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RADERS, R.F. van. Vervolg der Bijlagen, behoorende tot de Memorie aan den koning, ingediend den 3 julij 1852, door den generaal-majoor R.F. Baron van Raders, rakende zijn bekomen ontslag als gouverneur der kolonie Suriname. 's Gravenhage., Erven Doorman, 1853. Original printed wrappers.VI,165 pp. [Boeknr.: 1192 ]

€ 65,00

RADERS, Reinier Frederik van. Memorie aan den koning, ingediend den 3 julij 1852, door den generaal-majoor R.F. Baron van Raders, rakende zijn bekomen ontslag als gouverneur der kolonie Suriname, benevens de daartoe behoorende Bijlagen. 2e druk. (Met:) Vervolg der Bijlagen. 's Gravenhage, Erven Doorman, 1852-53.2 volumes in 1. Original printed green wrappers with decorative border (spine dam). 40,III,52; VI,185 pp. Original edition. - With autograph presentation inscription by the author. - Memorandum by Reinier Frederik baron van Raders (1794 - 1868), with supplement, to the king, submitted on July 3rd 1852 concerning his dismissal with honour as governor from Suriname. Caused by the complications between the Austrian and the Dutch government about the public sale in Suriname of the Austrian vessel Venezia. The captain and some sailors died by the cause of yellow fever and the remaining crew had abandoned the ship. This was the motive of his unasked dismissel.Sabin 67412; Suriname-catalogus UB Amsterdam 5442. [Boeknr.: 14679 ]

€ 175,00

RALEIGH, Walter. - RALEGH, Walter. The discoverie of the large and bewtiful empire of Guiana by Walter Ralegh. Edited from the original text, with introduction, notes and appendixes of hitherto unplublished documents by V.T. Harlow. London, 1928. reprint. Amsterdam, Nico Israel, 1971. 4to. Imitation leather. With portrait and 2 maps. CVI,182 pp. Argonaut Press 5. - Critical edition of the classic account of El Dorado. [Boeknr.: 34525 ]

€ 45,00

RAVENEAU DE LUSSAN. Journal du voyage fait a la Mer de Sud, avec les flibustiers de l'Amerique en 1684. & années suivantes. 2e edition (= 3e edition). Paris, la veuve de Jean Bapt. Coignard et Jean Baptiste Coignard fils, 1693.Sm.8vo. Contemporary calf, spine ribbed and richly gilt with red morocco title-label to spine (spine ends dam., lower part of hinges splitting but firmly holding). With woodcut printer's mark on title-page. (16),448,(1) pp. Third edition, first published in Paris in 1689. - An adventurer of aristocratic descent, Raveneau de Lussan sailed at the age of 22 in 1679 from Dieppe to Santo Domingo. To pay off his debts he joined the buccaneers under Laurens de Graaf but soon left him at the head of a band of his own raiding in the West Indies, and several years raiding the Pacific coast between Guatemala and Chile. He details both the romantic and the bleak sides of the buccaneering profession, interwoven with colorful descriptions of the natives of the regions and a clear picture of the Spanish colonies on the Pacific' (Hill 1423). It gave Defoe inspiration for his Robinson Crusoe. - Final leaves waterstained in outer margin, otherwise fine. - An interesting account of buccaneering. Sabin 67985; European Americana 693/142; Leclerc 487; Polak 7962; Chadenat 678; Boucher de la Richarderie VI, p.346; Cox II, p.270: A very famous and entertaining work. [Boeknr.: 28511 ]

€ 950,00

REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH OF NEW YORK. The constitution of the Reformed Dutch Church of North America with an appendix, containing formularies for the use of the churches together with the rules and orders for the government of the General Synod. The catechism, arcticles of faith, canons of the synod of Dordrecht, and lithurgy. Philadelphia, G.W. Mentz & Son, 1840. Sm.8vo. Contemporary calf (hinges weak). 131 pp. The confession of faith, liturgy, and canons, including rules of the church government and articles explaining the discipline and government of the Reformed Dutch Church of North America. [Boeknr.: 25399 ]

€ 95,00

REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH OF NEW YORK. YEAR BOOK OF THE (COLLEGIATE) REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Vol. XI, 58th number. New York, 1937. Original printed wrappers. With 4 plates. [Boeknr.: 20590 ]

€ 40,00

REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH OF NEW YORK. YEAR BOOK OF THE (COLLEGIATE) REFORMED PROTESTANT DUTCH CHURCH OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Vol. XIV, 68th number. New York, 1947. Original printed wrappers. With 1 plate. [Boeknr.: 20591 ]

€ 40,00

RENKEMA, Wim. Kaarten van de Nederlandse Antillen: Curaçao, Aruba, Bonaire, Saba, Sint Eustatius en Sint Maarten tot 1900. Leiden, Brill, HES & De Graaf, 2016. 4to. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 670 coloured illustrations. 664 pp. With an English summary. - This publication systematically categorizes and provides a nearly complete overview of the great variety of maps, both manuscript and printed, that have been made of the Dutch Antilles. The map descriptions are clarified with information on the creators of the maps and the historical background of the map image. The author has extensively studied how and for which reasons these maps were created. The cartobibliography is preceded by an extensive introduction in which the history of the islands and their inhabitants are described. [Boeknr.: 34178 ]

€ 225,00

RENNIE, Neil. Pocahontas, Little Wanton: myth, life and after life. London, Quaritch, 2007. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 12 plates. XII,209 pp. Pocahontas (1596 - 1617) was a Native American woman, belonging to the Powhatan People, notable for her association with the colonial settlement at Jamestown, Virginia. [Boeknr.: 36127 ]

€ 35,00

RÉVILLE, Albert. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the native religions of Mexico and Peru. London, Williams and Norgate, 1884.Original cloth. X,256 pp. The Hibbert Lectures. [Boeknr.: 8442 ]

€ 45,00

REVOIL, M. Benedict. In the bush and on the trail. Adventures in the forests of North America. A book for boys. London, T. Nelson and Sons, 1890.Original pictorial red cloth. With 70 woodengraved illustrations. 393 pp. The volume now submitted to the reader is a translation from the French of M. Benedict Revoil, who some years ago traversed many parts of the United states, intent upon the pursuit of game. He has recorded his experiences and adventures in an unpretending but animated and entertaining narrative, which is enitrely free from exaggeration, and is commendably characterized by exceeding modesty in its references to the writer's own achievements (Preface). [Boeknr.: 37249 ]

€ 65,00

RICE, C. Duncan. The rise and fall of black slavery. London, The Macmillan Press, 1975. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With 16 plates. XIII,427 pp. Covers the history of black slavery, the slave trade and the abolition. [Boeknr.: 31885 ]

€ 25,00

RIEBEECK, Jan Anthonisz. van. Journal, 1651 - 1662. Edited and with an introduction and footnotes by H.B. Thom. Cape town, A.A. Balkema, 1952-58. 3 volumes. Original cloth (spines vol. II-III stained). With plates. XLVI,395; XVIII,406; XVIII,531 pp. Van Riebeeck Society. - Jan van Riebeeck (1618-1677) was founder and first commander for the VOC of the Cape of Good Hope. [Boeknr.: 6500 ]

€ 225,00

RIETSTAP, (Johannes Baptista). Amerika. De jongste zee- en landreizen in dat werelddeel aan het volk verhaald. Leiden, van den Heuvel & van Santen, (ca. 1880).Original decorated cloth. With chromo-lithographed plate of Mexico and New York by Emrik & Binger. (4),312,(3) pp. Contains E.K. Kane to the North Pole, Voyages to the United States, Canada, Middle and South America.Cf. Landwehr, Coloured plates., 474. [Boeknr.: 13038 ]

€ 75,00

RITCHIE, George Thomas. A list of Lincolniana in the Library of Congress. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1903. 8vo. Original cloth. 75 pp. Part I: Writings of Abraham Lincoln; Part II: Writings relating to Abraham Lincoln. [Boeknr.: 8224 ]

€ 40,00

RIVET, Paul & Georges de CRÉQUI-MONTFORT. Bibliographie des langues Aymará et Kicua (1540-1955). Paris, Institut d'Ethnologie, 1951-56. 4 volumes. 8vo. Original printed wrappers, uncut. With maps and illustrations. XLII,499; 655; 782; 955 pp. Aymara and Quechua are native American languages spoken by the people of the Andes. [Boeknr.: 24306 ]

€ 225,00

ROBERTSON, Parish. A visit to Mexico, by the West India islands, Yucatan and United States, with observations and adventures on the way. London, Published for the author, 1853.2 volumes. Original embossed cloth, spine lettered in gilt. With folding lithographed frontispiece and folding map. XX,II,331; (6),478 pp. First edition; subscriber's copy with list of subscribers. -- William Parish Robertson went to Mexico, with his daughter, in 1848 as a special commissioner to negotiate a settlement for Mexican securities held by British investors. On his return in a party of prominent Mexicans in October 1849, he traveled through the United States via Mobile, New Orleans, Cincinnati, Sprinfield, Niagara Falls, Washington and New York . He was pleased with what he had observed, except for slavery. The brief comparisons of certain American and English institutions mark Robertson as a discriminating observer' (Clark III, 398).Sabin 72016; Palau 271033. [Boeknr.: 36743 ]

