaten en andere wetten uitgevaardigd door het Nederlandse bestuur op Ceylon 1638-1796. Hilversum, Verloren, 1991. 2 volumes. Cloth. CXLVIII,1014 pp. Ceylon, now Sri Lanka, has been an important part of the VOC network because of its production of cinnamon and other spices. The regulations drawn up under the Dutch authority at the time are part of Sri Lanka's heritage and are still in force in parts of business and contract law. The Ceylonese Plakkaatboek brings together the edicts, ordinances and other laws that the Dutch government issued in Ceylon between 1638 and 1796. The edicts are an important source for the history of the island in that period, including dealing with the agricultural and commercial policy of the Dutch government, the registration of real estate, public order and safety, family law matters such as inheritance and marriage and on religious politics. In this edition, the edicts are preceded by a detailed introduction to the history and organization of Ceylonese law in the relevant period. [Boeknr.: 8055 ]

€ 95,00

HOWARD BURY, Charles Kenneth, G. BRUCE. a.o. Naar den hoogsten top der aarde. De beklimming van den Mount Everest. Voor Nederland bewerkt door A. Tervooren. Amsterdam, Scheltens & Giltay, (1922). Original cloth, gilt lettering. With folding map and 69 photographic illustrations. 382,(2) pp. First Dutch edition of Mount Everest; the Reconnaissance. London 1922. - Official account of the first Everest expedition of 1921. They reached to the Northcol and discovered the route to the top.Yakushi H247d; Marshall 2634; Neate H120. [Boeknr.: 27832 ]

€ 45,00

HUC, Régis Evariste & Joseph GABET. Reisherinneringen uit Tartarije, Thibet en China. Verhaal der missie-reis in de jaren 1844, 1845 en 1846. Arnhem, Josué Witz, 1855 -1857.2 volumes. 19th century grey cloth. XIV,409; 295 pp. Rare Dutch edition; first published in Paris in 1850 Souvenires d'un voyage dans la Tartarie, le Thibet et la Chine. - Record of the famous journey made between 1839 and 1852 by the Lazarist missionaries Huc and Gabet travelling from Macao and Canton through Mongolia to Lhasa. Huc and his travelling companions were among the very first Europeans to have reached Lhasa and Huc's account remains a vivid first hand history of western contact in China and Central Asia. - One of the world's great travel classics.Cf. Cordier, B.S., col. 2119; Yakushi H249; Marshall 1334; Aschhoff 920; Howgego II, p.291; not in Tiele nor Cat. NHSM. [Boeknr.: 31542 ]

€ 295,00

IMBAULT-HUART, C. L'ile Formose. Histoire et description. Précédé d'une introduction bibliographique par H. Cordier. Paris, 1893. Reprint. Taipei, (1995). Cloth, with dust-jacket. With maps, illustrations and plates. LXXXIV,323 pp. Chapters 2-4 are dealing with the Dutch in Formosa. [Boeknr.: 29115 ]

€ 55,00

INDIA. Return to an Address of the House of Lords, dated 22nd February 1883, for copies or extracts of, correspondence between the Secretary of State for India in Council, the government of India, and the various local governments, on the proposed measures for the extension of local government in India. Part II: Appendix. London, India Office, 1883.Folio. Original blue wrappers (dam.). 353 pp. - (Light browning). [Boeknr.: 7831 ]

€ 45,00

JACOBS, Els M. Koopman in Azië. De handel van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie tijdens de 18de eeuw. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2000. 4to. Boards, with dust-jacket. With numerous illustrations (several in colours). 304 pp. [Boeknr.: 21124 ]

€ 25,00

JAPAN. An official guide to Eastern Asia. Trans-continental connections between Europe and Asia. Volume II: South-Western Japan. Tokyo, The Imperial Japanese Government Railways, 1914. Original cloth. With photograph illustrations in the text and 15 coloured maps and plans (mostly folding). CCIV,370 pp. Detailed guide to South-West Japan and Taiwan. [Boeknr.: 31859 ]

€ 125,00

JAPAN. JAPAN UND EUROPA 1543-1929. Eine Ausstellung der 43. Berliner Festwochen im Martin-Gropius-Bau. Herausgegeben von Doris Croissant, Lothar Lederrose unter Mitwirkung von Hendrik Budde, Gedeon Sievernich. Berlin, Argon, 1993. 4to. Boards, with dust-jacket. With numerous coloured illustrations. 621 pp. [Boeknr.: 7055 ]

€ 45,00

JESUIT MISSION REPORTS FROM CHINA & INDOCHINA. Nouvelles lettres édifiantes des missions de la Chine et des Indes orientales. Paris, de l'imprimerie d'Adrien Le Clere, imprimeur de l'Archevêché de Paris, 1818-1823.8 volumes. 12mo. Contemporary half calf (spines sl. rubbed with occasional light cracking). With printer's woodcut device on title-pages. XXVIII, 486, (1, errata); IV, 560; (IV), 503, (1 errata); (IV), 567, (1); VIII, 603 (errata pasted on final page as usual); (IV), 511, (1 errata); (IV), 419; (IV), 448 pp. First edition. - Important collection of Jesuit reports from China and Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, Siam, Macao, etc.), a continuation of the collection of Jesuit letters known as the Lettres édifiantes et curieuses. They are mostly concerned with internal matters, such as clashes with the Chinese authorities (Lust 830). Volumes one to five deal with China and volumes six to eight deal with the missions in Tong-King and Cochinchina. - Unobtrusive faint library blind stamps on title pages, otherwise a fine and fresh set. - Rare.Löwendahl, China, I, p. XLIX; Morrison II p. 159; Cordier, B.S II, cols. 953-957 (listing the contents in detail); Streit & Dinginger, Bibl. Missionen, 1931: 2. [Boeknr.: 36402 ]

€ 1100,00

(JOHNSON, James). An account of a voyage to India, China, &c. in His Majesty’s Ship Caroline, performed in the years 1803-4-5, interspersed with descriptive sketches and cursory remarks. By an Officer of the Caroline. London, printed for Richard Philips by J.G. Barnard, 1806.Later half calf, spine gilt with red morocco title label to spine. With large folding engraved chart exhibiting the tracks of His Majesty's ships Caroline and Medusa to and from India in the years 1803-1806 and folding table. 138, III pp. First edition. - This work was intended to describe a topographical and picturesque sketch of all the principal places which were annually or occasionally visited by the East India and China fleets. Places visited included Madeira, Cape of Good Hope, Ceylon, Madras, Bengal, the Andaman Islands, Penang, Malacca, Sumatra, Macao, and Canton. - (The 2 plates mentioned on the Errata leaf not present in any copy or bibliography; age-browned).Cordier, BSI, col. 2106; Lust 375; Mendelssohn II, 693. [Boeknr.: 36985 ]

€ 475,00

JONES, Thomas. Vierde reys van de Engelse Maatschappy na Oost-Indien, onder het beleyd van Alexander Sharpey en Richard Rowles; neffens het aandoen van de Roode-Zee door de Ascension, gedaan 1608 en vervolgens. Mitsgaders de voyagien en berigten van William Nicols, Samuel Bradshaw en Joseph Salbank, breeder op de volgende blad-zijde vermeld. Als ook de vijfde reys van de Engelse Maatschappy na Oost-Indien, bysonder na Java en Banda. Gedaan en beschreven van David Middelton, in 't jaar 1609 en vervolgens. Alles nu aldereerst uyt het Engels vertaald. Leyden, Pieter van der Aa, 1707.Sm.8vo. Modern boards. With engraved title-vignette and folding engraved plate. 62,(8) pp. Issued in Pieter van der Aa's collection of voyages. - Four accounts written by survivors of the Ascension, wrecked off Surat on the fourth voyage in 1609 sent out by the English East India Company. The story of the fifth Company voyage to Java and the Banda Islands in 1609-1611 appears in Hakluytus Posthumus as a letter from David Middleton to the Company. It contains considerable detail on the trade and on the affairs of the Dutch in the Moluccas and Banda. According to Middleton, the Bandanese all hated the Dutch (Lach & Van Kley, Asia in the making of Europe, III, p.559). .Tiele 8; Cat. NHSM I, p.107. [Boeknr.: 12214 ]