€ 475,00

ROBERTSON, William. Geschiedenis van America. Uit het Engelsch vertaald. Amsterdam, Yntema en Tieboel, 1778.4 volumes. Contemporary half roan (rubbed). With folding engraved plate and 3 (of 4) folding engraved maps. First Dutch edition, first published in London in 1777: The history of America. - 'A popular work which was reprinted several times and translated into many languages. .. Its vivid descriptions and philosophical disquisitions on aboriginal society captivated the literary world, while the outbreak of the American War lent the book pertinent public interest..' (Cox II, p.150). William Robertson (1721-1793) was a highly respected Scottish historian, clergyman and writer and is regarded, as one of the most important British historians of the 18th century. His History of America is often regarded as his most interesting work but it also shows the Eurocentric limits of his stadial thinking, because it presents an unsympathetic account of Native Americans and glosses over Spanish atrocities. Robertson wrote the first history of the discovery and Spanish conquest of America to be based on ample bibliographical information and documents in the Simancas archives. The bibliography (a catalogue of Spanish books and manuscripts) at the end of the last volume, pp. 303-322, is remarkable for the time (Borba de Moraes II, p.740 ). - A fifth volume was published in 1801 containing a translation of Books IX and X (the history of Virginia and New England).Cat. NHSM I, p.552 (English ed.); not in Tiele; Muller, America, 1369; Sabin 71999. [Boeknr.: 12372 ]

€ 225,00

ROCHEFORT, Charles de. Natuurlyke en zedelyke historie van d'eylanden de voor-eylanden van Amerika. Met eenen Caraïbaanschen woorden-schat. Vertaalt in Nederduytsch door H. Dullaart. Rotterdam, Arnout Leers, 1662.4to. Contemporary overlapping vellum. With allegorical engraved frontispiece, woodcut printer's device on titlepage, 6 engraved plates and 37 engravings in the text (7 nearly full page). (38),475,(11) pp. First Dutch edition, first published in Rotterdam in 1658: Histoire naturelle et morale des iles Antilles. Rochefort, was the pastor of the French Protestant Church in Rotterdam, and a resident for several years in the West Indies. His significant work was published to induce Huguenot immigration to the West Indies, including a natural history and ethnography of the West Indies: Barbados, Tobago, Sint Eustatius, Saba, Sint Maarten, etc. The first part describes the plants and animals i.a. tobacco, sugar, cotton and indigo. The second part is an account of the various Carib peoples and their customs, language and religion. A Dutch-Carib dictionary by Raymond Breton is found at the end. With excellent engravings. The work is an important and valuable contribution to our knowledge of the Antilles and their inhabitants (Sabin). - Age-browned, otherwise a good copy.Sabin 72320; Tiele 926; Cat. NHSM I, p.265; European-Americana III, p.162.. [Boeknr.: 15133 ]

€ 2950,00

RODSCHIED, Ernst Karl. Medizinische und chirurgische Bemerkungen über das Klima, die Lebensweise und Krankheiten der Einwohner der hollaendischen Kolonie Rio Essequebo. Frankfurt, Jäger, 1796.Sm.8vo. Original speckled boards. XII,320 pp. First edition. - Rare early work on climate, topography and deseases in the Dutch colony of Essequebo, Guyana. With ample chapters on native's customs. The German physician Ernst Carl Rodschied who practised in Essequibo in the 1790s, found that classical European medicine could not be used in the treatmen of African slaves without making modifications. Rodschied, who apparently had only had limited contact with Africans, thought that slaves had few passions, did not mind being slaves and were really only interested in keeping themselves alive and (if male) in sexual contact with women. According to Rodschied, Africans had brought 'strange' diseases from Africa and their constitution was quite different from that of the Europeans owing to their distinct customs and habits (Snelders, Leprosy and Colonialism: Suriname Under Dutch Rule, 1750-1950). - (Age-browned). - Scarce.Suriname-Catalogus U.B. Amsterdam 5714; Sabin 72571; Muller, America, 567; Bibliotheca Medica Neerlandica vol. I, p. 437. [Boeknr.: 28042 ]

€ 1495,00

ROGGEVEEN, Arent. The burning fen. With an introduction by C. Koeman. Amsterdam, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1971. 2 volumes. Large folio. Cloth, with dust-jackets. With many illustrations and 52 double-page charts. First edition published in Dutch: Het Brandende Veen. Part 1 reprinted from the 1675 Amsterdam edition, published by Pieter Goos. Part 2 reprinted from the 1687 Amsterdam edition, published by Jacob Robijn. Containing charts of the Central American coasts and islands, west coast of Africa and the coast of Brazil. The first printed West Indian Pilot, a prototype of the pilote guides for America. - A fine copy. [Boeknr.: 34985 ]

€ 175,00

(ROMANET DU CAILLAUD, Joseph). Voyage a la Martinique. Vues et observations politiques sur cette isle, avec un aperçu de ses productions végétales et animales. Paris, L. Pelletier, an XII - 1804.Contemporary half red morocco, spine gilt (foot of spine rep.). VIII,194,(1) pp. First edition; with pictorial bookplate 'L'etude des humanités console humains'. - Discusses the history of the island, political events, colonial government, commerce, agriculture, and includes chapters treating slavery on the island, the plagues to which Martinique is subject, and the Carib Indians. - (Minor foxing, errata leaf silked). - An attractive copy.Sabin 72987; Beinecke Lesser Antilles Collection 581; Chadenat 205: Très intéressante relation. [Boeknr.: 36653 ]

€ 395,00

ROOS, P(aul) F(rançois). Surinaamsche mengelpoëzy. Amsterdam, H. Gartman en P.J. Uylenbroek, 1804.4to. Contemporary scored calf, with black morocco title-label to spine. With engraved title with nice vignette by R. Vinkeles. VIII,318 pp. First published in 1802. - Paul François Roos (1751-1805) came to Suriname at a young age and stayed there until his death. He was director of the plantation De jonge Byekorf near the Commewijneriver. As a slave master, he stood up for good treatment of his slaves, but he was not in favor of the abolition of slavery. He sketches the ideal plantation life and wrote one of the very few poetical descriptions of life in Dutch Guiana. He was the first poet of Suriname. The poems are about slavery, plantations, the land and the people. Including a poem on the death of George Washington. - Some blank margins waterstained, otherwise a very good copy on heavy paper with wide margins.Muller, America, p.171; Sabin 73101; Van Kempen p.286-289; Suriname- Catalogus U.B. Amsterdam 5786. [Boeknr.: 15463 ]

€ 950,00

ROSS, John. Verhaal van eenen tweeden zeetogt, en van verscheidene landreizen in de Noordpool-gewesten. Ondernomen tot opsporing eener noordwestelijke doorvaart. Uit het Engelsch vertaald door J. Olivier. Zutphen, W.J. Thieme, 1836-1837.3 volumes. Modern half cloth. With folding map. XXXX,296; 327; 284 pp. First Dutch edition; first published in London in 1835 Narrative of a second voyage in search of a north-west passage. - Sir John Ross (1777-1856) set out in 1826 with the small paddle-steamer the Victory, after the failure of his voyage in 1821. He spent the years 1829-1833 in the far northwest. He successfully waethered repeated Arctic winters and systematically accumulated a wealth of scientific data and reached the North Magnetic Pole in 1831.The Victory was crushed in the ice and Ross and his men were rescued by a whaler, the Isabella, in August 1833 at Lancaster Sound, after a terrible trek South. The introduction contains a chronological summary of previous explorations in search of a Northwest Passage. - (Some foxing; written number on title-pages). - A rare fundamental Arctic narrative.Not in Tiele or Cat. NHSM; Sabin 73382 (English ed.); Arctic Bibl. 14866; Stam, Books on ice, p.22; Hill 1490; Howgego II, R29. [Boeknr.: 36193 ]

€ 875,00

ROUX DE ROCHELLE, (Jean Baptiste Gaspard). Etats-Unis d'Amérique. Paris, Firmin Didot Frères, 1837.Contemporary half calf (rubbed). With folding map and 96 steel-engravings. 400 pp. L'Univers pittoresque. - Views of Philadelphia, Boston, New York, Washington, etc. The author was the French Minister to America, 1829-1831. - (Foxed). Howes R473; Sabin 73516. [Boeknr.: 11181 ]

€ 95,00

ROY, Pierre Georges. Les monuments commémoratifs de la province de Québec. Québec, Ls-A. Proulx, 1923. 2 volumes. Wrappers, uncut. With numerous plates. 357; 360 pp. Publié par la Commission des Monuments Historiques de la Province de Québec. [Boeknr.: 8359 ]

€ 95,00

SACHSE, Julius Friedrich. Justus Falckner mystic and scholar. Devout pietist in Germany, hermit on the Wissahickon, missionary on the Hudson. A bi-centennial memorial. Philadelphia, 1903. Original cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. With plates and illustrations. 141 pp. 500 numbered copies printed for the author. - Justus Falckner (1672-1723), born in Germany, served as pastor of the Dutch Lutheran congregations in Manhattan and Albany County, New York and Hackensack, New Jersey. He learned the Dutch language and also preached in English and later in German. [Boeknr.: 22062 ]

€ 55,00

SAHAGUN, Bernardino de. Gliederung des alt-aztekischen Volks in Familie, Stand und Beruf. Aus dem aztekischen Urtext übersetzt und erläutert von L. Schultze Jena. Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer, 1952. 8vo. Wrappers, uncut. With 4 plates. X,336 pp. Quellenwerke zur alten Geschichte Amerikas. Aufgezeichnet in den Sprachen der Eingeborenen. Herausgegeben von der Lateinamerikanischen Bibliothek, Berlin. - Aztec tex with German translation. [Boeknr.: 23807 ]

€ 65,00

SAHAGUN, Bernardino de. Wahrsagerei, Himmelskunde und Kalender der alten Azteken. Aus dem aztekischen Urtext übersetzt und erläutert von L. Schultze Jena. Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer, 1950. 8vo. Wrappers, uncut. With 4 plates. XIII,400 pp. Quellenwerke zur alten Geschichte Amerikas. Aufgezeichnet in den Sprachen der Eingeborenen. Herausgegeben von der Lateinamerikanischen Bibliothek, Berlin. - Aztec tex with German translation. [Boeknr.: 23772 ]

€ 65,00

SAINT LUCIA. 150TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ABOLITION OF SLAVERY 1834-1984. Saint Lucia, 1984. Pictorial leaf including 4 postal stamps depicting together a plantation scene in Saint Lucia. - Fine. [Boeknr.: 31065 ]

€ 25,00

SCHMIDT, Hans. Op zoek naar't geluk in Argentinië en Paraguay. Geautoriseerde vertaling van C. van der Tonge-Koster. Laren, A.G. Schoonderbeek, (1921). 8vo. Modern cloth, original decorated frontwrapper mounted. With photographic plates. 194 pp. First published in Leipzig in 1921 Meine Jagd nach dem Glueck in Argentinien und Paraguay : Reise-, Arbeits- und Jagdabenteuer. [Boeknr.: 36738 ]

€ 65,00

SCHMIDT, Julius. Die Steinbildwerke von Copán und Quiriguá. Aufgenommen von Heinrich Meye. Historisch erläutert und beschrieben. Berlin, A. Asher & Co., 1883.Large folio. With plan and 20 lithographed plates, in modern cloth box. With printed title page, preface by Alphons Stübel (3 pp.), introduction (10 pp.) and explanatory text leaf for each plate. Two interesting archaeological sites of the Maya civilization depicting the stone sculptures of Copán in the Copán Department of western Honduras, not far from the border with Guatemala, and Quiriguá in the department of Izabal in south-eastern Guatemala. - (Blank margins text leaves waterstained). - With excellent plates. [Boeknr.: 36699 ]

€ 775,00

SCHOMBURGK, Robert Hermann. The history of Barbados; comprising a geographical and statistical description of the island; a sketch of the historical events since the settlement; and an account of its geology and natural productions. London, Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1848.Original embossed cloth, rebacked (the original spine laid down). With tinted lithographed title page depicting Trafalgar Square in Bridgetown, coloured map, 2 plates printed in green depicting the configuration of Polycystina and 5 tinted lithographed views. XX,722 pp. First edition. - Robert Hermann Schomburgk (1804-1865) was a German-born surveyor and traveller. In 1835-1839 he explored British Guiana for the Royal Geographical Society, and in 1840 he was appointed to define its boundaries with Brazil. Knighted for his work, he then visited Barbados for the Barbados General Railway Company, publishing The History of Barbados in 1848. This substantial work contains a great deal more than a chronological narrative of the settlement and history of the island. He begins with a geographical analysis, statistical information, and an examination of the political and sociological state of Barbados. The third part is on the geology, mineral resources, and natural history of the colony. Barbados was extremely important both to British imperial policies and to her economy, playing a key role in the Atlantic trade routes, particularly for sugar. This book is a classic in West Indian history. It is a scholarly study, in many respects still the best in the entire field, based largely on research done in the British Museum Library and that of the Literary Society of Barbados. Much use has been made of official publications, local newspapers, and information gained by personal experiences and inquiry during the author's residence in the island (Ragatz p.183). - A fine copy.Abbey, Travel, 694; Sabin 77785; Hough, The Beinecke Lesser Antilles Collection, 891. [Boeknr.: 36705 ]

€ 675,00

SCHULTEN, C.M. Nederlandse expansie in Latijns Amerika. Brazilië: 1624-1654. Bussum, Fibula-Van Dishoeck, 1968. Boards. With many illustrations. 104 pp. [Boeknr.: 716 ]

€ 15,00

SCOTT, Kenneth & James A. OWRE. Genealogical data from inventories of New York estates 1666-1825. New York, Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1970. Folio. Wrappers. VIII,220 pp. 'It has been attempted to mention in the abstracts all items of genealogical value and special attention has been paid to real estate, paintings, gold and silver, jewelry, Negro slaves, books and weapons'. [Boeknr.: 25571 ]

€ 45,00

SCOTT, Kenneth. (Ed.). Records of the Chancery Court Province and State of New York. Guardianships 1691-1815. New York, The Holland Society of New York, (1971). 8vo. Cloth. With plate. X,297 pp. 'There was wide-spread and continued opposition to the Court of Chancery during the colonial period on the ground that personal liberty and property were not subject to law but to the conscience of the governor'. [Boeknr.: 25520 ]

€ 45,00

SETUBAL, P. Johan Maurits van Nassau (o principe de Nassau). Historische roman uit den tijd der Hollandsche bezetting van Brazilië. Vertaling uit het Portugeesch van R. Schreuder en J. Slauerhoff. Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 1933. Original cloth. 235 pp. [Boeknr.: 6564 ]

€ 15,00

SHORTO, Russell. Nieuw-Amsterdam. Eiland in het hart van de wereld. Amsterdam, Forum, 2004. Wrappers. With plates. 428 pp. [Boeknr.: 28468 ]

€ 20,00

SIEVERS, W. Reise in der Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Leipzig, Gressner & Schramm, 1887.Original half cloth, spine lettered in gilt (library number in ink on spine). With 8 plates and illustrations by A. Göring. (8),290 pp. First edition; with bookplate of Friedrich Weber. - Located in northern Colombia, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountain ranges are geographically an isolated part of the Central Cordilleras of South America. [Boeknr.: 36626 ]

€ 125,00

SIJPESTEIJN, C(ornelis) A(scanius) van. Beschrijving van Suriname, historisch-, geographisch- en statistisch overzigt, uit officiele bronnen bijeengebracht. 's Gravenhage, Gebroeders van Cleef, 1854.Later half calf, spine lettered in gilt. With folding lithographed plan of Paramaribo and folding lithographed map with coat of arms. XVI,296 pp. First edition. - Historical, geographical and statistical description of Suriname by Jhr. Cornelis Ascanius van Sypesteyn (1823 - 1892), compiled from official sources. He was a Dutch colonial administrator in the West Indies between 1846 and 1859, worked for the Department of the Colonies, was a member of parliament and from 1873 till 1882 Governor General of Suriname. In the first chapter an overview of the history of the colony is given, the second chapter contains the geographical description, the third chapter deals with the population and the plantations, the slaves, the forts, the military, the Bushnegroes, the Indians and the runaways, with at the end an overview of the export of the main products (sugar, coffee, cotton, cocoa, indigo, rum and molasses) over the years 1816 to 1852. - A fine copy.Tiele 1075; Cat. NHSM I, p.285; Sabin 80989; Muller, America, p.171; Suriname-catalogus UB Amsterdam 6774; Koeman, Suriname, 54. [Boeknr.: 12896 ]

€ 275,00

SILVER, Timothy. A new face on the countryside. Indians, colonists, and slaves in South Atlantic forests, 1500-1800. Cambridge, University Press, (1990). Wrappers. With many illustrations. XII,204 pp. [Boeknr.: 20467 ]

€ 18,00

SIMONS, G.J. Beschrijving van het eiland Curaçao, uit verschillende bronnen bijeenverzameld. Oosterwolde, G.S. de Tempe, 1868.Modern boards. With lithographed portrait, map and 2 coloured lithographed plates of Grot van Hato and Willemstad. 156 pp. First edition. - Rare description of the island of Curaçao, starting with the history of Curaçou, a description of Willemstad, its surroundings and some of the most important buildings, defenses and military equipment, administration of the colony, financial management, religion, education and institutions, name list of the pastors of Curaçou, language and lifestyle, flora and fauna, etc. - (Corner of 1 leaf repaired with loss of text; some lvs backed with Japanese paper).Tiele 1005; Sabin 81320; Renkema C173. [Boeknr.: 17434 ]