€ 275,00

JÖRG, C.J.A. Porcelain and the Dutch China trade. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1982. Folio. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 90 illustrations. 372 pp. 'Describes the China trade by the Dutch East India Company, life and trade in Canton, the porcelain trade and the decoration and types of porcelain. The appendices give lists of ships and personnel in Canton of the Dutch East India Company; an inventory of the factory; a financial survey of the trade; the gross profils on the return cagos; a survey of types and decorations of the porcelain shipped to the Netherlands between 1729 and 1793'. [Boeknr.: 6161 ]

€ 65,00

JOSEPH FROM CRANGANORE (KODUNGALLUR). Sonderlinge reysen van Joseph, den geboornen Indiaan, bevattende een aanmerklijke beschrijvingh der landen, steeden, en inwooners van Caranganor, Calicuth, Cambaja, Narsinga, enz. Door de Portugeezen uyt sijnen mond opgetekend, anno 1501. Nu aldereerst uyt ' t Portugeesch vertaald. Leyden, Pieter van der Aa, 1706.Sm.8vo. Old marbled wrappers. With engraved title-vignette and double-page engraving. 23, (4) pp. Issued in Pieter van der Aa's collection of voyages. - When Pedro Alvares Cabral called at Cochin in the winter of 1500 to 1501, he was approached by two Syro-Malabar priests, Joseph and Mathias, who requested to be taken on board for the voyage to Europe so that they could visit Rome and Jerusalem. Mathias, however, died en route. In the cities of Europe, Joseph was apparently interrogated at great length about his homeland, and was regarded as a man of the highest integrity. His description of Cranganore, although bigoted and biased in favour of the Christian community, was widely accepted at face value. In Rome he presented a report on the Malabar Christians and answered numerous questions, some of them directed from the pope himself (Howgego p.557). An early account of a visitor from India to Europe. - Fine.Tiele 5; Cat. NHSM I, p.107. [Boeknr.: 32888 ]

€ 175,00

JOSSON, H. La mission du Bengale occidental ou archidiocèse de Calcutta. Province Belge de la Compagnie de Jésus. Bruges, imprimerie Sainte-Catherine, 1921.2 volumes. Printed wrappers (stained). With 5 folding maps and 281 photographic illustrations. XVI,496; XII,479 pp. History of the Belgian mission in Bengal 1517-1920. [Boeknr.: 10898 ]

€ 45,00

JUEL-HANSEN, N. De Japanneezen. Vertellingen voor de jeugd. Leiden, A.H. Adriani, (1892).Original pictorial cloth, depicting a Japanese lady in traditional dress with silver outlining within an ornamental border. With many steelengraved illustrations and plates. 186 pp. First edition. - A travelogue of a boy and his adventures amongst the Japanese, including his experiences in a prison and a chapter on the Ainu. - A fine copy. [Boeknr.: 37308 ]

€ 125,00

KAEMPFER / VON SIEBOLD. Gedenkschrift Engelbert Kaempfer (1651-1716) (und) Philipp Franz von Siebold (1796-1866). Ergänzt durch eine Darstellung der deutschen Japanologie. Tokyo, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiën, 1966. Half cloth. With plates. 314 pp. - German and Japanese text. [Boeknr.: 11804 ]

€ 95,00

KALFF, S(amuel). Japansche schetsen. Amsterdam, J.H. de Bussy, 1895. Original pictorial wrappers. (8),234 pp. The Japanese stories were written during the author's trip through Japan and first published as articles in newspapers. - A fine copy. [Boeknr.: 31425 ]

€ 75,00

KEMP, Herman C. Bibliographies on Southeast Asia. Leiden, KITLV, 1998. Cloth. XVII,1128 pp. Bibliographical Series. - Now, for the first time, virtually all main 'gates' to all written sources on all subjects on Southeast Asia are assembled in this book. Wherever possible the items are annotated (Foreword). [Boeknr.: 19826 ]

€ 45,00

KETELAAR, Joan Josua. Journaal van J.J. Ketelaar's hofreis naar den Groot Mogol te Lahore 1711-1713. Uitgegeven door J.Ph. Vogel. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1937. Cloth. With folding map and 30 plates. XXVII,454 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging XLI. - Fine illustrated account of a journey to the Moghul court by an envoy of the Company. Including the embassy to Isfahan. [Boeknr.: 3718 ]

€ 55,00

KLEIWEG DE ZWAAN, Johannes Pieter. Völkerkundliches und Geschichtliches über die Heilkunde der Chinesen und Japaner mit besonderer Berücksichtigung holländischer Einflüssen. Haarlem, Erven Loosjes, 1917.Folio. Original blue boards with printed title label to spine. With many illustrations. XI,656 pp. Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen. Derde Verzameling, deel VII.- Johannes Pieter Kleiweg de Zwaan (1875 - 1971), the first professor of anthropology in the Netherlands, did extensive survey in the Dutch East Indies. In this important study he examined the influence of the Dutch on the Japanese and Chinese health service. With an extensive bibliography. [Boeknr.: 11716 ]

€ 225,00

KNIPSCHILD, Harry. De bekering van de wereld. Brieven, verhalen en ervaringen uit de geschiedenis van de missie. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2013. Wrappers. With illustrations. 224 pp. [Boeknr.: 33200 ]

€ 25,00

KONINCKX, Christian. The first and second charters of the Swedish East India Company (1731-1766). A contribution to the maritime, economic and social history of North-Western Europe in its relationships with the Far East. With a preface by K. Glamann. Kortrijk, Van Ghemmert, (1980). Cloth. With folding table, 18 plates, and maps and diagrams. 559,(1) pp. Important study on the Swedish East India Company, with tables of contents on: persons, geographical names, subjects and ships. [Boeknr.: 14377 ]

€ 35,00

KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Official KPM yearbook 1937-1938. Batavia, De Unie, 1939. Folio. Decorated cloth. With many photographic illustrations and advertisments. 321 pp. The issue of the KPM Yearbook is intended to give a general survey of the ports touched by KPM Lines and the hinterland they govern in the Dutch East Indies, Africa, Australia, New Zealnd, Philippine Islands, China, Siam, and the Straits settlementsI. [Boeknr.: 36530 ]

€ 125,00

KOUWENHOVEN, Arlette & Matthi FORRER. Siebold en Japan. Zijn leven en werk. Leiden, Hotei, (2000). 8vo. Wrappers. With 87 illustrations (35 in colours). 110 pp. [Boeknr.: 18701 ]

€ 20,00

KRAIJENHOFF, Cornelis Carte de la Hollande par provinces. Dressée d'après la carte de Mr. le Lieut. Gal. Bon. Kraijenhoff par Lorrain Ainé. Paris, Binet, 1838.Oblong 8vo. Contemporary half calf (verso front board strengthend), spine richly gilt (top of spine sl. dam.). With steelengraved title-page and 11 steelengraved maps (1 folding), +1 extra map depicting Java, all handcoloured in outline. Bound with: C.V. MONIN & A.R. FRÉMIN. Atlas universel de géographie ancienne et moderne. Paris, Binet, (1835). Steelengraved title-page, folding plate tableau cosmographique, 12 maps of the ancient world and 37 maps of the modern world (including worldmap), all steelengraved and handcoloured in outline by Bénard. - (Some foxing and age-browning). [Boeknr.: 37084 ]

€ 375,00

KROMHOUT, R. (Red.). Het machtige eyland, Ceylon en de VOC. 's Gravenhage, SDU, 1988. Wrappers. With many illustrations. 118 pp. [Boeknr.: 6299 ]

€ 18,00

KUYLENSTJERNA, Alexis. Bland Kineser och Mongoler. Stockholm, C. & E. Gernandt, (1900-1901).2 volumes. Original pictorial cloth. With numerous plates and illustrations. (4),420; (4),427 pp. First edition. - Travel-account in Swedish, starting in Port Said to Hong Kong, Peking, Shanghai, Mongolia and Moscow. - A fine copy. [Boeknr.: 32845 ]

€ 75,00

KYOTO. KYOTO. Issued by Kyoto Exhibitors' Association to the Japan-British Exhibition. Kyoto, 1910. Original decorated cloth (blockbook binding). With illustrations and 7 double-page coloured woodcuts. Contents of exhibitors guide: General information - Noted places and temples of Kyoto and vicinity - Industries of Kyoto - List of exhibitors to the Japan-British exhibition. - Fine. [Boeknr.: 31427 ]

€ 275,00

LANDWEHR, John. VOC. A bibliography of publications relating to the Dutch East India Company: 1602 - 1800. Edited by Peter van der Krogt. Introduction by Ch.R. Boxer. Preface by G. Schilder. Utrecht, HES Publishers, 1991. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With many illustrations. XLII,840 pp. ' A book which I dearly needed during a lifetime of research in the history of the VOC' (from the introduction by C.R. Boxer). [Boeknr.: 7292 ]

€ 295,00

LAUNAY, A. Les cinquante-deux serviteurs de dieu français - Annamites - Chinois. Mis à mort pour la foi en Extrême-Orient de 1815 à 1856 dont la cause de béatification a été introduite en 1840, 1843, 1857. Biographies. Tome II. Paris, Téqui, 1893. Original printed wrappers (spine broken). 350;16 pp. Biographies of Paul Khoan, Luc Loan, Gilles Delamott, Augustin Schoeffler, Jean Louis Bonnard, Auguste Chapdelaine, etc. [Boeknr.: 24610 ]

€ 65,00

LEQUIN, Frank & Albert MEIJER. Samuel van de Putte, een Mandarijn uit Vlissingen (1690-1745). De onbedoelde publicatie van een restant. Middelburg, Stichting VOC Publicaties, 1989. Oblong 8vo. Wrappers. With many facsimiles. 104 pp. Samuel van der Putte was a Dutch adventurer, linguist and scientist who travelled widely through South East Asia, India, China and Tibet. [Boeknr.: 226 ]

€ 35,00

LI, Paul Jen-Kuei & Shigeru TSUCHIDA. Pazih dictionary. Taipei, Academia Sinica, 2001. 8vo. Boards. With coloured photographic illustrations. XII,391 pp. With autograph dedication by the author. - Pazih is a plain tribe language formerly spoken in the central-western part of Taiwan, around Fongyan areas and along the Dajia river. The language formerly known as Pazeh is reportedly down to its last fluent speaker, Mrs. Pan Jin-yu, born in 1914. The work under review is thus an extremely welcome contribution to the documentation of one of the most seriously under-described and endangered aboriginal languages of Taiwan. English and Chinese text. [Boeknr.: 36566 ]

€ 125,00

LIMBURG BROUWER, Petrus Abraham Akbar. Een Oostersche roman. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1887. Original blue cloth with gilt pictorial decoration on front (sl. rubbed). VII,247 pp. First published in 1872. - Dutch novel dealing with Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar, ruler of the Mughal Empire from 1556 until 1605. [Boeknr.: 25693 ]

€ 30,00

LOIR, Maurice. L'escadre de l'amiral Courbet. Paris, Nancy, Berger-Levrault et Cie., 1894.8vo. Original pictorial cloth, top edge gilt. With 10 maps and many illustrations and plates by M. Brossard de Corbigny. VIII,324 pp. First published in Paris in 1886. - Anatole-Amédée-Prosper Courbet (1827-1885) was a French admiral who won a series of important land and naval victories during the Tonkin campaign (1883-1886) and the Sino-French War (1884-1885). From the contents: Après la sortie d'Hanoï; Bombardement de Thuan-an; Convention de Tien-Sin; Le combat naval de Fou-Chéou; Le descente de la Rivière Min; Occupation de Kelung; Le blocus de Formose; Affaire de Shei-poo; Pris des Iles Pescadores; Mort de l'amiral Courbet; Le traité de paix. - A fine copy with nice binding.Polak 6088. [Boeknr.: 32915 ]

€ 125,00

(MA-KO-TSAY). Prieres des musulmans Chinois. Traduit sur l'original en Arabe en Persan Da'Aouât el Moslemin imprimé a Canton en 1876. Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1878. Original printed wrappers. With wood-engraved frontispiece. 45 pp. This work is a precise exposition of the prayers which are recited during the day and at the time of religious festivals, Ramadan, the night of the ascension of Muhammad, the night of destiny, etc. It was translated into French in 1878 by René Basset.Cordier, B.S., col. 1362. [Boeknr.: 31314 ]

€ 95,00

MADRAS- CHENNAI. Fort St. George on the Coromandel Coast. Belonging to the East India Company of England. - Le fort St. George sur la cote de Coromandel. Appartemante a la Compagnie Angloise des Indes Orientales. London, Laurie & Whittle, 1794.Contemporary handcoloured perspective view (vue d'optique or Guckkastenbild) after Jan van Ryne, with legend in English and French. Ca. 26 x 40 cm. Fine optical bird's-eye view from offshore of the fort in Madras, now Chennai, with many ships in the foreground by Jan van Ryne. He was a Dutch artist, who moved to London in 1750 and worked as a draughtsman and engraver in the city until his death ten years later. In 1754, Robert Sayer published six ‘Views of Early Settlements’, which were both drawn and engraved by van Ryne. The titles were: ‘Fort St. George on the Coromandel Coast’, ‘Bombay on the Malabar Coast’, ‘Fort William on the Kingdom of Bengal’, ‘The City of Batavia in the Island of Java’, ‘Island of St Helena’ and ‘The Cape of Good Hope’. Van Ryne presumably had no first-hand knowledge of these locations, but worked from the sketches of travellers. The prints were later reissued by Laurie and Whittle in London, in 1794. 'Madras was the Company's first fortified settlement in India; the construction of Fort St George began in 1640 and continued on and off for another 150 years. It houses all the administrative and military necessities, as well as St Mary's church (the oldest Anglican church in India), finished in 1680. The Old College, the equivalent of the Writers' Building in Calcutta, was one of the Company's few eighteenth-century buildings in the gothic style, and still stands' (Wild, The East India Company, p.52). Rare view of the first major English settlement in India and the foundation stone of Chennai. - Some foxing otherwise fine. [Boeknr.: 26413 ]

€ 875,00

MAINE, Henry Sumner. Village-communities in the East and West. Six lectures delivered at Oxford. London, John Murray, 1871. Contemporary half morocco. IX,226 pp. First edition; with illustrated bookplate of George A.P.H. Duncan. - Maine (1822-1888) was an English comparative jurist and historian and can be seen as one of the forefathers of modern sociology of law. For several years he was a member of council in India. [Boeknr.: 15170 ]

€ 55,00

MANGIN, Arthur. The desert world. From the French. Edited and enlarged. London, T. Nelson and Sons, 1869.Contemporary morocco, richly gilt, a.e.g.. With 160 fine wood-engravings by W. Freeman, Foulquier and Dargent. 624 pp. Frist English edition, first published in Tours in 1866 Le désert et le monde sauvage; with the bookplate of William B. Rice. - Desert-life in Africa, Australia, America, Asia and the polar regions. Dealing with the scenery, animal and vegetable life, and physical character of the wildernesses and waste places of the earth. - A very fine copy. [Boeknr.: 37161 ]

€ 150,00

MARTINI, Martino. De bello Tartarico historia; in quâ pacto Tartari hac nostra aetate Sinicum Imperium invaserint, ac ferè totum occuparint, narratur; eorumque mores breviter describuntur. Antverpiae, ex off. Plantiniana Balthasaris Moreti, 1654. Sm.8vo. Modern calf, spine ribbed with red morocco title label to spine. With woodcut on title-page and folding engraved map. 166,(2) pp. First edition. - 'Martino Martini's book became the best-known description of the Manchu conquest available to Europeans during the seventeenth century. The Latin text was republished seven times, and it was translated into nine other European languages. Altogether at least twenty-five editions and translations appeared before the end of the century' (Lach III,1, p.526). Martini (1614-1661) was an Austrian Jesuit missionary, cartographer and historian. He entered China in 1643 at Zhejiang during a time of internal unrest and upheaval. He was able to travel widely throughout the interior of China as far north as the Great Wall, surveying the region with exceptional accuracy for the first time. In 1650 he was sent back to Rome to deliver a realistic account of the Jesuits' practices. On his homeward voyage he stayed for seven months in Batavia. He left again for China in 1658 and reached Macao in 1659 and remained in China until his death. De bello Tartarico historia is considered important in Chinese history, as Martini was an eyewitness to and lived through the frightful occurrences which brought about the violent overthrow of the ancient Ming dynasty in the years 1643-1644. - At the time the best general description of China. - Scarce.Cordier, BS, col. 623; Lust 440; Walravens, China illustrata, 101; Löwendahl 107; Howgego p.689. [Boeknr.: 10224 ]