€ 275,00

(SKINNER, Joseph). The present state of Peru: comprising its geography, topography, natural history, mineralogy, commerce, the customs and manners of its inhabitants, the state of literature, philosophy, and the arts, the modern travels of the missionaries in the heretofore unexplored mountainous territories, etc. The whole drawn from original and authentic documents, chiefly written and compiled in the Peruvian capital. London, Richard Phillips, 1805.4to. Contemporary tree calf (one hinge sl. damaged but firmly holding). With 20 handcoloured stipple-engravings depicting costumes of Peruvian society, natives, bullfighter, llamas, etc. XIV,488 pp. First edition. - Skinner translated portions of El Mercurio Peruano, published between 1791-1795, for this detailed overview of Peru, illustrated with twenty beautifully coloured plates depicting the costume of various segments of Peruvian society, including upper-class ladies, female domestics in Spanish dress, Indian men and women, a bullfighter, etc. The Appendix contains two interesting accounts: History of the missions of Caxamarquilla, with the origin and loss of those of Manoa, intended as an introduction to the recent travels of fathers Sobreviela and Girbal, in the remote parts of Peru. The second account: Interesting notices relative to the entrances made by the monks of the order of St. Francis, into the mountainous territories of Peru, from each of the parts bordering on the Cordillera of the Andes, communicated to the academical society of Lima by father Sobreviela, guardian of the college of Santa Rosa of Ocopa. 'An extensive illustrated reference work on Peru' (Von Hünersdorff II, p.1384). - The earliest and most lavish English colour-plate book relating to Peru and Ecuador. -Some foxing otherwise fine.Abbey, Travel, 723; Lipperheide I, p.389; Colas 2751; Hiler p.802; Sabin 81615; Palau 315564. [Boeknr.: 29408 ]

€ 3250,00

SLEEPY HOLLOW. THE OLD DUTCH BURYING GROUND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW. (Terrytown). History Research Society of the Tappan Zee, 1926. Wrappers. With folding plan and some illustrations. 87 pp. 'One of the earliest, perhaps the first, dwelling set up in this vicnity was that of Wolfert Ecker, or Acker, immortalized by Irving under the facetious title of 'Wolfert's Roost'. [Boeknr.: 20490 ]

€ 45,00

SLETTENAAR, Henk. Boissevain Ruys Tegelberg. Beknopte biografie van drie zusterschepen. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2008. 4to. Wrappers. With many illustrations (several in colours). 155 pp. Three passenger ships of the KPM. They have served for most of their thirty years on the line from the Far East via South Africa to the east coast of South America. [Boeknr.: 36524 ]

€ 18,00

(SLOANE, Hans). Histoire de la Jamaïque, traduite de l'Anglois par (Raulin). Londres, Nourse, 1751.2 volumes. Sm.8vo. Contemporary mottled calf, spines richly gilt. With 6 engraved folding plates (o.a. a sugarmill). (2),285; 248 pp. First French edition; first published in Edinburgh in 1739: A new and exact account of Jamaica. - Sir Hans Sloane (1660 - 1753), was an Anglo-Irish physician, naturalist, and collector, with a collection of 71,000 items which he bequeathed to the British nation, thus providing the foundation of the British Museum, the British Library, and the Natural History Museum, in London. He went in 1687 to Jamaica as physician to the Duke of Albemarle, governor of Jamaica. He stayed there 15 months, making many observations of its natural resources, agriculture, production, commerce, etc. He returned with eight hundred species of plants (DNB). 'Le voyage de Sloane .. est une minne feconde pour les naturalistes, sur-tout quant à la partie de la botanique. L'étendue que Sloane a donnée à ses recherches sur les plantes, et l'exactitude des descriptions qu'il en a faites, donnent un grand prix à cet ouvrage' (Boucher de la Richarderie I, p.272). - A very fine copy.Sabin 35585; Chadenat 4668; Leclerc 721; The Beinecke Lesser Antilles Collection, 207. [Boeknr.: 9558 ]

€ 1250,00

SMET, P(ierre) J(ean). de. Missien van den Orégon en reizen naer de rotsbergen en de bronnen der Colombia, der Athabasca en Sascatshawin in 1845-46. Uit het Fransch. Gent, W. vander Schelden, 1849.Later half red morocco, spine ribbed. With lithographed frontispiece and title-page, 3 folding maps and 14 lithographed plates. 423 pp. First Dutch edition; first published in Gent in 1848 Missions de l'Orégon et voyages aux Montagnes Rocheuses aux sources de la Colombie, de l' Athabasca et du Sascatshawin. - The Belgian Jesuit priest Pierre-Jean De Smet (1801-73) wrote this work, which was published in French, English and Dutch, to raise funds for his missionary work among the Indians of the Pacific Northwest. Travels through and about the central Columbia River plateau, the Athabasca River, the country of the Assiniboines, and the Missouri River. With accounts of the manners and customs of the North American Indians, together with exquisite descriptions of the scenery. 'Basic contributions to the geographical knowledge of the Northwest' (Wheat, Transmississippi, 537, 538, 539). - (Age-browned).Tiele 1009; Sabin 82264; Wagner-Camp 141:4; Howes D286. [Boeknr.: 4081 ]

€ 395,00

SMITH, G. Barnett. Canada: its rise and progress. London, S.W. Partridge & Co., 1898.Original decorated cloth. With frontispiece. 320 pp. - (The Romance of Colonization). [Boeknr.: 8139 ]

€ 45,00

SMITH, George L. Religion and trade in New Netherland. Dutch origins and American development. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, (1973). Cloth, with dust-jacket. XIII,266 pp. [Boeknr.: 29111 ]

€ 45,00

SMITH, Matthew Hale. Sunshine and shadow in New York. Hartford, J.B. Burr and Company, 1868.Original cloth (spine faded and sl. damaged). With wood-engraved title-page and 11 wood-engraved plates. 712; (2) pp. First edition. - 'My purpose in this book has been to draw the Great Metropolis with its lights and shades, in a series of graphic papers: to sketch New York as I have seen it'. (Introduction). - A valuable description of mid-19th-century New York.Sabin 83591. [Boeknr.: 31742 ]

€ 75,00

SMITH, William Henry. A political history of slavery. Being an account of the slavery controversy from the earliest agitations in the eighteenth century to the close of the reconstruction period in America. With an introduction by Whitelaw Reid. Volume I. New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1903. Original cloth, top edge gilt. With portrait. XVI,350 pp. [Boeknr.: 20281 ]

€ 35,00

SMITH, William. A natural history of Nevis, and the rest of the English Leeward Charibee islands in America. With many other observations on nature and art; particularly, an introduction to the art decyphering. Cambridge, J. Bentham, 1745.Contemporary calf with red title label to spine. (6),318,(9) pp + Errata sheet of 10 lines. First edition; with armorial bookplate of John Guitton. - A series of eleven letters from the rev. William Smith, rector of St. John's at Nevis to rev. Charles Mason, Woodwardian professor and fellow of Trinity-College in Cambridge, containing descriptions of shells, insects, plants and other natural objects observed or remarked upon in the writer's researches during five years residence in Nevis, an island in the Caribbean Sea, part of the Leeward Islands. Sabin 84563; European-Americana VI, p.367; The Beinecke Lesser Antilles Collection 200. [Boeknr.: 36731 ]

€ 1500,00

SOUTH AMERICA. Neue charte von Süd America aus den besten Quellen. (No pl., ca. 1780). Engraved map of South America. Ca. 33 x 23 cm. - (Some faint marginal stains). [Boeknr.: 36498 ]

€ 95,00

SPENCE, James Mudie. The land of Bolivar or war, peace and adventure in the Republic of Venezuela. London, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1878.2 volumes. Original green cloth gilt. With 7 maps (2 folding) and 60 woodengravings. XX,323,(24); X,345 pp. First edition. - The materials for this volume were collected by the writer during 1871 and 1872, when the Republic of Venezuela was gliding into peace, after twenty-five years of continued civil war and trouble. During his residence in the country he was in treaty with the government for several important mining concessions, which naturally brought him into close relations with the ruling powers, and afforder him opportunities of acquiring accurate information from sources not generally accessible (Preface). The fine illustrations are by Ramon Bolet and Anton Goering. - (With blank tooled library stamps on titlepages and booknumber in ink on spines). [Boeknr.: 36614 ]

€ 295,00

SPINOZA CATELLA JESSURUN, J. Kiliaen van Rensselaer van 1623 tot 1636. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1917. Wrappers. 213,XXII pp. Thesis. - Dealing with his set-up of his estate Rensselaerswyck near Albany. [Boeknr.: 7125 ]