€ 1500,00

MATELIEF DE JONGE, Cornelis. Machtsstrijd om Malakka. De reis van VOC-admiraal Cornelis Cornelisz. Matelief naar Oost-Azië, 1605-1608. Bezorgd en ingeleid door Leo Akveld. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2013. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With illustrations. 397 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging CXII. - 'Matelief's fleet of eleven ships left Texel on May 12, 1605. From April 30 until August 24, 1606, he besieged Malacca in league with the sultan of Johore. He won two impressive naval victories over the Portuguese during this time. After he divided his fleet on January 6, 1607, Matelief visited Bantam, Jakatra, Amboina, and Ternate, where he built a fort, and the China coast, where he attempted to negotiate a trade agreement. His journal is well written and exceedingly rich in details' (Lach & Kley, III, p.468). [Boeknr.: 33340 ]

€ 40,00

MAURICE, Thomas. The history of Hindostan, its arts, and its sciences, as connected with the history of the other great empires of Asia, during the most ancient periods of the world. 2nd edition. London, printed by W. Bulmer and W. Nicol, 1820.3 volumes in 2. 4to. Contemporary half calf, spines gilt (hinges sl. dam.). With 16 engraved plates (2 folding). 522; 303,337 pp. First edition published in London in 1795. - Thomas Maurice (1754-1824) published numerous works on the religion of India. After he had completed his extensive 'Indian Antiquities' he traced Indian history back to its classical origins. Volume I mainly gives ancient astronomical details from the Hindoo, Hebraic, Phoenician, Egyptian and Greek systems, covering the period between the creation and the flood. Volume II contains the Sanskrit and classical history of India. The imaginative curious plates are showing the Indian Deitees (incarnations of Veeshnu, Creeshna etc.) but also the ancient zodiac from Egypt, oriental zodiac, the 28 Hindoo lunar mansions. The plates are mainly facsimiles of the mythological designs and as Maurice says in his advertisement 'Absurd as some of them may appear to an European eye, it appeared still more absurd attempt to make any alterations in them'. - (Some staining).Cox I, 306. [Boeknr.: 11186 ]

€ 950,00

MEIER-LEMGO, Karl. Engelbert Kaempfer (1651-1716) erforscht das seltsame Asien. 2. erweiterte Auflage. Hamburg, Cram, de Gruyter & Co., (1960). Boards. With plates. 193 pp. [Boeknr.: 31471 ]

€ 30,00

MEISCHKE-SMITH, W. Kinderen der zon. Haarlem, Erven F. Bohn, 1896.Original pictorial green cloth. With illustrations by H.J. van Ooyen. (8),198 pp. Fine illustrated novel situated in Malaysia, China, Japan and India. - Scarce. [Boeknr.: 31642 ]

€ 95,00

MILL, James. The history of British India. London, printed for Baldwin, Chadock, and Joy, 1817.3 volumes. 4to. Later half morocco, with red morocco title-labels to spines. With large folding map of the Eastern part of Persia, with Afghanistan, Bactriana, Trans-Oxiana &c. (foxed) and folding map, coloured in outline, of Hindoostan by A. Arrowsmith (small tear rep.). XXXII648; 720; VII,782 pp. First edition. - The Scottish historian, economist, political theorist, and philosopher James Mill (1773-1836), charted the history of the East India Company rule in India. His work was an instant success. He was the first writer to divide Indian history into three parts: Hindu, Muslim and British, a classification which has proved surpassingly influential in the field of Indian historical studies. Mill frequently denounced Hindu culture and traditions, and it has been seen by historians as an example of anti-Indian sentiments in Britain during the period. His book is a monumental work in which James Mill set out to display the history, character, religion, literature, arts, and laws of India. - A fine set. [Boeknr.: 36994 ]

€ 850,00

MILNE, William Charles. La vie réelle en Chine. Traduite par André Tasset avec une introduction et des notes par M.G. Pauthier. Paris, Hachette et cie., 1858.Later half cloth. With 3 folding maps. XXVIII,548 pp. First French edition; first published in London in 1857: Life in China. - William Charles Milne (1815-1863) was a missionary to China.With the establishment of British Legation in Peking, Milne served as a tutor for the interpreters in the British civil service. From the contents: Western notions of life in China, Real Chinese life at Ningpo, A glance at life in the interior of China, Shanghai, State and prospects of China. Cordier, B.S., col. 88. [Boeknr.: 31307 ]

€ 125,00

MOESHART, H.J. Arts en koopman in Japan 1859-1874. Een selectie uit de fotoalbums van de gebroeders Bauduin. Amsterdam, Bataafsche Leeuw, 2001. Boards, with dust-jacket. With numerous fine photographic illustrations. 250 pp. When in the spring of 1859 Japanese ports were goning to be openend to western trade, the Dutch Trade Society decided to send Albert Bauduin (1829-1890) to Japan. In 1862 his brother Toon Bauduin (1820-1885) followed. [Boeknr.: 26718 ]

€ 30,00

MOESHART, H.J. Een miskend geneesheer. Dr. Jan Karel van den Broek en de overdracht van kennis van westerse technologie in Japan 1853-1857. Amsterdam, Bataafsche Leeuw, 2003. Boards, with dust-jacket. With 48 illustrations. 256 pp. [Boeknr.: 26720 ]

€ 40,00

MOSER, Henri. A travers l'Asie centrale. La steppe Kirghize, le Turkestan Russe, Boukhara, Khiva, le pays des Turcomans et la Perse. Impressions de voyage. Paris, E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, (1885).8vo. Original decorated red cloth gilt, a.e.g. With folding map, 16 heliotypes and ca. 170 illustrations (several full-page), mostly after E. van Muyden. XI,463 pp. First edition. - Moser's knowledge of the area earned him a place, in 1882, in the suite of General Tchernaieff, who was going to Tashkent as the Czar's governor general. From Tashkent, Moser continued to Samarkand and Bukhara, sailed down the Amu Darya River on a boat to Khiva, crossed the Karakum Desert to Ashkabad, and then made his way via Bojnurd to Teheran, and across the Caspian to the Caucasus, the Black Sea and finally, in 1883, Istanbul. A fine illustrated eye-witness account of the Russian parts of Asia undertaken in 1882-83. - (Some foxing as usual). A nice binding.Yakushi M262a; Hage Chahine 3316; Wilson p.151. [Boeknr.: 32467 ]

€ 375,00

MOSTERT, Tristan & Jan van CAMPEN. Silk thread. China and The Netherlands Nederlands from 1600. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum & Nijmegen, Vantilt, 2015. 4to. Pictorial boards. With many coloured illustrations. 240 pp. Part of the Rijksmuseum Country Series published by the museum's History Department. Each book in the series uses objects in the Rijksmuseum collection to explore the shared history of the Netherlands and overseas countries. [Boeknr.: 33964 ]

€ 25,00

MOSTERT, Tristan & Jan van CAMPEN. Zijden draad. China en Nederland 1600-2015. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum & Nijmegen, Vantilt, 2015. 4to. Pictorial boards. With many coloured illustrations. 240 pp. Part of the Rijksmuseum Country Series published by the museum's History Department. Each book in the series uses objects in the Rijksmuseum collection to explore the shared history of the Netherlands and overseas countries. [Boeknr.: 33963 ]

€ 25,00

MOUSSAY, Gerard. Dictionnaire Ca?m - Vietnamien - Franc¸ais. Phanrang, Centre Culturel Ca?m, 1971. 4to. Half cloth, with dustjacket. With illustrations. XLI,498,95 pp. A detailed triple column dictionary to the ancient Cham language of central Vietnam. Each word in Cham is also presented in Vietnamese and in French. [Boeknr.: 36568 ]

€ 125,00

MULDER, W.Z. Hollanders in Hirado 1597-1641. Haarlem, Fibula-Van Dishoeck, (1985). Wrappers. With illustrations. XI,301 pp. [Boeknr.: 6341 ]

€ 30,00

MÜLLER, C. China en de Chineezen. De lotgevallen eener familie in het Hemelsche Rijk. Gouda, G.B. van Goor Zonen, (1890).Original decorated red cloth, with lettered in gilt on front 'Pensionaat St. Louis Roermond'. With 4 chromo-lithographed plates. IV,160 pp. China and the Chinese. The adventures of a family in the Celestial Empire. [Boeknr.: 31862 ]

€ 125,00

NEBENZAHL, Kenneth. Mapping the Silk Road and beyond. 2,000 years of exploring the East. London, Phaidon Press, 2004. 4to. Boards, with dust-jacket. With numerous coloured maps. 176 pp. This book presents an authoritative selection of the most important antique maps of Asia representing time periods from the age of Alexander the Great to the nineteenth century, and spanning the area from the Middle East to Japan. [Boeknr.: 37024 ]

€ 85,00

NEWPORT, Christopher - NIEUWPOORT, Christoffel. Twaalfde reys na Oost-Indien, op kosten van de Engelse Maatschappy. Handelende van de voorvallen op de Eylanden, St. Laurens, Mohelia en het dorp Resoit, de verovering van 2 Baluchse Teradas, de wonderbaarlijke en gelukkige ontkooming der reysigers, uyt de moord-dadige handen der verraderse Baluchers, de verhandeling tussen den ambassadeur Sherley, en den gouverneur van Diu, over de koopmanschap, om die in dat land te vestigen, de vuyle laster der Portugysen, tegen de Engelse, hier over getoond, en wat verder op desen togt is voorgevallen. Gedaan in het jaar 1613 en vervolgens. Nu alder-eerst uyt het Engels vertaald. Leyden, Pieter van der Aa, (ca. 1706).Folio. Modern boards. With engraved title-vignette. (14) pp. Issued in Pieter van der Aa's collection of voyages. - Christopher Newport (ca. 1565-1617) made three voyages to India and the East Indies for the British East India Company in 1613-1617. On his first, the 12th voyage of the East India Company, he was responsible for bringing Sir Robert Sherley home from Persia. In 1615 he took Sir Thomas Roe to India. Newport died at Bantam in August 1617 during his third voyage to the East (Howgego p.749). - (Waterstained).Tiele 8; Cat. NHSM I, p.107. [Boeknr.: 12205 ]

€ 75,00

NIEUHOF, Joan. Het gezantschap der Neêrlandtsche Oost-Indische Compagnie, aan den grooten Tartarischen Cham, den tegenwoordigen keizer van China: waar in de gedenkwaerdigste geschiedenissen, die onder het reizen door de Sineesche landtschappen, Quantung, Kiangsi, Nanking, Xantung en Peking, en aan het keizerlijke hof Te Peking, sedert den jare 1655, tot 1657, zijn voorgevallen, op het bondigste verhandelt worden. Beneffens een naauwkeurige beschryving der Sineesche steden, dorpen, regeering, weetenschappen, handwerken, zeden, godsdiensten, gebouwen, drachten, scheepen, bergen, gewassen, dieren &c. en oorlogen tegen de Tarters. Amsterdam, Wolfgang, Waasberge, Boom, Van Someren & Goethals, 1693.2 volumes in 1. Folio. Contemporary half calf (spine dam; one hinge cracked but holding). With title-page printed in red and black, engraved frontispiece depicting the emperor of China with globe and a convicted criminal (mounted), engraved portrait of the author, and 34 double-page engraved plates and 110 large engravings in the text; without the map. (8),208;258,(10) pp. Later edition; first published in 1665. - Between 1640 and 1644 Nieuhof was serving as an official of the Dutch West India Company (WIC) in Brazil, but by 1665 he was at Batavia, in Java, as a servant of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). In 1665 Nieuhof published what is regarded as the definitive account of the Dutch embassy to Peking, and it is for this that he is best known (Howgego p.752). Nieuhof's account presented the Dutch reader with the most substantial and detailed description of the Middle Kingdom yet published. It contains information from the most important Jesuit sources and adds to them the observations of one of the first Dutchmen to travel in China's interior and visit the capital. Nieuhof's book is lavishly illustrated (providing) European readers with more realistic visual images of China's landscape and people than ever before (Lach-Kley, Asia in the making, III, p.484. This first embassy of the Dutch East India Company of Pieter de Goyer and Jakob de Keyser to the court of China in the years 1655-57, describes all the events during this mission, the country, people, flora & fauna, etc. It is one of the very few non-Jesuit sources of the period. It is richly illustrated with large views of all ports and places visited, starting with Batavia, and with numerous nice text-engravings illustrating in detail Chinese life in the 17th century. The illustrations, engraved after Nieuhof's relatively accurate drawings exercised a considerable influence on the European conception of China and were widely used and reproduced (Löwendahl p. 65). The Paolinxi-plate mentioned in the index is actually only present in the Latin edition. - (Lower blank margins in first part waterstained). - The first Dutch eye-witness account of China.Tiele 800; Landwehr, VOC, 539; Cat. NHSM I, p.499; Cordier, B.S., col.2344-2345; Lust 539-541; Löwendahl, Sino-Western relations, 147. [Boeknr.: 36413 ]

€ 1500,00

NILSSON, Sten. European architecture in India 1750-1850. London, Faber and Faber, (1968). 8vo. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With numerous illustrations on 95 plates. 214 pp. [Boeknr.: 13541 ]

€ 40,00

NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA LINE. NYK Line to Japan, China, around the world. NYK Line, (1931). Folding out brochure. With world map indicating NYK's shipping routes and many photographic illustrations of their ships and their interiors, and views of places in Asia. 'To the colorful Orient around the world. Ten ships provide fortnightly sailings from England and continental Europe to Japan and China by the way of the blue Mediterranean, calling at the many fascinating ports of this long route'. - Fine. [Boeknr.: 37444 ]

€ 75,00

NOEVER, Peter. (Ed.). Das alte Japan. Spuren und Objekte der Siebold-Reisen. München, New York, Prestel, (1997). 4to. Boards, with dust-jacket. With numerous illustrations (several in colours). 211 pp. [Boeknr.: 31455 ]

€ 45,00

NORDENSKIÖLD, Adolf Erik. Die Umsegelung Asiens und Europas auf der Vega. Mit einem historischen Rückblick auf den frühere Reisen längs der Nordküste der Alten Welt. Autorisirte deutsche Ausgabe. Leipzig, F.A. Brockhaus, 1882.2 volumes. Original red embossed cloth, spines gilt. With 2 steelengraved portraits, 19 maps (some folding) and 500 woodengraved illustrations. XIV,477,(1); XII,451 pp. First German edition, first published in Stockholm in 1880-1881 Vegas färd kring Asien och Europa. - The Vega Expedition of 1878-1880, named after the SS Vega and under the leadership of Swedish Finnish explorer Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld (1832 - 1901) was the first Arctic expedition to navigate through the Northeast Passage, the sea route between Europe and Asia through the Arctic Ocean, and the first voyage to circumnavigate Eurasia. Initially a troubled enterprise, the successful expedition is considered to be among the highest achievements in the history of Swedish science.With sketches of the visits to Japan, Hongkong, Singapore, Indonesia, and Ceylon. 'Some consider Adolf Nordenskiöld to be the greatest of all Arctic explorers' (Stam, Books on ice, p.65). - A very fine copy.Arctic Bibl. 12439; Howgego III, pp. 439-446; Liljequist, High latitudes, p.43-45. [Boeknr.: 36768 ]

€ 350,00

NORTON, Edward Felix, J.G. BRUCE, a.o. De strijd om den top. De jongste beklimming van den Mount-Everest. Voor Nederland bewerkt door Arthur Tervooren. Amsterdam, Scheltens & Giltay, (1926). Original cloth, gilt lettering. With folding map and plates (several in colours). 327 pp. First Dutch edition; first published in London in 1925: The fight for Everest: 1924. - The official account of the 3rd expedition to Mount Everest in 1924. Norton and Odell write the two attemps on the summit and the final tragedy, namely the first attempt by Norton and Somervell to 8,534 m., then the second by Mallory and Irvine who passed away eternally. - Nice copy.Yakushi N64d; Neate N31 (English ed.). [Boeknr.: 22234 ]