€ 45,00

SQUIER, E(phraim) G(eorge). Nicaragua; its people, scenery, monuments, and the proposed interoceanic canal. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1852.2 volumes. Original embossed cloth (spines discoloured). With 4 maps (2 folding) and 29 plates (including tinted and coloured plates) and 60 woodengravings. XXII,424; IV,452 pp. First edition. - Ephraim George Squier (1821-1888) was an American journalist, archaeologist, and diplomat. He became an authority on Central America and on the archaeological ruins of native Americans in New York, Ohio, Central America, and Peru. Nicaragua is considered his best book (Hill 1621). Squier's contact with Latin America came initially through several diplomatic posts which he held, and led to his becoming a recognized authority and author, especially on Central American affairs as well as its archaeology and ethnology. - A wealth of information about all aspects of Nicaragua. Sabin 89980; Howgego IV, p.868-869; Palau 321.786; Abbey, Travel, 673. [Boeknr.: 36622 ]

€ 675,00

St. CLAIR, Thomas Staunton. A residence in the West Indies and America, with a narrative of the expedition to the island of Walcheren. London, Richard Bentley, 1834.2 volumes. Contemporary half calf, with red morocco title-labels to spines. With 5 woodengravings and 6 aquatint plates. XIV,(1),395; XII,382 pp. First edition; with the bookplate of H.M. McCance. - 'The author, of Scotch descent, had been born at Gibraltar while his father, a British officer, had been stationed there. His brothers and he also entered service and, in 1805 he was ordered to Demerara, where he held a command for some three years. Contains interesting accounts of his life and peoples there, but nothing whatever regarding the West Indies proper excepting a few pages on Barbados, to which he was invalided for a short time, and several on St. Kitts, where a brother was stationed, both points of call on his return to Scotland in 1808. Gives a secondhand version of the spectacular British attack on Martinique in 1808, at which time one brother was killed' (Ragatz p.234). Dealing with Indians, slaves, Dutch settlements, etc. in Berbice, Demerara and Essequibo and visit to Walcheren in The Netherlands. With pictures of: a runaway negro, Canoe and Arrawaka Indians, Indian village on the Corantine, view on the Demerara River, etc. - (Some pencil annotations). - Scarce.Sabin 75025; Abbey, Travel, 679; Hough, The Beinecke Lesser Antilles Collection, 814. [Boeknr.: 30912 ]

€ 850,00

St. EUSTATIUS. St. Eustache, eine der Antillischen Insuln in Nord-America welche 1781 von den Engelländern erobert und denen Holländern abgenomen worden. - St. Eustache, une des isles d'Antilles dans l'Amerique du Nord la quelle fut prise aux Hollandois en 1781 par les Anglois. Augsbourg, (ca. 1781).Contemporary handcoloured perspective view (vue d'optique or Guckkastenbild) by Johann Baptist Bergmüller. Ca. 31 x 44,5 cm (including margins). Rare and handsome optical view of the bay and town of St. Eustatius also known affectionately to the locals as Statia, part of the Caribbean Netherlands, with numerous sailing boats in the foreground. It shows the island of St. Eustatius taken by the English fleet in February 1781. Admiral Rodney's sailors and troops pillaged the island. The Dutch regained control over the devastated island in 1784.On 16th November 1776, the Dutch commander of St. Eustatius, Johannes de Graaff, ordered a salute to be fired from the Dutch Fort Orange to the flag of the rebellious English colonies in North America. The North Americans regarded this salute as recognition of their independence and first acknowledgment by a foreign power. - A very attractive view of the British naval assualt on Saint Eustatius that took place February, 1781 during the American War of Independence.Cresswell, The American Revolution in drawings and prints, 320. [Boeknr.: 21616 ]

€ 1250,00

St. JOHN, Spenser. Hayti or the Black Republic. London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1884.Original decorated green cloth. With folding map. XIV,343 pp. First edition. - St. John wrote this account of Haiti after spending several years there as a chargé d'affaires and later, resident minister. Included are chapters on population, voodoo worship and cannibalism, and a general description of the country and its history. The book caused outrage because of its sensational tales of vodoo and cannibalism and is described as 'a savagely hostile account' in O.D.N.B.Cundall 507; Afro-Americana 9066. [Boeknr.: 36744 ]

€ 225,00

St. MAARTEN. De stadt St. Martin. (Amsterdam, Jacob van Meurs, 1671).A fine engraved view of the naval battle in the harbour at present-day Philipsburg, St. Maarten, with nice ribbon title cartouche above the scene, contemporary coloured by hand. Ca. 27 x 36 cm. From: Montanus, De nieuwe en onbekende weereld, Amsterdam, 1671. - Magnificent view of St. Maarten from the sea depicting ships of the Dutch West India fleet as they attack Philipsburg, St. Martin, with many sailing ships in the foreground and bird's eye view of the city in background. With legend. - Margins browned otherwise fine. [Boeknr.: 33630 ]

€ 850,00

STEDMAN, John Gabriel. Narrative, of a five years' expedition against the revolted negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the Wild Coast of South America; from the year 1772, to 1777: elucidating the history of that country, and describing its productions, quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, trees, shrubs, fruits, and roots, with an account of the Indians of Guiana and negroes of Guiana. 2nd edition corrected. London, J. Johnson and Th. Payne, 1813.2 volumes. 4to. Old tree calf (skilfully rebacked), with red and green title labels to spines. With aquatint frontispiece, engraved vignettes on both titles, 3 folding maps and 77 aquatint plates (including a large folding view of Paramaribo) after designs by the author by William Blake, Bartolozzi, Holloway a.o, all finely later coloured by hand. XVIII, 423, (5); IV, 419, (5) pp. First published in London in 1796, this is a reissue of the second edition of 1806; with armorial bookplate of Carr Glyn, 1st Baronet (1755-1838) and a British banker and politician. The book has gone through more than twenty editions in six languages; it shows the impact made at the time by Stedman's Narrative of his experiences in Guiana. - Captain John Gabriel Stedman, an officer in the Scots Brigade in Holland, volunteered for service against the negroes in Dutch Guiana. While out there he to all intents married the subject of plate 8, Joanna, a Mulatto, and had a son by her, who became a midshipsman in the British Navy, but died young. 'While he did his duty as a soldier .. he does not disguise his sympathy with the rebels .. His description of the cruelties practised on the negroes, and of the moral deterioration resulting to their masters, forms one of the most vivid indictments of slavery that have ever been penned' (DNB). The engravings show the habitations of both the natives and the Europeans, local flora and fauna, ships, forts, tools, battle plans, and map of the erea. Thanks to his diary we know a lot about everyday life in 18th century Suriname. 'Without a doubt, the Narrative is the most important account of plantation society in the New World. We learn about the way the colonists interacted with each other and how slaves were treated. This book, together with Voltaire's Candide, among others, created the idea that the treatment of slaves in Suriname was more inhumane than that in surrounding countries. In Stedman we read and see for the first time how gruesome the punishments sometimes meted out to slaves were' (Carl Haarnack, Buku Bibliotheca Surinamica).- Occasionally some staining, otherwise a fine later coloured copy.Sabin 91075; Work p.350; Abbey, Travel, 719; Cox II, p.285; Suriname-catalogus UB Amsterdam 6452. [Boeknr.: 37828 ]

€ 8750,00

STEDMAN, John Gabriel. Poste de Magdenberg sur la Tempaty-crique. (Paris, 1798). Engraving by Tardieu l'ainé. Ca. 7,5 x 13 cm. From: Stedman, Voyage à Surinam. - Sugar plantation Maagdenberg near the Commewijne. [Boeknr.: 17749 ]

€ 35,00

STEDMAN, John Gabriel. Vue de la rade et de la ville de Paramaribo. (Paris, 1798).Engraved panoramic view of Paramaribo with a large Dutch vessel in the foreground, by Tardieu l'ainé. Ca. 16 x 41,5 cm. From the French edition of John Gabriel Stedman's Narrative, of a five years' expedition, against the revolted negroes of Surinam. - Fine decorative view of Paramaribo with ships in the roadstead. [Boeknr.: 14147 ]

€ 375,00

STOCKUM, A.J. van. Een ontdekkingstocht in de binnenlanden van Suriname. Dagboek van de Saramacca-expeditie. Amsterdam, G.P. Tierie, 1905. Original decorated cloth. With 6 photographic plates and 4 maps (1 large folding). 324 pp. First edition in book form, first published in Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Aardrijkskundig Genootschap in 1904. - Account of the second scientific expedition to the source of the Saramaca-river in Suriname by the Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, The Saramacca-expedition, October 1902 - april 1903, under the leadership of A.J. van Stockum with the assistance of A. Pulle and P.J. de Kock. The expedition reached the source of the Saramacca-river.Suriname-catalogus UB Amsterdam 6502; Wentholt, In kaart gebracht met kapmes en kompas, pp.133-139. [Boeknr.: 36859 ]