€ 45,00

NYPELS, G(eorge). Japan-Nederland in Oost-Azië. Eene militaire studie. Haarlem, Erven Loosjes, 1899. Modern wrappers (loose). With folding coloured map (with tear). II,194 pp. - (Library stamp on title-page). - Scarce. [Boeknr.: 31460 ]

€ 95,00

OLIPHANT, Laurence. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan in the years 1857, '58, '59. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1860.Original brown cloth gilt (extremities of spine dam.). With coloured lithographed frontispiece showing a winter scene in Japan, and 60 wood-engraved plates and illustrations. XVI,645 pp. First American edition. - Laurence Oliphant (1829-1888), British adventurer, diplomat, author and traveller, was private secretary to Lord Elgin (1811-1863) who was appointed High Commissioner and Plenipotentiary in China and the Far East to assist in the process of opening up China and Japan to Western trade. During the Second Opium War, he led the bombardment of Canton (Guangzhou) and oversaw the end of the war by signing the Treaty of Tientsin (Tianjin) on 26 June 1858. In August 1858, he signed the Treaty of Amity and Commerce with Japan, whose negotiation was much eased by the recent Harris Treaty between Japan and the United States. The first part gives a detailed survey of the river Yangtze, opening up the hinterland to Western commerce. The second part gives a detailed description of the political and social conditions in Japan. 'The Narrative of the Earl of Elgin’s Mission to China and Japan (1859) gives a fascinating account of 19th-century gunboat diplomacy' (Encycl. Britannica). - This is a major eyewitness account of the opening of China and Japan.Cordier, B.S., col. 2376; Cordier, B.J., col. 547; Löwendahl 1224; Howgego IV, p.461-462. [Boeknr.: 31456 ]

€ 375,00

OOSTKAMP, J.A. De merkwaardigste Nederlandsche zeereizen, sedert den jare 1595 voor de vaderlandsche jeugd. Deel I. Amsterdam, Leeuwarden, G.J.A. Beijerinck & G.T.N. Suringar, 1825.Sm.8vo. Modern half cloth, uncut. With engraved title-vignette, plate with sea-compass, folding plate of Ternate and 4 illustrations on 2 plates by J.A.R. Best. 224 pp. Volume one of two. - In his preface the author states that this compilation of Dutch voyages are truthfully retold without the useful lies and exaggerations. It contains the voyages of Willem Barentsz and Heemskerk to the Arctic, including the stay on Nova Zembla, Jan Janszoon Molenaar, Jacob van Neck and Wijbrand van Warwijck to the East and the first circumnavigation by Olivier van Noort. - Rare.Buur, Indische jeugdliteratuur, 0001 (incomplete copy); Cat. NHSM I, p.122.. [Boeknr.: 36200 ]

€ 125,00

PANCKRIDGE, H.R. A short history of the Bengal Club (1827-1927). Calcutta, (M. Mukherjee), 1927.Original blue cloth with gilt decoration and lettering (sl. soiled). With 4 plates. 64 pp. The Bengal Club is a social club in Kolkata, West Bengal. It was opened in 1827 as the Calcutta United Service Club. The club's first President was Lt. Col. The Hon. J. Finch. The club-house was in a building in Esplanade West, erected in 1813 and has been catering elites since 1827. This Club is one of the most prestigious clubs in Calcutta. Includes the history of the Bengal Club in Calcutta, with biographical notes of original members, list of presidents, resolution passed February 22, 1827, and original rules of the Club. [Boeknr.: 21736 ]

€ 65,00

PELSAERT, François. De geschriften van Francisco Pelsaert over Mughal Indië, 1627. Kroniek en Remonstrantie. Uitgegeven door D.H.A. Kolff en H.W. van Santen. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1979. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 2 plates and 2 maps. VI,361 pp. Linschoten-Vereeniging LXXXI. - Francisco Pelsaert was a Company official at Agra, India. [Boeknr.: 3749 ]

€ 35,00

PETERS, Marion. In steen geschreven. Leven en sterven van VOC-dienaren op de kust van Coromandel in India. Amsterdam, Bas Lubberhuizen, 2002. 4to. Wrappers. With many photographic illustrations by Ferry de la Porte. 283 pp. Contains many fine photographs of graves and tombstones of 17th,18th and early 19th century Dutch people on the Coromandel coast, including researches about life and death of VOC servants. [Boeknr.: 22633 ]

€ 25,00

PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM. Family album of a journey with the S.S. Slamat to the Dutch East Indies depicting life on board and in Asia. Ca. 1937 - 1939.Oblong 8vo. Cloth (sl. soiled, spine ends sl. damaged). Album containing ca. 250 tipped-in and loosely inserted photographs, with manuscript captions. Various sizes. Images on board the ss Slamat, an ocean liner of the Koninklijke Rotterdamsche Lloyd line and of their stay in Marseille, Port Said, Suez Canal, Colombo, Sabang, Singapore, Seroei, Seweroe, Sabang, Singapore, Seroei, Seweroe, Kereema, Nisak and Priok. [Boeknr.: 35870 ]

€ 395,00

POLO, Marco - Henry YULE. The book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East. Translated and edited, with notes. Third edition, revised throughout in the light of recent dfiscoveries by Henri Cordier. With a memoir of Henry Yule by his daughter Amy Frances Yule. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1926.2 volumes. Original red cloth, with printed paper labels to spines. With numerous illustrations, plates and maps (many folding). CII,462; XXII,662 pp. The standard edition of the travels of Marco Polo (1254-1324), divided into four books. Book one describes the lands of the Middle East and Central Asia that Marco encountered on his way to China. Book two describes China and the court of Kublai Khan. Book three describes some of the coastal regions of the East: Japan, India, Sri Lanka, South-East Asia, and the east coast of Africa. Book four describes some of the then-recent wars among the Mongols and some of the regions of the far north, like Russia. - An attractive set. [Boeknr.: 36619 ]

€ 450,00

POLO, Marco. The most noble and famous travels of Marco Polo together with the travels of Nicoloò de' Conti. Edited from the Elizabethan translation of John Frampton. With introduction, notes and appendixes by N.M. Penzer. London, 1929. Reprint. Amsterdam, Nico Israel, 1971. 4to. Imitation leather. With 12 maps and plates. LX,381 pp. Argonaut Press 6. [Boeknr.: 34522 ]

€ 45,00

POORTENAAR, Jan Christiaan. Boeddha-Borobodur. (1926). Original etching/aquatint. Ca. 39,5 x 49,5 cm. Fine plate depicting the Buddhist monument Borobudur in Central Java with the large stupa at the center, surrounded by smaller stupas, with in front the statue of Buddha. The Dutch artist Jan Poortenaar (1886-1958) came to Indonesia in 1922. Haks & Maris p.212 a 'prolific graphic artist'. [Boeknr.: 30564 ]

€ 275,00

PORTLOCK, Nathaniel & George DIXON. Reis naar de noord-west kust van Amerika gedaan in de jaren 1785, 1786, 1787 en 1788. Uit derzelver oorspronklijke reisverhalen zamengesteld en vertaald. Amsterdam, Matthijs Schalekamp, 1795.4to. Later half calf, with red morocco title label to spine. With folding engraved map and 9 folding engraved plates, views and portraits (including the Indian music score). XII,(4),265,(1) pp. First Dutch edition; first published in London in 1789 A voyage round the world, but more particularly to the North-West coast of America. - Two ships, the King George and Queen Charlotte, under the commands of Portlock and Dixon were sent out by the King George's Sound Company in 1785 for the purpose of pursuing the fur trade in America and China. Both men had accompanied Captain Cook on his last voyage. After visiting the Falkland Islands, the two ships made a long stay at the Hawaiian Islands, then proceeded to America, they sailed home by way of Macao and St.Helena in 1789. They surveyed the north-west coast of America, which was the most important result of the voyage. This is the principal account of the first commercial voyage to the Northwest Coast and the first English voyage to visit Hawaii after that of Captain James Cook. - (Small library stamp on verso of plates). - Important and rare book.Tiele 878; Cat. NHSM I, p.270; Muller, America, p.147; Sabin 64395; Howes 494; Lada-Mocarski 42/43; Hill 1376; Forbes 253. [Boeknr.: 1188 ]

€ 1250,00

PORTLOCK, Nathaniel & George DIXON. A voyage round the world; but more particularly to the North-West coast of America: performed in 1785, 1786, 1787, and in 1788, in the King George and Queen Charlotte. London, John Stockdale & George Goulding, 1789.4to. Contemporary tree-calf (top of spine sl. dam.; hinges restored). With engraved frontispiece portrait of Portlock, 5 handcoloured engravings depicting birds, 6 folding engraved charts and 8 engraved plates. XII,384,XL pp. First edition; copy on large and thick paper; with armorial bookplate of Samuael Beckwith. - Two ships, the King George and Queen Charlotte, under the commands of Portlock and Dixon were sent out by the King George's Sound Company in 1785 for the purpose of pursuing the fur trade in America and China. Both men had accompanied Captain Cook on his last voyage. After visiting the Falkland Islands, the two ships made a long stay at the Hawaiian Islands. Portlock and Dixon separated, with Portlock exploring northward up the Alaskan coast and Dixon proceeding southward to Nootka Sound. Both captains published accounts of the voyage, but Portlock is of greater value for his particularly vivid descriptions of the Native Americans and Russians in the region. They sailed home by way of Macao and St.Helena in 1789. They surveyed the north-west coast of America, which was the most important result of the voyage. This is the principal account of the first commercial voyage to the Northwest Coast and the first English voyage to visit Hawaii after that of Captain James Cook. - Tear in one leaf; dampstain in lower corner of first leaves otherwise fine. - A classic narrative of the early exploration on the Northwest Coast of North America; one of the very few copies of deluxe issues with coloured plates.Sabin 64389; Howes 494; Lada-Mocarski 42; Hill 1376; Forbes 177. [Boeknr.: 32946 ]

€ 9250,00

PREVOST, Antoine François. Historische beschryving der reizen of nieuwe en volkoome verzameling van de aller-waardigste en zeldsaamste zee- en landtogten .. Naauwkeurig in't Nederduitsch overgebragt .. 's Gravenhage, Pieter de Hondt, Amsterdam, Wed. S. Schouten, a.o., 1747-1767.21 volumes. 4to. Contemporary half calf, spines gilt with floral motifs and red and green labels. With 21 title-pages printed in red and black, engraved portrait of the author, 20 engraved headpieces (vol. I-XX), 27 text-engravings depicting the Governors General of the Dutch East Indies, 195 engraved maps and plans (134 folding) and 365 engraved plates (90 folding) by Jacob van der Schley a.o. First Dutch edition edited by J.P.J. du Bois. This is an enlarged translation of the first 17 books of the French edition, Histoire generale des voyages, Amsterdam 1746-1761; largely based on John Green's series A new general collection of voyages and travels, London 1745-1747. The richly illustrated series contains accounts of the voyages and explorations in Africa, China, Tibet and Tartary, The East Indies, Borneo, Celebes and the Moluccas, Siam, Hindustan, Arabia, Japan, and Phillipines, Vol. XIX contains the voyages of Wouter Schouten, William Dampier, Gemelli Careri, Anson and Joseph Pizarro; Vol. XX contains The biographies of the Governors-General of the Dutch East Indies and description of Batavia; Vol. XXI contains the natural history of the Dutch East Indies. It includes the early Australian voyages such as Saavedra, Gaetano, Torres, Mendana, Quiros, Nodals including accounts of the discovery of Australia by the Dutch including Vlamingh. Other Dutch voyages by Pelsaert, Tasman, the early voyages to New Guinea by Keyts and Vink, voyages to the Palau Islands and Roggeveen's voyage to Terres Australes. With a large worldmap by N. Bellin and nice maps of i.a. Gulf of Bengal, Indonesian Archipelago, the Philippines, Japan, China, Macao, Hindoustan and views of i.a. Nanking, Goa and Ceram, plans of i.a. Nagasaki, Edo and Batavia. - A very attractive set of this famous compilation of voyages, including most of the early Australian voyages and travels. Tiele 103; Cat. NHSM I, p.108; Landwehr, VOC, 267; Sabin 65405; Hill 1391 (French ed.). [Boeknr.: 33291 ]

€ 14500,00

PRIMS, Floris Hubert Lodewijk. De reis van den St.Carolus, Kap. Cayphas 1724. Uit den tijd der Oostendsche Compagnie op de oorspronkelijke stukken bewerkt. Antwerpen, Leeslust, (1926). Illustrated wrappers, uncut. With illustrations by M. Pauwaert. 189 pp. The ship Sint-Carolus, of the Oostendse Compagnie, wrecked in the mouth of the Ganges in August 1724 (See Jan Parmentier, Oostende & Co, p.85). [Boeknr.: 3478 ]

€ 25,00

QUAST, Mathijs Hendriksz. en Abel Jansz. TASMAN. De reis van Mathijs Hendriksz. Quast en Abel Jansz. Tasman ter ontdekking van de Goud- en Zilvereilanden (1639). Uitgegeven door J. Verseput. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1954. Cloth. With facsimile, 2 maps and 4 plates. LXX,130 pp. Linschoten Vereeniging LVI. - Voyage to the legendary gold islands situated northeast of Japan. [Boeknr.: 258 ]

€ 35,00

RAAY, Stefan van. (Ed.). Imitation and inspiration. Japanese influence on Dutch art. (Amsterdam), Art Unlimited Books, (1989). 4to. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With many coloured illustrations. 180 pp. [Boeknr.: 31414 ]

€ 45,00

REEUWIJK, Alexander. (Ed.). Voyage of discovery. Exploring the collections of the Asian Library at Leiden University. Leiden, University Press, 2017. 4to. Pictorial boards. With many coloured illustrations. 335 pp. Contains more than twenty essays by academics, curators, and authors on their experiences with the Leiden Asian collections, richly illustrated. [Boeknr.: 35123 ]

€ 60,00

ROBERTSON, William. An historical disquisition concerning the knowledge which the ancients had of India; and the progress of trade with that country prior to the discovery of the passage to it by the Cape of Good Hope. With an appendix, containing observations on the civil policy - the laws and judicial proceedings - the arts - the sciences - and religious institutions, of the Indians. London, A. Strahan & T. Cadell, Edinburgh, E. Balfour, 1791.4to. Contemporary calf (part of one hinge splitting but firmly holding).). With 2 large folding maps. XII,364,(12) pp. First edition; with the bookplate of the Bellingham Castle Library and the armorial bookplate of William Bellingham Bart. - William Robertson (1721-1793), the leading Scottish historian of his day, brought out this history of ancient India. He concludes with a wise hope that this account of 'the early and high civilization of India, and the wonderful progress of its inhabitants in elegant arts and useful science, may have some influence upon the behavior of Europeans towards that people' (DNB XVI, p.1314). Also dealing with the discovery of the sea route to India via the Cape of Good Hope. - A good clean copy with wide margins.SAB IV, p.57; Kress B.2182. [Boeknr.: 13152 ]