€ 145,00

STOKES, (Isaac Newton Phelps). The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909. Compiled from original sources. N.Y., 1915-28. Reprint. Union, 1998. 6 volumes. Large 4to. Cloth. With numerous maps, plans and plates (some in colours; many folding). 'The iconography of Manhattan Island represents the result of a two-fold purpose: to collect, to condense, and to arrange systematically and in just proportion, within the confines of a single work, the facts and incidents which are of the greatest consequence and interests in the history of New York, with special reference to its topographical features and the physical development of the island; and to illustrate this material by the best reproductions obtainable of important and interesting contemporary maps, plans, views, and documents; in other words, to produce a book dealing with the physical rather than with the personal side of the city's history, which shall be at the same time useful and interesting to the student of history, the antiquarian, the collector, and the general public' (Preface). [Boeknr.: 21156 ]

€ 550,00

STRAATEN, H.S. van der. Hollandse pioniers in Brazilië. Franeker, Van Wijnen, 1988. 8vo. Boards. With 94 illustrations. 160 pp. [Boeknr.: 6566 ]

€ 25,00

STRAATEN, H.S. van der. Maurits de Braziliaan. Het levensverhaal van Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen, stichter van het Mauritshuis, gouverneur-generaal van Nederlands-Brazilië, stadhouder van Kleef 1604-1679. Amsterdam, Van Soeren & Co., 1998. Cloth, with dust-jacket. With illustrations (several in colours). 77 pp. [Boeknr.: 13770 ]

€ 18,00

STUART, Martinus. De mensch zoo als hij voorkomt op den bekenden aardbol. Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1802-07.6 volumes.Contemporary half calf, spines gilt. With coloured frontispiece, 2 folding archeological plates, 6 engraved titles with coloured title-vignettes and 41 coloured aquatint plates by L. Portman after J. Kuyper, depicting ethnic types. First edition. - The first Dutch treatise on geographical anthropology, phrenology and ethnography. Martinus Stuart (1765-1826) was a minister of the church at Amsterdam, scientist and author of many popular educational works, he was assigned historian to king Willem I in 1815. He describes the manners and customs of the natives of America, Africa, Australia and the Pacific. The fine costume plates are printed in colour and finished by hand, quite a few are after the travel accounts of Captain Cook, La Perouse, Carver, Levaillant, etc. Each plate depict a native man and woman. - A very fine large paper copy.Landwehr, Coloured Plates, 448; Tiele 1065; Lipperheide I, p.376. [Boeknr.: 1033 ]

€ 1500,00

SURINAME. Geneeskundige Dienst. Extract uit het stamboek der heeren officieren van opgemeld korps. (Refering to) HUBERT ARENT BAERT. Broadside, letterpress printed form filled in in brown ink, signed and dated Paramaribo 1843. Ca. 33,5 x 41,5 cm. Extract from the Regimental roll of the Medical Service: the appointment of Hubert Arent Baert as chemist in Paramaribo in 1843. [Boeknr.: 31797 ]

€ 125,00

(SUTCLIFFE, Thomas). Crusoniana; or, truth versus fiction, elucidated in a history of the islands of Juan Fernandez. By the retired governor of that colony. Manchester, printed by P. Grant, 1843.Original pictorial green cloth, a.e.g. With engraved frontispiece depicting Alexander Selkirk, engraved vignette on title page, lithographed map, 2 lithographed portraits and 3 engraved plates. VI,(2),213,34,VIII pp. First edition; published by the author. - The Juan Fernández Islands are a sparsely inhabited island group in the South Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile. They are composed of three main volcanic islands: Robinson Crusoe, Alejandro Selkirk and Santa Clara. The islands are primarily known for having been the home to the marooned sailor Alexander Selkirk for more than four years from 1704, upon whom Daniel Defoe based his famous novel The life and strange surprizing adventures of Robinson Crusoe, mariner (1719). It belongs to the literary genre Robinsonade. 'In 1817 Thomas Sutcliffe joined the Colombians as a colonel of cavalry against the Spanish. Later he served Chile in various military and administrative posts, including that of governor of the Juan Fernandez. He was made chief of that Chilean convict station in 1834, and thus he was an eye-witness to the appalling earthquake in 1835' (Hill p.589). Sabin 93946. [Boeknr.: 36781 ]

€ 850,00

SWALUE, E(delhardus) B(ernardus). De daden der Zeeuwen gedurende den opstand tegen Spanje. Amsterdam, P.N. van Kampen, 1846.Later half morocco, spine gilt. XVI,374,(1) pp. Edelhardus Bernardus Swalue (1806 - 1865) work was originally written for a competition of the Zeeuwsch Genootschap in 1837. It was not awarded a prize but was reworked and published in 1846. Mainly dealing with the Dutch West India Company. 'On the part the Zealanders had in the grand feats of this period, I need only mention the exploits of Banckerts and Evertsch on the Spanish Silverfleet, those of Ita, Banckerts and Callenfels at Olinda, the colonisation at the Wiapoco in Guyana, Tabago, etc. by the chamber of the West Ind. Company at Middelburgh, etc. - to show the interest of this volume for American history' (Muller, America, 3066). - (Age-browned).Cat. NHSM I, p.385. [Boeknr.: 28644 ]

€ 125,00

SWERLING, Beverly. Stad van dromen. (Roman over het begin van New York). (Vertaling H. Kooijman). Amsterdam, De Boekerij, 2001. Wrappers. 815 pp. [Boeknr.: 28840 ]

€ 18,00

TALLENAY, Jenny de. Souvenirs du Venezuela. Notes de voyage. Paris, Plon, 1884.Sm.8vo. Contemporary half cloth. With 13 plates by Saint-Elme Gautier. 324,(1) pp. First edition. - Jeanne de Tallenay (1869 - 1920), married at the age of 17 Van Bruyssel, Belgian Chargé d'Affaires in Venezuela, and thus acquired the Belgian nationality. - (Some foxing). [Boeknr.: 36662 ]

€ 95,00

TAYLOR, Chas. Edwin. An island of the sea. Descriptive of the past and present of St. Thomas, Danish West Indies. With a few short stories about Bluebeard's and Blackbeard's castles. Second edition. St. Thomas, Published by the author at Taylor's Book-store, 1896.Original pictorial green cloth. With many photographic plates. 120; 19 pp. + 16 pp. with advertisements. First published in 1895; with autograph dedication by the author - At the end: A few words about St. Croix. (The garden of the West Indies). 19 pp. - The Danish colony in the Caribbean, consistis of the islands of Saint Thomas, Saint John and Saint Croix. They have belonged to the United States as the Virgin Islands. The islands quickly became a base for pirates attacking ships in the vicinity. Trading African slaves was part of the transatlantic slave trade by Denmark-Norway around 1671, when the Danish West India Company was chartered, until 1 January 1803, when the 1792 law to abolish the slave trade came into effect. [Boeknr.: 36717 ]

€ 450,00

TEENSTRA, M(artin) D(ouwes). De Nederlandsche West-Indische eilanden. Amsterdam, C.G. Sulpke, 1836-1837.2 volumes. Later half calf, original printed wrappers preserved. With handcoloured title vignette depicting St. Eustaqtius, plan of Philipsburg on St. Maarten after S. Fahlberg and 3 folding tables. XII,351; VIII,381 pp. First edition. - Volume I contains an extensive description of the island of Curaçao, its climate, topography, trades, products and statistics; Volume II covers the history of Curaçao, Bonaire, Aruba, St. Marten, St. Eustachius and Saba. The 3 folding tables give an overview of the populations in 1833: the numbers of the whites, free people (coloured and black) and slaves, living on Curaçao, Bonaire and Aruba. Marten Douwes Teenstra (1795 - 1864 was an agriculturalist, traveler and writer. In 1828 he left for Suriname, where he started working as an agricultural advisor. He was soon appointed inspector of bridges, streets, roads and waterworks there and he also received investigative power, which actually fell under the authority of the Attorney General. - A fine set.Sabin 94586; Renkema SM31. [Boeknr.: 17414 ]

€ 1650,00

TEMPSKY, G.F. von. Mitla. A narrative of incidents and personal adventures on a journey in Mexico, Guatemala, and Salvador in the years 1853 to 1855, with observations on the modes of life in those countries. Edited by J.S. Bell. London, Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts, 1858.Original red embossed cloth, spine lettered in gilt. With folding coloured map, 5 chromolithographed plates (1 folding), and 11 woodengraved illustrations and plates. XV,436 pp. First edition. - The artist and adventurer Gustavus Ferdinand von Tempsky (1828-1868) spent three years in the mining districts of California before setting out on his extensive travels through Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador in 1853. The fine coloured plates show: Mexicans near the Hacienda of El Valle, View of Durango from the Santuario, Fight between the Ranchero and his Indian Antagonists, Main Building of the Ruins near Mitla and Lake of Atitlan. - A wonderful account of travel in Mexico and Central America.Abbey, Travel, 665; Palau 329979. [Boeknr.: 36750 ]

€ 1100,00

TERRY, T. Philip. Terry's guide to Mexico. The new standard guideboek to the Mexican Republic with chapters on the railways and the ocean routes to Mexico. Revised edition, remodelled and augmented. Boston, New Yor, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1927.Sm.8vo. Origian red cloth. With 2 folding coloured maps and 26 plans (some folding or double-page). XXXLIX,597,(54 advertising section) pp. First published in 1909 . - Terry's guide is an excellent overview of Mexican culture and history: the Baedeker of Mexico. - A fine copy. [Boeknr.: 36607 ]

€ 150,00

THACKERAY, William Makepeace. The Virginians. A tale of the last century. London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1872.Original green cloth (hinges damaged but holding). With engraved frontispiece. XII,770 pp. A historical novel first published in 24 monthly parts, London 1857- 1859. One of the standard works of 19th century fiction. - (The Works Volume V). - (Foxing). [Boeknr.: 28398 ]

€ 35,00

THOMAS, Robert (Bailey). The farmer's almanack calculated on a new and improved plan for the year 1845 .. fitted to the city of Boston, but will answer for the adjoining states.. Boston, Jenks & Palmer, (1845).Original printed stitched wrappers (dam.), with woodcut vignette and decorative border. With woodcut vignette at the head of each month. 48 pp. The almanack started in 1792 and is the oldest continuously published periodical in North America. - 'Containing besides the large number of astronomical calculations, and the farmer's calendar for every month in the year, as great a variety as any other almanack of new, useful, and entertaining matter'. - (Margins frayed).Sabin 95447. [Boeknr.: 13047 ]

€ 45,00

THOMAS, Robert (Bailey). The farmer's almanack calculated on a new and improved plan for the year 1843 .. fitted to the city of Boston, but will answer for the adjoining states. Boston, Jenks & Palmer, (1843).Original printed stitched wrappers (dam.), with woodcut vignette and decorative border. With woodcut vignette at the head of each month. 48 pp. The almanack started in 1792 and is the oldest continuously published periodical in North America. - 'Containing besides the large number of astronomical calculations, and the farmer's calendar for every month in the year, as great a variety as any other almanack of new, useful, and entertaining matter'. - (Margins frayed).Sabin 95447. [Boeknr.: 13049 ]

€ 45,00

TIRION, Isaak. Nieuwe kaart van de Noord Pool na de alderlaatste ontdekking int licht gebracht. Amsterdam, Isaak Tirion, (1735).Engraved map of the Northern hemisphere by J. Keyser with nice title cartouche in ribbon, contemporary coloured by hand. Ca. 29 x 35 cm. New map of the Northern hemisphere and North Pole after the latest discoveries, dated 1735, showing the North Eastern Passage but no North Western passage. California is shown as an Island, the Pacific region is completely blank and even the Great Wall of China is shown. - A fine old coloured map of the Arctic, with wide margins. [Boeknr.: 34185 ]

€ 275,00

TODD, John. California and its wonders. New edition, carefully revised and brought down to the present time. London, T. Nelson and Sons, 1884.Sm.8vo. Contemporary polished blue calf, gilt fillets round sides, inner dentelles, spine richly gilt in compartments, with red morocco title-label to spine (Ralfe Brothers London). With frontispiece and 16 wood-engraved plates (several double-page). 208 pp. From the contents: The climate, soil, and natural productions, mines, the big tree, the caves, the Yosemite valley, natural productions, the highway, life on the Pacific slope, etc. - A nice copy.Not in Cowan. [Boeknr.: 28864 ]

€ 145,00

TORÉN, Olof & Gustav EKEBERG. Reise des Herrn Olof Toree nach Surate und China, nebst einer kurzen Beschreibung von der chinesischen Feldökonomiae und einer Nachricht von dem gegenwärtigen Zustande der engländischen Colonien in dem nördlichen Amerika. Herausgegeben von Linnáus. Leipzig, Christian Gottlob Hilscher, 1772.Sm.8vo. Contemporary half calf, spine lettered in gilt (foot of spine sl. dam.). 238 pp. First German edition. - Olof Torén was a Swedish botanist and priest (1718-1753). The first part contains a German translation of Torén's East India Company voyage to China in 1750-1752, in the form of letters to Linnaeus, originally published as an appendix to Osbeck's narrative (1757). Followed by a translation of Carl Gustaf Ekeberg's Kort berättelse om den chinesiske landt--hushållningen, (A brief account of Chinese husbandry), first published in Stockholm in 1757. The appendix contains a German translation of Dominique de Blackford's Précis de l' état actuel des colonies angloises dans l' Amérique septentrionale (Milan 1771). This work includes: Antwort des Herren (Benjamin) Franklin auf das gerichtliche Befragen vor dem Unterhause im Februar 1766 als die Widerrufung der Stempelacte dasselbst in Erwegung gezogen wurde. (30 pp). The Stamp Act 1765, was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain which imposed a direct tax on the British colonies in America and required that many printed materials in the colonies be produced on stamped paper from London which included an embossed revenue stamp. The articles written in colonial newspapers were particularly critical of the act because of the Stamp Act's disproportionate effect on printers. - (Two small library stamps on title-page). - Scarce.Cordier, BS, col. 2097-98; Walravens 197; Löwendahl 566; Sabin 5691 & 96191 (not seen); Eutiner Landesbibliothek 1395; Boucher de la Richarderie VI, p.57-58. [Boeknr.: 36787 ]

€ 1250,00

TREATY OF BREDA. Articuli pacis, inter serenissimum ac potentissimum principem ac dominum, dominum Carolum, ejus nominis secundum magnae Brittanniae regum ab una, & celsos ac praepotentes dominos ordines Generales Foederatarum Belgii Provinciarum ab altera parte conclusae. Hagae-Comitis, apud Hillebrandum à Wouw, 1667.4to. With woodcut coat of arms of the States General, lion with sword and 7 arrows, in an elaborately decorated cartouche with military attributes on title-page and woodcut initial on first page. (28) pp. From Recueil van de tractaten, 's Gravenhage, ca. 1700. - Latin edition of the Treaty of Breda 31 July 1667, by England, the United Provinces, France, and Denmark-Norway. It brought an end to the Second Anglo-Dutch War (1665-1667) in favour of the Dutch. England, however, received New Netherland (New York, New Jersey) and some outposts in Africa from the Dutch, the Dutch retained Suriname. Including references to American commerce and colonies.Knuttel 9519; Sabin 2154C; European Americana III, p.231; STC Netherlands, 294207031. [Boeknr.: 33934 ]

€ 275,00

TRINIDAD & TOBAGO. Handbook of Trinidad and Tobago. Published by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago for the use of those who wish to know something about the colony and its institutions. ('Not an official publication'). Trinidad, Government Printer, 1934.Original gilt cloth, spine lettered in gilt. With folding coloured map and many photographic plates. XII,224 pp. [Boeknr.: 36777 ]

€ 95,00

TROMP, Cornelis. Leven en bedryf van den vermaarden zeeheld Cornelis Tromp Lieutenent Admiraal Generaal van Holland en Westvriesland. Ondermengd met de voornaamste daaden van verscheidene andere zeehoofden, en voornaamentlijk met die van Marten Harpertsz. Tromp. Benevens een naauwkeurig verhaal van der Nederlanderen en hunner bondgenooten oorlogen, sedert den jaare 1650. tegens verscheidene volkeren gevoerd. Franeker, Van Wijnen, 1990. 4to. Cloth. With plates depicting battle-scenes. (6),496,(8) pp. First published in 1692. - Important biography of Cornelis Tromp (1629-1691), one of the most famous sea heroes of the Netherlands. He was the son of Maarten Harpertsz. Tromp. Discusses i.a. the capture of New Netherland by the British in 1664, including articles of capitulation. Also describes the capture of Suriname by Zeelanders in 1667. [Boeknr.: 34620 ]

€ 45,00

TUCHMAN, B.W. Het eerste saluutschot (van de Amerikaanse Andrew Doria vanaf St. Eustatius beantwoord). De Amerikaanse vrijheidsstrijd en de Republiek. (Houten, De Haan, 1991). Wrappers. With illustrations (several in colours). 365 pp. [Boeknr.: 9234 ]

€ 25,00

TUCHMAN, Barbara W. Het eerste saluutschot (van de Amerikaanse Andrew Doria vanaf St. Eustatius beantwoord). De Amerikaanse vrijheidsstrijd en de Republiek. (Houten), Fubula, (1988). Boards, with just-jacket. With plates (several in colours). 365 pp. [Boeknr.: 33451 ]