€ 650,00

ROGERIUS, Abraham. La porte ouverte, pour parvenir à la connoissance du paganisme caché. Ou la vraye representation de la vie, des moeurs, de la religion, & du service divin des Bramines, qui demeurent sur les costes de Chormandel, & aux pays circonvoisins. .. Traduite en François par .. Thomas La Grue. Amsterdam, Jean Schipper, 1670.4to. Contemporary speckled vellum, spine ribbed. With engraved title page, folding engraved plate showing different incarnations and 5 engraved illustrations (3 fullpage). (16),371,(4) pp. First French edition. - First published in Dutch De open-deure, tot het verborgen heydendom, Leyden 1651. 'This is the earliest European account of Hinduism in Southern India. Rogerius left in 1630 and worked in Palicatta (Coromandel) for ten years. He then went to Batavia where he served the Portuguese Church for five years. He repatriated in 1647 and settled in Gouda where he died in 1649' (Landwehr, VOC). This is the first work in Europe to publish the translation of a piece of Sanscrit literature (the Sayings of Bhartrhari, on pp. 291-339). The curious plates depict processions, ceremonies and self-chastisement. This copy belonged to François Pétis de la Croix (1653-1713) with his owner's entry and purchase date August 28, 1697, and his notes and comments in the margins. Pétis de la Croix, son of the king's interpreter for oriental languages was educated to succeed his father. He was an eminent orientalist, spoke arab, turkish and the languages of Persia, Tartar and Ethiopia. He was an attaché to the navy, the Foreign Office and interpretor to the King (Howgego p.812). Roger prepared probably the most thorough description of south-Indian Hinduism to be published before the end of the 19th century (Howgego p.903). The first authentic record of Hindu culture as practised by the Tamil Brahmins of South India. - A fine association copy.Landwehr, VOC, 652; Tiele 928; Cat. NHSM I, p.251. [Boeknr.: 12548 ]

€ 975,00

ROSSANDER, Carl J. Rubinö. Reseminnen från Ceylon. Stockholm, Wilhelm Bille, (1894).Oiginal half green cloth, spine lettered in gilt. With 24 photographic plates. (6),142 pp. First edition. - Chapters on the history of Ceylon, Colombo, Galle, Kandy and Peradenlya, Anuradhapura, the tea districts, Nuwera Eliya and Hereratgoda. - Fine.Goonetileke 2295C. [Boeknr.: 32862 ]

€ 75,00

SALMON, Thomas. Tegenwoordige staat van de koninkryken Pegu, Ava, Arrakan, Acham. Als mede van het eigentlyke India, of het ryk van den Groten Mogol, en van Malabar, Kormandel, en het eiland Ceilon. Nu vertaald en merkelyk vermeerderd door M. van Goch. 2e druk. Amsterdam, Isaac Tirion, 1741.Contemporary half calf, spine gilt. With engraved title-page, 2 folding maps (India and Ceylon), and 10 engraved plates (7 folding). (8),680,(8) pp. Original issued as Modern history: or present state of all nations. London 1725-1739. Translated into Dutch: Hedendaagsche historie, of tegenwoordige staat alle volkeren. Volume III covers an ample description of India, Bangladesh, Birma and Ceylon. Tiele 1033; Cordier, B.I., col. 731; Goonetileke 2049. [Boeknr.: 5378 ]

€ 425,00

SCHOUTEN, Wouter. Reys-togten, naar en door Oost-Indien, in welke, de voornaamste landen, koningryken, steden, eilanden, bergen en rivieren, met haare eigenschappen, beneffens de wetten, godsdienst, zeden en dragten der inwoonders, en wat verder zoo van dieren, vrugten, en planten, aanmerkelyks in die gewesten is; naauwkeurig word beschreven .3e druk. Amsterdam, Gerrit Tielenburg & Jan 't Lam, 1740.2 volumes in 1. 4to. Contemporary half calf (modern boards), spine gilt. With titlepage printed in red and black, engraved frontispiece, 4 illustrations and 27 (of 42) engraved plates by C. Decker and J. Kip. (8),328; 253, (22) pp. First published in 1676; large paper copy. - Wouter Schouten (1638-1704) spent 7 years as a physician in the service of the VOC in the East 1658-1665. He was an observant traveller who explored inland into environs of nearly everey port-of-call. His travel-account stayed very popular for a long time because of his ample and vivid descriptions of the countries, the different peoples and anything of note concerning the animals, plants, etc. of Java, Amboyna, Ternate, Celebes, Cape of Good Hope, coast of Coromandel, Malabar, Persia, Arabia, Ceylon, etc. Because of the bad weather the fleet arrived on the return voyage in Bergen (Norway), where Schouten eyewitnessed the attack by the English in 1665. - (Missing pp.291/292; portrait and 15 plates; last pp. stained).Tiele 991; Cat. NHSM I, p.174; Landwehr, VOC, 284; Mendelssohn II, p.279-80; Howgego p.947. [Boeknr.: 36245 ]

€ 395,00

SCHOUTEN, Wouter. Reys-togten, naar en door Oost-Indien, in welke, de voornaamste landen, koningryken, steden, eilanden, bergen en rivieren, met haare eigenschappen, beneffens de wetten, godsdienst, zeden en dragten der inwoonders, en wat verder zoo van dieren, vrugten, en planten, aanmerkelyks in die gewesten is; naauwkeurig word beschreven. 3e druk. Amsterdam, Gerrit Tielenburg & Jan 't Lam, 1740.2 volumes in 1. 4to. Contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt (extremities of spine skilfully rep.). With titlepage printed in red and black, engraved frontispiece, engraved portrait, 4 illustrations and 43 engraved plates (several folding) by C. Decker and J. Kip. (8),328; 253, (22) pp. First published in 1676 with the title Oost-indische voyagie; large paper copy with additional folding map: Nieuwe en nette zeekaart van de geheele waereldt. - Wouter Schouten (1638-1704) spent 7 years as a physician in the service of the VOC in the East 1658-1665. He was an observant traveller who explored inland into environs of nearly everey port-of-call. His travel-account stayed very popular for a long time because of his ample and vivid descriptions of the countries, the different peoples and anything of note concerning the animals, plants, etc. of Java, Amboyna, Ternate, Celebes, Cape of Good Hope, coast of Coromandel, Malabar, Persia, Arabia, Ceylon, etc. Because of the bad weather the fleet arrived on the return voyage in Bergen (Norway), where Schouten eyewitnessed the attack by the English in 1665. 'His book was extremely popular in northern Europe and was translated into German (1676) and French (1707 and 1725)' (Lach & Van Kley, Asia in the making of Europe, III,2, p. 955). - Belongs to the best travel stories written at the time. - A fine copy. Tiele 991; Cat. NHSM I, p.174; Landwehr, VOC, 284; Mendelssohn II, p.279-80; Howgego p.947. [Boeknr.: 37617 ]

€ 2250,00

SCHOUTEN, Wouter. Mr. Wouter Schouten van Haerlem. (No pl., ca. 1680).Engraved portrait of Wouter Schouten by Christiaan Hagen. Ca. 19,5 x 15 cm. Fine portrait with six line poem and a sailing ship in rough sea at the background. Wouter Schouten (1638-1704) spent 7 years as a physician in the service of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in the East 1658-1665. His travel-account, Oost-Indische voyagie, stayed very popular for a long time because of his ample and vivid descriptions of the countries. Landwehr, VOC, 283; Muller, Portretten, 4836. [Boeknr.: 33444 ]

€ 75,00

SCHREUDER, Jan. Memoir.. delivered to his successor Lubbert Jan Baron van Eck on March 17, 1762. Translated from the original by E. Reimers. Colombo, 1946. Cloth. XII,202 pp. Selections from the Dutch Records of the Ceylon Government. - Dutch and English texts. [Boeknr.: 6315 ]

€ 65,00

SCHROEDER, Leopold von. Indiens Literatur und Cultur in historischer Entwicklung. Ein Cyklus von fünfzig Vorlesungen zugleich als Handbuch der Indischen Literaturgeschichte, nebst zahlreichen, in Deutscher Uebersetzung mitgetheilten Proben aus Indischen Schriftwerken. Leipzig, H. Haessel, 1887.Contemporary half brown morocco, spine gilt. VII,785 pp. [Boeknr.: 30518 ]

€ 65,00

SEGERS, Arthur. China. Het volk, dagelijksch leven en ceremoniën. Met een inleiding door Frans Beelaerts van Blokland. Antwerpen, De Sikkel, Amsterdam, De Spieghel, 1933.Text volume and plate volume. 4to. Original decorated yellow cloth (spines discoloured). With 160 photographic plates. VIII,238 pp. First edition; with bookplate of Jan R. Houtman. - Daily life in China, written by Arthur Segers, former Belgian missionary in China, with foreword by Frans Beelaerts van Blockland, former ambassador of China. The striking photographs of the Chinese people have captions in Dutch, French, German and English. - (Text volume foxed as usual, the plate volume is fine). [Boeknr.: 33976 ]

€ 275,00

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