€ 25,00

UDEN MASMAN, H(endrik). Kort verslag van den zwaren brand te Paramaribo, hoofdplaats der kolonie Suriname, op den 21 januarij 1821 voorgevallen. Benevens eene kerkelijke redevoering, uitgesproken den eersten zondag na deze ramp. Amsterdam, G.S. Leeneman van der Kroe, 1821.Original blue wrappers. 40 pp. The fire began in the backyard of the Cornerhouse at Paramaribo and quickly advanced to an old storage building full of flammable material. A hard-blowing northeastern wind intensified the fire, which ignited one house after another. It lasted for about 24 hours. Nearly 400 mansions and about 800 storerooms and dwellings were burned to the ground. Published for the benefit of the unfortunate inhabitants of Paramaribo. 'Thanks to this special small book by Hendrik Uden Masman, Minister of the Reformed Church, we have a detailed overview of how the fire spread on that day. The 'booklet' is one of the rarer titles in the Surinamese library'' (Carl Haarnack).Knuttel 25069; not in Sabin, Muller, America or Suriname-catalogus UB Amsterdam. [Boeknr.: 7257 ]

€ 650,00

ULLOA, Alfonso de Historie/ ende het leven van den aldermachtichsten ende victorieusten keyser Caerle de Vijfde van dien name. Inden welcken niet alleen beschreven en zijn de .. daden vanden selven Prince/ maer oock de merckelijckste saken die over alle de werelt/ insonderheyt inde Oost ende West-Indyen geschiet zijn. Eerstmael in Italiaensche tale beschreven. Amsterdam, Jacob Pietersz. Paets, 1610.Folio. Contemporary vellum. With printed title within engraved architectural border and 18 engraved portraits by N. de Clerck in text. (2),221,(8) lvs. Second Dutch edition, first Italian edition was published in Venice in 1560 La vita dell' invitissimo imperator Carlo Quinto, first published in Dutch in Antwerp in 1570. - 'A general history of the time of Charles V, noting European expansion in both eastern and western hemispheres and its impact in Europe' (James Ford Bell Library U8). 'This highly esteemed biography of Charles V, includes an account of all the events, which took place during the years 1500-1560, and especially of all the achievements of the Spaniards in America' (Muller, America, p.365). With extraordinary attention to the glorious Spanish exploration and colonial conquests in Mexico and Peru. - (Margins first 2 lvs sl. dam.; tear in 1 leaf; some wormholes; waterstained). - Rare.Cf. Cat. NHSM I, p.565; Not in Tiele; Sabin 97678; European Americana 610/111. [Boeknr.: 7818 ]

€ 1750,00

URLIN, R. Denny. The churchman's life of Wesley. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1880.Original decorated cloth. VI,(2),352,(4) pp. The Home Library. - Life of John Wesley (1703-1791), an Anglican minister and theologian who, with his brother Charles and fellow cleric George Whitefield, is credited with the foundation of Methodism. After an unsuccessful ministry of two years at Savannah in the Georgia Colony, Wesley returned to London in 1737. [Boeknr.: 20178 ]

€ 45,00

VAN GENEESKUNST EN LEEFGEWOONTEN. CURIOSA EN CURACAO. Ter viering van het derde lustrum 18-11-63 van de Vereniging van Geneeskundigen in de Nederlandse Antillen, bij de tentoonstelling in het Curacaosch Museum. Jaartallen en epidemien. Hospitalen en quarantaine. Curaçao, 1963. Oblong 8vo. Wrappers. 22 pp. [Boeknr.: 30988 ]

€ 25,00

VENEMA, Janny. Beverwijck. A Dutch village on the American frontier, 1652-1664. Hilversum, Verloren, 2003. Wrappers. With 68 illustrations. 527 pp. 'Combined sources from American and Dutch archives provide a lively picture of everyday life in this colony'. [Boeknr.: 26962 ]

€ 35,00

VENEMA, Janny. Kinderen van weelde en armoede. Armoede en liefdadigheid in Beverwijck/Albany (c. 1650-c. 1700). Hilversum, Verloren, 1993. 4to. Wrappers. With illustrations. 71 pp. [Boeknr.: 7395 ]

€ 18,00

VERSCHUUR, G(errit). Voyage aux trois Guyanes et aux Antilles. Paris, Hachette, 1894.Sm.8vo. Original half cloth, spine lettered in gilt. With woodengraving on title-page, portrait, 28 engraved plates and many woodengravings in the text. 367 pp. Fine illustrated narrative of a voyage from Venezuela, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Curaçao, Aruba, Haiti to the three Guyanas by the Dutch writer Gerrit Verschuur (1840-1906). - (Foxing as usual).Suriname-Catalogus UB Amsterdam 7127. [Boeknr.: 21302 ]

€ 125,00

VERSTEEG, Dingman. New Netherland's founding. New York, The Holland Society of New York, 1924. Wrappers. 13 pp. [Boeknr.: 25492 ]

€ 15,00

VIAUD, Pierre. Schipbreuk en lotgevallen van Pieter Viaud, scheeps-kapitein, enz. Behelzende deszelfs vertrek van Bourdeaux, en schipbreuk op een onbewoond eiland; wonderlyke kloekmoedigheid van een Hollandsch matroos ten tyde der schipbreuk; rampen en ongelukken aldaar aan land, welke hy beneffens nog elf anderen van de equipagie heeft moeten ondergaan; hy blyft eindelyk alleen over met eene mevrouw en haar zoon en zynen neger .. Eene waare geschiedenis. Door hem zelven beschreeven. Gesterkt met een certificaat van dan heer Sevettenham, commandant van het Engelsch fort St. Marc des Apalaches. Amsterdam, Petrus Conradi, 1771.20th century cloth. Woodcut vignette on titel-page. 132 pp. Dutch translation of: Naufrage et aventures de Pierre Viaud, natif de Bordeaux, capitaine de navire, histoire véritable. Bordeaux 1768. - This book tells the extraordinary story of a French seaman who sailed from Bordeaux in February 1765 as mate in the Aimable Suzette, Captain St. Crie, bound for the West Indies. Forced by illness to remain on the small island of St. Louis, off the coast of Saint-Domingue (Haiti), Viaud enters into a partnership with a Haitian resident, monsieur Desclau, to trade goods to Louisiana. They hire a vessel, the Tigre, Captain La Couture, and sail with sixteen passengers and crew on 2 January 1766. During the voyage the ship springs a leak, and on 16 February 1766 runs aground and breaks up on an island off the coast of Florida. Viaud's account of his adventures somehow fell into the hands of the French scholar Jean Gaspard Dubois-Fontanelle who published it at Bordeaux in 1768. Exacly how much is the work of Fontanelle himself is uncertain, but it was an instant bestseller and became one of the most reprinted and translated works of the 18th century. After many years of debate and indecision, the basic framework (at least) of Viaud's account is now regarded as truthful (Howgego V, p.474-474). 'Probably the story of cannibalism accounted for the popularity of this narrative' (Huntress 80C). - Viaud's story became a bestseller in Europe and is still important for its early description of Florida.Not in Tiele or Cat. NHSM; Sabin 99414; Polak 9438. [Boeknr.: 33245 ]

€ 495,00

VIDAL, Laurent & Émilie D'ORGEIX. Les villes françaises du Nouveau Monde. Des premiers fondateurs aux ingénieurs du roi (XVIe - XVIIIe siècles). Rochefort, Centre International de la Mer, 1999. 4to. Pictorial wrappers. With many coloured illustrations. 192 pp. [Boeknr.: 34301 ]

€ 45,00

VINGBOONS, Johannes. Verzameling van pas-kaarten, dienende tot de vaart naar Oost- en Westindien; meest alle uitvoerig met de pen getekent: benevens eenige afbeeldingen van voorname eylanden, steden en sterktens, zo wel in de Spaansche Engelsche als Nederlands Indien gelegen: alle zeer net naar't leven met waterverven geschildert. (No pl., ca. 1660). Facsimile with introduction by J. van Bracht. Haarlem, Fibula-Van Dishoeck, 1981.Large folio. Artificial leather with gilt monogram of the V.O.C. and W.I.C. on frontcover. With 107 finely coloured maps, plans and panoramic views (many double page) of the erea covered by the charter of the Dutch East and West India company, with booklet with introduction by J. van Bracht and index in rear pocket. Limited edition of 1000 numbered copies printed. - This splendid facsimile contains handdrawn and painted maps, charts and views, dating from ca. 1660 from the secret map archives of the VOC and WIC. They have never been printed before. Depicting a.o. maps of Madagascar and the Gold Coast, India, Ambon, Achin, Ceylon, Cambodia, Taiwan, Thailand, Macao, Malacca, Japan, the Philippines, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil and the Caribbean. - A very nice copy. [Boeknr.: 5996 ]

€ 450,00

VOE, Thos. F. de. Genealogy of the De Veaux family. Introducing the numerous forms of spelling the name by various branches and generations in the past eleven hundred years. (No pl.), 1885. Original cloth. With coats of arms. 302 pp. First edition. - Important history of the Huguenots in America. The first member of the De Veaux or De Vos family who emigrated to America was found in New Amsterdam, as early as the year 1653, named Matheus de Vos (as it was then spelled), and his wife. [Boeknr.: 25464 ]

€ 125,00

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